Chapter 5: Our Beloved King
~Before The Party In Nue's POV~
My dad grabbed my shoulders and gave me a serious look. That shut me up. My dad is NEVER serious! He's the fun-loving, food eating, laughable king we all know! Sure, he's a king and there are times when he has to be serious but that rarely happened!
"Nue, I've been wanting to talk to you about this for a very long time." my father said, keeping all eye contact with me the entire time. "You've become... older which means you're growing."
Oh. My. Isarel. I already know where father's going with this... "It also means that I'm growing older, which also means that one day you're going to rule this kingdom without me and your mother."
I gave out a loud, annoyed sigh. I knew he'd bring this subject up, I just knew it! "Dad, I told you that I'm not looking for that kind of relationship yet! I'm still young, you're still alive, mom's still alive, you're both alive and happy! Dad, I don't want to do this just yet!"
"I know you don't want to do that, Nue, I'm not asking you to tie knots with someone and settle down! At least think about it, daughter. I know I am still very much healthy and alive, but you never know what may happen in the next minute, next hour, next day, next month, or next year! Please, I'm only asking you this: consider someone and get to know him, Nue."
Although I didn't like the idea of talking to the boys in the kingdom on a personal level, I did see my father's point. It is best to be prepared, after all and hey, maybe I'll a few new friends tonight if my father wants me to socialize with the men at the party.
I looked at my father and gave him a nod. He smiled in return the released my shoulders from his grip. We then faced the doors together. Father nodded to the servant by the door to let him know that we were ready.
The servant smiled then opened the doors. Everything went quiet. Everyone's eyes were upon us. They looked to my father then started laughing!
I didn't know what they were laughing about at first so I looked to my father. I saw that he was wearing the most ridiculous outfit! Everything was mismatched in the most hilarious way! I couldn't help myself so I started laughing too!
My dad looked down at himself then laughed he started laughing along with everyone else! Yeah, that's my dad alright. The funny king who everyone loves!
The laughter died down and we were introduced to the party formally. The party started up once again. My father left me in pursuit of the dance floor to show off his moves which are terrible but he doesn't care. He danced all his crazy dance moves with anyone else who wanted to dance with him which was practically everyone in this kingdom!
And there I was, standing all alone. Again. If Loii were here I wouldn't be so alone but unfortunately he had to stay in my room! Loii was my secret friend and I didn't want anyone to know about him since his kind were forbidden in the kingdom!
Being alone didn't last for long though because as soon as I turned my back and headed towards the buffet table a boy from the kingdom approached me, hand extended towards me. I took one good look at his face and knew what he was going to ask: a dance.
I tried to sneak away from him before he had the chance to ask me but unfortunately more boys from the kingdom started showing up and they crowded me! I was surrounded by boys all asking me to dance!
Gosh, why can't they go ask one of the girl leaning on the walls too shy to dance themselves?!
Every time a boy asked me to dance I mercifully declined with as much kindness as I could but they just kept coming and coming!
"Oh, you dear savages! Leave her highness alone!" yelled a smooth, deep voice. The boys around me went silent and parted ways, clearing a path for one of Harmony's greatest warriors, Kawika Kamelamela.
Kawika Kamelamela as I said before is one of Harmony's greatest warriors. I think if he and Blitz were to get in a fight they'd tie which just showed how strong he really is. Kawika is a passionate man but he's also quite the flirt.
In all honesty, Kawika has never approached me or even spared me a glance! He was always too busy talking to the other girls in the kingdom to pay attention to even look at me! To see him approaching me was surprising!
Kawika stopped right in front of me, a playful smirk on his face. "Princess, if you would do me the honors, would you like to dance with me?" he asked quite confidentially as if he knew I was going to say yes
Every man surrounding us gasped. Their eyes glues shut to out figures, waiting for me to answer Kawika's humble request.
"Uumm... I'm sorry, Kawika, but it seems that I can't dance with you..." I averted my eyes from Kawika's own, finding something, ANYTHING, that would be enough for an excuse to not dance with him!
My eyes landed outside and I breath a sigh of relief. I finally faced Kawika and said, "I have to go outside for some fresh air! All this crowd is really starting to make me claustrophobic!"
Kawika's smirk lowered but he still kept at it, "Well, why don't I accompany you then, Princess? Surely someone like you would need someone to protect her!"
"No, no, I'm fine!" Before he could reply, I turned my back to him and ran out of there as fast as I could! I heard Kawika following but as soon as I exited the building and headed into the small grove of trees in the garden, I lost him.
I sighed in relief. And sat at a bench. Looking up, I saw the moon and thought about how lovely this night was. If only I could enjoy these nights with solitude it'd be so much better.
Seeing the moon reminded me of a story, more like a legend, of how the three worlds and the Number Realm was created. My mother and father called it The Legend of The Starmakers.
It's an old legend about two beings who fell in love, got kids and well, created life, I suppose. Many people believe it while others mock and laugh at it, saying that the whole thing is fake.
I personally think it's real. I don't have evidence, but who gives a crap? I certainly don't! The Legend of The Starmakers is a wonderful story and none should criticize it
Seeing the moon and thinking about the legend reminded of something. It was a song told in the legend. Mahina, the Moon Goddess, sang this song to her lover when they were far apart, hoping he'd come back.
I don't remember the whole song but I do remember the chorus of it. It was lovely and it held the true meaning of La and Mahina's love in it.
And just out of nowhere, this gave me the desire to sing. The song itself is beautiful and means a lot more to me than most people can think.
Looking around to make sure no one was around, I smiled. It's been so long since I've sang anything really. The last time was when I was a kid, so innocent and so carefree.
Aw well. No point in dwelling on the past.
There's no one around so I can sing! After all these years, I can finally sing!
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I say "Writer's" ^0^
You say "Block!" ^0^
Yay!!!! ^0^ Isn't it wonderful to get Writer's Block??? :D
It's horrible... ( ಠ‿ಠ)
Yeah.... I've had Writer's Block on this book ever since a little (more like big) certain thing that PISSED me off that I don't want to talk about with ANY AND EVERYONE. (That means you too, Minty) happened.
-_- I still have the Writer's Block but that doesn't mean I'm gonna give up! >^< I made this book for Minty and I shall complete it!
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