Prologue: A Kingdom of Music
Once upon a time, a young boy wandered into the a cave hidden deep within a forest. The cave was large and filled with many traps and spells, but the boy was able to get through to them, though barely. At the end of a cave, light gushed out of an opening, leading to yet another forest; this one more dense and thick than the last.
The boy entered the forest and wandered around it some. The forest was large and dense with life. The chitter and chatter of life was everywhere. Small animals ran across the boy as he passed by and larger animals stayed in their territories.
A noise caught his attention. It wasn't the growl of a wolf, the squeak of a squirrel, the plop of a jumping fish, nor the chirps and tweets of a bird. It was something else; something amazing.
He followed this strange and beautiful sound. The closer he got to the sound the more complex and louder it got. He could instruments being played and voices being sung.
Eventually the boy came upon a village; a large village. The houses were made of the trees and leaves, built neatly next to each other in spirals.
People were dancing around to the music that was being played. It was strange.
Hearing the music made the boy want to sing and dance along with the people, but upon seeing the people, he suddenly felt left out.
Everyone was a shade a blue with rainbow colored hair, elf-like ears, and emerald green eyes. To the boy, they all looked amazing, which fascinated him; he never saw such colorful people.
The boy was jet black and he had green markings all over his body. There was also two red horn-like markings on his forehead that stood out from the rest of the markings. His eyes were two colors, gold and black.
The boy wanted to stay with the musical Numbers, but he knew that he couldn't fit in with these strange, wonderful, musical people.
He frowned and was about to go home when an idea popped into his mind. The boy jumped in glee, then ran out of the village with a eager, and happy, gleeful smile on his face.
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Hi, guys! :3 What did you think of da prologue? Good, bad, meh? ^^ Tell mehhhh!!!! X3
ALSO, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Millie_Astral !!!!!! Today, March 14, 2015, also known as pie day, is her birthday!!!
Today is Millie_Astral birthday so everyone do something special for herrrrrrr!!! :D
Minty, I know you're like half way across the world, enjoying your crazy life, but you're like the best friend I never had as a kid! ( ^-^)/
Everyday when we PM or Kik or text it makes me happy, makes me smile, makes me laugh, everything that has to do with happy thoughts except the couple love.
No, I don't swing that way! XD *cough cough* Crimson, Darkrai, Dark, Free *cough cough* YAOI!!!! *cough cough*
Minty, this entire books is dedicated to you so enjoy and have fun with it! :D Warning there will be heart break . 3. So *Scar's voice from the Lion King* BE PREPARED!!!! *evil Scar laughter! XD*
Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting! :D Have a wonderful day!
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