Bonus: Goodbye
"Katsuki what's wrong?" Izuku asked the blonde who sat on the other side of his desk in his study. It's been three months since the 'Realm Invaders' lost to the likes of Izuku's hair, it's still long by the way.
Izuku's been in charge of the Realm ever since, and it couldn't be better. He's made so many great changes to the Kingdom that people were starting to realize why their Queen chose him.
Katsuki on the other hand, he's been figity since the third month started "it's nothing, I'm fine" Katsuki replied shakily fiddling with their hair
"I'm fine Izuku" Katsuki snapped, immediately regretting it as a look of hurt passed through Izuku's emerald orbs "Izuku I-"
"Okay" Izuku said cutting off the blonde before getting back to the work in front of him "why don't you go for a walk, hmm?"
"Izuku...okay..." Katsuki said getting up and leaving.
"Going for a walk your highness?" A guard asked gruffly
"Yes, I'll be...fine" Katsuki groaned as a group of guards trapped them in a semi circle of protection. They sighed and continued on their walk, oblivious to Izuku's troubled gaze following them. The greenette sighed and went back to his work.
"Your majesty, Katsuki has left the pala-"
"I know, good god" Izuku said grumbling the last part
"Okay your majesty" the messanger said before walking off. For the rest of the day, Katsuki walked about, obviously planning something while Izuku sat couped up in his office signing documents and looking at petitions and a lot more boring King stuff.
"Izuku I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier" Katsuki apologized sitting at the edge of their bed
"It's fine Katsuki" Izuku said monotonously buttoning his pajama shirt before crawling into bed
"No I-"
"Katsuki" Izuku called out gently "it's fine, just let it go"
"...okay" Katsuki sighed crawling into bed behind Izuku "Izuku...?"
"Yes?" Izuku answered raising an eyebrow even with his eyes closed
"C-can you hold me?" Katsuki wispered. Izuku sighed and turned over, pulling Katsuki into his chest gently
"I just wish you'd tell me what's bothering you" Izuku whined before going to sleep, while Katsuki laid away for half the night before finally letting sleep claim them.
In the morning Katsuki refused to let Izuku go "Katsuki come on, I gotta go" Izuku said looking down at Katsuki, his crown levitating above his head - like it always does. Even in his sleep.
"Not yet" Katsuki purred unbuttoning Izuku's shirt "when was the last time you and I had a little fun?"
"I...I don't remember" Izuku said blushing in embarrassment
"Exactly" Katsuki said starting on Izuku's pants "play with me Izuku? Like we used to"
"I...I don't think this is a good idea" Izuku said shaking his head
"Please" Katsuki begged wrapping their legs around Izuku's waist
"I- okay" Izuku said before pressing his lips against Katsuki's, his black whip removing their panties whole he stuck his fingers inside.
"Ahh~! Mmngf~! Oh f🤗! Damnit I forgot how good this feels!" Katsuki cried arching their back, eyes rolled back in pleasure
While Izuku worked on Katsuki's increasingly wet cunt, he pulled off his pants and boxers seeming to also have forgotten how exhilarating it was to Please his Kitty.
"Kitty" Izuku wispered before removing the blonde's nightgown revealing their perked up nipples ready to be teased. Izuku leaned down and kissed both, receiving a cry of pleasure from Katsuki, turning him on even more.
With absolutely no patience left, Izuku pulled off his already half off shirt and quickly slid on a condom before kissing Katsuki's roughly, slamming his hard member inside Katsuki, the latter flailing in ecstasy.
Izuku continued to pound into the blonde, the crown levitating above his head rattling from the sheer force of his thrusts.
"Kitty" Izuku groaned lewdly after prying his lips off of Katsuki's.
"Oh f🤗! I miss that f🤗ing name! Ahn~! Izuku! Harder!" Katsuki cried scratching Izuku's back
"Kitty! Kitty!" Izuku growled f🤗ing the lewd blonde beneath him harder just as they asked
"Daddy! Daddy I'm cumming!" Katsuki cried arching their back off the bed
"No you're not Katsuki" Izuku growled leaning back. He took Katsuki's hands in his left and held them down above their head, while he wrapped the right hand around their throat.
"Oh f🤗 yes Daddy! Choke the f🤗 outta me!" Katsuki pleaded tilting their head back to give Izuku more access to their throat. Taking the opportunity given, Izuku wrapped his black whip around Katsuki's throat and his hand squeezing it, Hard, but not enough to hurt them. But, Katsuki was however silenced for the rest of their heavenly sex session, and simply resorted to just making lewd expressions to drive Izuku insane.
Finally Izuku allowed Katsuki to cum, along with him of course. The two then took a shower together and got dressed for the day. At around lunchtime, Katsuki had mysteriously disappeared sending Izuku into a frantic panic
"I DON'T CARE HOW YOU DO IT! JUST! FIND THEM!" He yelled at the group of guards in front of him. They all ran away in a hurry to find their Queen
"Almost there" Katsuki wispered pulling their hood down even more as they walked to their house, the portal behind their house to be more specific.
The minute they made it to the backdoor a guard yelled "Queen Katsuki!"
"Don't answer" Katsuki wispered to themselves opening the door
"Queen Katsuki! Please wait!" The guard yelled pursuing Katsuki. They gently grabbed Katsuki's wrist preventing them from leaving
"Katsuki...?" Izuku's hurt voice called out ringing in Katsuki's mind "leave us"
"Yes your majesty" and with that the guards left Katsuki and Izuku by themselves
" could've just said you wanted to leave..." Izuku trailed off walking over to Katsuki who's back was turned to him "was that your plan all along, have sex with me and just walk out-"
"I didn't plan this morning" Katsuki gritted, their fist clenched
"But nevertheless you planned on leaving, without saying Goodbye?" Izuku asked obviously hurt "you could've at least told me that you were leaving, I wouldn't have stopped you!-"
"But would you have come with me?" Katsuki asked
"What?" Izuku asked startled
"Would you have come with me if I gave you a heads-up?" Katsuki asked finally turning around, whincing at Izuku's cheeks obviously wet with tears, his eyes puffy and red with tears still falling
"I can't" Izuku said shaking his head
"You can't or you won't?!" Katsuki yelled angrily
"Dont you think if I could I would've left already!?" Izuku asked raising his voice as well "Every night while you're dead asleep I sit up crying because I miss Hope and I can't leave!"
"Why can't you leave!?"Katsuki said gripping their hair "you're the f🤗ing king here! Why can't you leav-"
Katsuki was cut off by Izuku punching something behind them. They slowly turned around to see Izuku's fist against the portal, it somehow hand some kind of invisible protective barrier preventing Izuku from passing through. Katsuki pushed their hand through and to their surprise, their hand went through without trouble.
"You see? I can't leave" Izuku said, more tears falling from his emerald colored orbs
"...but I can" Katsuki said making Izuku's eyes widened before they turned dead. Loosing all emotion.
"Fine, here" Izuku said giving Katsuki a key
"What's this for?" Katsuki asked scared to look up at Izuku, scared to see his emotions or lack thereof
"When you leave all portals leading in and out of here will be broken, so with this you'll still be able to come back- if you want to" Izuku said wiping his tears making it seem as though they were never there to being with "and don't worry about loosing it, if you drop if accidentally - or on purpose - it'll automatically teleport back to your person, you're free to leave"
"Just... don't tell anyone I'm gone" Katsuki said remembering a little girl they bonded a little with
"Wether I tell anyone or not they'll still know you're no longer with us" Izuku said monotonously
"What do you mean?"
Katsuki asked confused
"Like I said, when you leave all portals leading in and out of here will be broken" Izuku said folding his hands behind him "everyone will know you're not here anymore and most likely not coming back whenever they try to use a portal because they'll see that it's broken. But I mean- why would that stop you? Tell Hope I love her" ans with that Izuku left Katsuki at the portal
"....Goodbye...Izuku" and then, they left
.... bye
❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️
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