Bonus: Boss
"Oi oi oi! Don't put that there you idiot!" Katsuki yelled at the florist "I said left! Do you know where my left is?!"
"Y-yes your highness" the florist replied terrified
"Then get your ass over there!" Katsuki yelled feeling a pair of muscular arms wrap around their waist
"Katsuki, I get that you want the best for our daughter's birthday party, but do you mind toning it down a bit, you're scaring my staff" Izuku said, his low sexy voice growling in Katsuki's ears sending a shiver down their spine "nevertheless though, I like when you're the Boss. Gives me a reason to... reward you"
"You f🤗ing pervert" Katsuki whimpered gripping Izuku's arms
"Heheh, you absolutely love it...when I get all perverted" Izuku said lifting Katsuki's arm, kissing it from wrist to elbow
"Not in public" Katsuki whined blushing
"Public or private, I intend to let everyone know you're mine" Izuku said growling out the word 'mine' "and besides, you like it when I get possessive"
"I do" Katsuki said smirking as a maid looked over at them longingly.
Wait wait wait, let's start from the previous chapter.
...."Like I said, when you leave all portals leading in and out of here will be broken" Izuku said folding his hands behind him "everyone will know you're not here anymore and most likely not coming back whenever they try to use a portal because they'll see that it's broken. But I mean- why would that stop you? Tell Hope I love her" ans with that Izuku left Katsuki at the portal
"....Goodbye...Izuku" and then, they left. After reaching The Realm of the Living, Katsuki heard a crumbling sound behind them, and true to Izuku's words, the portal was broken. There was no turning back now.
They immediately ran to Inko's house knocking frantically on the door "I'm coming I'm coming! Hold your horses!" Inko yelled walking over to the door "how may hel......p you...Katsuki?"
"H-hi Inko" Katsuki replied fiddling with their dress.
Outfit (courtesy of Izuku)
"Oh my god! Katsuki!" Inko yelled pulling Katsuki in for a hug "where's Izuku?"
" would be better if I explained inside" Katsuki wispered
"Oh, of course, let's hurry up and get you settled" Inko said pulling the blonde inside and locking the door "stay right here"
"Okay" Katsuki said perching their butt on the couch. Inko went to the kitchen and came back with a tray of tea "w-where's Hope?"
"She's over at Mitsuki for a playdate with Mizuki right now, she'll be back by five" Inko said with a sad smile "here you go"
"T-thank you" Katsuki said taking the cup of tea
"S-so where's Izuku?" Inko asked worried
"Right..." Katsuki trailed off. They then began to explain everything that happened from the moment they got the summons to the Spirit Realm because of the 'Realm Invaders' to when Katsuki left. But they left out the part where they had sex this morning and about the key that now rested in Katsuki's pocket. They seemed to have forgotten about it.
" just...left him!?" Inko asked rising to her feet in an angry manner
"I needed to come to Hope!" Katsuki replied raising they're voice in desperation
"Then why didn't you just send someone for her with proof that they're with you?!" Inko asked angrily
"I didn't want to expose her to such an environment so early!" Katsuki said
"Get out Katsuki!" Inko yelled pointing at the door
"...what?" Katsuki whimpered
"Until you find a way to get back to Izuku, I forbid you from seeing, texting or calling Hope" Inko announced
"Y-you can't do that!" Katsuki said rising to their feet as well
"She thinks you left her! And now you come back with no way to get back to Izuku , not to mention you have no intention of going back to him!" Inko yelled angrily "do you even love him! Do you even care about how Hope would feel if she finds out!?"
"Of course I love him! I just can't stay there anymore!" Katsuki yelled even more desperately "and I know Hope will be heartbroken, but it's fir the best-"
"No it's not Katsuki! And hope won't be just heartbroken! You know how much she loves her father!" Inko yelled tears falling from her eyes "Katsuki, Hope needs her father, until you can give her that's you will not talk, text or see her, am I clear?"
"But I-"
"Am I clear?"
"Leave, Katsuki!"
"I said leave!"
With tears in their eyes Katsuki ran, they ran and ran until they got to the meadow Izuku took them on their first second and third date as well as many more. They fell to their knees and cried themselves to sleep.
Four months had passed, and Katsuki had yet to remember the very special key Izuku gave them.
"Inko please, please just let me talk to her" Katsuki begged
"Have you found a way to get back to Izuku?" Inko asked in deadpan
"" Katsuki said sadly
"Goodbye Katsuki" and with that Inko hung up. Katsuki then sat up ready to start crying when something silver poking out of their pocket, caught their eye
They pulled it out to see it was the key Izuku had given to them. Happily, they got up and quickly got dressed checking themselves in the mirror before running off to Inko's house.
"I'm coming!" Inko yelled from the other side of the door. Opening the door her smile fell "what is it you want?"
Instead of saying anything Katsuki showed her the key. When they saw her confused expression they sighed and began explaining "I can use this to go back to the Spirit Realm"
"How?" Inko asked skeptically
"He said if I focus on a door in a Spirit Realm and open a door here, it'll open the door there so I can get back" Katsuki explained
"'re not just doing this to see Hope are you?"
"Yes and No" Katsuki said fiddling with the key "yes because I really need her and no because I understand that she needs to be with her father as well as I do"
"What do you mean?" Inko asked
Slowly pulling their hand out of the cloak, Katsuki showed inko their hand which was slowly fading into nothingness "that's what I mean"
"...Hope honey!" Inko called out turning back into the house
"Yes Grandma!" Hope replied coming out of her (Izuku's old) room
"Someone's here to see you" Inko said pulling Katsuki inside
"Huh-....Mommy?" Hope whimpered dropping her iPad
"Hope" Katsuki said falling to their knees
"Mommy!" Hope screamed running into Katsuki's arms
"Hope! I missed you so much!" Katsuki wailed
"I missed you too Mommy!" Hope said gripping her mother for dear life "w-where's Daddy?"
"I came to take you home baby" Katsuki said wiping Hope's tears
"Really?!" Hope asked
"Mhm, we're going to Daddy now" Katsuki confirmed still crying
"Should I pack my stuff?" Hope asked wiping Katsuki's tears gently
"Just pack all the stuff you want, you won't need to pack any clothes or anything like that" Katsuki said stay on their knees
"Okay Mommy!" And with that Hope ran off, picking up her iPad on the way
"Are you sure that key can take you to Izuku?" Inko asked
"Yes" Katsuki said nodding
"I'm heading over to Mitsuki, if you can, call me when you get there and send me a picture" Inko said picking up her coat
"Okay" Katsuki said getting up. While Inko left Katsuki walked into Izuku's room to see Hope zipping up her suitcase
"I'm ready!" She squealed
"Come on" Katsuki said pulling her over to the bathroom door
"I thought we're going to Daddy" Hope said confused
"We are" Katsuki said visualizing Izuku's study door while opening the bathroom door then pulling Hope in. Locking the door they saw Izuku neck deep in piles of files
"What is it you want Alistair?" Izuku asked annoyed
"Daddy who's Alistair?" Hope said wrinkling her nose, Izuku dropped his pen at the sound of his daughter's voice. Slowly, as though he was afraid it was a hallucination, he looked up to see his husband/wife and daughter
"Hope? Katsuki?" He wispered, afraid this was just a dream
"Daddy!" Hope squealed jumping into Izuku's arms
"Hope! Hope my baby girl! I missed you!" Izuku cried hugging Hope for dear life
"I missed you too Daddy!" Hope said happily
"I thought you weren't coming back" Izuku said looking up at Katsuki
"I need you" Katsuki said walking over to Izuku, placing a gentle kiss on his lips "and I missed you. More than I ever have"
"I missed you too" Izuku said smiling. Since Hope and Katsuki got home, the three have been one happy family, and Katsuki had taken it upon themselves to Boss everyone around.
"Come on" Izuku said pulling Katsuki away from the birthday preparations "Alizarin, Midori, Midorima Kazu and Kazuno! Take care of things while we're out!"
"Okay!" The quadruplets said in sync
"Ugh, I hate it when you four do that" Alizarin groaned
"We know!" they said before laughing
"Where are we going?" Katsuki asked giggling
"You remember our meadow?" Izuku asked smiling fondly at the memories
"Yeah?" Katsuki said blushing at their most...intimate activities there
"Well I'm going to show you how it looked before an earthquake changed it" and with that Izuku floated up into the air, holding Katsuki close and took them to the meadow. Well it wasn't a meadow at the moment.
"How the f🤗?" Katsuki wispered
"An earthquake can do alot, especially if it's a strong one" Izuku said landing on the side of the waterfall
"It's so beautiful" Katsuki said admiring the land before them
"Not as beautiful as you" Izuku purred kissing the bite mark he placed on Katsuki's shoulder that very morning
"I love you Izuku" Katsuki leaning into the greenette's chest
"I love you too my little Boss Kitty" Izuku said kissing the side of Katsuki's head. After their little outing, they came back and celebrated their daughter's fifth birthday then they all lived happily ever after
The End
And now this book is done. But now I got a question for yall. Would you like it if I wrote a little smut book? Like write different scenes from different books, fir example I could write scene from My Little Maid or Sing to Me or this book and stuff like that. We're scraping the Q and A book idea tho. Tell me what you think in the comments about the Smut book. Bye!
❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️
Continue to vote comment and stay safe my lovelies
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