The morning after Haxus came out of the healing pod he and (Y/n) took time to cuddle with each other while they lovingly talked about what their baby might look like; their baby wouldn't look like much during (Y/n's) ninth week of pregnancy, but with the advanced technology they might be able to hear the heartbeat for the first time. They could still hardly believe it, (Y/n) had the beginning of a whole brand new person growing inside of her and within the next few months they would get to meet their very own baby. (Y/n) and Haxus couldn't wait until they could find out what their baby's gender would be, unfortunately that wouldn't happen until a few more weeks passed and only if they could find a clinic. She wasn't even ten weeks into her pregnancy and she wondered if their baby would inherit their father's snarkiness or not, if they did then it would be kind of annoying yet adorable at the same time. Finally having the ability to sleep in together was nice, for the first time in a few days they were able to fall asleep and wake up in each other's arms.
(Y/n) already brought up the subject of Coran giving her an ultrasound, Haxus was a little uncertain about it but she reminded him that she viewed Coran as family and he saw her the same way, the whole team was like a big family. Haxus felt particularly vulnerable when the subject of family came up, he'd lost touch with his a very long time ago and sometimes thinking about his family made him feel sad, he swore on his life that he would be there for (Y/n) and their children. (Y/n) could tell that the subject of family was particularly sensitive for her boyfriend, he never really talked about it, although she could tell something probably happened at some point. While they snuggled together under a fuzzy blanket she rested her forehead against his bare upper chest, cherishing their time together. Haxus purred affectionately and delicately nuzzled his lover's forehead while rubbing one hand up and down her back, making sure not to accidentally scratch her.
"We should really get going, I'm sure Coran's waiting for us in the infirmary." (Y/n) mumbled against Haxus' chest, looking up at him while smiling.
"Must we? I'm comfortable here and I've missed spending time with you like this." Haxus replied flatly, wanting to remain in bed with her for as long as possible so they could escape the world for just a little longer.
"Yes, we do. Besides, don't you want to see what our baby looks like?" (Y/n) responded with sass, something she knew would make him smile, and it did.
"Of course I want to see our kit, but I would also prefer to stay here with you." Haxus said when the corners of his mouth turned upwards; he liked it when she got a little sassy with him.
"That's what I thought. Come on, sleepy head, we can come back and cuddle after we see our baby and maybe get something to eat." (Y/n) spoke teasingly, reaching forward with one hand to caress the side of his face before she tossed the blanket off and sat up.
Haxus really didn't want to get out of bed, although with the promise of them returning to their cuddle session later he figured it was okay, plus he felt excited about seeing how big their little one was. (Y/n) already wore a comfortable pair of pants and she decided to wear one of Haxus' shirts while he put another one on so his upper body wouldn't get too chilly. She put her socks on while Haxus didn't bother putting anything on his feet, he didn't mind going around barefooted from time to time. Usually (Y/n) wouldn't mind walking alongside Haxus, but the infirmary was pretty far from their bedroom and carrying her would be easier; the walk to the infirmary wasn't anything special, although they were surprised when they saw Shiro, Pidge and Hunk. Three out of the five paladins were curious about the development of a galra-human hybrid baby, if Ulaz and Keith were around then they would have definitely been in the infirmary too.
"I hope that you two don't mind us being here, we're just a little curious about the baby." Hunk said after Haxus carried (Y/n) over to the examination table and carefully laid her on it, hoping that they didn't mind a little extra company.
"We don't mind." (Y/n) answered before Haxus could, it wasn't like they were going to get in the way or anything, letting them watch wouldn't do any harm.
Haxus pouted a little, but he accepted the fact that (Y/n) didn't mind letting Hunk, Shiro and Pidge stick around even though he still didn't necessarily like them. Coran opened the closet and wheeled over a cart with a machine on it; it looked kind of like a projector with a screen on the side and it had a transducer on the side, similar to ultrasound machines on Earth, only more high-tech. Everyone watched Coran turn the machine on and face the screen towards the examination table, that way Haxus and (Y/n) could see their baby easier. As soon as the machine turned on (Y/n) lifted up the lower part of Haxus' shirts she wore so the older man could hover the transducer over her lower belly, unlike the ultrasound machines on Earth the transducer didn't necessarily have to actually touch her skin. The young woman and her lover felt a little emotional when they heard their baby's heartbeat for the first time; they were a little confused because it sounded like there was more than one heartbeat, but they figured (Y/n's) pulse could be heard along with the baby's heartbeat.
(Y/n) could hardly believe she was getting to hear the fast paced heartbeat of her and Haxus' baby and she could have sworn that she saw him wipe away a few tears before he let her hold one of his hands. An image appeared on the screen when Coran held the curved tip of the blue and white transducer over the right side of (Y/n's) belly, revealing a tiny developing baby who was beginning to actually look like a baby instead of a marshmallow with a tail. No one in the room said anything, they were too engrossed in watching the developing baby move around a little; the image was really good quality and the baby looked as though they would have Haxus' ears, causing the father-to-be to feel a sense of pride. Haxus was entranced by the image on the screen, barely able to believe that he actually took part in the creation of what would soon be a new life. However, when Coran moved the position of the transducer towards the middle of (Y/n's) belly something else appeared, the beginning of a second baby.
"Is that what I think it is?" (Y/n) asked Coran when she saw the second baby growing inside of her; it looked a little different from the first one and that's when it dawned on her that she was having twins.
"It appears so; congratulations to the both of you!" Coran confirmed prior to congratulating her and Haxus, a genuinely happy smile spread across his face.
"Hax, we're having twins!" (Y/n) spoke with excitement when she looked up at her boyfriend, gently squeezing his hand to get his attention.
"We're going to have our hands full after they're born, but they're going to be wonderful." Haxus added whilst beaming down at her, his voice full of emotion when he spoke.
(Y/n) couldn't stop smiling while she maintained eye contact with him; having two galra-human hybrid babies would undoubtedly be a handful, but at the same time it would be different than having two fully human babies. The two lil’ beans moved around every so often; they were both already sprouting limbs and their tiny little ears were beginning to take shape, unfortunately it was still too early to determine what their genders were. Out of the three paladins who were in the room Pidge was the most curious, she only had one sibling and he was older than she was, so getting the opportunity to attend a real ultrasound was a new experience for her. Shiro and Hunk weren't quite as excited as Pidge was; Shiro had been an only child while Hunk already got to be there for one of his older sister-in-law's ultrasounds. When Coran moved the transducer to the other side of (Y/n's) belly and just a little lower his eyes widened as did Haxus' and (Y/n's), there appeared to be a third baby growing inside of the young woman's womb.
"Well, this is certainly unexpected." Coran observed in surprise when he detected a third baby, one who looked slightly different than the other two.
"There's three inside of me?" (Y/n) questioned in disbelief; she was originally only expecting to be pregnant with one baby, not three.
"It was to be expected." Haxus boasted smugly, feeling happy with himself for knocking his mate up so good; towards the end of her pregnancy she would be extremely pregnant and need his help with pretty much everything, although he wanted to cherish every moment with (Y/n) since it was her first time being pregnant.
(Y/n) looked at Haxus with widened eyes, wondering how he could say such a thing when she thought that she would only be pregnant with one baby; apparently the universe had other plans, though. Triplets, she would be giving birth to triplets within the next few months and until then she would have to carry them around inside of her. She was grateful that Haxus would be taking care of her as much as he could, otherwise being pregnant with three babies and then taking care of them after they were born would have been too much for her to handle. No one else in the room could smell it, but the pheromones Haxus was letting off during that particular moment were extremely strong because of how proud he was for getting (Y/n) pregnant with triplets. Coran cleared his throat awkwardly prior to assuring the expecting couple that all three babies were perfectly healthy, albeit a bit smaller than he would have expected them to be during (Y/n's) ninth week, but they still perfectly healthy; (Y/n) and Haxus were grateful that their babies were healthy, as expecting parents it was the biggest concern of theirs since (Y/n) was already doing well, they were just thankful that their babies were healthy.
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