"I need to show you something," I spoke to Kira. Holding the old photograph between my fingertips as her heart raced forward.
Kira and I stood around my kitchen, I had called her over about twenty minutes ago. I'm assuming by the alarmed tone to my voice she had known it wasn't anything to be taken lightly and raced over here.
Kira looked down, noting the small object and holding her hand out. I pursed my lips, handing it over, her hands instantly flipping the photograph over and inspecting it.
"This looks just like me." Her soft voice spoke, almost astonished. It was true, the picture was identical to her. "This has to be my grandmother."
"A girl named Malia brought it to Scott. She's the last one who saw Stiles at Eichen House." I clarified to the young fox. Reflecting over the words Scott had told me this morning. "This picture and this. They found it with a body buried in a wall. The same backwards five that the oni put on us was on the wall. It sounds like it all goes back to your family. Your grandmother, your mom."
Kira was like the rest of us, confused beyond belief as she stared right back at me with her dark brown eyes, not necessarily knowing what to say. Truth be told I didn't have a fucking clue as to what to say either. All I knew was that Stiles was missing and I was going to get some goddamn answers out of the girls mother one way or another. For Kira's sake I hoped her mother was courteous enough to give me a goddamn straight answer.
"There's one more thing," I mumbled. "Your moms been coming after me in my dreams, she sent the one to attack me that night at Scott's. She keeps saying I'm the only one that can kill Stiles, that can rid the Nogitsune."
"What? My mom?" She was barely able to chock out.
"I know it sounds crazy and believe me I didn't believe my own damn dreams but she gave me this." The black top I sported was lifted so she could see the white, backwards 5 on my torso. Her eyes glossing over every inch of it. "I haven't told Scott yet and I'm not sure when I will but I need some answers and I have a feeling she knows more then she cares to let on."
"I'm gonna call her," she answers, fumbling with her pocket as to pull her cell phone out when, as if called, it vibrates. She yanks it out and unlocks it quickly.
"What's happening?" I questioned when I noticed the skip in her heart.
"My dad."
"What's going on?" Scott questioned as he followed Kira and I, both of us racing straight into the school corridors. I shrugged my shoulders at him, choosing to just follow Kira as she led us to her fathers class.
She threw the door open, finding her father chocking on the ground while her mother comforted him. She looked up, eyes flickering between the three of us rapidly and asking, "Kira, did you bring it?"
Kira nodded, fumbling with the item we had made a quick pit stop for at her house. "You going to tell me what it is?"
"Reishi." Her mother briefly answered, dumping the contents of the small bag into her hand.
Her daughter scoffed asking incredulously, "You're not seriously giving Dad magic mushrooms?"
Noshiko didn't answer, sticking the mushrooms right into her husbands mouth and watching as he chocked them down. Mr. Yukimura was silent for a moment before he began coughing, his throat contracting with whatever was lodged in it. Scott glanced at me from the corner of his eye, both of us thoroughly confused as to what was occurring.
It wasn't long until we found out just what it was, a small firefly came lodged out of his throat. The insect still fully intact and flying around directly towards me, with a speed that was almost unbelievable for such a tiny thing.
I didn't hesitate to snap my hands and crush it between both of my palms when it came too close for my comfort. The sound of my palms smacking together was the only visibly sound and I pulled them apart and scrunched my face. "Awesome, I have evil fox juju and your dads spit between my hands."
Scott handed me a napkin, slightly narrowing his eyes as if to warn me not to start with my interrogations.
I tightened my lips, looking down to see Mr. Yukimura standing and now fully able to breathe.
"Are you alright?" Kira asked him gently, his subtle nod to us all indicating that yes he was.
Scott looked around, his eyes trained around the room like he had caught something. I furrowed my brows, taking a whiff of the air around us and realizing just what my boyfriend had discovered.
"Stiles did this?" He questioned, looking between the parental couple.
"He wanted the last kaiken." Noshiko spoke up, looking at all of us as her hands pulled out a black rectangles. "I've kept this near me ever since your friend disappeared."
"The last what?" I retorted, not understanding why that little thing was worth so much that evil Stiles had almost killed my history teacher.
Kira seemed to have been equally confused as she pulled out the photograph and shoved it towards her. "Mom, you need to talk to us, about everything."
"Where did you get this?" She shot out stunned, her eyes widened.
"Is it Grandma?" Kira questioned.
"No." She shook her head, taking a long breath as if she were about to reveal a whole new level of crazy of us. "It's me"
"Slow it down their fountain of youth," I shot out, scrunching my fave up in confusion. "What the hell are you? Some form of vampire fox?"
Everyone looked at me in disbelief while I shrugged my shoulders, listen anything goes now since apparently some people don't fucking die and there's a fucking fox demon on the loose.
"What my girlfriend is trying to explain is if that's you in the picture then you must be 90," Scott clarified my blunt response. I scoffed, crossing my arms and waiting for this answer.
"Closer to 900." She retorted.
"Perfect," I narrowed my eyes. "That's exactly what we needed... a vague fucking answer in the least appropriate moment."
"Okay, sure. Why not?" Kira said observing the information. "Dad, how old are you?"
"43." He shrugged the response or his daughter. "But I've been told I look mid- 30s."
"See!" I pointed towards Ken Yukimura. "That's a logical response, that's one we need in this time of fucking war. Thanks Kenny."
"The blade was shattered the last time it was used." She revealed to us all, holding the long sword Malia had also brought.
"When was that?" Scott shot out, furrowing his brows.
"1943." She answered. "Against a nogitsune."
"All this, it's all happened before, hasn't it?" I murmured. The glassy look in her eyes was a clear indication that the women had travelled back in time, who knows how long she's actually gone.
"Yes." She nodded, still looking down at the blade. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
"Where did it come from?" Kira interrogated, clearly this was far too interesting for her.
"It was an internment camp during World War II. In Oak Creek. Not too far from here." Ken spoke up.
"Hold on. You told Allison and Isaac that there was no internment camp at Oak Creek." Scott interrogated the man.
"Allison's family has a certain history of violence. I didn't know if she could be trusted. There was a camp, yes." He nods. "But all the records were erased. They covered it up. When I was a grad student, my passion project, actually more like an obsession, was trying to dig up the truth on Oak Creek. It's how I met your mother, Kira."
Enough with the flashbacks, I'm seriously over this trip to the past. With a roll of my eyes I bluntly ask. "So, where did the nogitsune come from?"
Noshiko looks at me, answering. "Isn't it obvious yet? It came from me."
The women wasted no time, telling of her story of love in the middle of a war and in an internment camp. I was so irritated that she thought this would help us. I mean seriously? What else was this doing but stalling time? I knew her endgame already and this women didn't seem to be changing tactics anytime soon.
I huffed, slamming my hand onto the table rather harshly, everyone jumping at the sound. "ENOUGH! This ends now. I'm not here to listen to your sad tale."
Kira looked at me, nodding her head before narrowing her eyes at the women behind all of this. "She's right, We don't want to hear your Casablanca story. We wanna know how to save Stiles."
Noshiko was clearly angry that we didn't let her finish but I'm over what this women cares for she certainly didn't give me a choice and now her daughter. "I'm trying to tell you."
I shook my head adamantly, "no you're not. You're trying to stall."
"When the sun goes down, the oni are gonna come after him again, aren't they?" Scott aid in a much softer voice then my own.
She didn't answer his question directly but did states. "Your friend's gone, Scott."
I tightened my jaw, letting Scott go on. "I don't think you know that for sure. You brought the oni. Can you call them off? It's not his fault."
"Stiles may be your best friend. He might be like a brother to you both. But he is nogitsune now. He is void." She stated.
"That's not what he asked," I growled. "Can you call them off?"
"When you hear the rest of the story, you won't want me to." She gritted.
"I don't care about your fucking story!" I snapped, feeling my adrenaline pump faster as my irritation grew by the moment. "This is your fault. You brought this on! You did this and now you want is to finish this fight. You've forced me to become your warrior! And all of the pack to deal with this. My best friends turned into some demonic creature with a taste for chaos and another is sitting in a hospital. You're at fault for it all! And now you think that we are going to sit by and listen to this damned story while we let our best friend get ripped to shreds by some demon assassins or worse force one of us to do it? I'm sorry Kira but your mothers fucking lost it and I'm not going to sit around and listen to her shit any longer. I'm gonna go get some real answers because that's what this pack does, we don't abandon all hope when things get rough. We fight. We fight and finish things."
I didn't care if anyone listened, I knew Scott would stay and by the nod he gave me he understood just why I left. I wasn't going to stick around and be useless, I needed to be sent into action.
So I left, turning on my heel I dreaded straight off the school. I didn't necessarily know where I was headed as I walked out of the school but I knew eventually my senses would lead me somewhere I needed to be.
My phone rang in my pocket as I neared my car, yanking it right out and sighing in relief when Allison's name popped up.
"Hey. I need you at my apartment."
I smirked in relief, jogging the rest of the way towards my car. "I thought you'd never ask."
"This is everything non-lethal we could find." Allison explained as the most unexpected group of the century waltzed into the room; Derek, Chris Argent, and Sherriff Stilinski. I almost had to do a double take once they walked in.
"Take all of it." Chris nodded, clearing off one of the desks.
"What's the plan here?" I nodded, crossing my arms. I hadn't been able to sit still for a long time, even when I slept it was restless. My body was telling me there was a clock ticking down, time was getting away from me and I couldn't even pick up my own pace.
"Our best shot right now is for Derek and Imelda to try to pick up Stiles' scent at Eichen House. Especially if he went through something stressful there." Chris spoke, sticking different weapons into the holsters around his body. I noted how Allison began doing the same, throwing me one of the electric rods they loved. Without much I caught it, sticking it into the inside pocket of my jacket while I waited. Planning was getting on my nerves, I hated planning.
"Should all five of us be going to the same place? Where else has Stiles been showing up?" Sheriff questioned, his blue eyes moving from the four of us.
"Well there's the school and the hospital." I flatly stated, counting off on my fingers when I went through my memory.
"Okay, hold on." Chris spoke up, cutting my list short. "We did this already. He disappeared. We started looking for him. Then walked right into a trap at the hospital."
My brunette best friend was the first to speak. "He's getting us to repeat the same moves."
"So, what do we do? Wait for him to come to us?" Sheriff questioned, blinking a few times as the material digested in his mind.
I shook my head, adamant. "We can't. Not if the oni find him when the sun goes down. Scott's working on them right now, with Kira."
"That's the problem. We're all trying to outfox the fox." Chris responded with a bitter tone. I couldn't blame him, these games were getting out of hand. People had died and now one more person was on the verge if we didn't stop this shit. I was all for cutting the shit and beating the fox out of Stiles and then using its nasty little fur as a fucking rug.
When everyone stayed silent, equal amounts of annoyance and aggressions Sheriff sighed and looked at us all. "Listen. I'll understand if anyone wants to back out."
"Im not gonna be the first wolf to run from a fox." Derek sassed, crossing his arms.
"Well I'm certainly not gonna let this little shit demolish our fucking empire. It's gonna take a little more then scary games for me to back down." I bluntly answered, pulling the straps of my jacket away from my body so they could see the Arsenal of weapons I had. "Besides when will I get to test these puppies out if not on some demonic ninjas."
"Apparently I'm carrying the lightsaber." Chris sassed, earning a snort from me.
"Ditto dude," I nodded, flicking the one strapped to my inside pocket.
Allison didn't waste another second, planning. "Dad, you and Derek hit Eichen House. Sheriff, you're with us in the hospital. We all meet in the school."
"You girls go on ahead, I'm going to check down here once more and meet you." Sheriff Stilinski spoke to Allison and I. He held the steel doors of the elevator open for us, attempting a smile. I could tell he was desperate to find his son, we all were but him so much more. Even if Stiles was the light in our pack for the Sheriff he was everything to him. Stiles was the one person he would always have.
We didn't give him much of a fight, Allison walking in before me as the doors closed around us.
For the first time I actually felt comfortable enough to breathe aloud, to take a moment and think of everything. I was always so quick on my feet, working on instinct instead of thinking it through and here I finally had my moment yet it was the worst time possible seeing as how I had all but maybe 30 seconds.
To that I let out a chuckle, and pushed my hair back. This alerted Allison who turned in my direction, brown eyes emotionless. "What's up? Why are you laughing?"
"Oh it's nothing," I said. The chuckle having brought forth tears so I wiped them away. "I'm just realizing how totally fucked up our lives have become and yet here we are, somehow always keeping it together."
Allison didn't say much at first, nodding her head and turning back forward so the silence between us lingered. I heard her breath hitch, her fingers shake slightly, "I'm not strong. I can't keep it together. I'm not fearless. I'm failing Econ. I... I act like I know what I'm doing, but I don't. I don't know if Isaac is dying right now. I don't know what my dad is thinking. I don't know if we should trust Derek. I don't know... I don't know anything."
As her words continued and she slowly made her way to the ending her words are barely understandable as she cries. Her small sobs are set loose, the tears pouring out and crying softly. For once it's nice to not be breaking apart alone, it's nice to know I'm not the only one feeling the exact same way. I don't cry, not because I'm embarrassed but because it's Allison's moment, we all need a chance to express our emotions and have someone comfort us.
I hit the emergency stop inside the elevator, turning her in my direction and pulling her into my arms. She's a bit taller then my natural short stature but I pay no mind to it and neither does she as she sets her head on my shoulder. "Just let it out, it's okay. Crying and letting your emotions is natural, it's needed... trust me. Hey, we are gonna be okay though. Isaac, Stiles, and every single one of us is gonna make it... I promise you. We will make it because that's what we do. We've survived the impossible... hell we are the impossible."
She laughs gently, pulling away from me to wipe at her face while I offer her a gentle smile. "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me, I think it's just been too much."
"Yes... yes it has but the good news is you've let it out and no ones here to judge you because fucking hell... I've blown up more times then necessary." I retort, making her feel a little bit more comfortable with her slip.
With a nod she takes a deep breath, sucking in the cool air and holding it in for a moment, shutting her eyes and looking serene. She lets it back out, her light brown eyes opening back up, "alright. I'm good."
I press the button, sealing my lips shut and not questioning her any further, my fingers once again letting the elevator start back up.
Moments later the elevator opens up, the Sheriff standing in front of it breathless and red faced. "Where have you too been? I need you to see this!"
Allison and I don't answer, my face twisting in confusion but we both step forward to see the screen of his phone.
"What's that?" Allison questions when we see the red screen on his phone.
"Someone's breaking into my house. After Stiles started sleepwalking, I had some security precautions put in." He nodded, typing into the phone quickly before cameras pull up showcasing many rooms to his house. "Motion sensors. Cameras."
"Is that his room" I question when it automatically flickers to Stiles sitting on the bed, his hands fiddling with something.
"What the hell is he doing?" The sheriffs voice drifts off, all of us watching as Stiles blank face looks directly into the camera and waves at us, eerily knowing that we must be watching him.
"What is all this? What are these sticky notes for?" I questioned, pointing towards the chess board with names and a game in play. We had arrived a mere minutes ago, no signs of Stiles anywhere except for his fresh smell.
"This is what Stiles used to try and explain to me about all of you." Sheriff answers.
"Cool, maybe it's a message from Stiles. The real Stiles." Allison counters, tilting her head next to me so we could attempt to figure out just what it could mean.
Derek stepped closer, pointing to the small piece with his name on it. Looking rather concerned. "You think there's any reason my name's on the king?"
"Well, you're heavily guarded. Though I guess the alarming detail is that you're one move from being in checkmate." Sheriff answered back. Briefly I remember Stiles telling me about his fathers slight obsession with the game.
"Okay then," I gulp, feeling the golf ball sized lump in my throat. "Care to explain why my names on the Queen and I'm surrounded by the other side? I mean this isn't a game I'm familiar with but... that doesn't even look like a legal move?"
"You're right. It's not." Sheriff simply murmurs. "Although if I'm going to guess its less of a move and more of a warning to you."
"Oh well that's enough reason to move to Cuba with the name Taco," I sarcastically state, knocking the little pieces over with an angry flick of my hand.
Chris sighs, glancing once at the pieces before staring at all our face. "It's not a message from Stiles. It's a threat from the nogitsune. He's at the loft."
"That's what he's trying to tell us. And he wants us to come there." Allison finishes, glancing between us all.
"And he wants us to come there?" I blink rapidly, fitting the pieces together.
"Night's falling. This couldn't sound any more like a trap." Allison pointed, she was right. The sky was turning a burnt orange which lately had put all of us on edge just thinking of the darkness.
"I don't think it is." Sheriff adamantly shook his head at her.
"No offense but I think your opinion might be slightly biased, Sheriff." I pointed out, reminding him that this wasn't his son speaking.
"Hear me out." He sighed. "What we're dealing with here is basically someone who lacks motive. No rhyme, no reason, right?"
"Meaning what?" Derek retorted with a question, not really following sheriffs line of vision. I wasn't either if I was being honest.
"Our enemy is not a killer. It's a trickster. The killing is just a by-product." He went on.
"If you're trying to say it won't kill us, I'm not feeling too confident about that." Derek once again shot back and if I was being honest I was on my former boyfriends side on this one.
"It won't. It wants irony. It wants to play a trick. It wants a joke. All we need to do is come up with a new punch line." Sheriff explained, leaving us all in silence.
"The sun is setting, Sheriff. What do you have in mind?" Chris spoke up, clearly trusting whatever the sheriff spoke about.
"Whatever it is I'm literally betting my life and everyone else's that it just might work," I muttered, feeling goosebumps rise to my skin when I took in the same spot where Stiles had been. That wave he sent us... it didn't feel right. It felt like much more then a friendly gesture and I had a feeling we would all be encountering its meaning soon.
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