Part 23
The night had been relaxing and calm, they'd watched the lineup of heroes, with Endeavor obviously being number one now, they'd listened to all the speeches and watched all the cool fighting clips, everything. And eventually Kirishima had ended up falling asleep right there, his food only half eaten and his hair a f*cking mess.
The nurse had come in at some point to take Bakugou's hearing aids back since he technically wasn't supposed to have them- though he asked to keep one. "I know it's probably going to get you in a hell of a lot of trouble, but I really want to keep one of them at least." Had been what he'd said, and of course the nurse told him all about how it could cause permanent damage to his ears if he left them in for long periods of time while he had his infection.
But he already knew that. And he was willing to risk it.
Now it was barely sunrise, he was already awake, had been for a little while. He'd just been laying there, staring. Everything else in the room was blurry, because he hadn't even bothered to put his glasses on yet, but he could see what was right in front of him. Kirishima. Just sleeping. His hair was down, which made it look longer actually, it was spread around him on the pillow as he softly breathed. He'd put his hearing aid in for a little while just to listen to him breathe, to hear his heartbeat, the subtle sounds of the hospital in the morning. He closed his eyes and just /listened/. He reached up and took his hearing aid out, frowning as the noises faded away and he was left in silence. He glanced back to Kirishima; no more sounds of him breathing. No more of his gentle heartbeat. He hated that.
He clenched his hands tightly into fists, tightening his jaw for a long moment. It was so annoying. All he could think about was that he'd have to go months without those sounds, those simple sounds that made him feel- alive. A heartbeat was a sign of life, a sign that everything was ok. And he couldn't hear it anymore. It was just a silence. There was nothing. It was like everything had died, like /he/ had died and was just a ghost, unable to hear or see anything without help.
He grunted and rolled onto his side to look back at the sleeping boy next to him. He took his hand and carefully lifted it so he could see the scars along his arm from the accident.
The day of the arcade Kirishima's skin had been burnt hella badly while he was in his rock form, leaving him with a jagged pattern of normal skin and then burns everywhere else on his arm. They were faded by now, being simple scars, but he remembered how ugly they had been, how badly they must have hurt. He remembered when he first saw Kirishima, after not being able to see anyone for so long. He had come in every day after Bakugou got his glasses. He never once acted like he was in pain, and the blonde had never once paid attention to it, because he was too worried about if he was going to be able to stay in the hero course or not.
He gently intertwined their fingers and glanced up as the light turned on and then back off; the nurses' way of checking to see if he was awake or not. He slowly sat up and sighed. "He's still asleep so don't turn the light on. We can do the treatment in the bathroom." He offered quietly as he stood and moved to the bathroom. The nurse nodded and simply placed the equipment she planned to use on the counter.
"Have they said when Sura can come back yet...?" He asked, he usually asked them yes or no questions when they were doing his morning treatments, since it made it a little bit easier for both of them. The woman shook her head and frowned a small bit as she pulled on some latex gloves and grabbed a clipboard, writing something down and then showing it to him.
It seemed she had gotten a piece of paper to talk to him with.
'There's mention that they won't be letting her back. They think that she was working with the villains. She'll be at that trial you mentioned the other day.' is what was written across the paper. He huffed and raised a brow. He opened his mouth to fuss but glanced through the door to see Kirishima still sleeping soundly.
"She wasn't working with the f*c-" He grunted to stop himself. He usually tried not to get too frustrated or use too much language around the nurses and doctors. His mom had told him that he had to be respectful around adults after what happened at the sports festival. He sighed and tilted his head to the side so she could have access to his ear, wincing as she stuck a q-tip in there with some type of f*cking medicine that burned like hell.
Somewhere in a far distance he could hear the thing that was right up against his ear. It was small, tiny little noises, still annoying as f*ck to listen to, but it comforted him a bit that he was one hundred percent deaf. He was told it was more uncommon for people to go fully deaf, to a point where they couldn't even hear loud explosions or airplanes taking off. But what did those matter? Who wanted the only thing they could hear in life to be airplanes and explosions?
Of course he didn't mind the explosions too much but... he glanced down at his hands as the nurse pulled away. Of course... an explosion had been what got him stuck here in the first place.
The nurse tapped on his shoulder to get him to look up to her as he lost focus. She quickly signed the word 'awake', which was extremely surprising to him, because that implied that she was learning signs. He didn't even know her name, he'd just been calling her Pixie because of her haircut.
That was aside from the point, the woman had pointed over to where Kirishima was, where the boy had rolled over and was staring hazily at the window.
"Thank you." Bakugou said quietly. "We can finish this later? I'll come find you." He told her quietly as she nodded and gathered her things up. She had done the first phase of checking; which was just cleaning his ears up so it wasn't too hard to redo later. He nodded gratefully to her and then moved back over to the bed, flopping to lay down next to Kirishima again.
He watched as the redhead looked at him in surprise and sat up to quickly look around where they were, his lips moving wildly as he obviously spoke in a panic.
"Calm down, you're fine, you'll give yourself a headache whipping your head around like that." He spoke simply, watching as the redhead flicked his head to look back at the boy next to him, slowly laying back down. He started to speak again but Bakugou waved his hand.
"Can't hear." He offered, Kirishima frowned slightly but nodded, blinking his eyes a few times, still kind of half asleep. Bakugou stared at him silently, his gaze slowly shifting into a glare. It was so annoying, he was so attractive. He hated it. He hated all of it, the way his heart warmed if he looked at the other for too long, the way he knew the other was safe as long as he was around. It was annoying. He didn't like Romance and being gushy. He didn't like feeling this way.
He looked back over at Kirishima to find the shark boy already looking up at him, a small smile written across his face as he clearly mouthed a goodmorning.
Alright, maybe he enjoyed it a little bit.
It didn't seem too bad to have a boyfriend, or friends, it was slowing him down on reaching his goal a little bit, which bugged him, but he felt so much more calm a lot of the time. Maybe that was because it was harder to annoy him when he couldn't hear voices or words to get annoyed at.
He gently wrapped his arms around the other boy and tugged him to be close. "Goodmorning." He mumbled to the other. Sh*tty hair smiled and pecked the boy's lips. Bakugou rolled his eyes. "Cheesy little sh*t." He huffed.
Kirishima only signed out a simple 'Says you' with one hand. The blonde scoffed.
"I'm not at all cheesy, excuse you." He brushed off the gushy comment but Kirishima only raised a brow in challenge.
The redhead moved to have his hands on Bakugou's cheeks, gently pressing their foreheads together, the explosion boy's grip loosened slightly in surprise. He closed his eyes for a moment as Kirishima's lips just barely brushed against his. Though a moment later the other boy shifted and his eyes opened again to see Kirishima reaching over him for something on the table- his hearing aid. He didn't really move too much as Kirishima put the device in his ear and turned it on.
"Sorry if it hurts, just wanted to prove that you're more cheesy and cuddly than I am, Katsuki." The redhead spoke and Bakugou's eyes widened insanely. He'd just used his first name. He'd never used that before. He actually felt chills go down his spine. That was something nice to hear first thing in the morning-
"Kiri-" He began in a low tone. The other boy only grinned and moved to his ear, whispering a few things quietly. "Kiri!" He gently shoved the other boy back, face a flaming red. "F*ck off!" He yelped out. "A*shole." He grumbled under his breath.
The shark just laughed warmly, showing off his teeth that had earned him the title of shark boy. Bakugou's frustration faded away quickly, he loved to hear the other boy's laughter, even though he'd never say that out loud.
"Sorry, sorry. Just wanted to see how you'd handle it." Kirishima spoke after he calmed down, his face was pretty red too, but not as bad as it would have been. He must have been trying really hard to not get as flustered as he used to.
The blonde huffed and leaned forwards to kiss him fully for a long moment. "You better live up to what you just told me f*cko. And if you're going to start calling me Katsuki, then I should probably be getting to meet your family shouldn't I, Eijirou?" He muttered slowly in a slight tease before he pulled away. He was fully joking, he didn't really intend to start calling him Eijirou, nor did he think that Kiri would start calling him Katsuki.
"I intend to. Fully, And that... might not be a good idea but we'll see... And I don't have to call you Katsuki, I can stick with Bakubro, or Bakubabe." He smirked as he grabbed his phone and sat up a bit. Bakugou just kind of stared at him for a minute or two. Not a good idea? To meet his family? He didn't really know much about Kirishima's home life to be honest, though, now that he thought about it... any time they had hung out before they lived in the dorms, they had always hung out at his house, never Kirishima's. The redhead had never mentioned his family and Bakugou had never thought to ask. He huffed a bit before he grabbed his own phone and glanced at it, nothing new really, other than a few messages in the group chat from the previous night.
'Yo we're going to pick up Bakubro tomorrow right?~Kam at 11:52PM Yesterday'
'Ye, around lunchtime is when Kiri said~Mina at 12:14AM Today'
'Aight.~Kam at 12:15AM Today'
'So you guys are going to be here soon then?~Kiri just now'
'You're already over there?~Sero'
'D*mn you woke up early.~Mina'
'Sure? So he didn't? Oooo he stayed overnight didn't he? Kiri DM me~Mina'
'f*ck off~Baku'
'You're the one that started it bro~Sero'
'you too tape freak~Baku'
'Ah it's been a nice few days without you yelling at us.~Kam'
'ill blast you to hell~Baku'
'I missed it ;-;~Kam'
'You're just saying that because you made it out of the yelling zone, lucky~Sero'
'Did not~Kiri'
'You're saying he still yells at you even tho you guys are dating?~Mina'
'.... i yell at everyone dumba*s~Baku'
'And we're not exactly dating, we're just boyfriends.~Kiri'
'Ah, right~Mina'
'We're on our way \o.~Kam'
Kirishima stood up and looked around. "Do you have a spare shirt? I obviously slept in this and now it's gross and I smell like food." He asked curiously. Bakugou turned his phone off and slid it back onto the table before he got up out of the bed and nodded.
"Yep, I'm technically supposed to be here for a few more days so I have a bunch. Plus my mom brings me way too much every time I come here..." He spoke, moving over to where he neatly kept his clothes in a good little spot. He grabbed one of his skull t-shirts and tossed it over to his boyfriend before grabbing a red one for himself.
"Thanks bro." He said. Bakugou nodded and moved over to the door so nobody could come in for a bit before he took off his own shirt to change for the day. His red eyes glanced over to Kirishima as he took his shirt off, showing all of his current scars.
The cracked burns on his arms were all over his chest, almost making him look like he had some sort of tribal tattoos, and he had a big scar in the middle of his back, ugly and jagged.
The blonde stepped over to him and simply brushed his fingers over the large scar on the other's back, it wasn't fully healed yet. It was also a bit of a reminder to the last time he saw the scars, when they had fought and hadn't spoken for so many days... He had hated that. Back then he had known just how much he cared for the other boy. He had known exactly how much he had enjoyed teasing him and picking on him being gay.
But that was aside from the point. Kirishima's scars... He hated seeing them, his own scars he had grown accustomed to. He could handle seeing them, because he saw them everyday, and he didn't care as much about what happened to himself.
But Kirishima... that was Kirishima. He was with him in each of these moments when he got his scars, he watched all of these things happen- they went through it all together. He was with him every time he got hurt, and most of the time it was his own fault. What if Kirishima lost his hearing like he did? What if there was another explosion? What if he lost his sight? Or went mute- any of that stuff could happen to him. At any moment these scars could be called nothing in comparison to something else.
And what if that was his fault too? He managed to be the downfall of the greatest hero there ever was and now it seemed every time he went into battle with his boyfriend he got seriously hurt, each time being worse than the last.
"Bakugou, you're doing it again." Kirishima mumbled softly, regaining the slightly taller one's attention.
"What?" He questioned, still gently moving his fingers over the scars until Kirishima turned around and took his hand.
"You're thinking about bad stuff." Sh*tty hair whispered. Bakugou scoffed quietly and shook his head.
"Nah, that sh*t is boring to think about." He lied, Kirishima had no need to know of his thoughts, He would just tell him how it wasn't manly or some sh*t.
"Mmm..." Kirishima sighed. He pulled the blonde into a hug. "I don't know what you're thinking about dude, but if it's like what it was last time, about you thinking you need to apologize for what happened; it's fine. We're both fine. It doesn't even hurt anymore." The redhead stated as he placed his free hand on the side of Bakugou's face. Which he grumbled about but didn't pull away cause Kirishima smiled widely, knowing it'd instantly calm him.
He grunted and opened his mouth a few times to talk, huffing. He hated being gushy and sweet. He growled quietly and tugged Kirishima into his arms, hugging him tightly. "I know this sh*t is hard because of my hearing, but I need you to f*cking fight by my side forever dumba*s. I don't need you so don't go getting the wrong ideas but I need to f*cking know that you're ok, and.." He frowned and grunted again, he hated this. "If we're in a fight and I can't hear, then I need you to be by my side." He mumbled, sighing. He heard Kirishima hum as the redhead hugged him back.
"You're getting better at talking." The other spoke. Bakugou hissed and shoved the other boy off, watching as he chuckled.
"A*shole." He huffed out. Kirishima only rubbed the back of his neck with a grin.
"But of course I'm going to be by your side, bro. We're best friends and boyfriends, if we aren't leading a hero agency together after highschool, then- I don't know. As long as our friend group stays together then we're chill!" He grinned, pressing his fists together. Bakugou smirked a bit.
"F*ck yeah then! Me and you, maybe the morons. We'll make a hero agency after highschool and it'll be the best one to ever f*cking exist!" The blonde grinned.
"Deal?" Kirishima held out a fist for a fist bump.
"Deal." Bakugou smirked as he fist bumped the boy, taking his hand and tugging him over to kiss him, both of them grinning. "When we get out of here and everything clears up, we should go out, on an actual date." He mumbled against the other's lips. Kirishima pulled away slightly and looked at him confusedly.
"Really?" Kirishima asked. Bakugou nodded a bit and ran his fingers through his own hair.
"Don't read too much into it dumba*s. I just... I know you would prefer it, I can tell, when you talk to other people about us, I can tell that you would prefer for us to actually date. We don't have to do cheesy sh*t right? Who the f*ck says we have to go to the movies or to a restaurant for a date?" He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest in annoyance.
"I mean, yeah! Like, we could just do what we've always done- like go hiking, and do training, what we did last night could be considered a date too, just watching tv and eating. I don't know, I don't really that cliche stuff either. So we're fine." Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck as he stepped forwards again. "I'd like that though." He showed off his shark-like teeth.
"Yeah? So that's it. We're dating, and we're going to start a hero agency after school, and we're going to work together as pro heroes forever. Today's been eventful and it's not even lunch time yet." He smirked. Kirishima nodded and moved to kiss him again, and that just so happened to be the moment the morons came in.
"Oh my g*d- we'll be out here you guys finish up." Pinky said in a hurry before she quickly shut the door again. The two boys stared at each other, faces bright red.
The morons had just walked into a dark room, where both of the boys were standing shirtless right next to each other, faces squished together.
"F*ck." Bakugou groaned as he stepped back, grabbing his shirt from off the bed and putting it on. "Get dressed, I have to let the nurse do my treatment before we go so you get to go talk to them." Bakugou smirked as he put his glasses on. "I also have to take my hearing aid out and give it back to the nurse, I'm not supposed to have it, and don't tell them I'm learning how to sign, I wanna tell them myself." He told Sh*tty Hair, who nodded.
"Alright. So I guess you won't be able to hear until your new hearing aids are ready?"
"And how long will that be?"
"A few months."
"Well in that case, talk to you later, Suki~" And with that, there was a soft click of the door shutting, leaving the blonde standing there, flaming red, scoffing.
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