The Deer Car
After chasing the snake, Charlie and Jethro continues to go car after car to find the conductor. When Charlie and Jethro are in the Flying Instruments Car, Charlie looked at her hand that still shows the number 109. That made Charlie ticked that her number haven't changed for a few days.
Charlie: *sigh* Still 109. It's been a week! Why won't you change?!
Glad Jethro: Are we stopping to talk to our hands now? Hello hands!
Sad Jethro: Wait! Do I even have hands?
Charlie: *groan* The snake wasted time I could've used getting off the train. We gotta keep moving, if we're ever gonna find the conductor. From now on, we're not stopping for anything! *in a running position* Alright, Jethro, time me. Ready!
Glad Jethro: *splits himself* Set!
Charlie: Hmm! *waits for Sad to say "go"* *clears throat*
Sad Jethro: Oh! Uh, go.
Charlie: *starts running across the piano bridge* *panted*
Jethro puts himself together and rolled after Charlie while jumping on the other instruments.
Glad Jethro: Look at me! I'm a musical genius!
Charlie: *panted*
Charlie walked out the door with Jethro in her backpack and looked at her hand. Still 109. She opened another, and in that door shows a bunch of ducks with crossed eyes.
Charlie: Oh! *swam through the ducks* *exhale* So many ducks! *panted*
Duck: Can you help me find my normal eyes?
Charlie: Sorry! No time!
Charlie and Jethro got out of the Crossed-Eyed Ducks Car, Charlie looked at her hand. Still 109. Then they entered the Monster Dance Car.
Monster: Mash with us!
Charlie: Nope! No time!
Charlie walked over the party table and was able to get out. Looked at her hand. Still 109. They've entered the Indiana Johns Car (no idea what the name of that car is, so I put Indiana Johns for it. You know, just for laughs and for comparing), Charlie started to run away from the huge boulder that's chasing her and Jethro.
Charlie: *panted* *stepped on a trap button* Ah! *ducked when an arrow shot near her*
A Real Magic Skeleton: Got the time?
Charlie: *ran passed him* No time!
A Real Magic Skeleton: You telling me?! I'm dead! *got crushed by the boulder*
Charlie: *panted* *grabbed a near by vine and swing to the other side and made it out the door and into another car* *panted* *groan* *noticed a deer near her hand* Huh?
Charlie and Jethro looked around and sees a bunch of deers around them. Doing what deers, like them, usually do.
Glad Jethro: Look! More weird furry ducks!
Charlie: Help me find the exit, Jethro.
Suddenly, a horn was blown, and all the deers bow down.
Alastor *in a White-Tail Deer form*: Salutations! Two-legged stranger, and loud blue creature. Welcome, to Deer-gina. I am Alastor. King and Uniter of the White-Tails and the Fallows. I stand to you, *bowed down to Charlie* my greetings.
Charlie: Hi. I'm Charlie. I like, singing?
Alastor: Greetings, Charlie the Musical. Let me show you my kingdom.
Charlie: Oh, no. It's ok. I'm in kinda of a rush to find the...
Alastor: And so commences, the official tour-gina, of Deer-gina!
Deer blown the horn again as the kingdom of Deer-gina is shown.
Charlie: Does he do that a lot?
Alastor: Oh, yes! Every chance he gets.
Deer: *toots the horn again*
Charlie: *young fawns trying climbing to her face* No, no, no, no! Down, down! *grabbed a stick* Go get it!
Alastor: Please excuse us. We just get very excited when someone new comes through the door.
Charlie: Food dispensers, fur cleaning machines, gift of speech? You guys are doing pretty well for yourselves.
Glad Jethro: *passed around like a ball with other deers* Whee! This is my first time being nauseous!
Charlie: Wow! How many deers are there in Deer-gina?
Alastor: We're 400 strong, and 399 cute. Just don't tell that to Ugly Erwin. *shows a deer that's does not look deer-like* *shudders* *clears throat* Can I interest you in a sunbeam to lie in?
Charlie: Uh, nah! Jethro and I really need to...wait. Jethro?
Sad Jethro: *to a Farrow deer in a sunbeam* The sun's gonna burn out one day. Enjoy this while you can.
Farrow Deer: *whimpered* *walked away*
Charlie: No more sunbeams, no more distracting, but admittedly fun deer stuff. Its exit time. Where is it?
Alastor: Across the Great River, and through the Twisty Woods of Mystery. You shall find the unsolvable puzzle door.
Charlie: Water, woods, door. Got it! Thanks King Deer. Bye!
Alastor: It's Alastor and I must urge you to wait.
Charlie: Jethro, time me. Ready!
Glad Jethro: Set!
Suddenly they've heard a rumbling noise and all the deer fled to the temple. Then the creature appeared.
Glad Jethro: Yay! Shadow puppets! Look! I can make an eagle. *tried to do a shadow puppet of an eagle*
Charlie: What is that thing?
Alastor: It is, the monster.
Then suddenly, the water rises and destroyed a statue of a White-Tail, and more deers fled away.
Alastor: Quickly, Charlie! To the temple!
Charlie grabbed Jethro, and followed Alastor to the temple he told her to go.
Alastor: I will admit, there are some things I haven't told you about Deer-gina.
Both: Like why is there a giant shadow monster?!
Alastor: Yes. Patient young lady!
Charlie: Patient? I'll never get to the conductor by just waiting around. Let's band together, and attack the monster!
Alastor: Impossible! Ever since it appeared, the water has risen and ruined our city. If we try to cross the harrowing two foot depths, we will surly drown. Everything is going hooves up around here! If you'll excuse the language.
Glad Jethro: Let me see if it's gone yet. *splits himself and went outside*
Charlie: Jethro, be careful. Ugh!
Sad Jethro: Looks like I have to start writing his obituary.
Alastor: Awfully morbid little thing, aren't you?
Sad Jethro: Yes.
Glad Jethro: *came back inside* AAAHH!!
Charlie: Ah! What is it, Jethro?!
Glad Jethro: It's gone! I'm excited! AAAHH!!
Charlie: *groan*
Alastor: Let us be on our way.
Charlie: *left the temple but still sees Alastor still inside* Didn't you want to do outside?
Alastor: Yes.
Charlie: Outside? *holds up the flap*
Alastor: No!
Charlie: Outside?
Alastor: Well,...
Charlie: Outside?
Alastor: Maybe.
Charlie: C'mon, you wanna go outside right now?
Alastor: No
Charlie: You wanna go outside?
Alastor: Yes! I wanna go outside! *ran out the flap*
Alastor, than showed, Charlie and Jethro an old building that has been flooded by the monster.
Alastor: One week ago, that was the Deer Department of Water and Power. Now it's just the Deer Department of Water and Water.
Charlie: Wait, a week ago? That's how long since my number changed! Maybe that monster is related to my number and maybe if we stop it am reach the exit door, he'll help me get off the train!
Sad Jethro: That's a lot of maybes
Glad Jethro: Maybe so maybe my favorite maybe. *deep voice* Maybe!
Charlie: Jethro, time us! We're going in!
Alastor: *blocking her path* Wait! You need my help if you intend to leave. The exit is blocked by the unsolvable puzzle door and it's to dangerous to rush in alone.
Charlie: Pssh! How dangerous can it be? I faced a bunch of weird stuff on the train.
Glad Jethro: Some were scary, but others were dancy!
Sad Jethro: Dancing is scary.
Alastor: I assure you, the monster does not dance. Charlie, I don't usually beg unless it's for a tasty, tasty treat, but it seems we have overlapping problems. Will you take me with you so that I may save Deer-gina?
Charlie looked at her number, and gave in.
Charlie: *groan* Fine! As long as you don't slow me down!
Alastor: Excellent! I must warn you, however, we deers are a proud people, and we hate being picked up.
Charlie: Why would you need to warm me about that?
Charlie picked up Jethro and put him in her backpack and picked up Alastor, who was struggling in Charlie's arms as she walked across the river to the other side.
Charlie: *holding Alastor* Stop that! Please stop doing that! Stop wiggling for like, two seconds!
As Charlie made it across the Great River, she put Alastor and Jethro down and continued to the Woods of Mystery. There were a few stops when spotted a small cloud dropping snow on them, Alastor and Jethro to roll around on the grass, Charlie sitting near a tree while looking at the sun that's moving in a weird way. They continued to go up the hill until they finally found the exit door. Charlie was so relieved.
Charlie: It's the door!
The gang walked towards it, when suddenly the shadow monster appeared again.
Charlie: Look out! *grunts and pants then ran behind a near-by rock* *peeked out* Wait.
When Charlie, Jethro, and Alastor peeked out behind the rock, they noticed the monster is just a spider near a glowing orb when it was building its web.
Charlie: *picked up the spider* Aww. It's just a little spider, building her little spider web...*saw Alastor ate it* *gasp* Eww!
Glad Jethro: *laughing* We're grossed out! Right Miss Charlie?
Alastor: We destroyed the monster! I've thought victorious would taste less musty. *walked near a waterfall* Hmm. I also thought the water level would go down.
Charlie: Yeah. *gasp* But maybe my number...*still showed 109* Of course. Yeah, of course. Nothing happened! No water! No number! No monster! Correlation isn't causation, I know that! Oh, I want some answers for the first clue I've gotten this whole time?! No! Not allowed!
Glad Jethro: Miss Charlie...
Charlie: I could travel for years on this ridiculous train and never escape! Why is this thing on my hand?! *groan loudly* *sat I front of a rock* *sigh*
Alastor and Jethro looked at each other, feeling very worried about Charlie.
Charlie: It's not fair. I'm going as fast as I can, but I'm getting nowhere.
Alastor: *lay down next to Charlie* Just because you can't figure things out immediately, doesn't mean it won't happen eventually.
Charlie: Yeah, but it feels like every time I find something logical about this train, it's thrown back at me and I'm stuck without answers.
Alastor: We can't always force progress to look. After all, I didn't have a solution to Deer-gina's problems, *rolled to his back* until you showed up. You helped me, Charlie.
Charlie: Thanks, Alastor.
Alastor: Now, I'm not just laying on my back for nothing.
Charlie: *laughed while rubbing Alastor's tummy*
Glad Jethro: *laughing along with Charlie*
Charlie: Wait, how could a spider cause that problem with the water? The shadow came from the weird orb, but what's that weird orb for?
Until suddenly, the gang heard something from the other side of a few trees. They investigate, and saw a bunch of holes all over the place, a pile orbs, and a huge robot with a pink brain-like creature near a hill getting another orb with its robot-tentacles.
Alastor: It's the real monster.
And with that tentacle, it grabbed the orb and it went dim and a tree went missing.
Charlie: Those orbs must have something to do with the environment.
Alastor: We should attack it!
Sad Jethro: We'll never make it.
Charlie: Maybe we can escape out the unsolvable puzzle door. *grabbed a pen and a notebook out of her backpack* How do I unlock it?
Alastor: First: You put your hoof on the handle.
Charlie: *wrote it down* Ok.
Alastor: Then, you turn it.
Charlie: *wrote it down* Alright.
Then Charlie realized that that's the only way to open doors.
Charlie: That's how all doors open!
Alastor: My people have been working on the technology for decades!
Glad Jethro: Let's just talk to it. *run out of the bush*
Charlie: No!
Glad Jethro: Hello! Whoa! *got grabbed by Charlie and got put in her backpack*
The robot looked behind it and starts shooting blasters at them like crazy.
Charlie: AAHH!
Alastor: *growl* *charged after it*
Charlie: Alastor!
Alastor: DEER-GINA!!! *gets hit by the robot and fell where the robot was at* *whimpered*
Charlie: ALASTOR!!
The robot noticed Charlie and went after her and grabbed her by the leg.
Kraang Prime: Return to your seat.
Alastor got up and put an orb back into its place and the water levels went down. The robot noticed him, and when it's detracted, Charlie opened the door and hit it in the face. She got up, grabbed her backpack and ran, but it got her again.
Charlie: *grunts* Aah!
Glad Jethro: You're awfully shootie today. Somebody needs to spend more time in the Monster Dance Car. *got out of Charlie's backpack, started dancing while humming*
The big robot noticed Jethro, it let go of Charlie, left it escapes out of the exit door. Never to be seen again.
Charlie: Huh?
Sad Jethro: Oh, you're ok. I'll just keep your obituary in file, then.
But then, Charlie looked at her hand, and saw that her numbered changed into 101.
Charlie: My number changed.
Glad Jethro: Hurray! Wait, is that good?
Charlie: I'm not sure and I think that's ok for now.
Alastor: Deer-gina, will never be safe with that monster still at large. Since you're head in the same direction, I request to accompany you on your journey, so that I may hunt it down and bring it to justice. Also, you give stellar belly rubs.
Charlie: *chuckled* *in a British accent* It would be an honor to be joined by such royalty.
Glad Jethro: Hurray! King Weird Furry Duck is joining our team! Wait, Miss Charlie!
Sad Jethro: Don't you want me to time you?
Charlie: *looked at her hand* Nah.
Charlie and Jethro left, but they left Alastor behind, so Charlie went back for him.
Charlie: Uh, aren't you coming?
Alastor: Yes.
Charlie: Then, c'mon.
Alastor: *chuckled* No! No, no, no, no!
Charlie: *groan* We're not doing this for every door. *left*
Glad Jethro: *walked back in* You wanna go outside?
Alastor: Yes!
Glad Jethro: Do ya? Do ya?
Alastor: Maybe!
Glad Jethro: You're a good king, aren't ya? Good king!
Alastor: No!
Glad Jethro: Come On!
Alastor: Maybe! Yes, I wanna go outside!
Glad Jethro: *chuckled*
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