More. Deal With It.
What's this!? Another chapter in the space of 24 hours?! Damn, Trix! You're on a roll!! This one's short but it's better than hiatus for a week :)
Clear's POV
My eyes felt heavy and my whole body ached, especially my lower back and butt. Jeez, how much sex did we have? Poor Noiz, he must be in agony...
I forced my eyes open to see Noiz curled up against me, still in the cop outfit.
I gently pried myself from his protective hold and handed him the pillow so he wouldn't pull me back like last time. I smiled at how he pulled it towards him protectively. Even while he slept he tried his best to keep me safe.
I slid off the bed slowly so I didn't wake him. The moment I put weight on my legs I regretted bothering getting out of bed.
"Ouch!!" I shouted in pain. My knees buckled under me, causing yet another scream of pain.
"Clear!! What's wrong!? Are you okay?! Where are you!?!!?!" Noiz's voice was frantic behind me.
"Down here.... I think you took the statement 'fuck you so hard you won't walk for a week' too seriously... I can't get up... my legs won't hold any weight right now..." I pouted.
"I'm so sorry Clear... come here, I'll help you up." He smiled warmly. I reached up to his outstretched hands and he pulled me onto the bed gently.
"I feel so pathetic... I can't even take this off since I can't even stand..." I pouted.
"One, I don't want you to take it off anyway, two, you aren't pathetic. its my fault anyway, I shouldn't have been so rough with you." He smiled.
"But I like it like that... It wouldn't be as fun if you went gentle!!" I countered.
"I'm glad you do."
"So while I was blindfolded, what was it that you did?" I said sheepishly.
".... I whipped your ass and dripped hot wax on your chest." He replied in the same manner.
"Yeah, hot wax isn't my favourite thing. Vibrators are!!" I beamed.
"I noticed you're such a slut for them!!" He smirked.
"Hehe. I'm your little slut. But I prefer yours to the artificial one though." I smiled, pecking his lips.
"But it doesn't vibrate" he said.
"But, it's bigger, warmer, can cum, tastes nicer, has freaking sexy piercings, and, my favourite, it's attached to you, my sexy boyfriend, who rocks a cop costume!!" I countered.
"Oh really? Wanna do it again? Taste it? I'm up for another round!!" He smirked.
"But I hurt all over... you must feel like shit too, you did all the work with no energy whatsoever!!!" I pouted.
"And how did I do that? My awesome and invincible sex drive can counter any pain or lack of energy!!" He beamed.
"And what about me?" I raised an eyebrow at him.
"I'll fuck you till you feel only pleasure. All your pain will go away!!" He smirked, pulling me onto his lap.
His dick was already hard. Typical. I climbed off him and replaced my butt with my mouth. I sucked him off roughly, causing him to buck his hips into my mouth.
~time skip. If there wasn't much action in the last chapter I would've finished this~~
Noiz was right. Sex took my mind off the pain. Until the pain went away completely - which took about five days to Noiz's luck - my time consisted of sex and cuddling, never leaving that bed until I was better.
Once I felt better, my first decision was to change out of that costume. I put on a pair of pale blue jeans, green shirt and white hoodie. I also put on my usual boots.
I went out for a quiet stroll while Noiz slept peacefully, latched onto the pillow he thought was me.
I wandered around the surrounding forest around grandfather's house idly.
Something hit my head with much force, knocking me out.
*time skip. I'm so sorry, I'm doing it again.... Noiz please don't kill me*
Noiz's POV
I woke up to find Clear missing. Where could he be?!
"Clear!!" I called. No answer.
"CLEAR. GET YOUR AS OUT HERE!!!!" I screamed, trying to get his attention. No answer.
I jumped out of bed and pulled on my green and black shorts and a green hoodie.
I rushed from room to room, searching for my missing lover. Nothing.
I sprinted out of the house to see if he went out for a walk. I saw a guy wearing a red kimono in the distance.
"Koujaku, bastard!!" I shouted, sprinting towards him. He held something in his arms.
Fear and worry spread though me as I recognised the person lying lifeless in his arms.
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