Chapter 7
I wake up to the sun beaming in my face and I pull the covers over my face and groan.
Minutes after enjoying the peace and quietness after I woke, I adjust my eyes and manage getting out of the bed to start the day.
I slip on my white silky robe covering my black pajama shorts and white tank-top and head downstairs.
It's freezing in here.
I yawn - which makes no since considering I just woke.
Walking into the kitchen I see Klaus standing drying the washed dishes.
"Hey," I greet him with tiresome screeching from my voice.
He looks up and glances at me, letting go of the cloth he was holding to dry off dishes.
"Good morning, love. Sleep well?" He holds back a smile.
"Yeah," I give him a curious look, "Someone's cheerful today." I say according to him.
"Not cheerful, love. Just happy to be alive." He claims with the smile beginning to plaster across his face.
"Niklaus Mikaelson in a good mood? What is it, the end of the world?" I joke when Klaus rolls his steely eyes at me.
He relaxes his palms onto the counter across from where I'm sitting, now facing directly in front of me but with him standing and me sitting - he stares at me.
What now, Klaus?
Moments go by when I act to not see him stare, and he breaks the silence "Are you hungry?"
I meet with his eyes to come in contact, "Guess so, what do we have?"
He turns around to search in the refrigerator, "Well breakfast food, but I was thinking going to grab a bite from Pino's?" He lifts an eyebrow and shrugs.
"Pino's? I didn't even know they served breakfast." I admit.
"I take that to be normal coming from you, since you're not from around here, love." He says.
"Okay," I stand and go upstairs to get ready.
Now in the passenger seat of Klaus' Chevy Camaro, we're on our way to Pino's.
"Are you sure Elijah didn't wanna come?"
"He decided to stay in and make the calls for the upcoming cotillion." Klaus answers.
"Cotillion?" I question glancing at Klaus as his eyes are focused on the road in front of us.
"You didn't know? Every year here in New Orleans we put together a formal cotillion at the French Quarter." He informs me.
I nod in return even given he doesn't see.
"Here," Klaus signals at the cafe he's turning into for parking.
He gets out of his side and before I know it he uses his vamp speed to rush over for opening my passenger side door for me.
"Thanks." I grin and he gives a small smile in return as we walk into the cafe to take a seat at a booth and expect the breakfast menu.
"'Waffle Dunk'n Hash' what is that?" Klaus asks the waitor in the most confused yet slightly adorable manner.
"That sir, would be our #1 top serving in breakfast here. It's our single waffle underneath a large hash-brown covered with syrup, with a side of your choice of bacon or sausage links." The waitor informs.
Klaus smiles delightfully, "I'll have that, please."
"I'll take the same," I order offering a smile.
"This cotillion coming up, does it require formal attire?" I question hoping for the pessimistic answer.
I'm not the kind of girl to wear dresses. Or at least enjoys wearing them, but I manage.
"Of course," Klaus arches his eyebrow, "Hayley, cotillion's are made to be formal."
"Right," I let out a laugh and he follows.
"Ready to go?" He asks while putting aside his empty plate and placing down a tip on the booth.
"Sure." I state and we get into his Camaro and head back to the house.
"Done making the calls, brother?" Klaus calls out to Elijah hanging up the house phone as soon as we arrived inside.
"Not quite. There's still some others added onto the list. Can't get in touch with them though." Elijah informs us.
Klaus nods and I walk towards his brother, "Hey, everything alright?"
"Yes, though getting in touch with people from the past can certainly be difficult." Elijah exclaims.
"Who's all coming?" I imply.
"Most likely, all of New Orleans. Any lady that can find an appropriate dress and any gentlemen with a tux."
"That simple, huh?"
"Not as it sounds." He protests and stands from the chair he was sitting in and sits the book I'm assuming he was reading down onto the coffee table.
"And when is this exactly?" I shout before he disappears before turning the corner to go upstairs.
"Tuesday!" He calls out and I hear his footsteps going up the stairs.
"It's Saturday," I mumble to myself while in thought.
I guess this gives me time to find a dress. Wait - aren't these cotillion things require for you to have a date? I certainly don't have a date... yet.
'Yet' ;)
Whosoever will she choose?
- Thanks for reading and remember to vote & comment
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