I moaned a little and shifted, faintly aware of someone running their fingers through my hair. I cracked my eyes open, Misha’s lightly smiling face entering my vision.
“Good morning,” he greeted, kissing me.
“Morning. How are you feeling?” I mumbled sleepily.
“Sore, but in a good way,” he said, blushing lightly.
I snuggled closer to him, resting my head on his chest. He had one arm around my waist, the other still playing with my hair.
“I should probably text my dad. I told him that when I lost my virginity to a guy, he’d be the first to know,” I said, smirking a little.
“Collie!” Misha said, rolling his eyes. “Your parents would literally drag you out of here by your toes.”
“Fine, fine. We’ll categorize last night as a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ situation,” I said with a sigh.
“Well, seeing as this is our first morning in our apartment, I’m going to make you breakfast. You need to shower,” he said, kissing me again before getting out of bed.
He pulled on his boxers and a pair of basketball shorts. He left the bedroom and I laid back against the pillows, smiling.
I got out of bed and grabbed clean clothes. I left the bedroom and went into the bathroom, jumping in the shower.
After washing myself, I got out and pulled my clothes on, towel drying my hair. I brushed my teeth and left the bathroom, going into the kitchen area of our apartment. I sat down at the counter, watching Misha.
“What are you making?” I asked.
He turned and slid a plate over to me. I glanced down at the food on the plate and rolled my eyes.
“You’re such a dork,” I said with a sigh.
He had made me pancakes with chocolates chips in them that made smiley faces. My dork of a boyfriend.
“But I’m your dork,” he said, smiling and kissing my cheek.
“Yes, I suppose you are my dork,” I said as he sat next to me with his own pancakes.
“So, do your parents know that we’re moved in?” he asked.
I nodded. “I told them yesterday that we were moving in. They flipped shit,” I said, rolling my eyes.
“I thought they were cool with it,” Misha said with a frown.
“Nah, they’d never be cool with it. My mom was crying and my dad was screaming his lungs out. They were saying everything they possibly could to try to get me to change my mind. They were trying to tell me that they had changed their minds and that they forbid it. But Colin and I will be 18 in a few months anyways, so it wouldn’t matter,” I said with a shrug.
“You should have told me,” he said, taking my hand in his.
“It was your birthday. I wasn’t going to upset you,” I said, taking a mouthful of pancake so that I wouldn’t have to say anything else. I shouldn’t have told him that in the first place. Now he was going to worry about me, and I didn’t want him to do that.
“I wish you would tell me things,” he said with a sad sigh. “Colin told Emma that your parents have been especially nasty to you over the past two weeks. I was hoping you would tell me on your own.”
I swallowed down the food in my mouth, keeping my gaze on my plate instead of on Misha. He squeezed my hand and tilted my head, forcing me to look him in the eyes.
“Collie, I love you. You can trust me. I know you like to keep your burdens to yourself, but you can’t do that. It’s not good for you. It only hurts you, and you know it. Please tell me things,” he said, his voice serious.
“I just woke up. Stop being so sappy,” I said, leaning forward and kissing him.
“You do that all the time. When you don’t like what we’re talking about, you try to avoid it,” he said, frowning.
“I’m sorry,” I said, seeing how upset he was getting and feeling bad. “I’m really sorry Misha. I don’t mean to upset you. I’ll try to be more open with you. It’s just…I’ve always handled things on my own. Colin always relied on me, and I guess I just grew up thinking that if I dumped my problems on him, he would think I was weak.”
I squirmed a little, dropping my gaze in embarrassment. I had never told anyone that before. The thought of my brother viewing me as weak scared me. I wasn’t sure why, but it was just one of my greatest fears.
“Collier Archer, you are the strongest person I know. But it’s okay to get things off your chest. It doesn’t make you weak,” Misha promised.
I rested my forehead on his bare chest. He led me away from the counter and over to the living room portion of the apartment. We laid down on the couch together, Misha’s back against the back of the couch and my body curled with his.
“Are you okay?” he asked gently.
“I’m fine,” I mumbled, turning my head up so I could kiss him.
The apartment door swung open and Misha and I looked over in shock. Emma, Colin, and Ant entered the room and glanced at us.
“Aw! You guys are so cute!” Emma said, smiling widely.
“Collie, you gave Misha birthday sex,” Colin said in shock.
Misha and I blushed. “How the hell did you know that?” I asked.
“Misha has sex hair,” Colin said, gesturing at him.
Misha blushed and ran a hand through his still-crazy hair. Hm, I hadn’t actually noticed that until just now.
I kissed Misha and combed my fingers through his hair, fixing it. He smiled and kissed the tip of my nose.
“Mom and dad figured you guys would,” Emma said with a shrug, sitting down in the chair next to the couch.
“Oh, Misha this is my boyfriend Ant. Ant, this is Misha,” Colin said, grabbing Ant’s hand and pulling him so that they were next to Emma’s chair.
“Hi Misha!” Ant said cheerfully, waving at him.
“Hi Ant,” Misha said with a smile.
“I feel so awkward. I’m the only straight virgin in the room,” Emma said, sighing.
“You better be,” Misha growled.
“Oh calm down Misha,” Emma said, rolling her eyes. “I’m old enough do what I want.”
“No you’re not. I’m your big brother, and I say that you’re not allowed to date until you’re 30. And you’re not allowed to lose your virginity until you’re 40,” Misha said sternly.
“And I thought you were controlling over your little sibling,” Ant said, laughing and nudging Colin.
I glanced at Colin lazily. “Colin couldn’t tell me what to do if he tried.”
“It’s true,” Colin said with a helpless shrug. “Collie does whatever he wants. He doesn’t listen to anyone.”
“You got that right,” Misha grumbled.
I hit him in the arm playfully. He flashed me an innocent smile and kissed me. I kissed him back, releasing his hand and placing my hand against his chest.
Misha broke away from my lips. He propped up on his elbows, looking over at Emma curiously. I could see just how slender he was, and also noticed that he had that ever so attractive V.
“How did you get in here?” he asked.
“Spare key,” Emma said, grinning and dangling a key from her fingers.
“Great,” Misha groaned, falling back down on the couch and slinging his arm over his eyes. “I guess we’re going to get interrupted after all, Collie.”
“We’ll take it from her,” I promised him, kissing his cheek.
“Hey!” Emma said with a pout. She slid the key into her pocket, shooting me a distrusting look.
“Anyways, we’re not here just to visit you two. Although your apartment is sweet. We want you guys to come to our bonfire tonight,” Colin said.
“Bonfire tonight? Colin, you could’ve just texted us. Besides, it’s only ten in the morning,” I pointed out.
“We wanted to check out your apartment. Happy birthday, by the way. Sorry I wasn’t there yesterday. I was getting over a stomach bug.” He shot a glare at Ant, who smiled innocently. “But we also wanted you guys to come get lunch with us and hang out for the day.”
“Thanks Colin. For the happy birthday, and the lunch invite. I think it sounds fun,” Misha said, sitting up and pulling me with him.
“Go shower,” I said, kissing him.
He jumped up moving into the bedroom to get clothes. The bathroom door shut a minute later, and the sound of the water running reached our ears.
“So Collie and Misha finally slept together after all those weeks of sexual tension and bedroom eyes,” Emma said.
“Damn straight,” I said with a nod.
“I bet Collie bottomed,” Ant said, grinning.
“Nah, it was totally Misha. I know my brother,” Emma said, shaking her head.
“She’s right; she does know her brother,” I agreed.
“You friggin’ dominant Archer twins,” Ant grumbled, pouting.
“Hush. I love you,” Colin said, drawing Ant close and kissing him.
“If you guys get married, Ant’s screwed. He’ll either stay Ant Andrews, or else he’ll be Ant Archer. What were your parents thinking?” I asked, folding my hands behind my head.
“The same thing yours were when they named you Colin and Collie,” Ant said defensively.
“Technically, they named us Colin and Collier, which isn’t as bad. That extra letter at the end of my name saves us,” I said.
“But you go by Collie, so it doesn’t matter!” Ant said.
“And you go by Ant. Which is very strange. Don’t most people named Anthony go by the nickname Tony?” I asked, actually curious.
“My dad always called Ant,” Ant said with a shrug.
I shrugged, letting the topic drop. I still didn’t know why Ant didn’t have a father, but I knew talking about his dad upset him. I wanted everyone in a good mood today. Speaking of which…
“Colin, where is this bonfire taking place?” I asked.
“Our house. Mom and dad said I could have friends over. You guys are my friends,” he said with an innocent smile.
“Ah, I see I rubbed off on you before I left,” I said proudly. My big brother, finally rebelling against mother and father dearest.
Arms wrapped around my neck and a few droplets of water splashed down on me. I brought my hands up, gently gripping Misha’s arms.
“That was a fast shower,” I said.
“I’m not a girl. I don’t need to take forever in the shower,” Misha said, bending down and kissing me.
“Hey! I do not take that long in the shower!” Emma said, pouting at her brother.
“Sure Em,” Misha said, coming and dropping next to me on the couch. “You keep telling yourself that.”
We ended up hanging out at the apartment until noon. We went out to lunch and to a movie after, trying to kill time until it got dark. We ended up back at the apartment, playing video games in the living room until it was dark enough to head out.
Misha and I followed Colin’s car back to my house. We parked and got out, following Colin around the side of the house to the backyard.
“Hey Colin. I started the fire and-” Dad paused, his eyes widening as he turned around and saw who was with Colin.
“Thanks dad!” Colin said cheerfully, pretending that he hadn’t just invited three gay guys over to the house of homophobes.
“Hi dad,” I said, hooking my thumbs in my pockets.
“Collier,” he said stiffly. “You really moved in with him, didn’t you?”
“That would explain why all of my stuff is out of the house. Besides, I thought you were trying to get rid of the main faggot of the family,” I said.
Dad winced, and the look in his eyes almost had me regretting what I had just said. He reached out, pushing my bangs out of my face.
“Collie, your mother and I never wanted you to leave the house. You’re not a faggot,” he said, his voice cracking. “Can’t you just come back home?”
“No. Because you don’t accept my sexuality. You don’t accept my relationship with Misha. You blame me for Colin’s homosexuality. And you know what? I wouldn’t feel guilty if I had caused his homosexuality. Because Colin’s happy with Ant, dad. And I’m happy with Misha. I like living with him. There’s no more arguing. No more needing to defend my sexuality. It’s relaxing,” I said, my voice calm. I wasn’t looking to pick a fight.
“If you ever want to come back home…Collie, we want you back,” he mumbled, dropping his gaze. “Please.”
I took Misha’s hand in mine. “You should come over to our apartment sometime. It’s pretty awesome,” I said.
Dad’s face paled a little. His gaze shot to Ant and his expression became one of pain and hatred.
“I hope you’re happy. This is your fault. My sons didn’t think they were gay before you came around,” he snarled.
“Don’t blame Ant,” Colin said flatly, taking a protective step in front of his boyfriend.
“It’s not too late Collier. You can come home. Get away from him,” dad said, his voice pleading.
“No,” I said, shaking my head. “I won’t do that.”
Dad reached out and squeezed my shoulder. “You can change your mind. I think you’ll come to your senses soon enough.”
Without another word to any of us, he walked away, disappearing back into the house. I rolled my eyes.
“Well that was awkward,” I said, dragging Misha over to the fire.
Misha sat down and pulled me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me. Colin and Ant sat down together, and Emma took a seat by herself.
“It’s funny. If dad hadn’t invited Ant over to that one bonfire, I don’t think we’d be dating. I don’t think Collie and Misha would be dating, either,” Colin said.
“I don’t think so either. He and I only started talking because I was sulking over Ant one day,” I said, shivering in the cold.
Misha shrugged off the jacket he was wearing, sliding it over my shoulders. I slid my arms through it, zipping it up and resting my head on his shoulder.
“Well, then I guess I owe Ant a huge thank you,” he said, kissing me.
Ant blushed. “All this because I was suicidally in love with Colin,” he said with a dreamy sigh.
I looked around at everyone. Colin, Ant, Emma, and finally, Misha. Everybody I loved and would die for. My best friends.
“I’m happy,” I announced, smiling and resting my hands over Misha’s.
“I love you,” Misha said, kissing me gently.
I rested my head against his shoulder, the smile staying on my face. No matter what parents said or did, they would never get me away from Misha.
I looked into Misha’s eyes and pressed my forehead against his, pecking his lips. I loved him, and I never wanted to be away from him. Things were finally looking up for us, and I could tell that it was only going to get better.
A.N.- NOT THE LAST CHAPTER. But the next one will be the last chapter :c Ahhh what are you guys going to miss most about this story?! D;
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