Adeelah confirmed something was wrong with Abba. When she salamed at the door of his parlour, he didn't answer her. He seemed to have travel far away from the whole house even. He had a straight look on his face. Saying her greeting for the third time which was also unanswered, she slowly stepped into the parlour.
"Abba!" She touched his hand, jerking him out of his daydream. Abba let out a sigh, as if he had been rescued from a battle field. It made Adeelah cold at feet and heavy at shoulder.
She twisted her toe against her another finger which were covered in a soft socks. She liked to wear socks whether it was cold or otherwise. If she didn't wear it, she felt like something wasn't complete.
"Abba what's wrong with you?" She asked, her heart beat accelerating.
"Adeelah just make sure you live a good life okay? Live a good life now not later. Start it now."
Adeelah widened her eyes. "Abba are you fine?" She touched his forehead to feel if he's having fever or something. Anything that made her Abba this way was no small thing.
He removed her hand from his forehead and clasped it with his. "I am fine Adeelah baby. Some days I miss Aayat." He said, his eyes looking straight. His eyes had become like a glass with tears filled.
"She's the definition of perfect and she endured every attitude of mine. I married Sadiya without telling her, she just saw her on the wedding day and till the day she passed away, she had never raised an alarm. But Baby Adeelah, I could see how broken she was still, I made no amend. It makes me sick to think I didn't ask for her forgiveness. It's so sickening." He forced back his tears. Sometimes people say men do not have emotions, but they do, they just had the talent of buckling it inside them for the rest of their lives. Adeelah was a witness, as right there, she saw tears in her father's eyes. She felt so bad for him, especially that she couldn't do anything about it.
Alhaji Rabi'u didn't have anyone to tell his problems. He had jealous wives whom wouldn't listen to him blab about his dead wife.
His parent both died when he was a youth. First it was his mother then his father. He didn't even want to remember anything, it broke him to remember anything from the past. Lord... How wished he could undo everything that happened.
His uncles that reside at Danbatta didn't like to see him too. He had just been... So reckless. But at least the gravest one went unnoticed. No, make them two.
"Abba, I know Oum is so forgiving. She's forgiven you in sha Allah. Just pray for her to be granted into Jannah." Adeelah interrupted his thought.
"In sha Allah she's in Jannah Adeelah, they say the Jannah of a woman is beneath her husband's feet and if that's so, Aayat is guaranteed Jannah in sha Allah." He let the tears flow, before Adeelah could look up, he cleared them.
"What do you want?" He asked Adeelah.
"Abba I went to submit my application letter for our industrial training."
"And they said the slot is filled. If I really want their company, I have to go to Abuja." Abba remained quiet.
"Yes Abba and I want no where if jot their firm. It's so beautiful and I heard they have the best facilities and modern technology, that's why I want to get a full experience and then maybe get job there."
Abba removed his cap and placed it beside him. He didn't want Adeelah to be away from home. In fact none of his children. The reason why he sent Nafeesah out was because she kept failing Jamb and her mother insisted. He imposed a lot of rules on both the mother and the child before he allowed her to go. And he entrusted her to his friend Alhaji Nasiru to take care of her.
For Haneey to be at Zaria, it was also her mother's suggestion but at least Haneey stayed with Hafsatu's sister at Zaria.
Now it's Adeelah who didn't have a mother to decide for her. She's all alone by herself. He's the only one she's gotten as a true parent. He wanted the best of life for her and he didn't want her to be unhappy. Everything for Adeelah was a yes. He could never say no to her as long as it would benefit her more than the damage. On days he shouted at her, he felt bad.
Now he didn't like her to stay all by herself at Abuja. Her aunt used to stay at Abuja before she moved to Europe with her husband and two kids, he would've asked Adeelah to stay with her. At least he's sure of the kind of discipline in her household.
"Adeelah," Abba called.
"Hmm Abba."
"You really want to go to Abuja?"
Adeelah smiled. "Yes Abba."
"Go I will think about it."
"Thank you Abba. And I heard that Malam Hassan had been fired. Thank you for all you've done Abba."
"You're all welcome."
"And Abba, Ya Nafeesah has a suitor and he wants to come and meet you. Remember Ya Shahid?"
Abba chuckled at the way Adeelah told him as if she was talking of a random thing.
"Yeah the boy I stopped her from talking to."
"Yes him Abba."
"And Abba..." Abba looked at Adeelah through the tail of his eyes. She talked too much all at once. He liked to listen to her blab. No, she wasn't like her mother in that aspect. Her mother didn't like to talk a lot. But she loved writing letters to her children. He knew about that.
"And Abba what Adeelah? What?"
Adeelah laughed. Abba narrowed his eyes at her. He didn't get what was so funny for her to be laughing.
"They said I talk like you Abba. I talk like who? I talk like you Abba." She teased. Abba removed his cap and threw it at her. Adeelah caught it and giggled.
"I am not your grandpapa Adeelah." She giggled again and slowly her laughter died to a smile. She suddenly felt awkward on what she's about to request for.
"Abba about Salisu. Do you pay him now that he's not around?"
Abba remained quiet.
"Why are you asking?"
"Abba I just thought to ask. He may be going through some phase of life without money to sustain him."
Abba smiled. Who changed his girl?
"He's gotten a job Adeelah. Don't worry. And he's coming to see me tomorrow. If you get in, send Nafeesah to me." Adeelah nodded, satisfied and went out of his parlor.
She met Hafsatu standing like a statue. "What's wrong with baby?"
"What's wrong with your father?" She asked again.
"He's fine." Adeelah answered and moved away from Hafsatu's sight. She would do all it would take her not to be rude. No, not because of Salisu or what he said to her but because she wished.
Adeelah went to meet Hajiya Sadiya and Nafeesah having a gist. She salamed at them and they answered before she went in.
"Abba wants to see Ya Nafee." She referred to Hajiya Sadiya.
Nafeesah gasped.
"Innalillahi what have I done? Did you tell" She refused to complete the sentence so that her mother won't ask them. Adeelah knew what it meant. Nafeesah thought she had told him that they went out with Ya Shahid.
"Just go, it's Khair in sha Allah." Her mother persuaded. When she went out, with trembling hands, Adeelah and Hajiya Sadiya laughed.
Nafeesah had always been like that. Unsecured about herself. She was always scared of meeting Abba alone. There was a time when Abba almost beat her and since then she didn't want to be alone with him.
"Adeelah baby come here." Hajiya Sadiya patted the spot next to her. Adeelah went there and sat.
"Just know whenever you need me I am always here. It's not my own way of being cunny, trust me. Aayat has been the most kind woman I have ever known and she tolerated all my attitudes then, because I was feeling I was the bride and the favorite wife. When she died I realised she had been my support and then she left you behind. You're a part of her, and I want to take care of you just like Nafeesah and her brother. Please feel free with me. Tell me your worries and I shall wipe your tears whenever the need arises. I don't like seeing you all alone in your room or some days when you stay quiet. Please." Hajiya Sadiya sought. Adeelah suddenly felt like crying. Why was everyone talking about her mother? Why were they so cold?
"Your father is something else this days, when I talk to him he said he misses her." Hajiya Sadiya added. "I miss Aayat too." Adeelah didn't say anything. She silently laid her head on Hajiya Sadiya's shoulder. Hajiya Sadiya used her hand and wrapped Adeelah in her hold.
"I'm sorry you've to remember her." Adeelah nodded.
"It's just that I can't relate to most of you say. I know of some but not all. I was just barely eleven then. Umma thank you for being a great support. I really appreciate you in my life." She hugged her, as though she was her real mother. Held in a motherly embrace, some tears left Adeelah's eyes. She quickly wiped them.
Her phone rang in the pocket of the jean she wore. Always interrupting a moment.
When Adeelah saw the caller, she looked at Hajiya Sadiya.
"My in-law? Um?" She raised her eyebrow playfully. Adeelah laughed shyly and sprinted away.
Salisu had been walking fast to catch a ride to Adeelah's house. He had promised to visit Abba just like that and last night, Abba called him and told him there was something he wanted them to discuss about. He was quiet at first before he said may Allah extend their lives till the next day.
Since he woke up, he had been eager to go. An hour later, he stopped at the gate of the house. He stretched his squeezed kaftan clothes and his matching cap that was worn out. He tried to look presentable. His hand traveled to his bald head as he used the other to knock at the gate.
Soon Malam Labaran opened the gate.
"Salisu? Is that you?"
"It's me Malam Labaran. It's me." He repeated shaking his head with a laughter. They exchanged their greetings and went in. Malam Labaran told Asamau that Salisu was around so she should cook with him but she said she had already finished cooking for the day.
Asamau was always in bad terms with Malam Labaran who was always looking for her trouble.
Adeelah had just come out to eat in the garden when she saw him. She wanted to amble away so he couldn't see her but he already did.
"Dillaliya!" He called. Adeelah grimaced. She would never like the name especially with the way Salisu say it.
"Malam Salisu good afternoon." She greeted. Adeelah saw him eyeing her food instead of answering her. She looked at the food.
"You've no idea Dillaliya. I didn't eat since yesterday. Dillaliya how have you been?" He asked, putting food issue aside.
Adeelah started to walk to a chair. He followed her like a tail.
"Dillaliya why are you so quiet?"
"What? I am fine. Take this plate of food and eat though." She gave him her plate. Salisu collected with a smile.
"Take a spoon first Dillaliya. I am not supposed to eat your food. Malam Labaran will share with me." He handed her back.
"I insist, you should eat." Salisu looked at her. His sight lingered in hers before she cleared her voice and looked away.
"I insist you take just a spoon too."
"Fine!" Adeelah took one spoon and kept the spoon back. Right there, Abba watched what happened through his glass door. Then he decided on the matter that had been on his mind for so long. He's very contented with his decision. He wanted to marry his girl's off as soon as possible. He felt like there's a storm coming in the rain that's why he wanted to rush.
"Thank you Dillaliya. I never know you've a free hand. Sometimes I just wonder why you..."
"Just keep mute and eat Salisu."
"It's Thalith."
"It's Adeelah."
"No, Dillaliya."
"No Salisu."
"Fine! Salisu." Salisu mimicked the way Adeelah always ended their bickering.
Adeelah looked at him. To her eyes he looked like he had been suffering. She bit her lower lip and disappeared from his sight.
When Abba called him to his parlor, he refused to enter. He had never entered the parlour before. Why now? After so much persuasion, Salisu entered and sat on a the carpet. His sight had been wandering every corner he could see.
"Malam Salisu I wish to ask you if you like my daughter."
"Sure I like Dillaliya. She's nice. She even offered me her food, your grace."
"Salisu, talk to me like the man you're." Salisu gulped and looked down.
When he raised his head up, he looked down again.
"She wants to go to Abuja and I can't let her go all alone. I want her to be with a mahrem. By that if possible I want her married before then."
"Whatever you decide is right Abba, I love Adeelah."
Abba laughed.
"So you know how to say her name!" Salisu looked down.
"And masha Allah, it's never been this nice on anyone's accent." Abba complimented.
"Talk to your people. It shall be done in secret. If she falls in love with you, then you keep staying together. If she doesn't, you let her go. Is that agreeable?" Abba asked.
"Yes Abba."
"You can go, I give you two days. I shall talk with her if she agrees."
"Thank you Abba."
"The pleasure is all mine...emmm, Salisu." Thus he rose to his feet, having an alien feeling. With that he walked out of Abba's parlour.
Abba summoned for Adeelah's presence after their night lessons with Malam Ya'u.
"Abba you called me."
"Yes. I talked with Salisu. Will you like Salisu as a husband?" What? What? What?
Adeelah jumped from the chair she was sitting on.
"Calm down Adeelah baby. Calm what? Down." He showed down with his hand.
"If you're going to Abuja there have to be a mahrem with you. Otherwise you forget about going there. The reason why I chose Salisu is because it will be as easy as that. The marriage will be tied in this parlor and it will be kept as a secret. The agreement is Salisu is none other than your chauffeur in the eyes of people while he remains your husband at Abuja. If you fall in love with him, you stay as husband and wife then we will do a grand wedding. If you don't, he sets you free after your industrial training. How does that sounds?"
"Cool Abba. I agree! He is my chauffeur! That's it. Not my husband Abba. I agree." She yelped. Abba didn't know it was going to be this easy.
So it went, in less than fifty hours, Adeelah was already a Mrs with Abba as her Waliyy, Salisu being man didn't bring forth a waliyy but he brought two people as his witnesses.
But one thing she made up in her mind and was always repeating in her head was, 'He Is My Chauffeur'.
Will he forever be?
She's now a married woman and she would make sure none of the members of the household know.
When Abba dismissed them both after his little rules and advice, Adeelah felt very sickish. She suddenly felt fever enshrouding her soul. By Allah she signed up for something that was beyond her. She couldn't even say out the reason why she felt so feverish.
"Dillaliya..." Salisu called her when they were about to part ways. She, to go to her room and him, to go out to the worker's room.
"Um?" She managed to say, feeling her head pounding like it would burst open. She didn't have the energy to say anything bad or even good. Just short words were enough.
"I noticed that you love wristwatches and bracelets. The wristwatches are expensive perhaps I will buy one for you later, so for now I opted for the bracelet that's why I worked hard to buy one for you. Accept this from me to you, Dillaliya."
Adeelah chuckled dryly. "A wedding gift?" She asked feeling different. It was as if she had been exchanged with someone else in a spur.
"No. Just gift." He gave her a black tattered nylon in which there's a box in it. She knew there in it was the bracelet. From Salisu, her chauffeur, her husband.
"Thank you." She collected. Her legs felt so heavy to carry her. Salisu sensed the sudden change of her demeanor. She looked like someone that had been ripped off a part of their brain that function. He didn't know what's wrong or what to tell her but he would call her when he get back to his room. He's never been so happy like he was right now. Although the marriage survival was on a probability. He wished it will go good and he couldn't wait for them to embark on their journey to Abuja.
He would in sha Allah, break her down and make her fall in love with him. He loved her, since... He shook his head remembering the day he fell in love with her.
Adeelah had turn to leave when she heard me. "I want to make this work, I will move mountains for you," Adeelah chuckled.
"Make sure you dump them on your head then. Save your efforts Salisu. Right now, there's no one I hate more than you. I don't even know why I even complied to Abba. Oh yes, here's the answer. I am using you to take a great step in my life and once I am done, I am gonna dump you in the thrash bin. If you have a heart in there, I think you wouldn't even try making us work. And for your information, I am in love with someone else and there's nothing that will stop me from communicating with him, okay?"
"I love to roast coffee bean Dillaliya."
"What nonsense? I am talking to you and you're telling me you love coffee, how does that concern me? How? You're just a dummy. Lord! you're just a nincompoop."
When Adeelah whipped her head up, she found a giant smile plastered on Salisu's face. Was he even human? She felt like shouting with the way he just ignored her and he was even smiling as if she gave him the best news in the universe.
Adeelah walked away, embarrassed.
"Don't miss me wifey." He yelled.
Salisu faltered to his room with a lot of thoughts in his head.
When she reached her room, she switched off her phone and balanced on her bed. She bounced and bounced from side to side but she didn't feel better. Adeelah sat up and decided to have a shower. She wrapped herself in a towel and entered the bathroom.
She filled the jacuzzi with warm water and entered. There she sat for forty minutes before she started feeling lightheaded. She rubbed pomade and collapsed on her bed.
She carried the nylon, Salisu gave her and put it inside her memory box. She randomly picked a letter written to her by her Oum but she didn't have the energy to read. Adeelah kept it and opted for sleep, mayhap she might feel better. Everything was just too much. She didn't know why or what exactly but she wanted to scream.
Most importantly, she wanted to kill Salisu. Useless chauffeur.
Abba, what is he hiding? A storm or is it thunder waiting to fire Adeelah's family? Is it still doing press up or gyming?🤔🤐 let's go and tell it sorry, right? Qilqilqil.
Who noticed the way Abba talked to Salisu? Do you think there's something fishy? Maybe catfish for the matter?😂😂
Salisu with the calm🔥🔥🔥
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