Ch- 22 My Love
It was dark outside when Louis woke up from his deep slumber.
The small boy was confused. He couldn't recall how he reached his bedroom. The last thing he remembered was Harry leaving him and calling their beautiful relationship bullshit.
That thought alone made his eyes watery.
Louis slowly stretched his hand and reached around himself to search for his mobile, but his hand got caught on something.
He slowly peeked his head out of the blanket to see what was on his bed.
What he saw confused the small boy extremely. Because there on his bed was something wrapped in a glittery gift wrapper with a note attached to it.
He opened the wrapper and found a small soft white puppy plushie inside the wrapper and read the note attached to it.
"This puppy reminds me of you!
Small, soft and pure just like you my baby.
P.S. come down!! Please..."
The small boy just frowned and hugged his soft puppy tightly to his chest. A soft toy is not going to make him forgive Harry. Harry hurt him very much. And he won't go down. Who is Harry to order him around??? He is no one to Louis. That's what the small boy kept repeating even though he himself didn't believe it.
Louis rolled around his bed for sometime playing with his white puppy toy. After ten minutes the boy got bored of rolling around and got up from his bed with his duvet covering him.
Louis softly padded down the stairs with his puppy held tightly in his arms.
The small boy peeked around the living room in search of Harry. When he couldn't find him, he walked towards the sofa.
Once he reached there, he found another gift with a note attached to it.
The boy sniffled quietly and opened the gift. Inside the wrapper was a picture of him and Harry standing close, facing each other.
Harry's left hand was around his waist in a tight grip and his right hand was holding his face delicately with his thumb caressing Louis' bitten bottom lip.
Louis' hands were lost in Harry's curly mess and the small boy was on his tippy toes. Both the boys were under the mistletoe with their swollen lips stretched wide in a huge grin with bright shining eyes.
Louis remembers this day very well. It was Christmas Eve and his birthday as well. They had thrown a small party for the boys due to Niall's pleading with his puppy dog eyes. And Harry couldn't keep his hands off Louis that entire day ( and everyday).
Louis had worn a tight fitting white leggings showing off his nice round bum with a low cut maroon T-shirt showing off his sharp collarbones. He had his hair in a soft fringe pushed to the side. And Niall had made him wear some mascara because "You have such long lashes. Give them some importance in life."
Once Louis came down all dressed up, Harry had a heart attack. His boy looked so beautiful and he had been complimenting him the entire day making Louis blush a crimson red. The blush was permanent on his cheeks.
Harry had another major heart attack when Niall's friend Beckham was hitting on his Louis making the small boy blush. So Harry had held the small boy tightly in his arms and away from that Beckham boy the entire night.
When Louis had so kindly informed him that he wasn't wearing any underwear, Harry literally stopped breathing. And he kept his hands and eyes on the small boy the entire day.
Overall Harry had died many deaths that single day all because of his tiny, hot and underwearless boyfriend.
Louis had a small fond smile on his face. He wished to go back to the days where they never fought. So lost in his thoughts, Louis didn't notice the tall figure standing in front of him.
"Baby?" The deep drawl of the person brought the tiny boy out of his thoughts.
Louis widened his blue eyes and immediately took a step back when he saw that it was indeed Harry standing in front of him. The small boy turned his face away from Harry and started to walk away.
But he before he could take a step back, a warm hand wrapped around his wrist, stopped him.
Louis tried freeing himself from the strong hold but Harry's grip was strong.
"Baby, please.." Harry fell to his knees in front of his boy and looked up at him with watery eyes.
A tear drop fell down his cheek when he blinked up at his Louis.
"I'm sorry" Harry pleaded with wide glossy eyes.
Louis just stood there with a blank expression on his face when Harry fell to his knees. He was hurt. And he wanted Harry to hurt the same way.
But all of his anger and hurt disappeared when he saw a tear fall from Harry's eyes. Nothing hurts him more than a crying Harry. Louis never likes it when Harry cries. It hurts him alot.
"Stop" Louis whispered and gently wiped the tear that fell from Harry's eyes. But the tears won't stop falling. So the small boy kept wiping the tears gently.
Harry leaned forward and buried his face in Louis' soft, warm tummy. He placed a soft kiss on his tummy and lifted his head.
"I'm an idiot" Harry said quietly.
"That you are!" Louis whispered while burying his fingers in Harry's curly mess. Ughh he missed his Harry. He missed his boyfriend.
"Just- You know.. Don't- don't say stuff like that... It hurts..Please" Louis whispered and fell to his knees and wiped a another tear that fell from Harry's eyes.
"I won't. I'm very sorry. I-I don't know why I said that. You mean the world to me. I-I'm an idiot. God I'm so bad" Harry sniffled quietly.
Louis leaned forward and brushed the strand of hair that had fallen in Harry's eyes.
"I-I made you cry" Harry whispered with a guilty look in his eyes.
"It's my fault. I shouldn't ha-"
"No baby, it's my fault. I wanted to make you jealous. I'm so stupid. I hurt you. I made you cry and-"
"And you left me.." Louis mumbled quietly with his eyes on the floor.
"But.. You asked me to leave.." Harry frowned.
"I didn't mean it. Obviously!!" Louis mumbled. He leaned forward and poked Harry's bottom lip softly.
"Can.. Can I hold you? Please" Harry pleaded quietly to the small feathery haired boy after placing a small kiss on the boy's tiny finger.
Louis could only nod his head. Immediately he was engulfed in a tight hug. Harry's strong arms were holding him tightly to his chest. Louis placed a soft kiss on Harry's chest, right above his heart and buried his face in the tall boy's muscular chest and started crying quietly.
"Shh baby..." Harry whispered and held the boy tightly in his arms and buried his face in the small boy's warm neck. He never wants to let go of his boy. He always wants to be with him. Always and forever.
"I'm sorry for calling this bullshit. I really am. I regret ever saying that. You are my everything. I don't know what I would do without you. I would be lost without you. God!! I wouldn't even be here if you weren't there by my side. I seriously can't do anything without you by my side baby. Having you by my side, makes me a very strong person. And I never want to lose you. I never want to lose the one who makes my life beautiful, who makes it worth living. Never, My Love! never"
Is it good..?
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