•Hiccup's P.O.V•
October 30th, 2015
As it is Halloween today I'm not much of a get a costume and have fun, I'm just too old for that stuff now. Mom was disappointed really but she understood how I'm growing up to be the person I'am today.
I'm just in the park with Toothless, he's playing with the other dogs that are in the park, it's nice to see him have fun. As for me I'm just doodling in my sketch book, it was such a nice day, that I can feel the wind blowing on my face and felt peaceful and relaxation. Watching others doing their thing, seeing people are happy, and Seeing Toothless playing with the other dogs as I felt relieved.
Suddenly I was drawing a person and I add details and knowing this person is Astrid. My mind set just made me draw Astrid and I crack a smile and though of what she's doing now.
It's funny then, I never thought I can feel these odd feelings to this girl, she's different than the other girls that tried to take me. And man those were dark times. But then again, She makes me happy.
Suddenly I heard leaves being stepped on as a person is approaching behind me but I completely ignore it.
I startled and stood up to look who it was. An old friend of mine, I dropped my pencil and notebook seeing my friend again after so many years, I wouldn't expect this to happen.
"A-A-Andrea?!"I said, almost in a hurt voice.
"Hey!!"She walk around the table and hugged me"it's good to see you again!".
"W-what what! You're here?! You didn't tell us?!"I laugh & hugged back.
"I know, we wanted to surprise you"She sighs, & let go"how are you!".
"Oh you know the usual, Toothless is here too!"I point out at the dogs doing their sniffing abouts.
"Oh I see him!"She peek over at the other dogs doing their thing.
"I can get him, Tooth!-"I called out but cut off.
"Shush! Not so loud"She hush me.
"What why?"I said, confusingly.
"Because every time I see him, he ran up to me, start licking rapidly, and you know it doesn't wash off!"She chuckles"that silly dog".
I rolled my eyes"oh relax, it ain't that bad".
She scoffed and sat on the bench with me.
"How'd you know where I was?"I asked, as I was looking down at my sketchbook and close it quickly.
"Oh you know your Father told me"She chuckle"besides, you're always out here".
I shrug"and of course, it's good to see you".
She smiles, and look down at my sketch book"any more impressive drawings".
She snatch it quick, before I can grab it"hey!!".
"Ha! Too slow B##ch!"She teases, and open it up"oh these look nice!!".
"Uh heh, thanks"I stammer"but I think-"
She flips a page and wide eyed and look at me with a sly smirk"who is this?".
"Uhhh"I scratched the back of my neck.
•Astrid's P.O.V•
October 31st, 2015
I'm having a somewhat day today, as I have to submit my assignment tomorrow and I'm only half way done of it. So yeah I'm busy and can't have any distractions otherwise, this will affect my grades and no I'm not being dramatic about it. Now keep reading!
As I glance down at my textbook as I'am stuck at a question. But it is frustrating as it is, I'm at the mall at this moment seeing a lot of people dressed up today and I'm kinda felt left out really. It's my first Halloween here in Berk City and wondering what to do now. Hiccup is kinda busy, I didn't want to disturb him, plus I need to focus on this assignment so I hope nobody I know sees me. Other than that I like seeing other people dressed up for Halloween, I'm a horror fan.
But sadly I can't spend this day on Halloween, I should've done this assignment long time ago but noooo I got distracted as usual.
"Astrid! Happy Halloween!"Ruffnut came in dressed as a wicked witch.
"Oh f##k me"I mumbled, feeling annoyed already"Ruffnut! What are you wearing!?".
"What are you wearing?!"She point to me.
"My casual clothes as usual!"I said"what about you?!".
"I'm a witch!"Ruffnut said, cheerfully, as she held her broomstick.
"Jheeeze I thought you were already!"I said, sarcastically"but nice costume though".
"Whatcha doing?"She ask, as she proceed to sit next to me.
I then rub my face and l slightly scream"I'm trying to focus on this stupid assignment! But I'm dying over here! Seriously I can't even try!".
"It's due next week! You have time!"She tried assuring me.
"I know! But I want to keep track!"I protest"I can't have any fun right now please!".
"Hey girls"
"Oh Thor"I mutter, look over to see Elsa and Anna, coming towards us.
"Astrid you're not dressing up?!"Anna exclaimed, as I look at her costume"Red Riding Hood?".
"You like it?"She twirls around and sat down with us.
I sigh"so much for my study time, oh well"I closed my textbook, drop my pencil on the table.
"Astrid here was just studying but not having fun"Ruffnut spoke up.
Anna gasp"what?!?! C'mon Astrid, it's Halloween"
"Oh please, I'm getting too old for that nonsense"I then put away my textbook in my backpack and zip it.
"Don't be a Wuss"Ruffnut mocks me. I rolled my eyes and chuckle.
As we were talking this person came up to us, but wearing a red suit, a mask with white eyes and black around it, and two swords on his back.
"Tuffnut! You made it!"Ruffnut greets him.
"Hey"He waves.
"What are you?"I awe at his costume and blink a few times"how-how are you able to get your hair inside the mask?".
"Dead pool won't reveal his secrets"He chuckles.
"Deadpool?"I said in confusion"you look like man in tights".
"Was supposed to be Captain Deadpool, but no"He shook"have you even read comics??".
"I don't"I shook my head and got up"anyways I should go".
"C'mon Astrid stay for awhile! There supposed to be a costume contest later on!!"Ruffnut said, enthusiastically, raising her broomstick in the air and down.
"Oh alright!"I sat back down"it'll be fun to watch others wearing silly costumes"
"Now you're talking!"Anna said, cheerfully.
As all of us waited to see a gathering in the main floor where bunch of costumes appear, I see scary, funny, and weird ones in the crowd, I couldn't help but to smile and took photos of the event but felt a little guilt for not dressing up, last year I didn't, but maybe next year.
"So. How's you & Hiccup? Is it working out?"Anna interrupts my thoughts as I look at her"what you mean?".
"Are you guys a thing...yet?"
I then shook as I hear the girls giggling.
"What?! No! As if! We're just friends!"I said, defensively.
"That's what they all say"Elsa giggling"you know what! We should have a shipping name".
"What?"I stammer, looking at the girls smirking at me, reading me about me and Hiccup a thing. I mean he's cute but it's not like that.
"A shipping name for Hiccup and Astrid"Ruffnut reaches over her phone and start typing.
"What are you doing?!"I demanded an answer.
"Coming up with shipping names of you & Hiccup"She snickers.
I started blushing and look away"there's no way there's a ship name of us, that's crazy talk-"
"Ha ha! I got it"Ruffnut declared"it will be called Hiccstrid!!".
"Noooooooooo!!"I cover my face.
"That sounds nice!"Anna smirked at me, as I lookup at everyone that is teasing me about Hiccup.
"I like it!"Elsa grins"it's so cute!!!"
Anna smirks at me"what's the matter Astrid, you can't handle Hiccstrid?".
I then start blushing like crazy"s-s-shut up! It's just, oh my gosh! I jinx myself!".
"About what?"Ruffnut laughs.
"Wait! Let me guess! Umm you. I don't know made a bet on yourself for falling for Hiccup?"Tuffnut guesses.
"Sort of like that!"I sigh"I mentally made a note that if someone actually made a ship name of me and Hiccup, I'd kiss him right away".
"Haaaaaa!!!"Ruffnut snorted"that's hilarious".
"You got to be joking!"I shouted, as I was about to leave"I'm out!".
"Where do you think you're going missy!"Anna giggles, blocking my way.
"Hey! You can't hold me captive against my will I'll! I'll bite you!"I warn her.
"As if you're gonna- OW!!! You B**CH!!"Cami winces and kinda laugh"damn Astrid, I was kidding, you don't have to twist my arm".
"Whoopsie"I shrug"I'm wild".
"Hiccup will have fun with you"Anna teases & giggled.
"Oh shut up!".
November 2nd, 2015
Well yesterday was fun, I get to see my friends in their costumes but now it's Tuesday so back to school. This morning something was very odd, Hiccup didn't respond to my texts and that's weird. Maybe he's busy.
As I got off the bus and walk across the street to the nearest entrance of the school, it's a lovely morning and getting colder each day. But I like this season Fall great pictures of the leafs falling from the trees and get a good capture of it.
I enter the school and thought about finding Hiccup, to see if he's in already or not. I walk all the way to the cafeteria and spit Tyler, Elias, and Fishlegs sitting and chatting about some kind of nerd talk.
"Well good morning!"Tyler greets me, as he saw me walking closer.
I smile"good morning"
I walk over and sat down, placing my backpack on the side.
"Have you seen Hiccup?"I asked them.
"No, we haven't"Fishlegs respond"I'm sure he's around".
"I'm sure your boyfriend is around"Tyler chuckles"since you two have been hanging out a lot lately".
I exclaimed"here's not my boyfriend! We're just friends!".
"That's what they all say!"Elias laughs"just don't forget protection".
My face went widen"I hate you guys".
"We love you too"Tyler said.
"He's been avoiding me lately"I pleaded"I'm not sure why".
"I knew it! Boys do that all the time"Tyler slams his hand on the table"you want me to beat him up?"
"What?! No!!"I snapped"he's probably busy"
"Well okay, but if he hurts you-"
"He's a sweetheart, he won't"I protest, and look down at my phone"maybe I should just focus on classes today".
Lunch Time
As I got out of classes I then make my way to the cafeteria to hope see Hiccup, he wasn't in class this morning. I then rushed in the cafeteria to see the girls already at their table with Tuffnut. I then walk over.
"Hey Astrid!!"Anna says, cheerfully.
"You girls seen Hiccup today?"I asked, sitting down.
"No. You losing your man?"Elsa teases with a small smirk on her face.
"Don't push it"I mutter, glancing down at my food"I'm just curious if he's in today. No reply back".
"I'm sure he's fine!"Elsa assures me.
"Hey there he is!"Anna point out.
I glance around and saw Hiccup with a girl. A girl!!?!?
"W-who's that?!"I almost raise my voice.
"Don't know, I've never seen her before"Anna looks at them"but she does look pretty if you asked me".
"Prettier than me"I whisper to myself.
"To be honest she does look cute"Tuffnut interiors our conversation, we then look at him as he felt uncomfortable looking at him.
"I'm just gonna pretend I didn't say anything"He says, as he continues eating his lunch.
As I was glaring over the other side of the cafeteria Heather shows up with a tray of food, she sat next to me.
"Hey everyone!"She greets, calmly lay her tray on the table.
Anna spoke"hey Heather".
Then Heather notice something odd and quickly look where I'm looking"what are you all looking at?".
"Oh Astrid here is looking at Hiccup. With another girl"Anna whispers to her.
Heather blinks and look over again"wait, Hiccup with another girl?".
Ruffnut nods and smirk at me. I rolled my eyes and look back at them as I see them chatting and laughing.
"What is he doing!"I whisper, hastily.
I then heard her laugh and he smiled.
"What is he doing!"I said in an almost angry tone.
"It looks like he's talking to her"Ruffnut said"but I wouldn't worry!".
"But they're laughing!"I flabbergasted and slightly clenched my fists"I don't like it".
As I kept staring at them talking and laughing as I grinned my teeth knowing this odd feeling is taking over my mood and Hiccup is enjoying himself.
"Uh oh, Astrid got bitten by the love bug"Anna teases.
"Shut up! I do not!"I exclaimed"it's just!-"
"Calm down Astrid, is no difference if I'm talking to Hiccup"Elsa assures me"besides it's not like-"
"Oh my god he tap her shoulder"Ruffnut gasp.
I huffed and crushed my juice box tightly as it drip onto my fingers and onto the table.
"Oh snap!"Tuffnut giggles"oh I just love drama!"
Ruffnut hits him"Tuff shut up!".
"Astrid, you wet the table"Elsa cleans the Apple juice that's on the table.
I glare over and keep hearing them talking"I'm going over there".
"Wait what! Not with that attitude"Elsa argues"just please calm down, all you have to do is go to him"
I then nod my head of agreement, and then stand up, walk over to their table but I was aggressively walking over there. As I got there Hiccup looks at me surprisingly.
"Oh hey Astrid!"He greets happily.
I didn't respond but kept looking at them with a mean look.
"You okay?"Hiccup asked"I know that look".
"I'm fine"I fibbed"where were you this morning?"
"Oh! I was at home, I decided to stay for the morning"He chuckles nervously.
I fold my arms"Uh huh?".
"So you must be Astrid!"this girl says, smiling at me.
I ignore her and look at Hiccup.
"Is everything okay Astrid? Oh wait!"He stands up with the girl as well, I swear to Odin, I will punch her out right now.
"Astrid, I forgot to tell you. This is Andrea. Andrea Hayden. My cousin".
Then my brain went dead immediately knowing I've been jealous of Hiccup's cousin. My mouth was dropped as I quickly glance at the other table with our friends containing their laughter.
"Nice to meet you! Hiccup mentioned about you a lot!"Andrea led out for a handshake.
"Uh yeah!"I nervously chuckle, shaking her hand"nice to meet you!".
"You okay Astrid?"Hiccup asked, as he noticed my strange behaviour.
"Oh I'm okay Hiccup!"I stammer"it's just that I'm stressed out over a hard math question".
"Ah, sounds about right"He laughs
"You should be a gentlemen to help your girlfriend Hiccup"Andrea smirk at Hiccup.
"Ah! Y-Y-Y-ay! I should help her!"He stutters"mind if I talk to Astrid for a minute".
"Of course! I'll just be at the line!"She pointed out at the line up and walk away.
It was me and Hiccup standing still awkwardly.
"Umm Astrid, I know that look"He says.
"What?"I said, as he looks at me.
"What is wrong?"He questioned.
"It's it's nothing! I was just wondering why you haven't text me back".
"Oh! My phone broke!"He reaches his pocket, and it was cracked.
"Holy sh#t"I look at it.
"Yeah! I accidentally broke it last night"He laughs.
"What a knucklehead"I smirk at him.
"Oh shush"He smiles.
I look down as he comes closer.
"Astrid what is wrong?".
"N-nothing! I'm just stressed"
I know that look in your eyes"He teases, showing me that smile on his face. That damn smile.
I then kick his leg.
"Ow!! What was that for!"He shrieks, rubbing his leg.
"That's for avoiding me!"I hissed.
"What?! I-"
I hugged him quickly"and that's. For everything else".
I then begin walking away"I'll see you in class".
He smirks at me"you're something Astrid Hofferson".
"Not something, but someone that will always watch your back"I wink at him and trail off and exit the cafeteria.
Unknown P.O.V
As I saw Astrid walking out of the cafeteria she didn't seem to notice me standing just a few feet away from the door as she walks down the hallway.
"Good to see you again Astrid".
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