Chapter 27
Hayley's POV:
It's been a day since Kai took me into some cabin but my whereabouts remain unknown, I have the slightest clue as to where I am.
The moment we first arrived here, I asked him why he wanted me. He filled me in on his reasoning for hunting me down; I'm a hybrid. Most people hunt me down for my blood - it's rare. That's just it, I'm a rare supernatural being.
I figure he doesn't know about Klaus, or even who Klaus is.
Which is good - I'd rather him take me than put Klaus through torture, which I highly doubt Kai would get away with.
Surprisingly Kai has been letting me sit around as if it's my house as well. I've been just hanging around here waiting for a way to escape. I tried maybe a little too early last night; Kai went out to feed, and I took it upon myself to escape simply using the front door as he pops up standing in front of me when the door opens as the axe murderer would do in the horror films.
Giving me a minor heart attack it felt like, he harshly pushed me down for him to walk back inside. He obviously lost his trust in me he risked that night.
So here I am, not giving up nor backing down without a fight.
My eyes flutter open from the rest I tried enjoying although my thoughts were streaming throughout my head.
Kai's the first sight through my eyes as he stands in the kitchen snooping in the refrigerator while I lay on the not-so-comfortable couch in the den across the small hallway from where he's standing.
He hums a tune softly while gazing at the storage of food and I get up to walk over to him.
"Top of the mornin' to ya," he greets not having to look behind him to see that it's me.
I offer a small fake smile even when he can't see it from his back facing me.
I clear my throat, "Mind if I step outside for a moment? I won't run away," I mock at the end.
He lets out a heavy breath, "Don't be long, I advise you to enjoy the fresh air while you can anyway considering the move you tried to pull last night, because that won't happen again."
I walk away rolling my eyes behind him as I walk out the front door.
Standing on the sturdy wooden porch I gaze at nature outside.
I close my eyes breathing in the fresh air and hear the birds chirping and wind softly blowing through the leaves of trees.
I quickly peel my eyes open when I hear the sound of a branch breaking as if someone is walking near.
I look over my shoulder behind me and see Kai eating a sandwich through the kitchen window.
Okay, obviously it's not him. I want to shout 'who's there?' but I know that would do nothing but gather Kai's attention.
Instead I just stare into the bushes where the sound came from.
It was then when a wolf came out of the bushes, coming to a complete stop as it stares at me.
I stare back at the wolf in silence with my arms crossed over my chest.
The same gray wolf that appeared last time. The night I went outside to take in the fresh air compared to now, at the Mikaelson's, I saw this same exact wolf.
I grin in remembrance to the night I first saw the wolf.
"Hayley!" Kai calls out from the window behind me.
I turn to see him call me inside and I glance back at the--
Wolf. The wolf still there on it's very own four paws in front of me.
I thought it'd be gone - like last time - it disappeared when Elijah called me. But instead it still remains staring at me, with a glow in it's eyes and I smile.
I hurry inside so I won't stir up a rage from Kai if I didn't get back in time - sadly, I know.
Entering the cabin I walk towards Kai who stands in the kitchen.
"I wanted to chat," he smirks having his arms crossed over his muscular chest.
"About?" I arch an eyebrow.
"Your family, why not." He shrugs and sits down at the dinner table.
I remain standing, "What if I chose not to talk?"
"Then I'll have to make you regret it." He glares.
I laugh, "Okay, what's next do I call you master?" I joke.
He immediately stands and lands in front of me, wrapping his fingers around my throat when I don't see it coming.
He forcibly tightens his grip, his face only close to my own as his nose touches mine.
"Don't play with me, Hayley. You're only here for one reason and one reason only: you're mine. And I need you're blood for many reasons; not only does a hybrids' blood heal a werewolf bite, but I'm pretty sure it tastes great." Kai ends his threat with a devilishly charming smile.
"But you haven't been bitten by a werewolf..." I whisper softly after he loosens his grip around my neck.
He chokes me tighter in return, taking a step closer to me from where he was before.
"In case I get bitten from a werewolf. It's August, this month is filled with plenty of full moons out there to cause a few bites." He reasons and I roughly groan from his grip tightening.
It's August. The last month for my no-longer vacation here in New Orleans. And here I am - taken against my own will.
I was suppose to have a great and relaxing summer when all I got was pain, agony, and brokenness. Sure I fell deeply in love, but this?
I meant to leave the Mikaelson's home and move into a home of my own and live life. Enjoy the summer. Try living a normal life as much as I could and this is what happened.
Kai finally takes his hand off my throat and I cough roughly as my neck is in pain.
I fall onto the wooden floor and place my hand over my collarbone thinking of the pain.
I hear Kai smirk and turn his back on me, walking into the hallway.
I quickly heal and manage standing then rush behind him, I try to snap his neck just before he instantly turns around and throws my body back onto the floor.
I groan when my head hits the floor.
I watch as he continues walking away, without a scratch and without any worry.
This boy has no idea what's coming for him.
I. Will. End. Him.
Suddenly there's a sick feeling tingling in my stomach and I try steadily keeping my balance to get to the bathroom. I'm extremely dizzy.
Finally I gain the strength and rush down the hallway finding my way to the bathroom to vomit.
When I finish I remain exhausted and I want sleep.
I walk into the bedroom Kai 'allows' me to sleep in and plop down onto the bed.
*Two days later*
"I'm stepping outside," I shout to Kai who's resting on the couch in the living room and I could care less if he didn't hear me.
Making my way onto the front porch, I gaze outside.
There's not a mailbox for me tell where I am, of course. We're literally in the middle of nowhere.
I hear noises similar to when I saw the wolf coming from the same direction.
Remaining quiet, I watch as the gray wolf comes out of the leafy bushes.
I crack a smile the moment I see it again.
This exact wolf is the only thing that makes me feel safe when I'm here. When it's around I gain hope. Every time I see it or it visits I'm in the need to smile, for the sense of strength and hope I gather from it.
Okay I should probably start saying he or she instead of 'it'.
It just doesn't sound right.
Even given the fact that it is one of my own kind - the same species. Oops... I did it again.
The gray wolf stares without any movement.
"Hey," I whisper, grinning at the wolf in sight.
Of course the wolf says nothing in return.
I hear Kai mumbling a groan when he slowly wakes, so I return back inside the cabin after glancing at the wolf once more.
And there was that feeling again, vomit threatening to exit my body.
Rushing to the bathroom I land in front of the toilet before dropping onto my knees and panting as the vomit withdrawals.
Afterwards I'm sunken into thought.
"No, no no... no I--" I ramble onto myself like a crazy person, still on my knees on the bathroom floor.
"I can't... that's not possible," Still in deep thought I put together the pieces.
I'm not sick.
Or at least, I'm not throwing up from a sickness...
I've been dizzy for a full day at the time Kai threw me down causing me to hit my head - yes, everyone should get dizzy from bumping their head onto something, but this was different.
This is the second time I've thrown up here and I doubt I've eaten something bad - the food here seems fine.
I still can't clear my head from my absurd thoughts...
And then it hit me, like a ton of bricks--
I'm pregnant.
It all makes since...
Klaus and I did have sex and it hasn't been but only a week ago.
But I'm here.
I'm not with him - he doesn't know. There's no telling how long it'll be before he does.
I enter a daze and vision him standing wearing his long sleeve black shirt with his usual charming grin plastered on his face.
He's standing in the den of his home. Nobody else is around.
Just me and him.
He slowly walks to me, takes my hands and pulls me closer to him.
I giggle as he wraps me in a comfortable hug, and as I vision us together I see him smile.
The look on our faces - we're happy.
And I could feel it, his embrace comforting me as my cheek is pressed against his chest.
I hear a child call out for whom I assume is me considering my smile that widens when I turn to come in contact with the face of the voice that wanted my attention.
"Hey honey," I smile and Klaus does the same.
From my view I can't place if the child's a boy or a girl... but their voice sounded adorable and sweet.
We smile as Klaus and I walk towards the child for a lovely hug, and everything becomes a blur.
"Hayley," I hear Kai call for me from outside the bathroom.
I don't answer, instead my thoughts are elsewhere.
No matter how peaceful small moments can be,
there's always someone or something to come crashing it down. There's always going to be drama, that's just the way it is.
The memories you want to hold onto - last forever.
The people you love - don't.
Until you hold on to that certain someone - who you never wish to give up...
No matter how hard I try...
This - my life: is always going to remain unsteady.
The end of Book One.
So that's it. The end of Book One...
Again, there will be a second book to this story and it's going to be named Hayley Marshall: Uncontrollable.
I know this book has ended with several unanswered questions.
I understand you all want answers but PATIENCE!
And keep in mind Hayley's a survivor ;)
In the meantime comment your thoughts loves.
I love you all... always and forever.
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