I bust out laughing. "This is a joke, right? Whatever coma this is- it's the best! Haha. And you? Having no heart?," I hunch over laughing. "Now that's ironic."
After my little laughing phase, I just open my arms to him.
I was ready.
"Take me then. I'm ready." I smile at the creature before me. Even if his face was a skull, he shows an expression... He's in shock.
The red flame in his eyes sizzle a bit, calming down.
He just stares at me like I've told him no.
I keep my arms out now, but I'm growing impatient. "Are you going to kill me or not?" I ask, a bit of annoyance leaking out my voice.
A scythe appears out of thin air as I soon realize this isn't a dream. I stare at him still, lowering my arms. "If you insist on leaving so soon... Then so be it. Don't come back. Or I will take your soul much faster." He tells me in a stern voice now, swinging the weapon at me.
Just as the tip of the scythe was about to snag at my flesh under my shirt- everything vanishes into a white mist. My parents worried voices fill my head in echoes.
"Kevin!! Sweetie, he's waking up!" Mother's voice starts to become more solid as I open my eyes to find everything blurry. A pounding headache devours my thoughts as my wrist was on fire.
A scream escapes me- but I bit my lip roughly, taming the sweet pain.
"Oh Kevin!! What's wrong with you?! Why would you cut yourself!? Mommy can't lose you baby... Please..." Mother sobs, making herself a hot mess while my father is standing off to the side. His arms are crossed and he is staring with disapproval.
"What the hell is your problem son? Why did you do it?" My father nags. His glares so strong that they make me... Angry...
"I..," I try to think of a real reason. Why was I doing this to myself?
Was I upset with my life? Not really. I have both my parents. They're loving and all that.
I am an only child. No siblings is really nice. It's so calm at the house at times. Until my little cousins come over. Then hell breaks loose. And they come after me. Cute, but eh.
I had no problems... Or so I thought... I have a deep secret though, but I'm not telling. Not even myself.
Sorry subconscious, but I won't reveal it today. Maybe.
Just maybe.
That's why I'm doing this- maybe. Because if that secret got out. I won't know what my parents will do- nor how they'll think of me after it's said and out there.
I might be over thinking, but I don't want to be the reason why my parents "perfect picture" was ruined.
And my friends? How would they see me after I spill my deep, dark secret? They'll leave me. To rot. To rot in the pits of hell. That sounds so nice.
Rotting away... In hell, of course. Heaven? Nah. It's... Blinding. It'll blind the darkness wrapped around my heart and suffocate me with goodness.
No way I want that. Some, yes, but all?- no thanks. I'm not pure enough for that.
"Exactly! You don't have an excuse to be doing this behavior! Son! We are a happy family! Where has your happiness gone?!" Father shouts at me.
I just smirk- oh how he hates it when I do this to him -and look him dead in the eyes. "I don't know dad. I guess we're too perfect that we don't ever have time to spend with our kid. The world is swallowing you whole dad. Just find some time for your family or get a new fucking job, dad!" I shout back, but I had truth to my words.
Dad gets taken aback by my words. I know they are piercing his heart because he scoffs at me, lost for words. I was right. He knew this. But, he doesn't want to be seen as a lier.
He wants this family to be perfect, even if keeping me from the hospital from my suicidal attempts help keep it "together".
Oh yeah. I didn't tell you.
At least you know now, subconscious.
My father glares at me and walks out the room, mother's head was turned his direction. She had a look of... longing in her eyes. Almost like what I said awoke something in her. Unveiling her eyes to the truth that was right in front of her all these years.
She sadly exhales a sigh and turns back my direction, a painful smile on her face. "Don't worry, sweetheart," Her fingers lightly stroke my hair, making me every so slightly melt under her touch.
"Get some rest. You've got school tomorrow. If anyone asks what happened to you, just say you fell off the ladder and it caught on your wrist on the way down. Okay?" She tells me.
She knew none of my friends knew this dark side of our lives. None of them.
Not even my best friend, Thomas.
I nod at mother and she smiles a bit more real this time. "I love you." She tells me, but I just close my eyes, not answering.
I've never told her I loved her. I do- I'm just not ready to say it yet.
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