The next morning he was woken by Shiro walking in and he started immediately blushing once he realized the position he was in. His arms were wrapped around Keith while Keith's were around Lance as well. Keith still had his head in Lance's neck while Lance rested his chin on the top of his head.
"Lance we have a meeting and we need you, leave Keith here he'll be fine," Shiro says as he just stayed standing by the door looking at them. He nodded and was able to untangle himself from Keith's grip and place a pillow there instead. He pulled on a random shirt that was sitting at the edge of his bed and headed out of the room behind Shiro.
Once they were all gathered Shiro began talking, "Okay so we are currently passing by a planet that we haven't investigated so we are going to head down and investigate to see if they need our help in anyway. I will be taking Lance and Hunk with me because Allura and Coran will be staying here to continue and fix the ship from the damages it had sustained from its last attack. While Pidge you will be on Keith duty." Lance was extremely sad that he couldn't stay and be there for Keith but also happy that they wanted him to go on a mission with them.
"Why can't Lance stay and watch Keith?" Pidge whines because she didn't want to take them away from each other so quickly especially with what happened last night.
"Because we need Lance to come with us and if Allura or Coran need any technological help you'll be here," Shiro expertly answering knowing exactly what Pidge is playing at but he won't give into her demands so easily. Pidge huffs agitated but excepts it none the less. "Okay, so Hunk and Lance go get into your suits and bring anything you want though we'll probably only be gone for the day."
Lance hurried back to his room excited to head out but soon became sad as he opened his door to see Keith still laying there is his bed. His cheeks were flushed and his skin was paler than usual but he knew Keith would get better soon. He walked over to the bed and sat on the edge as Keith's eyes opened but they didn't seem focused. Lance frowned and leaned forward stroking the side of his head and kissed his forehead.
"I'll be back as soon as possible," Lance whispered as he pulled away and just continued looking at him. Before he had never really paid attention to his feelings towards Keith. He had known they were there but he tried to ignore them and just distract himself with all the girls around him having not thought that Keith could ever like him back. But there was most certainly a bond holding them together and he was almost certain Keith felt it as well. Though he was worried that Keith may never except these feelings he has, since he has never been one to express any personal feelings to anyone but Shiro. As well as the thought that everyone might not accept that they would want to be together and throw them out, but he really doubted that would actually happen, hopefully.
Lance sighed as he stood up and started to walk towards the door but he felt a weak hand grab his. He looked down to see Keith blurrily looking at him as he tried to keep him from leaving. So instead of just lying down and cuddling with Keith for the rest of the day he brought Keith's hand to his lips and kissed it. He blushed slightly as he set his hand back on the bed and walked out of his room. When he shut the door he leaned against it sighing in content and smiled before heading to the lions' hanger.
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