Chapter 2: A Serene Melody
The princess and her father entered a large room filled with all kinds of things from the outside world. There were knick knacks, toys, bottles, weapons, furniture, anything you can think of.
Two men just as tall as the king but skinny as a twig walked in the room. Both men were identical in every way except for the way they carried themselves and their expressions. The first man was stoic and silent, wearing a scowl on his face while the second man was giddy and excited. There was a big, goofy grin on his face as he skipped to the Princess.
The happy man took the Princess's hand and knelt down, touching the back of her hand with his forehead "Princess Nue, my love, what have you brought for me today?" he asked in a happy tone.
Anuenue laughed, still a bit weirded out by the nickname the man gave her so long ago, and brought out a bag. The happy man squealed and jumped up. He grabbed the bag from Nue like a greedy pig and dug into its contents.
Another squeal sounded off from the happy man which earned a eye rolling from his identical, stoic twin. The stoic twin walked up to Nue and looked at her up and down. "You are injured, my love. Why is that?"
Again, the Princess felt weirded out by the nickname but excused it nonetheless. "On my journey I fought many people. They were all so strong, Bloo, it was amazing!" the Princess exclaimed. She laughed as she retold her travel stories to Bloo, Ricardo and her father.
While she was telling her tales, Bloo was fixing Nue up because of her injuries while Ricardo was examining what the Princess brought for him today. In the middle of the story, Ricardo lost track of what Nue was saying for her became absorbed into his research.
Ricardo was examining a elegant fabric rare in the Number Realm and a weapon of some sorts used by Number 30: Acid Golem. The weapon was a small axe covered with this weird substance which Ricardo presumed was poison only the Golem was immune to.
Before anyone knew it, nightfall came and it was time for the Princess to return to her quarters for a good night's rest much to her grumbling. Her father was long gone by the time Bloo escorted her out of the room.
Although the Princess complained about going to bed so "early," it was obvious that she was very tired from her journey. As soon as she reached her room, Bloo picked her up and threw her on the bed. The moment she landed, the Princess fell asleep and cuddled up in the blankets.
Bloo chuckled then silently closed the door behind him as he exited.
~The Next Morning~
Something heavy and lumpy slammed down Anuenue. The Princess shrieked and bolted up. Whatever was on her rolled of the bed and fell off with a loud thump.
The Princess yawned then looked over the bed to see a black-green dog-like creature sprawled on the floor groaning. Anuenue laughed. "Thanks for waking me up, Loii."
Loii giggled and sat up, wagging his cute doggie tail. "Mistress must go to food hall to eat breakfast!" he said excitedly which only made the Princess laugh even more.
Anuenue stretched in her bed before getting out and doing her normal morning routine. A few minutes later, the Princess was ready and headed down to the dining hall with Loii.
When the Princess reached the kitchen, she was blasted with the sounds of trumpets and trombones.
Before the Princess could recover, she was tackles by her father, who immediately wrapped her into a bear hug with a sound laugh. "Well, good morning, my little adventurer!"
Loii giggled like an adorable little child, wagging his little tail as Nue's father released her with another mighty laugh. "Nue, my dear, let us eat and let the day of celebration begin!"
The Princess rolled her eyes playfully. "Father, do we always have to have a big celebration whenever I come back from a journey?"
"No, but we musicians are always finding a reason to slack off and relax." the king stated with a playful tone, giving his daughter a wink. His daughter laughed and sat down next to her father and Loii.
They were served a great meal that morning.
In the afternoon, Nue was given a break from all the loud and mixes of music that was blaring from the castle, her beloved home. The Princess walked along a familiar path, leading out of the kingdom; one that only she knew.
Loii, her faithful companion and best friend, faithfully followed her with a skip in his step. He was the only one who knew about this path other than the Princess because the the Princess knew that she could trust him no matter what the circumstances may be.
Suddenly Loii stopped his skip and looked around, flicking his ears here and therem sniffing the air with his canine nose. His usual playful and carefree demenanor was replaced with a serious atomsphere that told Nue that something was up.
Both the dog and the Princess looked around the path, alert for aynthing that could jump up at them at any moment. Suddenly a serene and peaceful melody filled the air. The moment Anuenue heard this lovely melody she was captivated by it.
Loii tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Mistress, Loii hears music!" he pointed towards the source of the music, pinpointing it with his keen canine ears.
The Princess nodded and followed Loii as he led the way. "Loii, who do you think is making that beautiful music?" the Princess mused. Loii looked up to his Mistress to see that she had a big smile on her face. Her eyes were lit up with excitement and curiousity like a child.
"I don't know, Mistress, but we'll find out soon!" Loii smiled. He took her hand and ran towards the seren music, making sure that they were silent in their pursuit so as to not alarm whoever or whatever was making the music.
They soon came upon a clearing in the forest near the kingdom. Neither the Princess nor Loii knew about this place so they were both surprised to see it.
In the middle of the clearing was a man with dark blue skin and rainbow as of all the citizens in the Kingdom of Harmony. His hair was curled up and his back was to them so neither of them could see the man's face.
The man held a flute, playing the same peaceful melody Nue and Loii had been following.
"Wow..." Cooed the Princess. "He's so amazing..." She and Loii were hidden behind a tree, eyeing the man who was still playing his flute.
Suddenly the man stopped playing. The Princess and Loii quickly his under a bush, peeking underneath it at the man.
The man stood up and much to their horror, faced the Princess and Loii. Both gasped when they saw the face of the man with the flute.
Before then was none other than the kingdom's greatest and most mysterious warrior: Blitz Omega
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Hai, guys! ^3^ Sorry I haven't updated this book in like FOREVER! But I kinda had a writer's block on it ^^" But now I'm back! Ish....
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