Chapter 13
1 year later
It's been a year since Y/N met Charlie and the others in person and ever since then after school she always went to hell to visit them. Today was Y/N's birthday
With Charlie,Vaggie,Angel dust,Husk,Nifty,and Alastor
"Ok guys today is Y/N's birthday so we need to make a surprise party" Charlie said to everyone "can we help?" Someone said behind Charlie and which made Charlie turn around and saw her mom and dad A.k.A Lucifer and lilith "oh mom dad yeah you two can help" Charlie said
With Y/N
Y/N was walking home from school when she saw her bullies behind her in the distance she hurried and ran to an allyway then hurry and went to hell with the necklace "phew! That was a close one well better get going to the happy hotel I have to tell them it's my birthday!^^" Y/N said forgetting she told them the day before
Couple minutes later
"I'm here! Charlie? Vaggie? Angel dust? Husk? Nifty? Alastor? Cherri?" Y/N said while entering the happy hotel "I guess there not he-" Y/N was entruptid by the lights turning on and everyone jumping up and shouting "SUPRISE!" Y/N was shocked and happy at the same time "come on Y/N do you like it?" Vaggie said "I love it!" Y/N said with Happy tears running up to them and hugging them all without a warning she even hugged Lucifer and lilith
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