Lake Larson
"Hey, where are you?" I asked, adjusting my hand on my phone, listening to Alex's heavy breathing on the other end.
"Sorry, I'm going to be late." Her voice huffed while I heard the keys chiming. "I just locked the doors and was about to drive over."
Ian leaned forward on the bench next to me as we sat and waited for Alex before the ice rink. His eyes bobbed around at everyone walking into the building.
"Okay, see you soon," I said, watching a kid smack another in the back of their head and run. "Bye." I giggled, listening to Ian's chuckle.
I hung up my phone and slid it in my pocket before hearing Alex reply. Ian brushed his hand through his hair, glancing at me with a raised brow.
"She said she is on her way," I said, watching an older man open the door for his wife.
"I guess we people watch." He leaned closer to me. "My favorite activity."
"Top ten pastimes," I replied with a quiet giggle.
Ian smirked, gesturing to a crowd of people. "Want to make a game out of it?"
His mischievous expression told me to say no, but I crossed my arms with my breath, fogging my face. "Explain the rules."
He brought his palms together, rubbed them, and slid on the bench closer to me, causing our hips to touch. Ian tilted his head toward a young couple. The girl laughed loudly at the man, pulling on his arm, trying to touch him.
"They are on their second date and going very well," Ian whispered.
I watched them longer. The girl slid her hand down the guy's arms and interlocked her fingers with his. He leaned into her, comfortable with her touch.
"No." I smiled at the way he glanced at her. "Married with kids and on a date night without the little ones." I smiled with confidence.
His lips became a straight line as he coughed with doubtfulness. "How do you know that?"
I pointed at the car they drove in, seeing Ian's eyes widen toward the minivan. "They arrived in that." I leaned closer. "And I can see that ring from here."
His smirk formed into a wide smile. "Okay, you can have that one."
A group of teenagers' voices echoed off the building, and I pointed toward them. "What about them?" I asked, as they shoved one another with playfulness.
"Easy." Ian cupped his hands on the bench, tightening his grip. "The Lost Boys looking for Wendy."
I spit-laughed and shook my head. "You can have a half a point for that since it was funny."
We glanced up simultaneously as a beautiful girl walked from the parking lot. Her blonde hair curled down to her hips, and she wore a white beanie on her head. Everyone double took their expression to her as she tightened her coat around her torso.
"Oh, I got this one," Ian said, eyeing her. "Small town prom queen, meeting with her friends to bat her eyelashes at men far too old for her."
Her eyes met mine, realizing I knew the girl. "No," I replied to Ian, waving at her. "That is Alice."
"Alice?" He bounced between me and her. "Am I supposed to know her?"
"No." I glared at him, watching Alice wave as she jogged toward me. Her eyes focused on Ian, while her beautiful smile widened. Alice pulled on the scarf around her neck, playing with her soft skin, hoping Ian would notice her.
I stood from the cold bench, letting her wrap her arms around me, showing her height. She pulled away and cupped her hands on my shoulder to look down at me.
"Lake," she said with excitement, and stepped away.
I peeked over at Ian. "Wow," I said, making eye contact with her. "I have not seen you in a long time. You are much older and beautiful, like I always said you would be."
"Too nice," she responded, adjusting her hat. "Are you here with Alex like every year?" Alice's eyes glanced at Ian.
"Yes. Alex is late." I waved my hand toward Ian, knowing she could see him. "This is Ian."
Ian stood from the bench with his hands behind his back. "Hello," his deep voice vibrated beside me.
"I am Alice," she said with her hand out.
Ian looked at her palm with thin lips. "Nice to meet you," he responded without moving his hand toward hers.
I stepped between them while Alice fisted her fingers and slightly coughed. "Sorry, I got to get going," she said, wrapping her arm around mine. "I have worked here since this last summer." Alice pulled me away from Ian. "I see you brought some eye candy." She glanced at Ian.
I followed her eyeline, seeing Ian sitting on the bench again. "Yes. I'll see you inside." I smiled, jogging backward away from her.
I turned, walking toward Ian. He kept his head down, watching his feet as I stopped before him. His eyes looked my way but shifted to behind me. I glanced to see Alex skipping in our direction.
Ian stood from the bench while we walked to her. "Who is Alice?" he whispered.
"Brandon's younger sister." My gut sunk, saying his name.
"Ex-boyfriend, Brandon?"
"Yep, the Brandon," I said his awful name, hearing it too much in this conversation.
Alex glared at Ian. "What about Brandon?" She stopped before us with her hand on her hip.
I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, leaning my head into her. "Alice works here. We just ran into her." I smirked at Ian. "She can see him."
"Oh, really?" Her red hair flipped over her shoulder as she frowned at Ian. "And I thought I was special."
Alex opened the front door for us, and the warm heat brushed our faces. The air pressure blew my hair off my face with the smell of popcorn and melted feet. The line to get ice skates was empty, unlike the snack one.
A young teenage boy gave Alex and me our ice skates while Ian had to be a spectator. The rough ice needed a shine from the amount of people skating in the circle. Alex and I glided on the surface with our arms locked.
We rounded, and I glanced to see Ian leaning on the half-wall. He smiled with a wave when his eyes met mine. I shook my head, watching my ice skates.
"Girl, you need to stop," Alex said with a laugh.
"Stop what?" I couldn't help but look at Ian. His frown switched to a smile at me in an instant.
"You know what I mean," she said with wide eyes on Ian.
"Well, it's hard," I moaned. "Have you seen Ian?"
"Yes, I know, but he's also not real." Her brows arched together. "Is he?"
I frowned at the ice. "I don't think so."
"I get what you mean." Alex tightened her arm around mine. "If I had those eyes looking at me." She fanned her face. "He could Patrick Swayze me any day."
I side-smiled, chewing on my bottom lip. "So, are you trying to convince me to go for it or not?"
"Yes," she instinctively replied, eyeing Ian as we skated by him. "No," she huffed, slumping her shoulders. "I don't know. All I know is that man is head over heels for you."
"No, he is not." I turned to look over my shoulder at him and shifted back to Alex to give her a slight smile.
Her lips went thin with doubt. "You are not seeing what I am then."
I looked away from her. "Whatever."
Alex grabbed both of my wrists, pulling up my sleeves. She pointed at the new tattoo on my skin once she found it. "I can say you are head over heels for him, too."
I shoved her arms away, pulling my sleeves back down. "Ian's very convincing."
Alex rolled her eyes. "Okay, I will leave you alone for now, but I will force you to talk about it later." She pointed to the exit. "Want to get something to drink?"
"Yes, please," I replied, smoothly gliding to the edge. "Hot cocoa sounds great."
We walked awkwardly off the rink, placing the blade shields on the skates. I circled the building around toward Ian, with Alex stumbling behind me. We zig-zagged around teenagers when a man's voice echoed near us.
"Lake!" he yelled. "Alex!"
Alex turned quickly, and her expression dropped. I turned and saw Brandon waving above the crowd, rushing over to us. Brandon smiled with excitement before frowning at Ian beside me.
"Brandon," Alex said, with a tone that could bewitch him to death.
"Hey," he replied with a nod. "I knew you two would be here."
"Yeah," Alex barked back. "We do this every year."
Brandon clapped his hands together, glaring at her. His annoyed eyes moved to Ian. "Okay, man, you can move on."
I stepped closer to Ian, pulling on his jacket sleeve. "No, this is Ian." Alex giggled, and I smiled at her. "He is with us."
"Yeah!" Alex yelled, with her hands in the air. "With us!"
Brandon stepped back, scrunching his face. "Oh, shove off, Alex!"
Alex pointed at him with fire in her eyes. "You fuck off, Brandon," she said through her teeth.
I put my hands up to show our surrender. "Okay, calm down."
I glanced around, seeing eyes on us. Alex huffed in annoyance but stepped back, glaring at Brandon. Ian crossed his arms over his chest, causing Brandon to look at him and start a who's manlier competition.
I stepped between the guys. "Let's go talk someplace else," I said to Brandon.
"You sure?" Ian whispered, not liking my idea.
"Dude, this doesn't involve you," Brandon interfered, thinking he had a place to talk to Ian that way.
Ian stepped closer to Brandon, causing him to lean back. "Anything that involves Lake involves me." His voice was deep with threat.
Alex's eyes widened as she smiled to her ears toward Ian.
I grabbed her wrist, pulling her closer to Ian. "Alex, do you think you and Ian can get in line for drinks?"
Her eyes met mine and bounced to Ian. "I guess," she said, reaching over to grab Ian, but her hand went through him. She froze, glancing at Brandon, but relaxed when he didn't notice.
Ian and Alex slowly walked toward the concessions with protest on Ian's face. Once they had a fair distance, I turned to Brandon with a frown.
Brandon crossed his arms, leaning closer to me. "Who is he to you?"
"Ian?" I asked, keeping my distance from Brandon.
"Don't play games with me." A look of daggers.
"Honestly," I huffed, looking at my feet. "A friend."
I glared at the way he said my name. "No hearing you out this time." I shook my head. "I am here to have fun and skate. That is it," I said, pointing at the ground. "Now is not the right time. Before at the campus was not the right time. I don't think there will ever be a right time." I glanced over at Ian, seeing him watching us. "It's time for you to give up on this."
"But," Brandon protested, interlocking my fingers with his. "I will never give up."
I ripped my skin from his. His hand was not right with mine.
"Sorry, Brandon," I said, walking backward away from him. "Bye," I whispered and turned to my friends.
Brandon yelled from behind me. "Where are his fucking shoes?"
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