🍎Adam x Angel reader☀️
Y/n's pov:
I know this is very risky but i just can't help it. It's just so new and exciting, it's nothing i've ever seen in my whole excsitence.
The headangels had just created a whole universe and the planet they called " Earth" and with the dust from it they've now created these new creatures named " Humans".
What a silly name, right?
But still, they looked nothing like any animal i've ever seen. They didn't have feathers, fins or hair, they showed their bare skin without any shame and they even walked on their two feet. They are like the animals but they could also speak, intresting!
So now this curiosity drove me to do drastic desicions like sneaking down to the garden Ede, finding the first man Adam and hiding behind a bush and observing him up close.
I knew i couldn't get caught cause if i do then Sera would probably find out and i'd get scolded so i remained as silent as i possibly could
" Alright, i'm gonna name you...... cockroach."
Adam spoke up as he held a bug in his hand with a smirk
Cockroach..... funny name
I thought as i watched him name all the animals with intense. I didn't really understand why Adam got to name all these animals when we angels could do it on our own but it's Seras choice, not mine.....
" You're gonna be called..."
He zoomed out for a brief moment as he scratched his chin
" Rabbit."
He squeezed the fluffy creature one time before letting it jump around
I always loved that specific fluffy creature with the long ears, it was so cute and seemed so soft but i knew i could never touch it wich made me a little sad and slightly jealous of Adam.
I was so lost in my own thoughts that i didn't properly watch my feet and-
I stepped on a branch, making a loud noise behind me as i hitched my breath and let out a small gasp before my hands quickly coverd my mouth.
Both Adam and the animals ears perked upon the sound and turned around to my direction and some of the animals started to bark towards the Bush i was hiding behind before Adam calmed them down and stod up from the rock he'd been sitting on
" You know that i can see you, you're one of the angels!"
Oh no...........
Knowing that it's now pointless to keep quiet i slowly peeked up from the bush and adjusted my posture with emberassment written all over my features
" How did you know.."
I asked with a whisper, not even looking him in the eye
" Your wings, it's impossible NOT to notice them!"
Adam explained in a annoyed gone as he pointed to my six wings
I got even more emberassed and tried to shrugged it off
" O-oh, those! Get it! B-B-but i can hide them! Look!"
Suddenly changing my tone as i attemped to hide my wings but Adam spoke up again and stepped closer to me
" What?! Why would you hide them?! They look gorgeous!"
He was now standing right infront of my smaller form as i my cheeks tinted into a golden shade, gorgeous...?
I scratchedxmy neck with a dumbfounded grin on my face and looked down at my feet as he spoke up again
" No seriously! They just highlight your apprence and a good apperence is the best thing in a person!"
I quickly coverd my face with both my wings and hands
" Please, stop sir!"
I wasn't used to recive such praise or compliments, ever since i was created i never got such appreciation for anything i did for either Heaven or the other angels. I was pretty much a shadow in the court and no one thought that my curiosty was a good thing for their system.
This Adam however quickly manage to calm me down and even offerd me to sit down with him on the rock.
Despite my festa of getting caught by Sera i settle down beside Adam and observed as he continued to name the creatures without any problem. The names were rather odd, they didn't sound exactly holy or magical, like any other name i've been introduced to but it was so exciting to learn new things from this man.
He was simply easier to keep in place unlike that Lilith, she always found a way to be apart from Adam and refuse the Angels orders. I found her pretty rebelious and quite unpredictable but with Adam, he took orders pretty well without hesitation. Altough he was known for being quite rude wich i could understand considering that he made comments about my body all the time we talked.
After he was done making up names , the animals quickly scatterd away to return to their routines in the garden so now it was just the two of us. I was about to say something but Adam started to talk loudly
" So how does it feel to be THIS-"
He wrapped his arm around my shoulder
" -close to the FIRST damn man ever! Pretty cool huh?"
" Could you please define "cool" ?"
I arched an eyebrow at him, not understanding his choice of words wich Adam proudly replied
" Well, it's a new word i invented! It means greatness, pride and anything else in between wich reminds me of the other word i made up
He suddenly leaned closer to my ear and whisperd with a grin
" Fuck..."
I could feel his hot breath tickle the crook of my neck, almost resualting in me letting out a slight giggle but i quickly swallowed it.
I couldn't belive it that i was learning these words from THE Adam, i couldn't belive how creative and outspoken he could be, he was nothing like the other angels in the court who just shut me up. He was funny, crazy and yeah, maybe a bit rude and didn't have any respect for boundaries but still.
Feeling comfident i raised my finger to ask another question but suddenly-
" Y/N!!!!"
A loud, familiar voice echoed from above us, making me shriek in fright........
Oh no............
I turned to Adam again
" I-i have to go now........"
" Will i see you again?"
He asked me with a pinch or worry in his tone?
I simply shrugged, i didn't know and i didn't know if Sera would ever let me out of her sight again after this so i just waved him a goodbye and flew up to Heaven to recive my punishments for my recklesss act.
" I can't belive you sometimes, Y/n..."
Sera mumbled under her breath while rubbing her forhead to ease her frustration
" You did the ONE thing i told you not to do! You talked to the humans!"
She raised her finger towards me , her voice dripping in disapointment and bottled up anger.
All i could do was lowering my head in absolute shame, not knowing what to respond to that as Sera continued to scold me behind her court stall as i floated infront of it, not even want to meet her gaze of disapointment and anger.
I knew she'd never excepted such disobedience from someone like me. I was one of Heaven golden angels who always layed low, followed the laws and always listened to the head angels.
And now i had probably broken her trust to me for good, she'd never belive me again, and most likely shut me out of the court just like Lucifer.
All these self-hitting thought keept spinning around in my head in an endless spiral so fast that i soon couldn't take it anymore, tighted my fists and flew out of there despite Sera calling out my name to come back.
Although she was completely right, how could i betray both her and Heaven after everything they've done for me? How could i be so disrespectful just for my own greedy actions.....?
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