The Kabo family woke up to a tragedy that morning.
As the whole family mourned, El-Mustapha sat down as though he's unaffected with the whole death.
It's the shocking phase for him, of disbelief. As much as he wanted to believe it happened, his mind opposed it.
The death of Baba Kabo had shaken him to the core.
Whilst everyone cried for the loss, his eyes wandered to Baffa Kabo and saw how pitiful he looked. Well, he pulled the act well for a brother who lost his only brother that remained. His eyes were very red and his eyes were hollow.
Some part of his heart wanted to believe that he knew nothing about the death, as per the person behind the death of Baba Kabo.
Although it looked like a natural death, and was announced today, El Mustapha knew that Baba Kabo died two days ago. He had called a doctor to do an autopsy secretly and tell him the result.
Now, things were too much for him. It's been days since he left Adeelah at France and he knew her family must be panicking now.
Instead on dwelling on the thoughts of who had possibly killed his father figure, he stood up. He met a few prople whom he exchanged and accepted condolences from. He's alerted that Baffa's eyes had been perched on his movements. So he decided to go back and sit for now. He would mourn for seven days with the family here at Kaduna before they leave for London.
Meanwhile, he would find a way to communicate with Muhammad about the strings that held them and then the woman between them. For now, family first. The fake family first , just to avoid suspicion because he knew he's being closely watched. Very closely.
Seven days later, Salisu showed up before Muhammad's door with his bag. When he knocked, with a grin on his face, he expected to have Muhammad there with a gloomy face but unexpectedly, Muhammad had a grin plastered on his face as if the world was on his favor.
"You come in." He gestured him in. Salish grinned again and mumbled a thanks.
Once in and seated, his eyes dropped on a diary book. Suddenly he's filled with the urge to flip over the pages and see what's in it.
"Water or tea?" Muhammad asked.
"Coffee with zero cream." Absentmindedly, Salisu answered. That coming, Muhammad was forced to stop and walk back. Salisu barely noticed because his mind was far away.
Muhammad's instinctively smiled. No way he's letting Salisu out of that house without hearing what he wanted to hear. But for now, coffee it's. He would like to see where this will head to. Like it's very crazy. Suddenly, he felt like Adeelah was safe. Hell, if that turned right, he would be so glad. He's a former SS and he had a trained mind to know if a man was hiding behind an identity. Surely, Salisu was a disguise persona. But he wanted to know why.
Brewing the coffee was the fastest thing he did. Once in the parlor, with duo cups on the table, he decided to try a trick.
"My wife, Adeelah will be out soon."
He nearly sighed in triumph because there's no way he would miss the slight wave of shock that passed through Salisu's face. It's intriguing.
"Oh nice." Salisu mouthed.
"So you said your name is Salisu?" Muhammad picked. So Salisu couldn't help but bust out a laugh.
"I think we are better off all this. I mean we should be straightforward rather than beating around the bush, suspecting each other. Shouldn't we?" Muhammad was surprised that was coming from Salisu.
"Noah wouldn't be proud if the little bird was here. Anyway, you're the one beating around." He added. Muhammad eyed Salisu and then darted his gaze towards his untouched diary.
He's still confused as a mouse that saw a cheese on a trap. Should he take the risk? Was that a threat? No way Salisu would be his brother!
"You didn't peer at my diary!" Muhammad blurted as though he was some young boy warning his mate against touching his property.
"Wouldn't that be better than telling you i have some magical powers?"
Muhammad had heard enough, so he stood up. His patience was slimming off with each passing second. He's afraid of his outburst once Salisu spends another second without another explanation.
"Calm down." Salisu whispered and took a sip of the coffee.
"Nice coffee by the way."
"Calling the police is the next thing I'm going to do. I won't even pretend or lie to you." Muhammad declared, because at this point in time, he's clueless. All his gift of manipulating people suddenly flew. He won't even lie to say he wasn't scared. He wouldn't lie even more to say he trust Salisu. He had never trust him since the first time he led his eyes on him. He knew the man was cunning, he knew he's smart too and he's doing all this purposely. He wished he remained calm though, he would have figured out this easily. Anyway it's not too late for some amendments. So he smiled and sat down.
"That's a prank by the way." He said, picking up the remote of his television. He hoped Salisu would let it slide.
"Oh i guess we all are jokers." Salisu played along if that was what his brother wanted. He'd come with the intention of revealing stff to him but since the whole conversation had taken another angle, so be it.
"Let's pretend we all are." Salisu added, taking the last sip of the coffee.
The newscaster on the television revealed a woman broadcasting about the death of Baba Kabo. Suddenly the screen showed the mourning scene and it showed ElMustapha. Muhammad noticed something faster than he should.
"We are gonna pretend that you don't understand English to even request for a creamless coffee with a very nice accent and then to listen to the news with such keen interest."
Salisu remained quiet.
"We all good then." Salisu said, eyeing Muhammad's diary.
"Let's pretend you're not planning on stealing my diary." The two men laughed upon that.
"I think the pretense game is over as i take my leave without even meeting your wife. Let's pretend she's your wife. Let's pretend she's in there." With that statement, as far as Salisu could, he walked out. Like a flash of lightening, when Muhammad followed him out, he couldn't see him.
When he went back in, he couldn't pretend that his diary was there sitting pretty. It's really gone.
But he saw a piece of paper.
Your, our, my wife is safe.
What in the broad daylight was that? Theft and some creepy sheet of a paper? Who the goodness was this man? Salisu was a threat. Salisu was really a threat. He would go for him, for now without the involvement of the police. He's ready for the chase and the game. But he didn't know was, he would never see Salisu again. There in Nigeria. Because the Salisu mask had only seven days to remain a face than a piece of leather.
"You know it's been two weeks since I'm here. I'm counting by the way. Miss Celine i need some freaking explanations." Adeelah went hysterically crazy because what nonsense was that? She woke up to find herself there! If she wasn't sure of the event that happened before she stepped out of her house, she would have admit that she'd lost her mind.
"None of us meant no harm." Celine answered her, Adeelah nodded disagreeingly.
"Okay okay i will be calm. But you need to tell me where in this world you hid my father! I mean you can't call me and bring me into this paradise like mansion. I mean why are you even white and French like? Where is this place in Nigeria? Some underground mansion of a political mogul who's theft alot of money and decided to invest it here than to be caught and somehow he kidnapped my Abba for some rituals? Oh i get it. So Abba is his agent. Some ritual stuff agent that brings human stuff to cover up himself away from being caught and maybe to get some more more thousands of dollars and nairas. God! Maybe he's even out there building mosques and orphanage homes pretending to be some one holy crap of a human! I mean that's how all these rich people are..." the air in her lungs exhausted and she's forced to stop to catch in some grams in in order to keep blabbering.
Celine found that amusing so she busted. This lady had been giving her good times over the days. It's enough to keep her mind away from her cheating boyfriend who's there chasing every blonde he's seen leaving her all alone to fend for herself. Anyway she's broken up with him in her mind, already. The thought alone made her face red.
"I wonder why you didn't choke. Cause that's alot all that once."
"Your English is so good by the way." Adeelah glared at her.
"I'm done for the day. If you need anything, you can dial my number downstairs using that intercom. I live very close by." Adeelah rolled her eyes again. This woman obviously didn't know about her Abba's whereabouts.
So, she smiled.
"Thanks anyway for not allowing them to slit me open and throw my carcass on the road."
Celine laughed. "Have a nice time in France, sweetie."
Adeelah's jaw nearly dropped.
The next day when she woke up, she heard some sound coming from the kitchen. She knew it's Celine but the thing was Celine normally knock on her door and shout "don't be frenzied, i just walked in."
But after nearly an hour, she decided to see for herself. When she walked down, she didn't bother that she's in a three quarter short and a shirt. It's always her and Celine in the house anyway. And it's always warm in the house. She knew outside was cold because she had once open the windows and was hit by the breeze. Occasionally, she would watch the sunset from her window and marvel at it's beauty. She had once imagine escaping but seeing that she's definitely dying if she jumped, the idea of jumping became a history. She would rather be patient and see what this meant.
She wondered how Abba was. How her family were taking all these and how Muhammad was faring. Thinking of him always brought tears to her eyes. Now that she's up, she even forgot that she had a dream. And bizarrely, she dreamt of Salisu. That too, not a very decent one.
She's filled with guilt minutes ago before hearing the sound from the kitchen but she wouldn't blame herself. She's closer to Salisu when they were married than that woodenly made Muhammad that had nectar flowing in his veins. Whatever. He's surely made of woods.
So faltering to the kitchen was slow, when she reached the kitchen, she screamed upon seeing the figure of a man. Her scream obviously startled him so he sharply turned.
"Salisu???" Her scream even went wilder and louder. He's forced to stop grilling the sausage he's working on and walk to her aid, damning himself for being so stubborn to walk in the kitchen. He thought she would be asleep! And he wanted to make breakfast because he didn't feel like eating out and Celine called in sick to report. She's even tried.
"Oh my God. Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. I can't believe this. No, no, no..." she shook her head, tears on the verge of tripping like downpour on her face. Salisu was terrified of the look of horror on her face but he didn't know why she had that look. It shredded him though.
He didn't plan to face her now.
"No Salisu. No. It can't be you. It can't be you who kidnapped my Abba. But it wasn't your voice... no Salisu." She repeated, inching back till a volt of dizziness carried her away.
And she fainted for the second time in her life.
Both times, same cause. Same human. Salisu. Her chauffeur.
Hello, salam alaikum!
I had fun writing this chapter, I don't even know why. And i wrote it nearly under one hour. It seemed to me like i was writing a different book. Did you feel the vibe in the words?😂 anyway how was it?
We could see about daily update if the votes and comments are promising enough!
Dedicated to all my fans that checked on me. Specifically, Hannah. Thank you all.
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