"So where's Bakugou?" Ashido asked Kirishima as they made their way back to the Dormitory
"They said they wanted to stay back at the dorms because they weren't feeling so good" Kirishima explained
"Awe, poor thing" Yaoyurozu commented sympathetically
"We can convince them to have a sleepover with us" Hagakure suggested giddily
"Yeah!" Talia agreed exitedly.
"Oh wow!" Ashido said surprised as she entered the Dormitory. She saw Katsuki on their knees, trying to get something from under the couch. But that wasn't what startled her, what did was how tiny Katsuki's ass made the shorts look.
They were riding up dangerously high not to mention - she assumed - the quirk had made it bigger than before "what?" Kirishima said joining her in the living room "oh. Uh Bakubro? You need hand there?"
"I'm fine damnit!" Katsuki yelled continuing to try and reach the mystery object "got it! damn that was annoying"
"What were you looking for?" Talia asked
"None of your business" Katsuki replied getting off the floor and going upstairs, their hips unintentionally swaying hypnotically
"Damn" Kirishima said shamefully watching Katsuki's ass disappeare upstairs
"I know right" Ashido agree flopping on the couch
"I'm honestly jealous" Talia said shaking her head
"I'm doing more squats later" Jirou commented squishing her butt
"Count me in" Talia groaned going upstairs
"Oh yeah!" Ashido said jumping to her feet. She ran upstairs - completely forgetting about the elevator - and went to Katsuki's room "Bakugou?"
"Whaddya want Pinky?!" Katsuki yelled back, but didn't open the door
"I want you to let me in!" Ashido yelled pressed up against the door
"F🤗 no!" Katsuki yelled back
"Alright, you asked for it" Ashido warned pulling a lockpick out of her pocket.
"Oi! What are you doing?!" Katsuki asked watching the door handle jiggle. There was no response, well, no response other than the door opening on Katsuki's removing their shirt. With no bra on. They quickly pulled the fabric down to hide their chest "the f🤗 Pinky?!"
"Those are huge" Ashido commented staring at Katsuki's chest
(Ignore the bra)
"Quit staring" Katsuki grumbled covering their chest as much as possible
"Can I touch them?!" Ashido squealed reaching over to Katsuki
"What?! No!" Katsuki yelled backing away from Ashido
"Please!" She yelled pushing Katsuki back onto the bed, their breasts bouncing from the impact "they bouncy"
"Get off me Pinky" Katsuki growled activating their quirk threateningly
"Alright alright" Ashido relented getting off the agitated blonde
"Whaddya want anyway?" They asked picking up a bra
"First, what's your cup size?" Ashido asked curiously
"Why the f🤗 do you want to know?" Katsuki asked turning away from her and putting on the bra
"I'm not going to stop bothering you until you tell me" Ashido announced sitting on Katsuki's bed
"Ugh, its a double D" Katsuki said blushing at the huge size
".....that's bigger than me" Ashido whined squeezing her own set of tits "not fair"
"Anything else Raccoon Eyes?" Katsuki asked annoyed
"Yes, the girls and I are having a sleepover and your coming" the acid quirk user announced as her phone dinged with a message "apparently your also coming with us tomorrow for a shopping day"
"No" Katsuki said sitting down on the bed and picking up their phone
"Oh, you don't have a choice in the matter" Ashido said before getting up to leave "see you later Bakugou, oh, can I call you Katsuki?"
"Whatever" Katsuki replied picking up one of the plushies Deku got for them and the candy tin
"Okay, Please call me Mina and not Raccoon Eyes or Pinky or Alien Bitch or-"
she was say but got cut off by Katsuki's annoyed voice
"I get it Mina" they said putting emphasis on the female's name
"Great, see you later!" And with that she left. Thankfully. Because that was the same time Deku decided to call them
"Hey" Katsuki answered
"Hey Kacchan, can we uh, talk tomorrow?" The greenette asked over the phone
"Can't, I'm busy" Katsuki said remembering their forced shopping spree tomorrow
"Uhm, how about Sunday then, I know it's closer to school but it's either that or all the way to next week Saturday" Deku explained "I don't want to wait that long"
"Sunday will work just fine" Katsuki answered blushing a little. It felt like deku was setting up a date, but obviously he just wanted to talk about something
"Great! I'll see you then!" Deku said happily "oh! I gotta go! Bye!"
"Bye Deku" Katsuki said before hanging up. They sighed and went back downstairs, since today was their scheduled day for cooking dinner
"Bakugou, question" Mineta said walking into the kitchen with a smirk "what's it like to have the Body of a girl?"
"How's that any of your business Grape F🤗?" Katsuki grunted
"Research purposes" the grape headed male answered
"Oi! Get outta my f🤗ing kitchen you damn midget!" Katsuki yelled when they saw the other male checking them out
"Lemme just-" Mineta said slapping Katsuki's ass. Big mistake. Blinded by rage, Katsuki picked up the short male and threw him on the table then picked up a knife "hey! What're you doing with tha-ahhh!!"
The purple haired male continued to scream, as Katsuki carved the words 'rapist' and 'disgrace' into both his arms, before stabbing his right palm with same knife "next time you want to touch a female without permission and in such a disgusting way, remember this f🤗ing day" Katsuki said pulling the knife out of Mineta's palm and proceeded to wash it
"Hey what's going on?!" Kirishima asked running into the kitchen "Mineta!? What happened?!"
"I don't wanna talk about it! Just get me to Recovery Girl!" Mineta sobbed
"I can take you to a nurse, but not Recovery Girl" Kirishima said sadly
"Why not?!" Mineta asked
"Didn't you hear you f🤗ing rapist?" Katsuki asked turning off the stove "they found her dead in her sleep this morning"
"What?" The shorter male said surprised
"Oi, Shitty Hair" Katsuki called out washing their hands and ignoring Mineta
"Yeah?" Kirishima answered
"Go tell the other extras that dinner's ready" Katsuki announced
"What about Mineta?" The red head asked
"He's not a baby" Katsuki said pointing out the obvious "he can take care of himself"
"Okay then" Kirishima said before leaving. Katsuki glared one more time before leaving as well.
"Okay so to officially start this sleepover, I need two things" Mina announced
"And what the hell would that be?" Katsuki asked doing god knows what on their phone
"This isn't one of them but, who are you texting?" Mina asked smirking as she watched the blonde blush
"No one" Katsuki said powering off the device
"Oh come on!" Talia whined as she watched the phone turn off
"Anyway, number one is are you all wearing a bra?" Mina asked glancing at everyone in the room
"Yes/yeah/of course I'm wearing a f🤗ing bra/mhm!/you betcha!" The girls and Katsuki replied
"What're you gonna ask next? If we're wearing any f🤗ing underwear?" Katsuki asked sarcastically
"No" Mina answered smirking even more "if you don't do this, we'll tickle you until you pee your pants"
"Do what?" Katsuki asked curiously
"Take off your shirt and pants or skirt or shorts" Mina answered "if you're wearing socks you can keep them on, as long as they're knee high of course"
"The f🤗!?" Katsuki yelled watching everyone shrug anf proceeded to do what mina had asked
"Oh well, time to tickle you" Mina said folding her shorts and putting them beside everyone else's
"No you won't!" Katsuki yelled sitting up on Mina's bed
"Not unless you do what I told you to" Mina shrugged
"Ugh, fine" Katsuki grumbled removing their outer clothes
Wow" Hagakure commented looking at Katsuki
"Quit. Staring" they growled defensively
"Alright alright, jeez" Talia grumbled looking away but kept glancing at the blonde
"Now, let's Play some sleepover games!" Mina squealed while the other girls cheered. Not Katsuki though.
"Hello! Anyone up?" Kirishima asked knocking on Mina's door
"Ugh" Katsuki grunted getting up and opening the door "what?"
"Ah-" all the blood drained from Kirishima's face, at the sight of his friend in nothing but a bra and panties
"For now, we're going to ignore the fact that I'm practically naked in front of you, and your going to tell me what you want" Katsuki grunted leaning on the door frame
"Mr Aizawa said for everyone to get dressed in their uniforms and meet him downstairs" Kirishima croaked
"Whatever" Katsuki replied slamming the door shut in Kirishima's face. He went back downstairs on shaking feet, worrying his classmates
"Hey, Kirishima, you okay?" Axarion - the male with light blue hair and green eyes that Katsuki bumped into on first day - asked
"Can I have some bleach?" The red head asked shakily
"Bleach? Why?" Ojiro asked
"I- just- saw- Bakugou- in- nothing- but- a- bra- and- panties!" Kirishima explained banging his head against the wall
"Lucky bitch" Mineta grumbled. Obviously he still hasn't learned his lesson.
"And that's why you need bleach?" Mr Aizawa ruffling Deku's - who just entered the building - hair
"Yes!" Kirishima answered "I don't wanna see that everytime I look at them!"
"Is he your son?" Tokoyami asked Mr Aizawa, referring to Deku
"You could say I've adopted him" Mr Aizawa replied shrugging before looking at Deku's depressed state "you okay?"
"I'm going to miss her" Deku wispered sniffling before burying his face in Mr Aizawa's shoulder
"Me too bud, me too" Mr Aizawa replied sympathetically
"What's going on?" Hagakure asked as all the girls, and Katsuki, came filling down the stairs
"We're having a memorial service for Recovery Girl" Mr Aizawa said rocking a crying Deku. It was silent, so no knew he was crying unless they saw his face.
"Is he okay?" Katsuki asked nodding at Deku
"I'm fine" Deku said in a strangled voice
'Come here' Mr Aizawa mouthed at Katsuki, who forrowed their brows but went over. Mr Aizawa then handed Deku over to Katsuki, then lead everyone else away
"Are you crying?" Katsuki asked feeling something wet on their shoulder
"No" Deku rasped
"Liar" Katsuki said grabbing a fist full of Deku's hair and pulled his face out of their shoulder "c'mon"
Katsuki then pulled Deku over to the couches and sat him beside them. Katsuki then pushed Deku's head onto their lap and began combing through his hair "go ahead and cry, I won't say anything"
"What do you mean" Deku asked fiending obliviousness
"Deku you just lost someone close to you and I know that f🤗ing hurts" Katsuki said rolling their eyes "just cry and let it out, I'm sure if she we're here she wouldn't want you to hold back your emotions"
"I-" Deku tried to say, but was cut off by his sorrow filled sob. He continued to release his tears and grieve the loss of whom he considered a grandmother. "I- love her so much-!"
"...I know" Katsuki said continuing to comfort Deku. After that, they met up with Katsuki's parents and drove to the location of the memorial service.
"I feel heavy with sadness" Hagakure mumbled resting their head in Talia's lap.
"I know today is the day were supposed to remember Recovery Girl and stuff but, I feel to sad and I'm not used to that" Talia said shaking her head "let's continue with our plans and go shopping"
"Sounds good to me/ okay/I guess/whatever" the other girls and Katsuki replied leaving the Cherry Blossom Garden and heading off to the mall.
"So where to first?" Jirou asked
"Hot Topic, I need some more AOT merch" Jirou sighed dramatically, pulling Momo with her, everyone else close behind. After shopping around for a while as a group, they all split into groups of two
"Come on" Mina said dragging Katsuki into a random lingerie store
"Where are we?" Katsuki asked taking in their surroundings
"Let's just call it knockoff Victoria Secret, alright?" Mina said picking out sets of lingerie, most of it being black or red, but their were other colors in the mix. "Here, take this and go stand by a changing room, I'll be there in a minute"
"Ugh" Katsuki grunted taking the clothes and walking over to the changing room area and waited for Mina who soon came back with more black and orange lingerie
"Get in and try these on" Mina said giving Katsuki the rest
"What?! No!" Katsuki refused blushing slightly
"Katsuki please" Mina begged giving the blonde puppy dog eyes
"I- ugh fine" Katsuki relented walking into the changing room
"Remember to give me the ones that don't fit" Mina reminded
"Yeah yeah whatever" Katsuki grumbled marching into the roon
Everything was going just fine until the zipper of one piece of lingerie got stuck on Katsuki's panties. (Pic above. Ignore the chain)
"Uh Mina! C'mere!" Katsuki called out, after multiple attempts of trying to set their panties free from the clutches of the lingerie.
"Coming" Mina said turning off her phone and entering the room "oh. Uh hang on, wait no, I'm going to have to take this off"
"Wait! No don't pull that-! Off..." Katsuki trailed off as Mina pulled down their panties, revealing their secret. Mina stood there shocked at the new information, long enough for Katsuki to miraculously remove the zipper from their panties and start getting dressed.
"Katsuki! Hey wait!" Mina said grabbing Katsuki's arms
"What?" Katsuki asked shakily
"Were you born a Hermaphrodite?" Mina asked
".....yes" Katsuki answered in a shamefilled tone
"Hey, there's nothing to be ashamed of" Mina said gently cupping the blonde's cheeks
"You're not bothered by this?..." Katsuki asked surprised
Mina shook her head "Katsuki this is the way your Body is and there's nothing I can do to change that, so what's the point of complaining?" Mina asked
"So what you're saying is that it does bother you, but you're civil enough to not be a bitch about it?" Katsuki asked rhetorically "okay"
"Katsuki that's not want I'm saying" Mina said sternly "what I'm saying is that, you were made the way you are for a reason, your beautiful in every possible way and this is your Body and no one else's. No one can dictate what you do with it, and my honest opinion on knowing that you're Hermaphrodite, is that a; I get more leeway to shop for lingerie for you to make your life fun, b; I think you're lucky to get a natural taste of what it's like to be a female or male, and c; be more confident about it. It's who you are and no one's gonna change that, embrace your Body in all its curvs and sharp ass edges. Be yourself and embrace your Body. It's yours"
"I-" Katsuki was momentarily cut off by a few stray tears that escaped after Mina's mini speech "I-I don't know what to say..."
"You don't need to say anything" Mina said before hugging Katsuki, who shed a few more tears before pulling away
"H-help me put this on?" Katsuki asked pointing at the lingerie that was still stuck at their thighs
"Of course" Mina replied happily
Remember, it's your body. Bye!
❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️
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