Shortened to Hama was a woman about fifty years old. She was short and fat. She was also dark in completion and had a big tribal mark on her face. She was said to be a native of Hadejia and moved to Kano because of marriage. She had nine children with her husband, Malam Talle mai awaki.
The bus before her was filled. Noise from different girls was heard. She peeked inside the car and saw a girl sitting with no one on her lap.
The girl was sitting lonely, dried tears on her cheeks. She was obviously sad and deranged.
Hama chuckled.
"You will get used to city life Larai. Just a week, you will be fine." She said while most of the girls threw looks at her. Some saw her as a ruthless woman who separated them from their families and friends. She was taking them to the city to work as maids in various houses.
Most of them were around age twelve, thirteen and at most fifteen. Some had started schooling but were but short. They needed to get many that would be used to buy furniture for them when their marriage arises.
Some looked happy and hyper to go to the city of Kano.
"Malam direba ayi haquri. Saura mutum biyu. Mister driver, be patient. Remaining two people." Hama said to the driver who she could see how he was fuming as if he wanted to beat. She had promised herself to leave with forty girls and she had counted thirty eight.
Remaining two...
She would get them somewhere. She began walking in the street of the village in Jigawa. She was walking when a woman stopped her.
"Hama manyan gari!" She praised. Hama rolled her eyes in pride and smiled. She was now a rich woman in their eyes and true, she had some major savings.
"Forget that Tabawa. I am looking for two more girls to leave."
Tabawa grinned. "I think I know two places where you will get them amma naji dumus a hannu na. Let me feel something on my hand." Hama hissed and removed two hundred naira from her purse.
She gave Tabawa.
"Malam Jauro's house. His brother's daughter is there. He's been complaining, I know he will gladly give you. Then Malam Bala's house. I am sure."
Hama didn't thank her. She was angry that she gave Tabawa two hundred naira. She wore if she went there and didn't get any girl, Tabawa must pay her back.
When she greeted upon Malam Jauro's house, his wife Sumaye yodelled.
"Thank God you came. I have been praying for your arrival. Jabbama Hama. Miyetti Allah! Welcome Hama. Thank God." She danced. She went in and told her husband.
Halimatu was sweeping and she was asked to stop. Right there she began crying but she was forced to leave with Hama. Her uncle's house wasn't a nice place to be in, but outside wasn't a certainty too. She cried all the way long to Kano. And there they were distributed to the house they would work. She was just thirteen.
The house she was taken to, was well furnished and beautiful to her eyes. She heard that the area was called Gashash road. She was introduced to the house lady named Dr Rafi'ah Kabeer. Her husband was also a doctor. Dr Ibrahim Aliyu. They had two kids.
Afreen and Muhammad.
Afreen was six and Muhammad was three.
Her work was to clean the house and take care of the kids. Someone would be there to cook and wash the plates. She was happy because there would be good food.
"What's your name?" Dr Rafi'ah asked her. She shyly smiled and ducked her head low.
Dr Rafi'ah smiled. "Follow me. I hope you heard everything I said earlier. Here is your room Halimatu." She was led to a small size room with medium mattress on the floor. It was covered with bedsheet. There was fan in the room.
"When you feel there's mosquito, just spray this. Like this." Dr Rafi'ah showed her the way to spray the insecticides.
"Thank you Anti." She showed her gratitude.
"Next morning I am going to work by seven. Wake up around that time. Bath Afreen and Muhammad by seven thrity. My brother in-law, Bashir will take them to school." With that, Dr Rafi'ah turned.
She inspected the room.
"There's toilet. Make sure it's clean all day. I will drop the detergents in the morning. Do you need anything else?" Halimatu shook her head. No. She didn't need anything more. Everything was fine and was even better than her home. She hoped the kids would cooperate with her.
With those thoughts, she laid her head on the pillow. It was soft. She drifted to sleep immediately. Her head had been banging since morning. She even thought it was going to split open before they reach Kano. But Allah save her. Now she would rest. The banging will be gone.
The next morning, she rose early. All thanks to the giant mosque's speaker that stood above the window of her room. The moment the imam called for prayer, she woke up. She performed ablution and prayed. She walked out and lit her torchlight. She began to sweep. It was still lightly dark but she could see what she was doing. She finished the parlor and swept the rooms. Including Dr Ibrahim's room. He wasn't around.
She finished at seven.
"I will be going Halimatu. When they close from school, bath them and feed them. Lull them to sleep. Then ask them to do their assignments. By then I will be home." Halimatu held the end of her headtie and tied it tighter.
She bowed. "I will do that by Allah's will. May Allah guard you." And Dr Rafi'ah left.
We woke them up. She had thirty minutes to get them ready. The cook would put their food in their lunch box.
She was bathing Afreen when Afreen pushed her.
"You're scrubbing me hard and you stink!"
Halimatu sniffed her armpit. She stink. She made a mental note to always bath before Afreen.
"I am sorry Afreen." She said with her Fulani accent. Her hair poking from her tie.
"Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, a spider..." She began and it became a routine. She had to tell Afreen a tale every morning.
Muhammad was quiet and didn't make any fuss. They warmed up to her sooner than she expected.
Halimatu minded her work. She didn't talk with anyone. She would sweep all the parlors, rooms and the compound. She would sweep Bashir's room too.
She had been there for a week. It was on a Tuesday when she had wore her hijab to Bashir's side when she met his friend.
"Beautiful girl." He said. She didn't answer him but she ran back inside the house.
Ameer arrived at Abuja the previous day. He lodged a hotel where he would stay at for two days. He had been calculating.
When he received Mahmoud's call, He barely hide his excitement. He told him to meet at two that day. Ameer told Adeelah that he would be at the company by two. She told him she leave at two but she would wait for him.
He arrived one forty five. He prayed in the nearest mosque and entered the company. Since he entered, he had been marveling at the sight in front of him. He had been making the scenes of the advertisement in his head.
"He says you should go in." Ameer knew this voice. He looked at his back.
"Malam Salisu. Are you the one?" Ameer asked extending his hand for a shake. Salisu pretended not to recognize him.
"I am sorry but I don't think I know you." He made a straight face and turned to leave.
Ameer looked. Perhaps Salisu has forgotten.
"I am Ameer. Adeelah's husband in sha Allah." Salisu gritted his teeth before he unclenched them. He produced a smile.
"It's getting late. You should go in." Salisu reminded him.
Ameer went in. They started discussing and reached an agreement.
"The production money is fifty thousand. Cost covers people's voice that will be used, editing and covering it on a tape. This needs three people." El-mustapha nodded while his secretary jot it amount down.
Ameer looked at them both and continued.
"Airtime is the next, that's the number of minutes you want it to be played. Fifteen thousand naira per minute." The secretary wrote it again. He wasnt surprised of the pricing. In fact he thought it was more than that because the radio station where Ameer worked at, was a big and popular one. He expected more.
"Then you choose the time you want it to be played. I mean after which program or before the program. Or even amidst it."
The secretary looked at El-mustapha and referred the explanation to him.
"Two minutes with Ameer, storytime, As-you-live-to-date and the ships in our lives are the most listened to, programs. I made a research about that. Even my wife is always listening to storytime."
El-mustapha didn't listen to the last part. All he wanted was to hear how much everything would cost at the end.
"Adverts before and after two minutes with Ameer is twenty thousand instead of the normal fifteen thousand per minute. Amidst is twenty five. The rest programs charge thirty thousand per minute."
El-mustapha cleared his voice.
"I want two minutes long advert. To be on every program you listed. For thirty days. Calculate your money and send your account number. Secretary make sure he adds no kobo to the money." Ameer looked at him twice. What did he mean by that? Would he deliberately add the money? Did El-mustapha think he was a cheat or what? Did he look like one?
Ameer felt like saying no. But he's sure his boss wouldn't hear him out. He swallowed his anger and began the calculation. Was this the El-mustapha everyone was talking about? When he finished, he talked with a gritty voice before he walked away. The first thing he did was calling Adeelah.
"I am at the gate." He said and ended the call.
Adeelah's heart pounced in her chest. She didn't know why it did that whenever she had to meet Ameer. Her feet went cold. She sighed and excused herself out.
She walked gently towards the gate, hoping she wouldn't meet anyone. Just when she placed her hand on the door beside the gate, someone pushed it in. She shifted and there, as she stood on her way to see someone she called her love, Salisu appeared. She swallowed a lump when their eyes met.
Salisu smiled.
"Dillaliya, where to?"
Adeelah fluttered her lashes, her lips moving in sync with the flutter. She giggled. "I just want some fresh air. Uh... The sound in there is unbearable, and you—" Salisu only stared at her. He had seen Ameer outside and they even talked. She didn't have to lie.
"You either go back or I announce to Ameer that you're my wife. You can't deny it." He said with finality.
Adeelah grimaced. "Salisu what are you thinking? What is wrong with you? Just because I even waited to hear you out? Just shift let me pass before I become angry." She finished with a low tone.
Salisu threw his hands in the air. "Well, it's your choice." Then he turned to leave. Adeelah grabbed his shirt. What was he trying to do?
"Please. Just five minutes. I'm just going to talk to him. Please." She pleaded feeling as if a load had been placed on her. She had to do this, if not Salisu would do the unthinkable.
Salisu looked at her and turned again.
"Five minutes only. I stay here to check my time." Adeelah nodded and opened the door again.
"Come back here."
"Salisu!" With that, she ran out because she couldn't risk coming back lest he would lay a rule, which she might not be able to follow.
Update for all of you asking. Thanks to Hafeesah for motivation.
By the next chapter, we will know who Halimah is. Till then. I've it half typed for more than three weeks, I hope I finish it soon. Btw, we are a half away from the end.
Don't forget to V.C.S.
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