In place of going home, Ameer felt the need to go and greet his mother. He felt awful for not visiting her over the past two weeks even though he called her every morning. He told the driver to take him to Shagari quarters where his mother's residence was. He texted Hidaya and told her that he won't be back on time.
He was raised by a single mother, his father died when he's young. His father was also a Journalist that worked with a famous Nigerian television station that's owned by English men. His father was assassinated on his way back from work and the assassinators were yet to be discovered. Everyone knew about the tragic news because his father used to be an influential persona.
When the rickshaw stopped, he stepped down and paid the man his due. He opened the gate of his parents' house and entered.
Seeing the vast surrounding reminded him of those days when it's always pothering with people, day and night. Now his father was gone and all the people had stopped coming.
He remembered when he used to play with his cousins because he was the only child in the house. He felt nostalgic and shook his head. Gone were the days and they would never return. That's why it's good to live a moment cheerfully and enjoy it to the extreme end because once it ends it won't be back.
He pushed the glass door that would connect him to his mother's side. He made his salam and trudged inner. Everything was in place because his mother hired someone to be cleaning up the house for her as she couldn't because of her business.
She wasn't old and wrinkled. She still possessed a vernal look that made men syncope over her. Ameer could remember when she told him that she was considering marrying again but he stopped her. And so she gave up.
He had taken the way to her biggest room when he heard her shoe smack-dabbing the tiles. The scent of her perfume hit his nose and he smiled.
There she emerged garbed in a jean skirt and a shirt with a kimono on top. She looked much younger than the last time had seen her.
He suddenly went on his knees. His mother was among the type of women that demanded a lot of respect. He heard that she used to turn people with the flick of her finger and that when his father was alive, everything was done with her decision. He didn't know if all was true because he was young when his father was forced to leave the world.
All he knew was she loved to be respected no matter how little the age gap was. That side of her made it very difficult for him to get a wife and get married on time. Each girl he brought to greet her, after she's left, his Mumma would say the girl didn't know how to greet and respect elders or she greeted her like she was on a trampoline. She liked to call it spring greeting and she hated it.
"Good evening Mumma." She looked at him for a moment.
It's been a while since he came and she's pretty sure that it was his wife that wanted to separate a mother and her child. Then, Hidaya's a bloody liar if she had ever thought she would take her place. Her son was hers alone and it's mandatory for him to put her first before any other peanut woman called a wife.
"Has she given you the permission to come and greet me?" She asked, sitting down on a chair with a pallette of eyeshadow on her hand. She applied it to the crease of her eye and looked at Ameer who squatted limp.
She loved makeup since before the evulsion of the modern makeup. She was used to drawing a straight line on her brows, lining her lips with a khol before applying the famous green Taiwan lipstick that later changes to pink. Hausa people called it 'Kan ta kile.'
He didn't know what to tell his mother. He didn't like the way she thought Hidaya was controlling him. Thing was Hidaya didn't have such ascendancy over him, he knew his wife so much. Sure, he's pliant to her wishes because she's his companion and garment not his slave.
Hidaya respected his mother like her own so he didn't understand why his mother disliked Hidaya ever since after the marriage.
"Mumma, Hidaya is no match for you. She's not up to the level of comparison with you, you're my mother and she's my wife. Mumma comes first." She smiled upon hearing that. She didn't want her son to be controlled by some outside woman. That's it. It had to be noted.
"I was just so occupied. Now I just came from work to greet you." His mother applied her now modern glistening white lipgloss that tasted like sugar and smiled again.
"How're you Ameer?" She asked now feeling at ease.
"Fine Mumma. I missed you." He shifted to where she sat with a lot of thoughts ongoing in his head. Being a man's really difficult sometimes.
"Come here," she engulfed him in her hold like he were a baby. Well, he would forever be her only baby. She loved him so much because he's the only child she had. And he brought a lot of joy to her life then and still that's why she don't want to lose him.
"I miss staying here Mumma." He said in a babyish voice that made him appeared small in her hold. Mum, sweet mum.
"Don't spend this long without paying me a visit. You heard me right? Let me bring food for you." She ambled to the kitchen and came back with a plate of rice and liver sauce.
Ameer grinned and collected the plate with gleam.
They started chattering and she cancelled her outing for the day for him. Ameer didn't leave until ten at the night when his car was brought back by the family mechanic.
Hidaya saw his message but it made her uneasy because he didn't state where he was going to. What if he's going to hang out with some of his colleagues? She heard that some of them were flirty and they wanted her husband's attention. She couldn't just imagine him with any of them or other woman. Her mother warned her about those looseheaded women out there. She told her to be vigilant of them and her mother in-law. If not they would snatch him out of her grasp and she would never have him back in her hold although he's yet to be completely captive by her.
She had been bouncing up and down in her parlour fisting and unfisting her hand. She had been looking forward to his arrival. She wanted to try what Maama told her tonight but he's yet back which meant it would hardly be possible.
Hidaya didn't cook dinner either because she was angry with him. She didn't wear any makeup like she used to, everyday. She's just dressed in her normal nightwear so that he would understand the situation
She was sitting down tensed in the heart, when his horn came. She refused to go out. Ameer opened the gate himself and closed it. He made a salam but Hidaya mumbled a reply underneath her breath. He looked at her and noticed the hard look she's wearing.
He smiled, knowing her so well. Ameer went inside his room, showered and came out.
"Why is she fuming?" He asked, sitting beside her. Hidaya moved away.
"Well done Hidaya, hope the house work wasn't much?" He asked in lieu, since she won't ask him about work.
Hidaya eyed him. "Fine."
Ameer yawned. "Mumma says her greetings. I have been there since after work." He explained.
Hidaya felt some anger rising to her throat. Why would he visit his mother without telling her. She didn't like the way he's always glued to his mother. The attraction between Ameer and his mother was making her feel worthless. Like she didn't matter much to him or she wasn't of any importance to him. She wanted to be the only woman in his heart and all.
"Oh nice." She commented trying to stay calm.
"I am sorry for staying late. I've been thinking of you all day long and I couldn't wait to come home to you, my solace." He spoke, trying to have her attention with him.
Hidaya felt the anger dissipating into the air. That's what she wanted. To be the only one he see as she was instigated.
"I missed you too." She mumbled.
"No you didn't. I didn't see any sign. You're not even wearing my favorite nighty..."
"Oh..." She mouthed.
"Come with me for a minute." She winked. Ameer laughed and followed her to their room.
He relaxed on the bed and waited for her to come out of the bathroom. She slipped in to the bathroom and he started dozing off. Minutes later, she's out all dressed with an abaya. He scrunched his face at her playfully. Hidaya ignored his facials and laid beside him. She pulled the cover over her body.
"It's cold today you know?" She said. Ameer twisted his lips at her.
"Yeah I know," he said, moving her face closer to him. He carresed her cheeks adorably and placed a gentle smooch on them.
"You will stop feeling it soon." His hand landed on her abaya. She held it with a laughter, thinking of what she's about to say.
"Emm I have been wanting to tell you, I want to buy a golden necklace sweetiesh..." She said stopping him from what he wanted to do.
Ameer heaved a sigh. This was the second time she was indirectly asking him for something in a time like that. She should have waited and ask him in the morning, by Allah he would grant her wish if he could. But asking him at that moment was making her silly and making him look like he wasn't with his wife.
Those small words ruined his mood and chased away all the feelings he had within him earlier. He turned his face away.
"Sleep Hidaya." He said, slowly
Hidaya didn't know what to do. She wrapped her hands around him and began to sleep. She was not in the mood even so it's a winwin for her.
When Ameer heard her snoring, he checked the time. It's past eleven. He remembered the lady he met during the day. He silently slipped out of Hidaya's hold and fetched his phone from the parlour. He came back and went under the cover.
He looked at Hidaya's pretty face as she slept. He loved her so much except that this days she had started developing new habits. He would talk to her about them all during the weekend. Ameer kissed her forehead and turned around.
He entered his WhatsApp and searched for Adeelah's number. She's online. He wondered what she's doing at that time. He sent her a message hoping that she would reply on time because he's feeling bored.
Adeelah had tossed on the bed numerous times but sleep refused to come. She decided to check her whatsApp to chat with Fatimah that's if Fatimah's fiance's not online.
Fatimah wasn't online, she's hardly online those days which made Adeelah think something was wrong but Fatimah affirmed to her all was good with her. She checked her class group and saw that there won't be morning lecture because the lecturer won't come. She thanked God because she won't have to go out early.
That made her remember that she didn't talk to Abba about that lecturer. When she went to tell him, she saw Hafsatu with him that's why she didn't and then it skipped her mind. She would tell him in the morning by Allah's will. And she didn't even get to tell aunt Siddiqa. Maybe she would tell her on videocall the next day.
Adeelah was about to exit when a message popped. She checked it and checked the display picture.
It's a picture of two hands entwined together. One was a male one whilst the other was covered with henna. Obviously Ameer and Hidaya's hand. She pouted and shrugged then replied his message.
It amazed her to see that it was read at the same second. She smiled happily and when she greeted him she said she's going to sleep. She had to drag her class.
Ameer said it's fine and he was sleeping the same time.
Adeelah: Don't forget to pray and read suratul Mulk.
Ameer: Thank you sister, goodnight.
Adeelah left the message on read. With a smile on her face, she fell asleep.
Ah, goodnight.
Oh I remember, my name has been nominated under the most friendly writer category on arewa wattpadians award (A.W.A.) if you think I am friendly, please go and add an inline comment of +1 on my name.
I will be so grateful. Thank you as you do.
Vote and comment because I have the next four chapters written and that's where the drama begins💃💃💃
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