Thirty two
Five months later.
Adeelah would've argue about time if not for her calendar. She couldn't believe that she's finally going home in a week time. She wished she could prolong the time because that was the hardest moment of her life. She couldn't Ameer let go especially now that he always gives examples with her name in the radio programmes. Adeelah this, Adeelah that. Salisu on the other hand was trying his best to keep her. By Allah she could swear she couldn't live without him. She had understood him from another angle although since the day their emotions almost overpowered them, they changed houses. It was normal but not to them. This marriage had a time to expire and nothing should be done to terminate that. So, they only meet during working hours and exchange greetings. That's all. Sometimes he calls her to hear how she's faring alone. Salisu was doing things according to her wish and that? Amazed her.
And it softened her. But no, she wouldn't agree she's in love.
Adeelah smiled at a memory and stretched on the chair she's sitting on.
Her phone then rang, she smiled and picked the call.
"Sweetie pie." Ameer cooed. She laughed, revealing her upper dentition. He always made her laugh like that.
"Salty pie how are you and home?" She heard Ameer released a deep sigh. She wondered why.
Ameer cleared his voice. "I actually remarried Hidaya yesterday." Adeelah couldn't move her lips. It came as a shocker to her but what did she know? Ameer equally mention Hidaya most of the times. And he even once called her with Hidaya's name. She felt something growing by the left side of her heart. Why?
She almost choke when she tried to talk. "That's nice... good news." She said.
Ameer chuckled. "She can't wait to meet you. Hidaya is eager to accept you as her sister. I always knew she's being instigated but she has a good mind."
Silence prevailed. Adeelah's eyes wandered about the parlor she sat. From the frame of a waterfall painting to the television sitting on it's stand, to another frame of a drawn paint. Somehow she saw Salisu's image beside the hut. His face gleaming in that cute smile he loved to give her whenever they meet at work. No not the dummy-ish smile. This same smile weakened her knees and made her heart flutter. She smiled and blinked then the image disappeared.
"Uh i think someone is knocking." She decided to lie. She wasn't sure of what she was going to say. Somehow she heard her mind laughing at her mockingly. What did she expect? She grew up in a polygamous house. She's supposed to be adding that to her thoughts. Adeelah ran her hand across her face. And true, someone knocked the door.
She stood up fast, as if waiting and aimed at the door. She didn't bother asking who was it, all she needed was a distraction. There, she saw Salisu standing. Without a second thought she crashed into his arms violently and tight. Salisu wondered why but he slowly pushed her in the house and closed the door behind him.
There, someone in a suit captured Salisu's image and dialed a call before he dashed away.
She wasn't crying but he could feel her heartbeat, pacing, racing. As if it was about to come out. Salisu wrapped his arms around her and let her feel the peace she's looking for. He pitied the way he saw her eyes roll when they part away. She felt equal in his arms, not smallish. Equal to him, that was.
"I had a little sleep and dreamt of my mother."
Salisu knew it was a lie but he began to pacify her and told her to pray for her.
"I came here to check on you and that done, i will take my leave." He rose to his feet.
Just then his phone rang but he didn't pick. He just turned to leave.
She stared. Why won't she just accept this human and move on? He made her feel at ease, at peace.
Tip by toe he exited the house and just when he crossed the road, someone grabbed his neck and simultaneously closed his mouth before he pushed him into a van of gently looking men.
One of them beside Salisu smiled in his mask.
"I am not going to harm you young man. This is a friendly invite."
Yar tsana just came out from her shaman's house when she met Beebo on her way in. They have met before but they never talked. This time around they stared at each other for a moment before Yar tsana rolled her eyes.
"Hi." She said.
Instead of a reply, Beebo rolled her eyes too.
"What's your connection with Rabi'u Danbatta?" Yar tsana was taken aback. Whaa—t? How did she know?
She feigned a serious look to mask her surprise. "I don't understand."
Beebo let out an evil laugh. "Don't play with me. This Malam you see, told me about you and you don't want to know my evil side. Among them are, i have killed three people before and it won't be an issue to kill you too. But calm down, i just need you to tell me why you come here for the same man i come to!"
Yar tsana was naive despite being in one of the dirtiest worlds. She still hadn't wise up enough. And the mention of death scared her. She didn't want to die. This woman before her was evil from the way she talked. She would rather tell her everything perhaps that would be of help to her.
"Let's go to my car." Beebo laughed.
They walked to the car and sat.
Beebo decided to speak up first. "Rabiu Dan batta. Hehehehe. That man?"
Yar tsana shook her head carelessly. "He was my ex. My name is Halimah. I met him in the house i worked. He was all i could wish for. He taught me the alphabets and words. In short, i fell in love with him. I submitted my life dependency to him. I mean i relied on him." Yar tsana bit her lip. She couldn't belive she's about to breakdown something she's bottled up for years.
Beebo laughed. "He broke your heart and told you he is marrying her? Aayat?"
"When i was transferred to another house, he always came. He even went to greet my parents. He did everything, brought even my bridal clothes. Then he manipulated me. He didn't force me, it was on my own will. I wasn't much disturbed because i knew he will marry me. Things between us were dirty before i knew it i had my womb removed but at long last, he stopped coming. I searched and cried. All to vail. Someone came to tell me they had an accident and died but he gave him some money to give me. I collected but when i went back home to my parents who were actually my guardians they didn't accept me."
Beebo beat her lap and laughed. "Then you entered the world. Thinking he was gone. Nurturing the pain of the lost of your love one. You never knew that accident was staged huh? He died together with Marshal, B Tofa and co? It was all staged. Because they wanted to do away with their girls. Uh uh such a pity. Then you found out he's alive and you prepared for a revenge. Calm down. Don't you dare go near who you're targeting!"
Yar tsana looked at her twice. Which kind of woman was Beebo?
Beebo smiled. She had been monitoring Yar tsana for a while. She knew what Yar tsana didn't know. And yes, she needed her help on something. She won't let her know. But one thing was, she would let out one single secret of hers to get what she wanted.
"Ammar is my biological son."
Hi/ salam.
Exam is finally over and if I didn't reply your comment, I'm sorry but i have seen it and appreciate it, hugely!
There you go!
Maybe i am back, who knows?😂
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