Chapter two: a hug makes a difference
Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes
Frisk's POV:
I wake up seeing a gray sky above me. I open my eyes and see black. Oh yeah. I close my eyes again, and sit up. I feel a dull pain in my stomach, i look down and see a knife in my stomach. How'd that happen? My hand shakes as I take the knife out of my stomach.
I start to cry from the pain. I look to my side to see a gray backpack. I unzip it with my shaky hands, and i empty out the contents onto the ground next to me. A first aid kit, sandwich, umbrella, and blue jacket.
I open the first aid kit and see the usual stuff.
~time skip~
I've cleaned the cut, and put a bandage over it. I've also put a blue jacket over everything, just in case someone sees something. I don't want them to worry about a small thing, even though it's pretty deep.
I put everything into the bag, but keep the knife in my hand for self defense. I walk away as i notice i landed on a patch of flowers.
"Weird." I say.
I put the backpack on and walk down a hallway, it's grey. Until i see two pillars, their white. Is also see a symbol i don't recognize, it's grey and black. Why is everything so dull? Wait I don't even know what bright colors are, I go through the arch way to see a dark room.
I see a gray flower and it has a face, and it's smiling?
"Howdy." It's says in a cheerful style.
"Hi?" I say, accidentally waving the hand I have the knife in. It looked fearful for a second, but soon it put a grin back on its face.
"I'm Flowey,Flowey the Flower."
"Very...creative." i say, hesitant to put a smile on my face. But i did, no one needs to know anything.
"Hmmm... your new to the underground aren' tcha?"
"Yes" i say in reply.
"Golly you must be so confused"
This was getting weird
"Someone ought to teach you how things work around here."
"That would be nice." I say.
"I guess little old me will have to do."
"No." I say
"What?" It says irritated.
"I said no, I don't need your help, but thank you for offering."
"Come on, it will be fun." It sounds desperate.
"You sound just like (y/ n)." Who's (y/ n)? Why did I say that?
"Who's (y/ n)?" It's asks curiously.
"I...don't know." I say truthfully. But I clearly do.
"Lost your memory, huh?" It said
"Um..ya. I don't remember, but obviously I do. Who's (y/ n)? And why is everything I see either black,gray,or white?"
"Your color blind." It says out flatly.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You can't see certain colors, you don't see like normal people. Obviously because you apparently can see with your eyes closed."
"What's it like when you open your eyes?"
"I can't see anything then."
"Haha weird."
"Why is that weird?"
"I don't know, now you ruined my act." It's facial expression changes into a mischievous smile.
A vine raps around my leg.
"Hey! Stop that."
"Haha, no can do!"
I have an idea
I let the vine grab my leg as it trips me, it pulls me closer to flowey.
"Oh,giving up already? I guess this will be easier than I thought!!"
I almost enter a battle, but straight away it exits. I hug Flowey.
"Hey stop that!"
"No can do." I say mimicking it.
It's sighs.
And I can feel something wet on my shoulder. I look at the flower, and it's crying.
"Hey, don't worry. It's gonna be okay." I say,hugging it.
"No i-its not! No one's gonna love m-me! No one's gonna be my friend!" It's sobbing.
"I will." It looks at me and smiles.
Before I know it I've enter a fight, and I've gotten hit with bullets.
"Ow! What are you doing!!" The pain was to much with my stab wound. I was crying, beads of tears running down my face. The jacket was putting to much pressure on me, so I took it off and threw it on the floor.
It was throwing more attacks at me, and i kept dodging them. It's eyes widen, but they go back to normal. I look down at myself and see fresh blood seeping through my bandage and shirt.
Another one hits me and I fall onto the ground, crying from pain.
"Mom, dad! Somebody help!!"
"You really think screaming is gonna help you?" It says.
It surrounds me with bullets.
"DIE." It screams.
Suddenly a fireball appears and knocks flowey out. I quickly grab my jacket and put it on. Suddenly a goat monster appears?
"What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth." I grab my backpack and slip my knife back into it.
"Ah,do not be afraid my child."
I grab my back pack and stand up.
"I am Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins."
I zip up my jacket.
"I pass through this place every day to see if anyone has fallen down."
"You are the first human to come here in a long time."
Are you keeping track of the days or something...
"Come! I will guide you through the catacombs."
I bend down and grab my stick, and I stand back up to face her.
"This way" she says as she walks through another arch way.
I walk up to it. Before I go,I turn around.
"I'll still be your friend."
I turn back around and go through the arch way, following Toriel. When I get into the room it was all really light grey. There was two stairways leading up to a passage tunnel, and below it were leaves,they were faintly red to me. But, in the middle of it all there was a bright star glowing, it was a color I have never seen. But it was bright, and hurting my eyes. I walked up to it, and touched it.
The shadow of the Ruins looms above.
Filling you with determination.
HP fully restored
Frisk LV:1
&:Save Return
I walk up the stairs and go through the passageway that Toriel went through. There was another room, but there was buttons on the floor,and a switch. Plus,the door to the next room was closed. Toriel turns to face me.
"Welcome to your new home, innocent one."
New home?
"Allow me to educate you in the operation of the Ruins."
Woah, calm down lady.
She walked across the buttons in a certain way and flipped a switch, then the door to the other room opened.
"The ruins are filled with puzzles."
"Ancient fusions between diversions and doorkeys."
My brain...
"One must solve them to move from room to room."
Is melting...
"Please adjust yourself to the sight of them."
What is that even supposed to means?
She walked out the door. I see a stone sign on the wall, and I go to read it.
Only the fearless may proceed
Brave ones,foolish ones.
Both walk not the middle road.
Weird. Again, I decide it would be better to follow Toriel rather then running away, I go through the doorway. I walk into the next room, same color,but a lot bigger.
"To make progress here you will need to trigger several switches."
Does that mean i have to do puzzles?
"Do not worry, I have labelled the ones you need to flip."
"Thank you."
She looks at me.
"Your welcome" she says with a smile.
She walked away and leaves me to flip the switches. I walk off of the path to read a stone sign.
Stay on the path.
I obey the sign and go back onto the path.
I go on the path and flip every switch I see that's labelled
"Splendid, I am proud of you little one."
She's proud of me?
"Let us move to the next room."
Okay, goat mom.
We walk to the next room, same color, smaller size. Except in this one there's a training dummy in the corner.
"As a human living in the UnderGround monsters may try to attack you."
That's always a nice thought.
"You will need to be prepared for this situation."
I have a knife,that's all I need.
"However, worry not!"
I have no verbal comeback for this...
"The process is simple."
How simple?
"When you encounter a monster, you will enter a Fight."
Then I staby stab them with my knife,right?
"While you are in a Fight, strike up a friendly conversation."
"Stall for time, I will come to resolve the conflict.", no staby stab?........
"Practice talking to the dummy."
You got to be kidding me..
I walk up to the dummy,and enter a Fight. I stare at it.
I'm not talking to this stupid thing! I get out my knife, and press the Fight button. I click the dummies name, and I hit it. It turns into dust.
"Ah, no no the dummies are not for fighting."
You seriously wanted me to talk to that thing? Ok.
We walk into a room identical to all the others.
"I have another puzzle in this room for you."
Kill me now.
"I wonder if you can solve it."
Probably not.
We start walking, I get caught behind when I enter a Fight.
I'm seriously gonna talk to this thing? I press the act button. I chose complement.
Froggit didn't understand what you said, but was flattered anyway.
Toriel comes into the Fight, and scares the froggit away.
You won! You earned 0 xp and 0 gold.
We start walking again, I see another stone sign and I walk up to it.
The western room is the eastern rooms blueprints.
Okay? That's confusing.
We keep walking until we are in another room. I see a bridge full of spikes. Is she really gonna make me do that?
"This is the puzzle but..."
But what lady?!!?
"Here take my hand for a moment.."
She holds her hand out to me, I hesitantly take her hand. We start walking through the puzzle. The whole time thoughts were racing throughout my head. Is this a trick? Do I have to memorize it?? What if I do?!?! Finally we made it to the other side safely.
"Puzzles seem a bit to dangerous for now."
Heck yea!
We walk into another gray room, but this looks different. Oh my god. That hallway looks like it goes on for forever! Toriel turns and face me.
"You have done excellently thus far, my child"
Thank you mom!
"I have a difficult request for you."
Can I do it?
Tell mah!
"I would like you to walk to the end of the room by yourself."
No I can't!
"Forgive me for this"
I don't think I can.
She starts to walk away, and im forced to do this by myself. I start walking.
~Time Skip~
I finally made it to the end of the room! Toriel then comes out from behind a pillar.
"Greetings,my child."
I did it!
"Do not worry, I did not leave you."
I might have my eyes closed but I'm not stupid.
"I was merely behind this pillar the whole time."
Wow, really?
"Thank you for trusting me."
No problem, it's not like I had a choice.
"However, there was an important reason for this exercise."
Really, what?
Tell me!!
"To test your independence."'s not the fourth of July you know...
"I must attend to some business, and you must stay alone for a while."
I'm gonna be alone? Nooooo.
"Please remain here."
What am I supposed to do then?
"Its dangerous to explore by yourself."
What if I make a friend? Can I leave then?!?!
"I have an idea. I will give you a Cell Phone."
"If you have a need for anything, just call."
Okie dokie.
"Be good, alright?"
Yes, of course.
I smile and nod my head. she walked out the door. And I wait about five minutes, then leave.
I got some candy, and a Froggit gave me advice.
I saw another glowing star in the red leaves, i touch it.
Playfully crinkling through the leaves fills you with determination.
HP fully restored.
Frisk LV:1
&:Save Reset
I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here....
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