hanging out
Angel dust -
It had been a couple of weeks since you visited the hotel and you can say with confidence that you and the spider had became good friends. Angel was a pretty cool guy in your opinion.
You both had exchanged numbers and you both kept in touch, sometimes he comes over to the bar you work at just to hang out or pick up some dudes.
Today angel came into the bar, he looked upset. When you asked what's wrong he starts going on this big rant about some dude stealing his drugs and it got ruined when the asshole got hit by the falling rocks then said he don't have a lot to get more. You just nod and pour him a drink, on the house.
"And NOW i gotta do some redeeming quality bullshit times 10 at the hotel because i wasn't supposed to take drugs." He groans taking the drink and takes it all in one go "hey it could be worse" you said, giving him another shot "ya. I guess it could be worse. It just sucks though" he said with a annoyed groan.
"Ya i hear you" you said as angel took another shot and then another, course angel isn't a light weight so he is fine after those few shots "yknow... You are the bestest friend i ever had yknow that?" He said, you grin "yes. Yes i know" you agree.
It took a lot of shots and lots of ranting later for angel to be completely drunk. He was slurring so much you can barely understand him so after work you took him back to his house, because you're a good friend.
Alastor -
After alastor or 'strawberry pimp' as angel likes to call him had 1st appeared, he has been coming over to the hotel non stop for a month and a half.
Mostly to help Charlie with ways to get other demons to come around to the idea of being a part of the hotel or better ways to run it but when charlie is really unavailable to plan with alastor and all that he actually tries to have a nice conversation with you.
Sometimes to talk about interests,sometimes talk about life...or maybe afterlife? problems, and mainly bond about certain types of music.
You could tell that he had died in the 20s or 30s since he likes music that you have NEVER heard of and when you told him what you liked he had no idea what you where talking about.
That didn't stop you both for having conversations though. You tell alastor about the stuff was going on in the 80s... Before you died of course.
It always raised his interest even though most of the time what your saying either flys over his head or he thinks the opposite of what you really meant.
When he tells you what happened in the 30s you learned stuff you didn't even know about, in a interesting way of course. For some reason it wasn't like super boring like fucking math class at school.
you both right now are having a nice conversation about tvs or picture shows as alastor calls them. "So the picture shows are in color too? Strange i thought only hell had colored picture shows" he said and you tried not to crack a chuckle "ya i think it all turned to color in the late 30s...don't quote me on that" you said adding the last part quickly, you really aren't the best at history.
"Do they use coloured ink now or does the picture shows put the color on for them???" Alaster asked, you try so hard not to say 'aw' because honestly that was kinda cute. "Good question..."
The conversation lasted about 5 more minutes before alastor had to leave as charlie is now no longer busy.
Sir pentious -
While you where taking the snake guy back to his place you thought to yourself *maybe i can crash at his place instead of taking the money*
So when you took him back to his base which was in shambles from the explosions, you told him about your end of the deal. That he'd let you stay here since you helped him, at 1st he of course said no but he started rethinking of having a minion much more useful then all of the 666 of the egg bois.
He agrees and then lists out his own rules of you staying which you finally ended with a handshake sealing the deal.
A month later to the present day.
You and the eggs have successfully finished fixing the aftermath of the explosions last month, it was faster then you thought when there's like 1,332 extra hands helping you.
And at the middle of it all you gotten to know the snake gentleman a little better. His name was sir pentious and he makes inventions is the basic things of what he does, you also know he likes to play the organ sometimes and makes a real funny and cute face when he gets super mad at one of the egg bois.
You are in a middle of a one sided conversation sipping some wine watching sir pentious tinker with a sort of gun like machine.
"So is your hat like...its own living being of does it mimic your emotions when you wear it?" You asked, sir pentious didn't answer far to interested in his work...or is just straight up ignoring you.
"...whatcha building there?" You asked again followed by more silence and a cranking if a wrench, rolling your eyes "silent treatment isn't gonna make me shut up snake eyes" you said taking a sip of your wine, snake eyes being a nickname you made up on the spot.
You continued asking questions or just saying some things in any decent conversation happens still following by silence in the one sided conversation.
You can tell he is listening to your words however and that he secretly enjoys the company despite his coldness.
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