Bonding III
"Let us carry your bags please?" Midorima begged on the night of Katsuki, Izuku, Tenya, Asui and Shoto's departure
"Oh you're sweet, but you don't have to do that" Katsuki said smiling down at the mini greenette
"We know we don't have to but we want to" Kazu said crossing his arms are smirking
"....are you sure you want to do this?" Katsuki asked glancing at each individual quadruplet
"Yes!" They yelled making Katsuki whince
"Alright alright, if you want to" and with that, Kazu, Kazuno, Midori and Midorima each carried one suitcase for Katsuki, Izuku, Tenya and Asui while Shoto just got a servant to carry his.
"We're gonna miss you" Kazu said hugging Izuku's leg
"We're gonna miss you guys too" Izuku said ruffling his hair
"Katsuki? Come here please" Midori said standing in front of Katsuki
"Okay..." Katsuki stopped down to receive a kiss on their cheek
"Bye bye!" The boys ye before running off into the moonlight.
Katsuki swayed "Kitty?" Izuku called out catching the action
"I-...I don't feel too good-" and with that Katsuki fell into the deep abyss of unconsciousness.
"Kacchan!" Izuku yelled catching the blonde "Kacchan? Kacchan? Kacchan wake up!"
"Izuku, let's just get them back home" Asui said gently grasping Izuku's arms, which were wrapped around Katsuki's unconscious form "it'll be easier for us and them that way"
"Alright, let's go" Izuku said nodding. The group then hurriedly packed their bags into a cab and drove to the meeting location of Shoto's private jet. After getting into the flight safezone, Izuku made a quick call
"Hello?" Valencia, their new nurse who replaced Recovery Girl answered
"Hello, is this the new nurse who replaced Recovery Girl? Valencia Akabane?" Izuku asked getting straight to the point
"Yes it is. Who am I speaking with?" Valencia asked
"I'm Izuku Midoriya, I'm a third year at UA" Izuku said, hugging Katsuki's limp form closer
"Oh, what seems to be the problem Midoriya?" Valencia asked professionally
"Well Katsuki, Katsuki Bakugou, just randomly fainted for no particular reason" Izuku said choosing his words carefully. He couldn't just tell the woman that a ghost child kissed Katsuki's cheek and they suddenly fainted from it.
"Are you sure there was nothing off about them before they fainted?" Valencia asked shuffling around
"No, nothing off" Izuku said shaking his head even though he knew she couldn't see him
"Hmm, are you flying back to Japan now?" Valencia asked
"Yes" Izuku said squeezing Katsuki a little more
"Tell you what, when you get back, I want you to come to the infirmary immediately" Valencia said sternly "can you do that?"
"Yes" Izuku breathed relieved
"Great, I'll see you then" Valencia said before hanging up. Izuku then put his phone aside and leaned back into his seat but kept his eyes and ears open.
After three hours or so, Shoto couldn't keep quiet anymore "Izuku how about you get some sleep, Asui and I will take care of Katsuk-"
"No" Izuku said briefly "I'm not sleeping until I know Katsuki's okay. We don't know what those kids did to Katsuki and I will not rest until Katsuki is back to normal". Am I clear"
"....okay" Shoto sighed in defeat. So Izuku stayed awake for the whole flight back to Japan.
"Come on Katsuki" Izuku mumbled holding Katsuki bridal style and activating his quirk "could you guys carry my bags please!"
"Sure" Tenya said shrugging
"Thanks!" Izuku yelled before running off, jumping on and over buildings to get to his destination; UA high school's infirmary.
"Miss Akabane!" Izuku yelled entering the infirmary
"Come with me honey" Valencia said leading Izuku to an empty room. Izuku laid Katsuki on the bed and stepped away, allowing Valencia to run her tests.
"Bakugou's fine" Valencia said coming back to Izuku who sat on a visitor's chair beside Katsuki's bed. His head was resting on the edge of the bed half asleep gripping Katsuki's arm in a sleepy death grip "maybe he just fainted because he was tired. Also you need some sleep"
"I'm not sleeping" Izuku mumbled "I'm not sleeping until Katsuki's okay"
"...fine" Valencia said before going about her business in the same room. Soon Izuku heard a faint voice ask of their location, before another voice answered. He then heard someone asking for him, another voice answering the question.
Suddenly a muffled voice told him to sleep he replied in a wisper "No... Have to wait for Kitty to wake up"
"Kitty's fine Izuku, just sleep" the muffled voice said gently
"No... I shouldn't" Izuku said continuing to fight the hands of sleep, wrapping around his body
"Kitty's fine Izuku, please sleep" the voice begged desperately
"I- I'll...nap" Izuku said closing his eyes, instantly falling asleep.
*In Izuku's mind*
"Huh?" Izuku mumbled sitting up in a pitch black room. There was only one light source, one from above that was still somewhat unknown.
"Oi!" Two familiar voices called out
"Kazu? Kazuno?" Izuku questioned looking at the figures in front of him
"Yup" Kazuno said nodding
"Why are you in my head?" Izuku asked getting straight to the point
"We want to bond with you" Kazu said grinning
"Bond?" Izuku asked confused
"Yes" Kazuno said smirking "Bonding is the entwining of our souls with yours, to put it simply"
"Oh, but why though?" Izuku asked confused
"He's apart of 'The Watchers Counsel' as well as 'The Guardian Counsel'" another voice cut in. Izuku looked over to see a guy with red hair and red eyes "one reason he wants to bond with you is because if he doesn't bond with someone soon, he'll be relieved of duty. The second reason is obviously because he likes you"
"Oh, but who are you and what is 'The Watchers Counsel' and 'The Guardian Counsel'?" Izuku asked
"I'm Alizarin, the person who had possessed Katsuki at that camp when they were eleven" Alizarin shrugged "as for 'The Watchers Counsel' and 'The Guardian Counsel', they're counsels of the dead. 'The Watchers Counsel' is a group of spirits that watch over a specific region, but they tend to rotate until they've all found a Master to bond with. As for 'The Guardian Counsel' they're a group of spirits that devote themselves to guarding a specific person with very specific traits"
"Oh, what're the consequences of Bonding?" Izuku asked
"You're quirk will be a little enhanced, you'll have the ability to leave your body, as in move about as a spirit instead, you'll also be able to do what we spirits can" Kazuno said shrugging "you can phase through walls, cellings and floors, you can levitate stuff along with yourself, and a number of things well explain later"
"Okay" Izuku said shrugging before turning to Alizarin "am I Bonding with you too?"
"We're already bonded" Alizarin said "the minute you accepted me into your mind we bonded"
"But we're junior Guardian Ghosts, which means we need your formal permission to bond with you" Kazu said rolling his eyes
"Formal permission?" Izuku repeated confused
"Yes, do you want Kazuno and I to bond with you?" Kazu asked
"Sure, of course" Izuku said smiling
"Okay, repeat after me" Kazu said grinning "I Izuku Midoriya, formally allow..."
"I Izuku Midoriya formally allow..." Izuku repeated
"You Kazu Bakugou and Kazuno Bakugou to bond with thy soul..."
"You Kazu Bakugou and Kazuno Bakugou to bond with thy soul..."
"So we may be bonded..."
"So we may be bonded..."
"'Till the Reaper, reaps thy soul..."
"'Till the Reaper, reaps thy soul..."
"And separated we shall be"
"And separated we shall be"
"Now put it all together" Kazuno said smiling
"... your last name is Bakugou?"
"Yes" Kazu giggled
"Oh wow, uh okay" Izuku said before taking a deep breath "I Izuku Midoriya, formally allow you Kazu Bakugou and Kazuno Bakugou, to bond with thy soul so we may be bonded 'till the Reaper, reaps thy soul and separated we shall be"
Kazuno, Kazu and Izuku's chests glowed gold before it faded away "and done" Kazu said
"...Will this...reaper actually 'reap thy soul'?" Izuku asked slightly worried
"No, not with him still bonded with you" Kazuno said pointing at Alizarin
"Oh, well thank you for Bonding with me Alizarin" Izuku said smiling
"Of course" Alizarin said smiling back "but it's time for you to actually sleep"
"Well, uh-"
"You'll be able to talk to us later" Alizarin said shaking his head
"Alright bye" and with that the greenette fell asleep into pitch black darkness
Almost done. Bye!
❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️
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