Aynia unship in Boston harbor, looking around before start to walking in the direction of the inn.
'Aynia' Robert come close, looking at her with that arrogant look. 'How it is come back to home?'
'That's not my home...' She looked around, deviating of a group of red-coated guards, and think for a moment in the small coastal village she came from. 'There is the inn.'
The old sign swung with the wind, making her hold tight the green coat. The interior of the tavern was warm and cozy, making she smiled. Robert came in with a lot of mutters, looking around for a moment before go upstairs.
'Talk with the innkeeper.' He continued on his way while she sighed before approaching the counter.
'How can I help you, young lady?' The innkeeper smiled kind to her, getting a sweet smile.
'Two rooms for some nights.' She dropped the bag with some coins on the desk. 'Preferably, a bit far one to the other.'
The man giggled at her while bypass the counter, leading her to the upstairs. He pointed at some comfortable small bedroom with a small fireplace facing the stairs.
'This one is for you, young lady. Is a bit small, but you will find he is very cozy. For your friend, this one is bigger and I think he will not mind sharing this it with one more traveler.' The man pointed at some room in the opposite side, the last door in the corridor.
Robert crossed her with her look while she struggled to hold a laugh. Aynia come in the room, leaving her baggage at the foot of the bed and her body fall on the soft mattress.
'Finally, some time to rest.' A gentle touch on her leg make she open lazily her eyes, stare at the kind looking woman with rose cheeks.
'Lay down better' She smiled at her, throwing some wood in the fire. 'Sleep for some hours, darling. I call you when the dinner is ready.'
'Thank you.' She smiled, turning her body before feeling the blanket cover her and sleeping.
'How this stupid man go so far?' Aynia rolled her eyes before looking across the spyglass, searching for his target.
'Come on, Aynia. We don't have time. Let's go inside the fort, now.' Robert screamed to her, walking away of the rock. She climbed down, sighing and staring at him for a second.
'Here is it my answer.' She followed Robert at the surroundings of the place, hiding behind a tree after see a small group. 'Dammit. Imperiuns, that is a fucking imperium fort. I can't believe in that. How powerful they are here?'
She stayed there for some minutes, keeping her eyes wide open and her ears attentive, waiting until it was safe to leave her hiding place, running how fast she can.
'God dammit. Here is Robert?' She looked around, fearing his was captured for the imperiuns before start coming to go to the inn.
'Where were you? I looked for you for minutes, you stupid libertatem apprentice.' He crossed her with his look, approaching her after she went through the door. 'I thought the imperiuns was captured you. I was about to send a letter from Crawley.'
'I'm fine. I just hid behind some trees and wait. And you?' She sighed when him ignore her, going upstairs. 'Good night for you too...'
Her approached to the counter, sitting in a stool and staring some random place.
'Hi sweetie. You look horrible.' She giggled at the kind man, looking up to him. 'Looks like you need a drink. A strong one.'
'Yes, please... My body is tired and my head hurts. I need something to forget about my stupid partner and my stupid mentor who thinks I am unable to catch that crook by myself.' She sighed, laying her face in your hand and smiling sweet.
'Of course, my dear.' The man put in her front a bottle of sweet run and a glass, leaving her alone for some time. Aynia sighed, thinking about your choices, the things that took her on that path, and feeling a little regret.
Haytham stared at the man in front of him, nervously moving his hands and looking for any place except him.
'Well, mister Taylor...' Haytham started, lifting up and bypass his desk. 'Tell me more about the events that's bring you here.'
He listened carefully the man telling him about his runaway from a pair of libertatens, how he has almost gone catch and how they cross the ocean behind him.
'The woman... She is dangerous, she has some ability to see behind her. She's seen me running away in the chaos of dust and people while she is fighting against three soldiers at the same time, she is... terrifying.' Haytham stared him with some distrust and unbelief before turn his look to the man standing in the door.
'Shay.' The man approached some steps, staring Taylor for some moments.
'Well, libertatens receive some good training. She can be a master or something like this.' The man with a big scar crossing his left side of his face looked up to Haytham. 'I would like to remember you, sir, that libertaten also can have some sort of special abilities, like us.'
'Thank you.' There was a mocking tone in Haytham's voice. 'Right, give me something to believe in your words, mister Taylor, and you can be under my protection.'
'Thank you so much, master Haytham. I'm not going to disappointing you.' Taylor left Haytham offices, accompanied of Shay.
'Another sycophant.' He sighed, rolling her eyes while going to the window, looking at the fort. 'Sometimes, I miss Brigit and her such sassy attitude.'
'She will be happy to hear it.' Shay smiled at him, ignoring his angry look. 'He is not so smart, but seems to say the truth. But I don't like him, for some occult reason to me.'
'Same' Haytham keep his eyes in the forest, seeing a small sparkle among the trees. 'Send some men to patrol around the fort, closer to the forest. Maybe yours libertaten friends are here.'
'Hm, he is a little... arrogant.' Haytham looked through the window, leading the tea cup close to his lips.
'Well, come from you, that make me curious.' Shay looked over his shoulder, seeing the man in the other side of the street, among a group of civilians. 'That was a very bad disguise.'
'Like a said, he is arrogant and fool.' He looked away, searching for the woman. 'But she... She is quite interesting. Good with go unnoticed, but a little distracted.'
'Maybe is some kind of trick, to look more ordinary than she is.' Shay pointed to the small woman with a discreet coat and hood. Haytham smiled, seeing she goes back to the inn after his partner ruined her disguise. 'You go after her?'
'Yes. She looks smart, maybe she can be intelligent and join in your cause.' Haytham got up, taking his coat and leaving.
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