Third Person POV:
"Let's play something!" Hoseok urged when everyone was once again settled around the small campfire they made themselves.
The rest were indulged in roasting their marshmallows. A great amount of the said snacks were burnt cause they left them in the fire for way too long.
It was getting chilly now and even though they were sitting near the fire, the air was cold and they had to wrap themselves in decent amount of layers. Seokjin and Namjoon shared a blanket, sitting closely together, giggling every now and then at some nonsense.
Hoseok and Jungkook had blankets of their own, draped around their chilly bodies. Opposite to them sat Yoongi and Jimin who were fighting subtly for the blanket they shared.
As Jimin was too lazy to go and grab himself a separate blanket, he just scooted closer to the older and forcibly made them share a blanket, a content smile on his face when Yoongi sighed in defeat.
Taehyung was sitting between Jungkook and Namjoon without a blanket since he claimed he wasn't cold after Hoseok offered to share his blanket with him, although he shivered every once in a while, earning a weird glance from Jungkook.
"What do you wanna play?" Yoongi questioned, a blush on his cheeks; he was tipsy.
"Truth or dare!"
"That's so basic!" Yoongi retorted and Hoseok slumped back, eating the half-burnt marshmallow with a small pout.
"Then let's spice it a bit. Let's play truth or drink!" Seokjin suggested and everyone agreed, they were way too drunk for some stupid dares, truth sounded a bit less tiring and since they had basically nothing to do so why not play.
"I'll start first!"Jimin volunteered as he grabbed an empty soju bottle and placed it on the grassy field.
Jungkook took a shot glance at Taehyung and saw him shivering. The raven head sighed and muttered something to himself before moving closer to the male who rubbed his hands in attempts of keeping them warm.
Gently he draped the blanket around him, Taehyung flinched at the sudden intrusion but sighed in contentment at the sudden warmth engulfing his senses. Jungkook's bulky self provided him far more heat than the blanket could ever and he was more that grateful for that.
"Thank you." Taehyung mouthed to the raven head who just smiled back slightly in response before turning to the rest of the group who were getting ready for the game.
"Okay! So now the rules! If you don't wanna answer, you'll drink!" Namjoon took the lead and explained, the others listened intently, although it sounded pretty basic, they still agreed.
Jimin took the first turn and spun the bottle, all eyes were focused on the empty piece of glass, their eyeballs keeping up with the fast spinning.
Everyone cheered tipsily and encouraged Jimin to ask something fun. The said male thought for quite a while, eyebrows knitted in utter concentration before smiling and facing the male.
"Truth or Drink?" Although it was pretty obvious he was gonna choose truth, not wanting to be called a pussy, Jimin still chose to ask.
"Truth!" The rest hooted, excited at what was to come.
"Since when did you like Seokjin Hyung?" The relatively shorter male asked and the rest sighed in disappointment at the boring question. Jimin couldn't care less and was the only one excitedly waiting for the answer. Except Seokjin himself who was also curious about the same thing.
"Since he made me the most delicious soup after a long, tiring day at the field!" Namjoon chirped and pecked his boyfriend on the forehead.
Jimin was expecting something way spicier but it was cute so he let it slide and slumped down next to Yoongi, a small grin still plastered on his face.
The game proceeded as he spun the bottle and it landed on Hoseok who gulped nervously, not wanting to be asked stupid questions, beside he was light weight and he knew he wouldn't be able to drink some more.
"When did you lose your virginity?"
"Phew! That's an easy one. When I was sixteen!" Hoseok wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and reached for the bottle as it was his turn to spin.
The said male sighed already aware of the meaning behind Hoseok's malicious smile. He could just drink if it was something silly so Jungkook wasn't freaking his insides out.
"Who would you fuck among us?" Hoseok was quick to question the raven head who stilled hearing that. He had never thought about any of them That way so he was quite surprised when a name was on his tongue. The name almost slipping his mouth.
Not wanting to make the situation more awkward than it already was, he grabbed the half filled bottle of Soju and gulped down a good amount of alcohol, wiping his mouth afterwards.
The rest of the group whined as he avoided the question but couldn't do anything except teasing and calling him a pussy for avoiding such a simple question.
Quickly moving on, he spun the bottle once again as it landed on Yoongi, the latter almost falling into a deep slumber but flinching and sitting up straight once he heard his name being called.
"What do you love more than your sleep?" It was a boring question. Jungkook fucking knew that. He just wanted to get away with his turn, the previous moments replaying in his mind.
"You guys." It was a mere whisper. His voice so small, it was almost impossible to hear, if not for the deafening silence of the night. Yoongi's eyes were strained on the ground below as he had shyly admitted.
"HOLY MOLY LORD MOLY!" Jimin shouted and stood up, a wide smile adorning his face. He was in pure bliss or was just faking it to tease Yoongi; nobody knew.
"Don't make me regret saying that!" Yoongi soon added grumpily but that didn't stop Jimin from jumping around. Hoseok cackled loudly at that as he was filming the whole thing with wobbly hands on his phone.
The loud cackles and teasing and cooing continued for quite a while until Yoongi gave everyone a death glare who teased him. With quick movements he spun the bottle and it landed on Taehyung who was still busy laughing alongside Jungkook.
"Truth or Drink?" Yoongi questioned nonchalantly and Taehyung finally stopped laughing when all the eyes were directed to him.
"Truth!" He still had a bright smile on his face as he responded.
"Why did you leave five years ago?"
It was silent. Really fucking silent. Not a word was uttered as Taehyung stared at Yoongi who stared back at him. The occasional giggles had long stopped.
Even their smiles were dropped in an instant. Worrisome glances were passed around to one another. Everyone in his own inner turmoil about the whole ordeal.
Taehyung had noticed how Jungkook had become completely stiff next to him.
Maybe it was because he was tipsy, or because he had waited for this moment for so long. Hell it may even be cause of how everyone's eyes were strained on his huddled figure. Or how comfortable and at peace he felt right now despite the situation that he found himself speaking.
About everything.
"I was very good friends with Bogum and Jackson..." The words floated in the air around them, the black haired male glanced around at everyone to catch their reactions.
To say they were surprised would be an understatement. Their mouths wide open as they took in the sudden revelation. Yet none of them spoke.
He could tell that they were expecting him to shrug the question off. Especially Jungkook who cross looked at him with wide eyes. Not believing that this was really happening.
Taehyung was finally opening up.
"Since diaper days." He added after a while and looked down, fidgeting with his fingers.
"We were close. Very close. Inseparable. There wasn't a moment where we weren't together." Taehyung smiled bitterly at the thought, millions of memories flooding his mind.
"I was especially close with Jackson's brother." He stated further, a sad smile plastered on his face, tears almost brimming at the edges of his eyes but he breathed hard to push the back in.
"He was like a father to me. He took care of me so much...He would comfort me whenever I would come back home crying because a bunch of jerks would always bully me." At this point, Jungkook didn't know what to do. He just sat there staring blankly ahead.
"He was so sweet and so good to me. Always praising me. No matter how bad I did, how much of a loser I was, at the end of day he would pat me on the back and tell me that I did w-well." A single tear escaped as his voice cracked at the end. He had to choke back a sob that was threatening to escape.
"I loved him y'know. I loved him so much." Taehyung smiled. Tried to. But it only came out as violent wobbling of his lips so he stopped and bit them to halt the wobbling.
Namjoon slowly and hesitantly patted him on the back to provide some sort of moral support to the black head who hung his head low, hiding his despair behind those naturally black locks of his.
After a sharp intake of air, he continued.
"But one day.I called him to take me home. It was another usual day. I was hurt yet once again by the bullies so I called him." After a deep breath he once again continued.
"He told me to wait where I was. It was raining. heavily. After a while I saw him on the opposite side of the road, I stood up so that he could see me."
The silence was almost deafening. They could clearly hear the gush of wind emerging from the violent rays of the sea, making the air so cold. The crickets were also whistling in the background preventing it from being complete silence.
"He was running to me. I dunno why though." Taehyung attempted to laughed but it came out as a broken sob.
"He couldn't see the c-car coming. I shouted to watch out but it was no u-use. It was already late. T-too late." The others knew exactly where this was going.
"H-he died. Right there. In front of me. I...I watched as his body flew across the read and drop lifeless.
H-he was smiling.
His eyes were open,
t-the whole face was covered in blood. Everything was so red." By this time, everyone had tears in their eyes seeing Taehyung so broken. They had guessed Taehyung had a rough past. But to this extent. They had no idea it was this horrible.
So cruel.
Fate was so cruel to him. To see someone you care about so much at such a young age, die in front of you was sickening. To go through all that was a horrifying thought for them as adults so to think Taehyung had went through it at such a young age was devastating.
Fuck you Fate. Fuck you.
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