Silver :18
"This will suit your skin better Ma'am" I said showing the SPF 50 sunscreen of some local product.
"Will it be just like yours? "Asked the girl of my age.
"Absolutely" I smiled politely,
The hell it will be.
My job was basically to fool customers into buying the products that just came out; a mediocre brand. I could do worse like waiting tables or apologizing to Disha.
I gagged
Anything is better than that.
So far, everything was going fine. There was quite a crowd in just three days in the mall.
I got my salary raised too!
What can I do...Wherever I go crowd follows me nothing new.
Just for the month had to go with it till my punishment is over. This time I would make sure to get my money out in cash. So I will have savings in my hand.
"I want lipstick of the shade you are putting," said a woman.
"Me?" That's Chanel dear
"Or I could show this exclusive one, only three are available" I whispered like a secret, turning around to get it from the downwards shelf of the glass rack. I picked a cherry-pink one from the stock.
Like full stock
"Have a look isn't it a unique shade?"
The woman analysed it frowning.
Smiling I opened the seal, "Ma'am trust me you have a natural beauty and a little touch-up will make you look splendid you don't even need makeup"
The woman applied the lipstick satisfied with the compliment.
I stifled an eye roll.
"Come on Serra let's see what's this crowd about?"
"I don't like the crowd you want to buy makeup you get it I will wait for you in the food court"
"No no, don't run away Serra, get something before we meet Dhruv "
That name got my attention, I stepped out of the crowd letting the other staff do the selling.
Two girls looked somewhere my age. One wore a short green middie with black boots she had a rabbit ears hairband with rhinestones. I liked her attire.
She was no doubt pretty and had a mischievous smile on her lips while her friend looked very basic in a black outfit. She had big spectacles and a high pony. But there was sharpness and sense of awareness in her big eyes that smart people have, they landed on me noticing them. She raised her brow her other friend pulled her towards my stall.
"Excuse me, hello? Can anyone hear me? Oh it's so crowded I can even do a contemporary dance and no one will give a damn" said the second girl.
Both of them approached me.
"Hey, how can I help you? This is pearl brand it's newly launched we have everything according to the affordable range and quality" I repeated like a robot.
"I like your lipstick! It's Chanel I have a similar shade" said the second girl pointing at me.
I forced a laugh," what do you want?"
My eyes glanced at the spectacles one.
She studied me intriguingly at my I'd badge while her friend was looking through the products, "Silver, nice name" she said then smiled warmly. Correction she was not plain Jane ..she had this smile that made her stood out
I was confused.
"Ah we want lip oil do you have" her friend spoke
"Huh... of course Lemme get you"
"Oh Silver bells you did a job a regular work that the person does under someone -"
"Oh okay Google shut up"
Tashfee continued nevertheless that bitch never shuts up
"you gave respect to random people you called Ma'am, Sir to those who you won't look twice at, YOU pleased them and gave compliments -
"It was all facade Tashfee" I waved it off, my eyes and mind still on those two girls.
Just because they mentioned Dhruv's name doesn't mean it was the same one. And if it was so what?? I have to be away from him. I am a woman with self-respect and that guy is a piece of shit.
He doesn't even deserve a fragment of my attention and I would be damned if I waste millisecond of my life to think about him.
I couldn't shake off this weird feeling in my stomach. What if both girls were his exes or worse current girlfriends? Maybe he had his harem of girls that's why he didn't need others.
"Wait a second Why are we following them?" Tashfee asked stopping with narrowed eyes.
I acted innocent," following? Who? I am checking out umm" I looked at the nearest store in the mall.
Baby clothes
"clothes for your children and my nephews and nieces ... nothing better than to be prepared early "
"Oh come on Silver you think I haven't noticed -
"Quick they going to Pizza Hut" I said since now it was no use to put up that act
Tashfee rushed to catch up with me with her shopping bags with cat food in them, as I peered through the glass doors of Pizza Hut forgetting every promise I made myself to stay away from him.
The girls were inside and were meeting...A guy...
In sweatpants, hand messing his inky black hair and arrogant personality.
He turned his dark eyes at the entrance I turned around just in time holding a hand to my chest.
That's him...
Oh how am I always right?
"I see this is about your asshole roll"
"Shhh" I sushed Tashfee with a finger on my lips, "let's go" I called her leaving
"Yes let's go inside" she said with a savage smile
I faked a laugh, "Of course and waste our time ...not my thing"
We can't go inside
"Huhh... and stalking is?"
"Dial it down a notch, Tashfee I need a best friend not a bitch right now let's just go"
"No, what you need is a rude awakening now!"
She got inside through the glass doors
I hissed. Why did she never listen to me!? Fudge fudge!
that's why I loved her
"What awakening? Wasn't it you who said to stay away from him!? " I followed her uninterestedly.
"At least try to be sneaky " I alerted her pulling to my side, less visible from their table
We reached a few tables behind theirs opting for a different lane.
"We can't even hear from this table what's the point? this is ridiculous!" I complained not liking the view of the three having some discussion. Dhruv's back faced me so I didn't know what was happening there which was making me more annoyed.
Tashfee observed me with her wavering eyes.
"You are changed Silver Bells, you hiding, stalking is this really the Silver I knew?"
"Exactly I stalk no boys they stalk me "I got up haughtily.
"No no, Silver you are not understanding me the Silver I knew would never be this coward by now she would have gone to asshole roll's table and acted foolish but not hiding"
I paused this does sound like me but honestly, I was too tired something about imagining one of them being his Miss Newton burned my chest like anything. I don't want to even glance there way anymore, the image was so ugly and infuriating I wanted to burn this place down
"You look unsure," Tashfee said, "maybe this is not a good idea after all let's go"
"I want to keep the distance from him I don't want to be forcibly be a part of his life.. he is...just so.." I paused what was this emotion choking me, I cleared my throat damn ...this is pathetic,
" so hurtful and a jerk in all Caps"
"AWW, you are falling for him"
I rolled my eyes", really"
Was I?
As we were leaving someone shouted, "That's the girl from the cosmetics!"
Please.... don't be me, don't be me
"Silver" said Dhruv's voice
"Oh shit..."Tashfee said
"Yeah oh shit" I sighed.
I turned around slowly gathering all my wits.
We were quite unwillingly dragged to their tables where it appeared something personal was going on, especially Dhruv and that spectacles girl because he was behaving like she didn't exist he was even looking at me right now when usually would not even spare a glance.
We were meeting like after two days because at School I was minding my business and he also didn't stumble into my ways.
Honestly, I had forgotten he existed until now ...and that would be a lie. I broke the eye contact from his deep gaze and found Serra watching us silently, there were no signs of jealousy just plain observation.
"What cosmetic Divyanshi?"Dhruv asked
I frowned why was he interested in me suddenly?
Divyanshi the girl who called me...she was very friendly....like excessively friendly ... A disease should be named after such people called excessively friendly disorder.
"Oh yes, I and Serra met her she was selling the product it's her brand-
"Not my brand" I corrected with a tight smile
Dhruv expression turned to curious now
"Sales girl," the girl matching his dress theme code all black, aka Serra said
I flushed deep red with embarrassment under Dhruv's surprised reaction.
"That's what they are called correct me if I am wrong?" Serra asked, don't know if that girl was being mean or just had a straightforward nature.
Well if it was the first case lemme tell her who is the mean queen
" No you are right and I am the sales girl and she was taking my place for the day" Tashfee said before I could snap.
I looked at her with a silent thank you.
She clasped my hand in reassurance and also to say cool down
Serra glanced at me SHE SAW MY NAME ON THE BADGE! She didn't say anything simply sipped from her coke.
I don't know what to do and the moment turn to an awkward silence. We didn't know each other FYI! I wanted to scream at Dhruv to tell me who were they??
Divyanshi clapped her hands, "Alright people alright... anyways you all do the introduction we coming in a minute come um-" she got up looking at me expectedly.
Um, what? I sat cluelessly
"Silver " Tashfee nudged me
"Yeah come Silver!" Before I could say anything she almost dragged me to the restroom and now I was really annoyed by this behaviour. This was enough. I stopped in a mood to tell her off and just get lost who was she anyway?
She turned around, "I am sorry for this like dragging you and your friend in the middle of something bizarre...it's just I am in a tight situation.... out there is my friend and my brother's best friend who are now enemies. it's kind of complicated oh my god like very complicated but you don't need to know the details anyway they had a thing; Serra and Dhruv bhaiya but then it just didn't work out -
"Miss Newton" I blurted remembering that was what Dhruv called or as I was told by my sources.
"Oh yes, how do you know? He told you can't believe that.... Anyway, we can discuss this later. I am trying to make things okay between them when they both don't want to see each other basically it's Dhruv bhaiya's end I have successfully managed to convince Serra for that I deserve some prize! Although...it sucks the entire situation sucks nothing is working out we are suffocating literally out of passive aggression... so I called you .. please help me I am alone and I am doing a very bad job oh my god I am asking a stranger for help this sounds nuts I sound nuts "she was near breakdown.
"Chill it's completely alright Dhruv is like a good peer of mine"
What a joke
" I would be happy to help, ah. If you don't mind can I ask what happened between him and Miss- Serra" I added innocently," to understand the situation.... of course "
Divyanshi looked at me sighing in relief that I agreed, "Oh thank God Silver you are an angel like literally and figuratively you must have heard a lot but you are really beautiful like very beautiful"
"Ahh thank you.. we are staying here for long aren't we?" I laughed.
Tell me the backstory already kid,
"Gosh, they must be thinking what we are doing this long? I mean this sounds so gay"
"Haha, so what happened with your brother -"
"Not my brother Dhruv is my brother's best friend, kinda brother too so you are right.....see the crux is nothing really happened, they didn't date or something Dhruv was like in love with Serra and Serra considered him nothing but a friend. And something more happened like she broke his trust or whatever since then he doesn't want to see Serra's face ever It wasn't her fault it's. ...just a miscommunication and a bit of misunderstanding which can be sorted out if they talk..... if Dhruv bhaiya talks. They were really good friends after all. And you must know Dhruv doesn't let anyone in easily in his life. He is like a very closed person. "
"Oh tell me about it" I mumbled
"So when Serra hurt him he was very disheartened. He is a great person .. Silver, he is bad at showing but his actions speak for himself "
I gave a forced smile..... of course...the actions, the brutal insults and mocking.....I nodded
"You are not believing and I can understand he acts very rude but that's how he has always been, since I know him"
Not always ..he was different when I knew him
"but trust me he cares a lot about his close ones. They are a few or negligible"
Or none
" ...but he will treat them like gems. Uff the girl he loves will be a very lucky one he is a kinda person who would literally die for love the kind you read in books and movies. .."
I coughed masking my laugh this was so ridiculous.
Honestly, she was talking about a different Dhruv here parallel universe kind and I was bored asf.
"Alas he fell for the wrong person ....Serra is nice but I feel she's more or less a bit emotionless like way too mature and controlled for him. He needs someone who is full of emotions and will constantly poke him, constantly keep him on edge and get him out of his shell. He doesn't need a damsel or princess no matter how much he likes the role of prince he needs a witch. A cunning gorgeous witch to keep him in line " she laughed.
There was silence from my end I was still processing all this information that was bombarded on me suddenly.
"We should go...just stay there with me for a while then you can go .. sorry for rambling off like that my brother says I have no mute button "
"Couldn't agree more" I said
"Oh god, you didn't say that" she acted insulted.
"I will match you two up .... do give me your number on the way"
"Sure" I replied with a smirk.
The brother...
Dhruv's enemy...
"I thought you went home or something, " Tashfee said sitting alone eating garlic bread. I told her not to eat those ...so bad for the health. She smiled sheepishly.
"Where are those two?" Divyanshi asked walking quickly and looking around
"I am here "Serra said coming from the doorway and sitting back in her seat.
"Where's Dhruv Bhaiya?"
"Where's Dhruv?" I noticed they went out maybe and she came alone.
Serra again looked at me with that look like she was figuring out what was going on or she already had,
"He left"
"Whaaatt? Why?" Divyanshi grumbled
"He doesn't want to talk about anything we both know Divyanshi we can't tie him down he is not ready to forget this soon. We can't turn back time" Serra shrugged there was an anguish now in her brown eyes.
"I am going too I have to be somewhere" I picked up my purse. That's it for today.
"Yeah "Tashfee got up finishing her bread. I sighed
"He might be in the crockery store right now.. he likes cooking," Serra told me.
"Why are you telling me this?" I asked.
"I saw how he was looking at you" Serra said softly
With hate? Disgust?
She didn't elaborate and I didn't ask.
The detailed version of Serra and Dhruv's story is available in FALL AGAIN story!
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