He's My Dork {8}
Dedicated to FluffyBunny because I'm still so freaking excited that she's back! :DD And she's on the cool dork list with Misha. So yea, read this, and then go read her stories, because I promise you won't regret it! :D
***Collie’s POV***
“Where are you going Collie?” Colin asked curiously as I grabbed the car keys.
“To Misha’s house,” I said. “I’ll be back later.”
Colin eyed me with a look I couldn’t quite identify. “When are you finally going to tell me who Misha is?” he asked at last.
“When I’m dating him,” I said and left the house.
I got in my car and drove myself to Misha’s house. My hand was throbbing badly today, and I grit my teeth at the pain.
I pulled into the Redner’s driveway a few minutes. I got out of the car and went up to the door, ringing the doorbell.
Emma pulled the door opened and offered me a slight smile, stepping aside. I went into the house and sighed.
“Emma, did something happen between you and Colin yesterday? You two have been giving me looks that I don’t like,” I said in annoyance.
“Nothing happened Collie. Misha’s in his room,” she said and walked away without another word.
She almost seemed a little angry at me, but I couldn’t figure out why. I hadn’t done or said anything bad to her.
Shrugging it off, I went upstairs and down the hallway. I could hear music drifting out of Misha’s bedroom, and let myself in.
Misha looked up at me from his desk. He shut his laptop and stood up, coming over to me. A look that I couldn’t identify flashed through his eyes.
“Hi Collie,” he said, forcing a smile.
“Why is everyone giving me that same look? You, Emma, and Colin are all acting like I did something wrong! What happened yesterday?” I asked in frustration.
He opened his mouth to speak, but his eyes widened as they rested on my hand. He pulled me over to his bed and sat me down.
“Wait there,” he said sternly and disappeared out of his room.
He returned a minute later with an icepack. He carefully took my wrist and placed the icepack on my hand. I couldn’t help but let out a hiss of pain.
“You need to go to the doctor’s. I don’t even care anymore Collie. I swear to god that if you haven’t gone by the end of the week, I’m going to tell your parents,” he said sternly. “I bet they don’t even know about it. You’ve been hiding your hand from your parents, haven’t you?”
“Yes,” I said, seeing no point in lying. “My hand is fine.”
“You’re so stubborn,” he groaned.
He sighed and shook his head. “So, what did you do yesterday since you weren’t with me?” he asked playfully. But I could sense something lying beneath that question.
I shrugged. “I went shopping for a little and then I went home,” I lied easily. “I told you I needed new shorts.”
I didn’t want to tell him that I had been with Ant. I didn’t want him to worry, or to think that I preferred Ant over him. After yesterday, I knew that Misha was who I wanted to be with.
But he surprised me by getting a hurt expression. “I can’t believe it,” he mumbled sadly.
“What? You can’t believe that I needed new shorts? Have you seen the shorts I own? They have got to go.”
“Not that,” he said, dropping his gaze from mine and standing up. “I can’t believe that you’re lying to me.”
I stared at him in surprise. How did he know I was lying to him? Was I that obvious?
“I’m not lying,” I said.
“Stop it Collie. Just stop it. You told Colin that you were with me!” he said, starting to get angry. “You told him I picked you up from school! He and Emma came here yesterday and I overheard them talking!”
“Now you’re lying. You didn’t overhear them. Colin told you. Colin figured out that your name isn’t Michael,” I said, suddenly understanding the strange looks he had been giving me.
Misha blushed. “Yea,” he said, standing up and pulling the icepack away from my hands. “But maybe it’s best if you just leave right now.”
“No,” I said, standing up and meeting his eyes steadily. “I’m not leaving.”
“Collie, I want you to leave.”
“And I want you to kiss me.”
“Collie, please just le-” His eyes widened. “Wait, what?”
“I was at Ant Andrews’s house.” I explained everything, even the kiss. I wasn’t going to lose Misha, not now that I knew I wanted to be with him.
“You…” He shook his head, apparently unable to complete a sentence.
“I did it because I had to be sure I was ready to date you,” I said, moving closer to him and taking his hand in mine. “And I am. Be my boyfriend, Misha.”
His face heated up and he looked at my through his lashes, a shy expression his face. He had slipped from sexy to adorable.
“I…Yes,” he said lamely. “I would love to be your boyfriend Collie.”
“You’re such a dork,” I said with a sigh.
I gripped the front of his shirt with my good hand and pulled him to me, crashing my lips onto his. He kissed me back, his hands moving to my lower back.
We stumbled over to his bed and fell down on it together, Misha on top of me. I ran my hands up his chest, ignoring the throbbing in my bad hand.
I found myself unbuttoning the plaid shirt he had on, tossing it on the floor. My hands went back to exploring his now bare chest. I gripped his fairly muscular arms, pulling his body against mine harder.
His body curved perfectly with mine, and he parted my lips with an unexpected ease. We had dissolved from some lightly bickering friends to an intimacy of teeth, tongue, and flesh.
He moved his lips away from mine, kissing and nibbling my neck. He broke away long enough to pull my shirt off before returning his lips to my neck.
Finding my soft spot, he sucked it, and not gently either. I moaned quietly, hooking my thumbs in his belt loop and grinding my body up against his.
Misha let out a light gasp of surprise. He gently kissed my neck before bringing his lips back up to meet mine, his hands sliding down to my waist.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and grinded up against him again, grinning as he moaned against my mouth. His hands moved from my waist to the zipper of my jeans, beginning to pull it down.
Misha’s bedroom door creaked as it was opened, and we broke away from each other. Misha’s face turned bright red as Emma stepped in.
“Ew. I see you’re not upset anymore Misha. Mom said dinner is ready,” Emma said, rolling her eyes and leaving the room, shutting the door as she went.
Misha rolled off of me and I sat up, zipping up my pants. Misha handed me my shirt, pulling his plaid shirt back on and buttoning it up all the way.
“Misha,” I groaned, watching him. “Don’t do that. Leave it unbuttoned a little, you dork. Show your chest off.”
I reached over and unbuttoned his shirt until his chest was visible. I eyed his hair, which was lying carefully styled on his head. I ruffled it until it was messily cute.
Misha caught my wrist and pushed my back on his bed. “Are you going to be one of those boyfriends who tries to change me?” he asked jokingly.
“No,” I said, shaking my head. “I like you the way you are, even if you’re a dork. But I will help you be a little more stylish.”
I kissed him and pushed him off of me, standing up. He got up and took my hand in his, leading me down to the kitchen.
“Emma said you two are, uh…most likely dating,” Mrs. Redner said.
Misha blushed and nodded. “Yea, we’re dating now,” he said. His eyes lit up happily as he spoke.
“Well, I’m very happy for you two. But I think we would all greatly appreciate it if you could wait until you’re home alone before you get too rowdy with each other,” she said, setting plates down.
“Mom!” Misha said, his eyes going wide.
“What? Misha, sex is a human instinct. And while you should probably wait until marriage, you’ve been shooting Collie bedroom eyes for weeks,” Mrs. Redner said with a shrug.
“Your mother is right Misha. Oh, but Emma, don’t you dare listen to her. Misha’s gay, and gay people can’t get pregnant. But you’re straight, so you best keep your legs closed until you’re married,” Mr. Redner said sternly.
“Well, this is quite an interesting dinner conversation,” I said and sat down.
“Make it stop,” Misha groaned, banging his head against the dinner table and covering his ears.
“Collie, now that you and Misha are dating, I’m hoping you’ll make him a little less dorky,” Mrs. Redner said, forcing Misha to sit up. “Do you see this Collie? His shirt is tucked in. Stop tucking your shirt in, honey.”
Mrs. Redner untucked Misha’s shirt. He swatted her hands away, pouting deeply. I laughed a little.
“Quit laughing!” he said, but smiled at me.
“Sorry, sorry. You’re just such a dork,” I said, shaking my head at him.
“But now I’m officially your dork,” he said, shifting and kissing me deeply.
We broke apart from each other and he pressed his forehead against mine, a smile on his face. I pecked his lips again before scooting away from him a little.
“I’m happy, but I’m also hungry,” I said, scooping some chicken onto my plate and beginning to eat.
“You two are so good together,” Mrs. Redner said, patting Misha on the back. “I’m so happy for the both of you.”
“You have seemed happier lately Misha. We’re both happy for you two,” Mr. Redner said with an honest smile.
As Misha held my hand under the table, I felt anger bubbling up inside me. Why couldn’t my parents just be happy for me? I was with a boy who made me so, so happy, and they were angry about it. Why, oh why, couldn’t my mom and dad just accept me?
I swallowed down those feelings. I had to learn to deal with it. Thinking about it so much wasn’t going to change it.
Misha squeezed my hand. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked, lowering his voice so that only I could hear him.
“Fine,” I mumbled with a shrug.
Emma held up her glass of milk. “A toast to Misha and Collie! Now that they’ve finally moved out of their awkward more-than-friends stage, and into an official relationship,” she said.
I found myself laughing with Misha and his parents. We raised our glasses, cheering and clanking them together. Misha kissed me again, and I fought back more anger and jealousy as his parents smiled softly at us.
We finished eating and I followed Misha back upstairs to his bedroom. He grabbed a new icepack and held it to my hand as we cuddled together on his bed.
“Promise me you’ll go see a doctor by the end of the week?” he asked seriously.
My hand was resting on his chest, the icepack placed on it carefully. Misha had his arm around my, and my head was resting on bicep.
“Maybe. I haven’t been icing it. So if the ice helps, then no,” I said with a shrug.
“Collie,” he groaned. “You’re really killing me. If the ice doesn’t help, then I am going to drag you by your toes to the emergency room. Your hand is not okay.”
I rolled my eyes. “Whatever. It’s fine.”
He sighed and shook his head. “So…are you happy that we’re dating Collie? Honestly happy?” he asked, looking a little nervous.
I offered him a comforting smile. “I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time Misha,” I said honestly. “I’ve sorted out my feelings, and I’m positive that I want to be with you. You make me so happy. Even if you do give me bedroom eyes.”
His face heated up. “I do not give you bedroom eyes!”
I smirked at him. “Yes, you do. But I guess I can’t really blame you. I am super attractive, after all.”
“And clearly modest.”
“Naturally. Attractive, modest, charismatic…I’m a pretty good guy to have as a boyfriend.”
“But stubborn. You’re obnoxiously stubborn.”
I shrugged. “Well, everyone has to have some flaw.”
“Well, I’m glad you finally figured out your feelings. You were certainly worth the wait,” he said, kissing my neck.
“Misha, I was thinking all through dinner,” I said, speaking slowly as my thoughts came together. “And I want you to do something for me tomorrow.”
“I’ll do anything for you,” Misha said, looking at me curiously.
I met his eyes steadily. “I want you to come over and have dinner with me and my family tomorrow. My parents have met you before, but I want them to meet you as my boyfriend.”
His eyes widened a little. “Collie, are you out of your freaking mind? Your parents are homophobic!” he cried in a panic.
“I don’t care. I want them to meet my boyfriend,” I said firmly.
“I won’t it, Collie. I don’t want them to get upset with you. I don’t want to see you get in trouble,” he said.
“That’s not fair!” I exploded, glaring at him. “You get to kiss your boyfriend in front of your parents, and they’re happy for you! Why should I get in trouble for being happy? Why can’t I introduce my parents to my boyfriend, and have them tell me that they’re happy for me?”
I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed. I stood up, clenching my fists tightly and wincing at the pain in my hand.
“I just wanted to have dinner with my family and my boyfriend, and just have the people I love be happy for me!” I was practically shouting now, and I moved towards the door to leave, aware that my locked up feelings were starting to spill over.
Misha wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down into his lap. He held me tightly as I struggled to get my emotions back under control, locking away those bitter feelings.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you,” he said softly. “I would love to come to dinner with you and your family. If it makes you happy, then I’d honestly love to do it Collie.”
He kissed my cheek. His hands were still locked around my waist, and I rested my hands on top of his, burying my face against his neck.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you like that. I just…I just want a normal relationship,” I mumbled quietly.
“And we’re going to have a normal relationship. I’ll have dinner with your family, and maybe I can help you work with your parents. They may not be happy about the relationship, but they can still be happy for you,” he said.
I shifted and wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms going around his neck. I kissed him, wanting to know how grateful I was.
I pulled away from his lips and rested my head on his shoulder. He kissed my lips again and ran his hand through my hair.
Maybe Misha and I could work with my parents. Misha was right. They didn’t have to like our relationship to be happy for me. If they saw just how happy I was, maybe they would finally leave me alone.
Or maybe they would do anything they possibly could to break me and Misha up. Send me away, or scare Misha off.
But…even my parents weren’t that homophobic and selfish, were they? No, tomorrow would be fine. They would finally leave me alone. They just had to, because I wasn’t sure how much more of this I could take. They had to be happy for me, right?
A.N.- Uh-oh! What do you guys think his parents are going to do? ;3
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