⚝⭒⭑Cynder Lynn⭑⭒⚝
My first oc, and likely the main oc I will be using.
Warning- Mentions of Yandere (obsessive, violent, toxic behaviour), murder, cannibalism, self harm, etc are contained in this character's info.
Your mental health comes first.
General Information .ೃ꙳࿐
⛧Cynder Lynn
⛧Sweetheart (Alastor)
⛧Doll Face (Alastor)
⛧The Radio Demons Mistress
⛧Cynd/Cyn/Cyndy (Friends)
🝮Age in hell:
🝮Demon Type:
⛧Dragon hell born (??)
⛧Overlord (Stronger than Alastor)
Appearance .ೃ꙳࿐
⛧Base form- Black long hair, green eyes, Sharp canines, pale skin, the average human looks pretty much. Pupils slit when exposed to sunlight and are very cat like. Also slit when pissed or blown out when feeling happier emotions. Forked long tongue.Has a succubus tattoo on her belly (both forms)
⛧Demon form- Green eyes (slightly glowing), tar like goo runs down her face from her eyes and mouth, harmless to powerful demons (Overlords and above), Slight acidic burns when dropping on other demons or the ground. Horns, pointed at a slight backwards slant, fully slit pupils, darkened aura, many feel extreme levels of static or electricity of the sorts in the air. Aura makes the eyes of surrounders water slightly. Large wings, a long scaled tail, black inky like fingertips that are sharpened like small long blades or needles. Teeth grow in sharper the more pissed she gets until her mouth won't close. Can unhinge jaw in any form but more likely to in this form. Sometimes unhinging isn't enough and she fully breaks her jaw. Large patches of purple scales show on her skin.
Clothes- (normally)
Clothes- (demon form)
⛧Cynder likes her peace and quiet. Some people would call it lonesome, though she spends most of her time meditating in a quiet place. She can be very rude, and blunt, Cynder prefers to get to the point quickly. Due to her closed-in, rude and almost insensitive personality, it's quite difficult for anyone to break down her walls. Under all of that, she's rather sweet in her own way once you get to know her, though a select few get to see this side of her.
⛧She has a uniquely calming, peaceful aura to be around when she isn't angry, and mostly spends her time reading or baking.
⛧She can be bashful when receiving a gift or a compliment, not quite used to receiving them and she has a smile like a warm spring day. She is stubborn and has an almost unbreakable willpower and believes what she wants to believe.
⛧She does have a temper, and when on the correct topic she is quite quick to get angered, though she cools off just as quickly.
⛧While her personality may come off of one of a leaders, she is nothing like a leader and is often seen looking towards Alastor or Lucifer for a sense of guidance and direction.
⛧She oftentimes is hard on herself though isn't afraid to rely on others when the time comes. While Cynder is more introverted than extroverted, sometimes she needs a quiet place to recharge her social battery. She usually finds this in Alastor's room.
Backstory/Relations .ೃ꙳࿐
⛧Born from an access of negative feelings and a surplus of powerful magic left in hell itself Cynder was born without family or friends fully grown. Her only known emotion? A festering pit of primal rage. Her body developed through thick black smoke that seeped through the cracks in the dry ground. She was officially known as the first hellborn demon, and got very close to Lucifer and Lilith, being the only person in hell aside from them until humans began to sin and die.
Striked down by a powerful Angel after protecting the woman she loved, she retreated back into the ground and slept off the wounds for quite a long while. Upon waking up the power she has had depleted greatly, and she had to retrain herself all over again. She met Alastor while talking to Charlie at the hotel, whom had considerably grown since the last she saw her.
Companionship quickly turned to obsession. Following him around, watching him sleep, doing everything for him, and of course, the jealousy that festered whenever people aside from her friend circle got too near. Thanks to often being around him, she quickly took on Alastor's love of torture, cannibalism, and twisted sick sense of humor.
Unbeknownst to him, she'd tied him deep into her web as much as he had her.
🝮Sins Committed:
⛧Self harm
Etc etc
Abilities .ೃ꙳࿐
⛧The ability to generate, control, and destroy anything related to electricity. Users are shown to be able to create shields/barriers, zip around at high speeds and so forth with this ability.
❦Creating electricity of any kind takes up some of Cynder's own energy, as well as how it may be tricky at times. Generated from her own body instead of the air or through a weapon, in moderation is safe. Can burn off her skin, can start her on fire. Extended use tires her and exhausts her. Zipping around burns through her shoes and the friction produced tends to burn her feet. Unless there is an emergency, Cynder prefers to walk or fly.
⛧The ability to pick up things with one's mind. Users can pick up and manipulate objects with this power, as well as create sheilds/barriers with this ability.
❦Can only pick up so much weight at one time before internal bleeding due to the pressure placed on her body. Typically begins to bleed from the nose first, then ears, mouth, and eyes. This power can make her brain pop like a pizza roll that's been in the microwave too long. She likes making herself float with this power.
🝮Acidic Goo
⛧The acidic goo that drips from Cynder's eyes and mouth in her demon form can also randomly accumulate on her body in demon form as well. While it can burn holes in furniture, woods, buildings, and lower demons, it cannot hurt and is harmless to demons of an overlord or above. Alastor does not know why this forms, and it is a phenomenon to her herself, Alastor assumes it is an accumulation of the negativity building up inside her finding its way out. And while harmless (to most) may never stop.
🝮Spells, summoning etc
⛧Pretty sure almost every demon in hell has this. With the addition of being able to make contracts with other demons Cynder is able to summon and make spells. Only works if she knows the spell though of course. Likes summoning cups of tea or cleaning her clothes with the snap of a finger with it.
-Nosebleeds, as well as bleeding from the eyes and nose.
-Slow desegregation of body parts
-Loss of powers if used for too long (Comes back after a day)
-Underestimating people
-Due to being cold blooded, if it's cold out she basically goes into hibernation or brumation.
-When her horns are pulled her whole body tends to move in that same direction.
-She can't materialize her boob sword if her energy is too low.
-The tip of her tail is super sensitive and despite being strong enough to fling people around, is a weak point overall. Please don't bite or claw it. She might cry. Or scream. Maybe both.
-She isn't as physically strong as she is fast.
-If her shield is broken it temporarily immobilizes her. (~30-50 seconds)
-When she sheds her scales, the new scales under it are extremely soft and almost velvety in a way. It takes around three days for them to harden back up again.
-Slower in the winter than in the summer. Even though her cloak she wears is thermal it only helps a bit from the cold weather. She sleeps a lot more in the winter too.
-Using her quirk in water usually electrocutes the people near her. In a big area.
-Fire. Have you seen electricity and fire meet? Explosions aren't her thing. It hurts her and other people around her.
-Tends to have a bit more trouble fighting more than five people at once
-Thanks to her sensitive hearing, she has a weakness against very loud things.
-Her emotions. When certain events are mentioned she has a tendency to fight without thinking.
Extra .ೃ꙳࿐
⛧Has and can bite the head off of someone and swallow it hole. Her jaw unhinges like a snakes.
⛧Her favorite food is Bubble Milk Tea Mochi.
⛧She likes Ginger tea because it burns her throat but isn't big on alcohol. If she drinks she prefers peach wine.
⛧Enjoys spooky old time films (likely because of Alastor) and enjoys a good hook quite often.
⛧Is a cannibal. (Thank you once again, Alastor)
⛧Her and Alastor are both bound to each other by contract.
⛧Really has a knack for spicy food. Especially ramen.
⛧Told Valentino her descendants (Lizards, Snakes, etc) Eat moths and if he got to close she might take a bite.
⛧Can not dance.
⛧Stubborn as a mule
⛧Soulless and therefore unkillable. Her body regenerates. Of course there are ways around her being unkillable. You can seal her with magic and she'll be stuck until it wears off. Brain and internal organs take longer to regenerate. Can pass out from blood loss. Can feel pain. Etc.
⛧Has a very long forked tongue, that can reach out and touch past the top of her head if she wishes. Also has long fangs.
⛧She loves and is very good at cooking. As is reading, cooking is her hobby.
⛧She has white lipped Python named Luna. (Lucifer gifted it to her.)
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