The Incident
"Kacchan..." Deku wispered sitting on the visitors chair beside Katsuki, who laid motionless on a hospital bed
"He's okay" Recovery Girl informed looking up at Deku's worried expression
"Do you know what that Villain's quirk did?" Deku asked taking Katsuki's hand in his
Recovery Girl sighed "no, we'll have to wait a bit more" she said patting Deku's knee "you have five minutes"
"Okay, thank you" he replied caressing Katsuki's knuckles "......I'm sorry Kacchan. If I didn't push you to tell me what was going on, we could've gotten there earlier and this probably wouldn't have happened. I'm so so sorry. I-"
"Deku shut the f🤗 up, I'm trying to take a f🤗ing nap" Katsuki grumbled startling Deku
"Kacchan?! You're okay!" Deku said happily "d-do you feel weird? Any pain anywhere?"
"I'm fine" Katsuki grumbled sitting up, but began to cough
"Kacchan!" Deku yelled before running to get some water then giving it to the blonde "Kacchan, tell me honestly how you're feeling"
"Alright fine, it's a bit hard to breathe but I'm fine otherwise" Katsuki grumbled placing a hand on their chest. Katsuki forrowed their brows as they began to cough once more, but this time they were coughing up the lilac colored mist from the Villain
"Recovery Girl!" Deku called out
"What? what is it?" Recovery Girl asked as Deku carried her back to Katsuki's room "oh, oh dear, Deku honey please leave"
"I- uh- o- okay" Deku said frantically before leaving Recovery Girl to do her job.
"What's- going on-" Katsuki asked coughing.
"I'm not entirely sure, just make sure to cough out all that mist while I get something okay" Recovery Girl replied walking over to a cabinet
"Damn" Katsuki grunted when they finally stopped coughing
"Oh wow" Recovery Girl said looking back at Katsuki
"What?" They said forrowing their brows at the old lady
"Mirror" she said pointing at the full length mirror on the wall in front of them
"What?- oh god" Katsuki said staring at their reflection "I don't like this! I don't like this at all"
"I don't think you have a say in any of this" Recovery Girl giggled at Katsuki's predicament
"This- this isn't funny!" They yelled looking at the elder "you think this is funny?"
"Here" Recovery said handing Katsuki some clothes, and ignoring their previous question "just go back to your dorm before school is over"
"Tch, thanks" Katsuki said taking the clothes and running off to the bathroom. They changed into the black oversized hoodie and blue shorts along with a pair of sandals Recovery Girl just gave them.
They stuffed their hands in their hoodie pockets and marched out of the infirmary and to their Dormitory. Entering the building, they took a snack and a bottle of water up to their room and locked the door.
After about an hour they heard footsteps stampeding up the stairs. They furrowed their brows and looked at the room door.
"Bakugou!?" An annoyingly familiar voice called out "Bakugou are you in there?!"
"Whaddya want Shitty Hair?!" Katsuki asked rolling their eyes
"We heard you were affected by a Villain's quirk, and we wanted to make sure you're okay!" Ashido answered
"Tch, I'm fine you damn extras" Katsuki grumbled knowing they heard
"Are you sure? Is there anything we can help with?" Yaoyurozu asked
"I said I'm fine Big Tits" Katsuki answered annoyed
"....why do you call me that?" Yaoyurozu asked curiously
"Because you have giant melons on your chest" Katsuki explained checking the time on their phone "what other reason could there be"
"...I don't like it" Yaoyurozu concluded pouting
"I don't care" Katsuki said raising an eyebrow
The group of people at Katsuki's door giggled at Yaoyurozu and Katsuki's conversation, before leaving the blonde alone.
Soon there was a knock on Katsuki's door "Bakubro, I get that you don't want to come out of your room, so I'm going to put your dinner here and leave" Kirishima explained "is that okay with you?"
"Yeah thanks Weird Hair" Katsuki said rolling off their bed.
"No problem bro" The red head setting down the tray of food, before going back downstairs.
"Alright problem childr- Izuku why are you here- why are you hugging me?" Mr Aizawa asked Deku who had just entered the classroom
"How's Kacchan?" Deku asked as Mr Aizawa - much to the surprise of everyone else - patted the head of the greenette
"I don't f🤗in' know" Mr Aizawa deadpanned
"Oh come on Shota" Deku grumbled letting go of the obsidian haired male
"Oi! Lemme in!" Katsuki yelled making Deku perk up
"You whipped son of a bitch" Mr Aizawa said smirking
"Shh shh shhhhh!" Deku shushed frantically "they don't have to know!"
"Is no one going to let me in?!" Katsuki asked "am I going to have to break this f🤗in' door down!?"
"Hold your horses Mr Crancky!" Kaminari replied going to door
"Watch your mouth Dunce Face!" Katsuki yelled as Kaminari finally opened the door
"Hot mama!" The electricity quirk user exclaimed looking at Katsuki who stood there glaring at him
"I'm going to kick you in your f🤗ing face one of these days!" Katsuki said marching into the class
"Well hi Kacchan" Deku said looking over the blonde's new body
"Oh god" Katsuki groaned at the sight of Deku
"You didn't miss me?" Deku fake whimpered
"Mmm-no" Katsuki concluded sitting in their seat and crossing their legs
"I feel hurt" Deku mumbled looking down at Katsuki
"Too bad" Katsuki grumbled
"So, this is the result of The Incident?" Deku asked
"Obviously you Damn nerd" Katsuki grumbled rolling their eyes
"Anyway, time to get to class Izuku" Mr Aizawa said
"Nope" Deku replied pulling out a neon green sleeping bag similar to Mr Aizawa's "I'm sleeping here"
"I've taught you well" Mr Aizawa said proudly
"Yes you did" Deku replied getting comfortable in a corner
After school, the rain began to fall. Too bad Katsuki didn't have an umbrella
"Hey hold this for me please" Deku said holding out a purple umbrella
"Ugh!" Katsuki grunted taking the object
"Thanks" Deku then took Katsuki's bag and picked them up bridal style
"Ack! Deku!" Katsuki yelled startled
"Sorry for startling you" Deku replied walking out into the rain
"You didn't have to do that you Damn nerd" Katsuki said blushing very faintly
"I know, but I wanted to do it" Deku replied looking down, automatically looking at Katsuki's breasts, even though it was unintentional
"Oi, quit staring at those" Katsuki said smirking
"I-I wasn't staring!" Deku denied blushing
"Right.." Katsuki said staring into Deku's eyes
~I-....I love you Katsuki~
Awe! Katsuki's a She now😉 or not. Bye~
❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️
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