The Beach Car
Charlie and Jethro continued to go car after car to get to the engine. Right know, they're in the crossword puzzle car, solving some crossword problems.
Charlie: *typing the answers inside of a typing machine* 46 down, seven letters. *spots Jethro writing on the puzzle boxes* Jethro! How long have you been doing that?
Glad Jethro: I've been helping since the start. *shows all the pictures he drew on*
Sad Jethro: I think it's a pretty powerful message.
Charlie: Ugh. *landing the machine and got out of the letter "I"* Jethro, right now, I gotta take care of this. So, you stay here, and no more writing, ok?
Glad Jethro: Aye-aye, Captain! *salutes then fell off Charlie's knees*
On the other train car...Sleeping Wizard Troll Car...
Charlie: *holding Jethro above him* *whispering* Ok~ So long, beard.
Sad Jethro: *whispering* They look so peaceful.
Charlie: *whispering* Ssh! 6-inch voice.
Glad Jethro: *yelling* Did you say, "60-inch voice"?!
With that tone of voice, it woke up all the wizard trolls and started to cast spells on them to attack.
Charlie: *running* Now angry wizards!
On the next train car...the Pinball Car...
Charlie: The door should be in...*fell in a hole* Whoa!
Sad Jethro: There's the gutter. This is where I belong.
Charlie: Huh? *spots them in a hole that says "multi-ball"* Ah! Whoa! *left the car while looking at her hand that still showed 115*
Glad Jethro: I almost found my mom that time. And you got the 11th highest score in pinball!
Sad: Jethro: Don't want to be on the top ten, though. To much pressure.
Charlie: *scoff* This isn't a game to me, Jethro!
Glad Jethro: *splits himself into two* We can still have fun.
Charlie: Not when you have things to do! You work first, so you can enjoy the fun later. I help my dad fixed the treasure chest, I get to play "The Magne Family History" again before he resells it. Work first!
Both of the Jethros looked concerned on what she meant by, "Work first".
Charlie: Oh-kay, well, sometimes there was pizza or sushi during the work, and hide-and-seek, *number changed* but all of that still under the "work" umbrella.
Charlie looked at her hand, and she noticed that her number is now 114, not 115.
Charlie: Aah! It was 115 before! Oh, no, no, no! D-Did I do something wrong?! Did I lose a point?! Am I being timed?!
Sad Jethro: I've seen that happen before. When it reaches "0", you are gone...
Glad Jethro: You're gone, forever!
Sad Jethro: I was talking.
Charlie: That's it?! Nobody told me that this number was gonna change! Nobody say anything!! Now I'm gonna get exterminated on this stupid train, 'Cause there isn't a stupid rule book!!
Glad Jethro: You're a rule in my book, Miss Charlie!
Charlie: *groan then put Sad and Glad back together and head to the other car door* I don't have time for this! *opened the door and spots a beach, then suddenly heard voices from the other side of a small hill*
???: That's right. Step right up. There you go.
Charlie and Jethro climbed the small hill and noticed a sponge wearing pants and see a small king cobra snake with a tuxedo and a top hat with a face.
Sir Pentious: Ssssay, I didn't catch your name.
SpongeBob: SpongeBob.
Sir Pentious: That's a strong name. A strong name, for a strong man.
Sir Pentious: An effluent man, such as yourself, can turn his pile of junk into doughnuts, with this truly miraculous product: the Doughnut-Holer *holds out a pipe*
Charlie: That kinda just looks like a pipe.
Sir Pentious: I'll demonstrate. *grabs a piece of paper and stabbed a hole through it* Presto! Doughnut. *grabs a hat* This hat? Bon appétit, *stabbed a hole through it* doughnut! Am I going to fast for you?
SpongeBob: I get to be in charge of selling these Doughnut-Holers, I can start my own business?!
Sir Pentious: Yes! Why, you can have a whole sales team selling these Doughnut-Holers, with pioneers like us right at the top!
SpongeBob: Hey, yeah, kinda like a pyramid scheme.
Sir Pentious: Don't think of it so much as a "pyramid scheme", as a "pyramid team". You don't even know the best part. *threw the "Doughnut-Holer" in one of SpongeBob's holes* This is the only Doughnut-Holer certified by my close personal... acquaintance, the conductor.
Charlie: CONDUCTOR?! *puts Jethro in her backpack and ran down the hill to met the snake* Uh, Hey! *grunts to get back down* I'm suppose to be going to South Souls, it's this place in the Pentagram, and also my name is Charlie! I should've said that earlier! But there's a hotel design camp and my parents signed a contract and I ended up on this stupid train and I don't want any of this!
Sir Pentious: My goodness, snake-ling! One step at a time.
Charlie: *showed the snake her number* This number keeps going down, and if it reaches "0", I'm done for! I just wanna find a way off this train, and you said you know the conductor. You have to help me before I get exterminated.
Sir Pentious: Tell me, snake-ling, what makes you think the digits below your digits are counted down to your extermination?
Charlie: *grabbed Jethro out her backpack and showed him to the snake, who had a surprised look on his face* Uh, Jethro told me?
Glad Jethro: Mom Check! Hmm, much to scaly. Or, not scaly enough!
Sir Pentious: "Mother Check?" C'est Intéressant. (Translation: "It's interesting")
Charlie: Yeah, he's looking for his mom. But, my number...
Sir Pentious: *grabbed the doughnut-hat* We'll get there. Patients. Excuse me, blue robot, is this doughnut-hat your mother?
Glad Jethro: Mmm...yes?
Sir Pentious: Hmm. And tell me, *toke off his original hat* if I put this doughnut-hat on my head, will I get exterminated?
Sad Jethro: Sure. Why, not?
Sir Pentious: Charming fellow *puts his hat back on*. But not the most reliable, is he?
Charlie: Wha-?! Jethro! You made me think I was going to get exterminated!
Sad Jethro: That'll be surprising if you never get exterminated.
Charlie: *sigh* *rolled Jethro into one of the sponge's holes*
Sir Pentious: *slithered through Charlie's legs* I'm sure the conductor would be just as sympathetic to your plot. I rushed off to see him right now, but unfortunately, my personal shuttle craft has bin grounded.
Charlie: You have a shuttle craft?
The snake lead Charlie and Jethro to his small, snake-size shuttle craft. Perfect size for a snake like him.
Sir Pentious: Is fix her up myself, but, you know. No thumbs.
(I know. Sir Pentious does have thumbs, but I'm gonna make it like a dog, if that's ok with anybody)
Charlie: *looked at her hands* I have thumbs. *grabbed the manual for how to build/fix a shuttle craft* I don't know anything about shuttle crafts, but I fixed some stuff with my dad.
Sir Pentious: There's still the issue of... *slithered to Charlie's leg, to arm, to shoulder* payment.
Charlie: "Payment"?
Sir Pentious: Even with my craft, it'll be a week, maybe two, to get to the conductor. That's a lot of sales that I'm missing out on.
Charlie reaches in her pocket to see how mug she brought with her.
Charlie: I have, $12.42. But one of the pennies is Canadian.
Sir Pentious: Money doesn't that much value to me. I've always more interested in the more peculiar and unique. You know, I can take the little blue robot off your hands, in exchange, I will speak to the conductor about getting you to...*clicked his tongue*. Where was is again? *slithered down from Charlie's shoulder and down to his shuttle craft* Pent-A-Graham?
Charlie: Jethro? You want to take Jethro with you?
Glad Jethro: Miss Charlie, we made so many doughnuts! *showed Charlie her foldable on getting to South Souls with a hole in it*
Charlie: D'uh!
Sir Pentious: Do you really need him, or do you want to get off this train?
Charlie doesn't know what to do. Either give Jethro away to the snake so he can talk to the conductor, or keep him and get stuck on the train forever. So, she made to a decision:
Charlie: Deal *they both shook hands to an agreement*
As time flies, Charlie started to fix up the snake's shuttle craft. And while she's working on fixing the craft, the snake, Jethro, and SpongeBob were having some conversations. Like about business.
Sir Pentious: *to SpongeBob* What kind, of your own boss, do you want to be?
SpongeBob: I don't think I like that word, "boss". I wanna fell like we're all on the same team. Team Sponge!
Glad Jethro: Miss Charlie, how tall are you?
Charlie: Uh...I'm about
Glad Jethro: What is your hair?
Charlie: How am I suppose to answer that?
Sad Jethro: Is your name "Charlie" you have a bulbous head?
Charlie: What? No! It was when I was born. They were... complications (PS: Her number changed again to 113)
Glad Jethro: *gasp* Oh, no! Did you make it out alive?
Charlie: Uh, yeah. It was some kind of breathing issue, but I bounce back like a free spirit. Or something. Well, at least that's what my mom told me. (Number change:108) (I think)
Sir Pentious: Sssso you could've been named after any other Independence? Like, Charles?
Charlie: No! I don't know! I didn't name me. (Number changed back to 114)
Glad Jethro: *picked up a daisy* Look, Miss Charlie. It's you *puts it behind her ear*
Charlie: That's not what a free spirit is, that's a daisy, but it'll work.
Charlie picked up the manual to make sure she didn't miss anything. They're is something missing, but it's not her fault.
Charlie: I may not know what anything does, but there is a gear thing here that isn't in there. Do you know where we can get a replacement?
SpongeBob: Oh, I know! I know!
Charlie, Jethro, and the snake followed SpongeBob to the ocean. The suddenly, the waves moved aside one-another to reveal a small supermarket with other fish-folks selling stuff from their stores or booths. The others were concerned, but they followed the sponge anyways.
Fish #1: Welcome to the Market! Help hop your troubles!
Fish #2: Shop your tears away
Fish #3: Put a little wiggle in your step!
The gang made it to a small store called Gears of Joy and head to the front counter.
Glad Jethro: *humming and dancing*
Mr. Krabbs: Uh, very cute.
Glad Jethro: I think she's cute, too.
Charlie: *groan from embarrassment* How- How much for that gear over there? *points to where the snake is at with the gear*
Mr. Krabbs: Ah, expensive taste. Hold the sponge. Now that's a handsome-looking flower.
Glad Jethro: You mean my heart-felt gift that's I picked out for my personal heart-felt friend?
Mr. Krabbs: Ah, sounds valuable.
Charlie: Oh! I mean, it's not really for sale.
Mr. Krabbs: To late! Now that I have seen it, it's the only thing I want!
Sir Pentious: Oh, the price we pay for the things we desire most.
Then the awkward silence began, until Charlie gave in.
Charlie: Ugh! Fine! Just take it! * grabbed the gear, then left with Jethro and the snake*
Sad Jethro: My mechanical heart breaks again. I hope the warrantee stuck it.
On the outside of the beach car, Charlie place the gear, and the snake's shuttle craft finally began to work.
Sir Pentious: Shall we? *slithered into his shuttle*
Charlie: *sigh* Well, Jethro, this is good-bye.
Glad Jethro: A new adventure! Where shall we meet again?
Charlie: We "shalln't" meet again. I'm leaving the train, I can't take you with me, but you'll be with the snake now and he seems nice.
Glad Jethro: Oh
Sad Jethro: If it helps you on your journey, I understand. *jumped into the snake's shuttle craft*
Sir Pentious: Sit tight, and I'll have the conductor sort out this whole mess.
A missile shot out of the shuttle and then the shuttle followed it until it's at where the missile was launched. Then the window opened, and Jethro's head popped out.
Sad Jethro: Good-bye forever, Miss Charlie!
After hearing those words and walked back inside the beach car, it made Charlie very guilty. So to wait, she started to pop her lips and lied down on her back. Until the sponge came back.
SpongeBob: How would you like to try an exciting...
Charlie: Not now! *buried her face in her hair*
SpongeBob: Okie-dokie. No need to lose enthusiasm, just need a different marketing order. Wait a second! *splits himself into two* I've got vision, my good man. And that vision needs a team.
SpongeBob #2: I never been part of a team.
SpongeBob #3: Sounds easy and profitable.
SpongeBob: When I started Team Sponge, 38 minutes ago, the mission statement is always be there for each other.
Charlie: It's more complicated than that
SpongeBob: Is it?
SpongeBob #4: Oh! Great job asking the hard questions, SpongeBob.
SpongeBob: Aw, thanks SpongeBob. You may not always bring in the sale numbers I want, but you've got heart. And I feel that you cared about me.
Charlie: I didn't not care! That snake was going to help Jethro, too! Probably. I don't know. I guess I really don't know anything about the snake. I just...really want to get off the train. Listen up, SpongeBobs: if you can get me to the snake, I'll take your Doughnut-Holer thing.
SpongeBob: HOT DOG!! *puts himself back together* Hop in my body! It's not as weird as it sounds. *hands Charlie the Doughnut-Holer*
Charlie: *puts it in her backpack and jumped into the sponge's body* Turn here real quick! *went to the store again, and swapped the flower with a box of mint gum*
Mr. Krabbs: Cool, gum!
SpongeBob and Charlie left the train car and followed to where the snake is at with Jethro. And lucky for them, they found 'em.
Charlie: *knocked on the glass* I changed my mind! I want Jethro back!
Sir Pentious: Sorry, snake-ling. We had a deal.
Glad Jethro: Miss Charlie!
Charlie: Jethro! I should've... (Number changed to 109)
But the snake made his craft a bit faster.
Charlie: Jethro!
And so did the sponge. (On going even faster)
Sir Pentious: *spots them from behind* HISSSS!! *hood flared* *pushed a button*
Charlie: *gasp* *to SpongeBob* Up and over!
SpongeBob landed right on top of the shuttle craft, marking it harder to drive
Charlie: *muffled* Jethro! *to SpongeBob* can you slip in the cracks?
SpongeBob: "Slip in the Cracks" is my middle name! SpongeBob "Slip In the Cracks" Squarepants. (That's not his real middle name, I just like to type that in)
Then the sponge started to turn his body water-like and made it in the shuttle. There're so many sponges that it made the snake's craft crashed to another train car.
Glad Jethro: *got out of the shuttle* Miss Charlie!
Sir Pentious: *hood still up* You just made a big mistake! Good luck getting off this train now! *saw more SpongeBobs, hissed, then slithered away*
Charlie: I'm so sorry I gave you to the snake! I was just scared that I would never get off the train, and you made me think I was going to get exterminated! And, that doesn't make it ok. But you care, and you're a good friend, I appreciate that. And that makes me care. Just, and I...just. *sigh* I'm sorry.
Glad Jethro: It's ok, Miss Charlie. I knew you bounce back. Just like when your parents hatched you.
And that made Charlie full of confident that she picked of the daisy and put it in her hair to compliment the friendship they have.
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