A few hours after Lance had left Keith finally gained consciousness looking around him confused how he had gotten into Lance's bed. Then he remembered Lance carrying him in but he didn't remember too much after that. Though his face did grow even redder than what they already were with the fever when he remembered Lance kissing his hand as he left. A happy grin grew on his face as he sat up determined to talk to Lance.
When he got out of bed he was confused why he wasn't wearing a shirt but then found it at the end of the bed and slid it on. He shivered slightly still cold so looked around to find something warm. He grinned as he saw the jacket Lance usually always wears and blushed deeply as he slides his arms into it. It was too big for him but that was because Lance was taller and quite lanky. Keith held part of the hood to his nose and breathed in Lance's smell, it was so strong that it felt like a blanket all around him.
He stepped out of the room when the silence finally hit him. It was never this quiet when Lance is here, so if he isn't here then where is he. Keith slowly walked into the control room to see Hunk quietly sitting in his chair and staring off into space. He looked almost broken, if that was even possible.
Then there was Pidge, she sat in her chair as well but looked angrier. She was trying to fix whatever piece of equipment it was but ever so often her fast-moving hands would mess up and she would growl and hit it. Then she would restart all over again, it was a never-ending cycle but it just looked like she was trying to distract herself from something.
Next, there was Coran and Allura whispering to the side of the room. Whatever it was they were discussing it seemed quite important which made Keith even more worried when he didn't see Lance anywhere. Where was he?
But what made Keith the most anxious was Shiro's pacing. He wouldn't stop walking back and forth in the middle of the room, how deep in thought he truly was apparent on his face. He looks like he has aged a few years since the last time Keith saw him. He really didn't want to know what made that happen and the thought that it had to do with Lance made him even more scared.
He looked around the room one more time before finally asking, "Where's Lance?" Pidge and Hunk's heads whipped up to see him standing there in Lance's jacket causing a smirk to appear on their faces but then were soon replaced by frowns to which they then looked away once again. Shiro stopped pacing but kept his back facing Keith as he stood there and looking towards Allura and Coran. Allura looked at Shiro worriedly before giving Keith a sad smile causing him to swallow scared to hear what they have to say.
Shiro took a deep breath before turning around to look Keith dead in the eyes. "Lance has been captured by Lotor," He said sternly but you could see the sadness and worry in his eyes and facial expressions. You could tell he didn't know what was happening to him but he was scared to find out.
"What?" Keith choked out having not expected this at all. They were supposed to protect him, they were supposed to make sure he wasn't captured. What could they be doing to him? Are they torturing him or...could he already be dead? Keith didn't like the thoughts running through his head so he shook them away and planned on finding out how this was possible. "What happened?"
"When we arrived we found out we had overestimated how many Galra were stationed there. And we only had three lions with us, but we thought we could handle and continued with the mission. But then Blue was hit with a beam from Lotor's ship and shut down then was pulled so quickly we couldn't do anything," Shiro stopped talking for a second and Keith hoped that wasn't all because if they didn't fight even after that he would be angry. "We tried to get to him but the doors shut behind him and while we were distracted by all the other Galra ships they got away."
"We came straight here hoping we would be able to locate them somehow," Hunk said still having not moved from his seat but it was the first thing he had said since Keith had entered the room.
"I've been trying to fix this stupid detector for the last hour but it still won't work," Pidge said seething as she grits her teeth hit the equipment in her hands once again. She looked so emotional about this which was actually quite unusual because she always appears so strong. "But I'm not giving up."
"Good, because we are not leaving Lance in Lotor's hands for longer than we have to," Keith says clenching his fists and storming out of the room.
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