Imagine 12: Respectless😜 (Zestial)
Pairing: 8th Deadly Sin! Overlord! Y/N x Zestial
*summary: Y/N an Overlord and friends with Alastor, who takes her to the Overlord meeting, where a little fight between Carmilla and Y/N happens...also causing a cold heart to warm ever so slightly.*
Requested by AlizaEvans
*Y/N's POV*
It was a warm day in Hell, slightly muggy, clearing meaning that Hell was going to get acid rain yet again, but no matter.
At least you'll be indoors for the storm.
While you were walking earlier, you had bumped into the well-known Radio Demon named Alastor. Feared by all, but respected by you.
After all, the two of you are close friends.
During a little joyful small talk, Alastor brought it to your attention that there was an Overlord meeting, and being an Overlord, it is required that all must be present.
So, you cancelled any other plans you had, and decided to follow Alastor, who happily hooked his arm around yours and led you to the building where all of Hell's strongest and most dangerous Overlords come together.
You wear a dark green blouse with wrist ruffles at the end, while you also wear a black skirt that goes to your knees, matching well with the little black slippers decorated with green sparkles.
Your hair is tied up in a bun while two silver ash tree earrings dangle off your ears.
A modest look--especially in a place like Hell, but your favorite style.
Both you and Alastor take your seats around the large table filled with other Overlords, though one Overlord takes her place at the front of the table.
Her eyes hold a stoic yet judging stare, as she glances at all the familiar and missing faces that have gathered at the table.
Though when her eyes fall on your face...she can't help but glare a little harder.
As usual. If you're being honest, there is always beef between you and her. To Carmilla, you're simply a low ranked demon who faked your way to a seat at the Overlord table.
Though in reality, your story is much different. After falling from Heaven due to believing in another religion that wasn't Christian, you were banished from Heaven and fell to Hell, where you rose up and became a ruler of a new Ring in Hell, and an Overlord.
Though all those facts aren't enough for Carmilla to ease the glaring.
You try your best to ignore her, glancing at Alastor to try and involve yourself in his conversation with Rosie, before the room suddenly grows cold and quiet, as another figure enters.
His long black cloak wraps around his entire body, dragging under his feet, while his four glowing eyes hold a dangerous, cold, stare. One glance at him, and you'll be driven to insanity--though that's a rumor, but still...judging his aura, it could very well be true.
"Zestial, so good to see you," Carmilla says as he takes his seat beside her, summoning a cup of tea with one flick of his hand.
"Enchanted as always, Carmilla," he sips his drink, eyes shutting while his long pinky sticks out.
His voice is low, almost hissing, and your heart starts to freeze. Even his words are ice cold...
According to Lucifer, Zestial is the oldest living Overlord in all of Hell, he was in truth, was the second demon to be ranked Overlord--Carmilla, the first.
He's ancient, wearing ancient clothes and speaking in an old English tongue, but still...he's quite the fascinating induvial. There is little to none information about him, but deep down, that just makes him all the better.
Mystery guys are always so hot...
As the meeting continues, you slowly raise your hand.
"What?" Carmilla says coldly.
You swallow, rising to your feet and folding your hands together. "I was thinking of ways to improve my piece of Hell. In fact, I have some ideas that could interest you and if blessed by Lucifer, then I could--"
"No one wants to waste there time listening to you and your ideas to improve your little playground," Carmilla shrugs away, her back facing you as her hand raises to point at something on the white board.
Your blood boils. "It is not a playground," you hiss sharply, "it's a ring of Hell just like the one we're standing in right now."
"It's child's play," she replies shortly, "now please, sit back down and allow me to continue on with the meeting."
You glare at her back. "Yeah, just so you can run your mouth and think you're top shit, bitch..."
Suddenly, the room falls silent, all eyes going to you, some shocked, some pleased.
Though Zestial's eyes...those are hard to read. He stares at you almost in a...curious manner. Like's his mind is turning wheels in his skull.
You swallow the lump in your throat, a wave of nervousness floods your veins when Carmilla turns to face you.
"What did you just call me?" she hisses, placing both hands firmly on the table.
Without thinking, you find yourself stepping onto the top of the table, your nervousness shaping into that of confidence.
For years, you've had to put up with Carmilla thinking she owns this, now, it's time to put her in her place, and challenge her.
"I said you're a bitch," you smirk, "and I stand by that claim."
Her eyes narrow. "You disrespectful little brat," she hisses, her claws digging into the table, scratching the surface harshly.
Your smirk grows a little wider, as you decide to walk towards her--well, more like sway towards her. You playfully swing your hips side to side, acting like a number one super model on the stage, as you then lean down, placing both hands on your knees.
"You got it twisted," you grin, "I don't need an attitude check, you do. You always think you're just top shit just because you supply weapons. Well I got news flash for you sweetie, you aren't, because anyone can do what it is you do, and you have workers helping you every step of the way. Me? I do everything all by myself, which in the end, makes me more of a badass then you."
Alastor snickers.
You stand up straight. "So, kiss my ass," you turn, flipping her off and jumping off the table, walking towards the door and slamming it behind you.
Well, what you said might come and bite you in the ass later, but does it matter? Not really. You've been wanting to do that for weeks. It finally felt good to let it all out on her. She deserved it after all.
As you walk down the street, you pull out your phone to check for messages, before a sudden figure appears before you.
"Hark, Y/N L/N, how fare thee this day?"
You freeze, your gaze slowly going up to meet the four luminous eyes that belong to Zestial.
Did he SERIOUSLY leave the Overlord meeting? Or was it over? Why is he even here?!
Then, you realize...out of everyone, he's the one closest to Carmilla. And you just disrespected Carmilla...right in front of Zestial.
You gulp. Oh shit...
Zestial stares down at you, his arms and hands hidden inside his cloak, while the luminous green smile on his face widens a little.
"I'm...fine," you mutter, clearing your throat awkwardly as your eyes search your surroundings, in hope that by chance if this goes wrong, you'll have something or someone to help you.
"The weather doth become fine this day," he responds, playfully smiling at a sinner demon who just lit himself on fire when his eyes saw Zestial.
Your brow furrows. Why is he still talking to you?
Even Zestial himself can't answer that question without sounding like an idiot.
He'll admit, he was intrigued by your willingness to stand up to someone like Carmilla and hold your own without faltering. That takes guts, something that isn't very common in new age sinners.
And also, he couldn't help but feel his chest grow a little warm as he watched your little walk on top the table.
It made his fossil heart feel some sort of emotion...the first time in centuries.
"I guess so," you respond, "it looks like it'll rain."
"If our luck doth hold, I do revel in the screams," he chuckles darkly, before he bows. "Zestial Morde."
"Y/N," you respond, " already know that," you chuckle embarrassed.
He grins. " Y/N, quite the captivating name...for a captivating woman."
Your cheeks grow warm. Did he just flirt with you?!
"Alas, I know this be'ith sudden but I cannot help myself, thou has caught my eye, thy smile alone is enough to thaw a frozen heart..." he takes your hand, kissing your knuckles while holding it gingerly. "Would thou care to take a stroll with me? Hell's sky is stunning when it's sun sets over the horizon." A smirk flashes on his face, "though I fear my eyes would only stare into thy beauty, and not the sunset."
Another blush forms on your cheeks. For being seriously old, he's really good at flirting.
Slowly, you nod. "Alright, I don't mind going for a walk."
"Splendid," he hooks his arm around yours and begins to walk forward down the sidewalk. "Let us go and make the sun jealous over thee..."
Thanks for reading!
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