Dear Diary
Dear Diary,
I love Alex with all my heart.I hate when his ex comes around, I always tell her off but somethings it just to much. Sometimes when she's but she's really rude... Oh! This is good,Alex said I was starting to get jealous! Me?! Jealous?Of her?Miss Fancy Pants?! No! He must be crazy.
What Happened :
"Go to class!"I said.
"Why?"He replied.
"Because Jennifer is coming,"
"Oh, Stop. You're probably just jealous," He added.W-w-w-what?!Me?!Her? Jealous! Me,Jennifer and jealous just don't go in the same sentence .Unless its Jennifer is jealous of me.
"What? Me?"
"Yes, You!"He explained. Wow!
She ruins my life just by looking at her, think about her or talking to her! I just wish she was gone! It sucks!. I wish Alex and I just run away somewhere in paradise and paradise is a different school!. In the end...She's jealous she doesn't have a good boyfriend like Alex.. He's the best, my sunshine, that's the reason why I wake up in the morning.
She's really popular...And the way you get popular is if you have lots of money. And she's broke like Mc Hammer broke! I'm surprised how her family pays for this private school it's like 600 a month and her parents works at Dollar Tree.
I wish I was popular just so I could rub it all in her face. I really want to see her face if I do it. But Unfortunately I'm not, all because I wear hoodies and not high heels.
And these stupid rumors saying I'm lesbain and I'm only dating Alex because I dont want anyone to know! How stupid is that!
At least I'm smart and shes not. She gets D's all the time and just be her charm she passed to the next grade. It's not fair, but what someone once told me...LIFE AIN'T FAIR SO DEAL WITH IT ! Now that true, 100%!
One day... Jennifer wont be there to say rude stuff like, he's only with you because he feels bad or I'm cute and you're ugly! But soon me and Alex will have a life together and she'll be doing porn!
While were talking about jobs, let me tell you What I want to be. I want to be in the air higher than where the birds fly and I want to fly higher than where the clouds float,I want to be a waiter on planes, just one day of flying would be perfect! I'd see so many countries, fly with many many people. But its all in my dreams!
Well its 1 in the morning I should really stop writing but I just can't. xD I really like writing and reading but I really love hanging out with Alex. Actually, he fell asleep and he looks so cute!
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