New additions to the family
The thirty-sixth week of (Y/n's) pregnancy faded into the thirty-seventh as though time passed by in an instant; there were only a few weeks to go until her due date, or at least that's what she and Haxus thought. Throughout her thirty-seventh week (Y/n) felt a slight cramping sensation come and go and it worried her because from her understanding she shouldn't have been going into labor quite yet, thankfully she found out it was to be expected after she read a few things about human pregnancy online. It was hard to tell exactly when she got pregnant, (Y/n) and Haxus could only estimate when her due date would be and leave the rest up to fate. Since (Y/n's) due date was quickly approaching Haxus made her stay in bed while he waited on her hand and foot, leaving her wanting for nothing. Haxus’ instincts were at their highest and he didn't want (Y/n) to accidentally hurt herself if she lost her balance, he knew it wouldn't be long before she went into labor.
One morning when her thirty-eighth week was approaching the cramps (Y/n) had felt worse, as though the muscles in her lower back and abdomen were tightening. She thought it was false labor and ignored it to the best of her ability, she even assured Haxus that she would be fine when he voiced his concern for her during breakfast. The tightening sensation technically began sometime in the middle of the night, although back when she first felt the cramps she didn't think anything of it. (Y/n) tried eating breakfast because she felt hungry when Haxus brought it to bed, unfortunately as soon as she tried eating the food he prepared for them she felt the cramping get worse. She honestly thought that she was going through false labor that just so happened to begin the previous night, then she remembered that she might have lost her mucus plug a couple of days prior.
“Oh no.” (Y/n) panicked when she came to a sudden realization; she placed her hands on her large belly and felt movement, it was time and there was no stopping it.
“What?” Haxus asked her with concern when she gasped, then he noticed that her pheromones had changed a little and her new scent had him scrunching his nose up.
“You know how I said that I was alright? And do you remember when I told you that I had some discharge a couple of days ago?” (Y/n) queried without panicking despite the anxious expression on her face.
“Yes? And what- (Y/n), are you trying to tell me that you've gone into labor?” Haxus began to ask until he put two and two together, quickly realizing that their babies might come a little early.
“Y-yeah, I am. I really think that I'm going into labor. Haxus, I'm worried; I'm not even thirty-eight weeks pregnant yet, at least I don't think I am, and I'm already in labor.” (Y/n) answered nervously whilst trying her best not to have a panic attack; she was in labor and she would be giving birth sometime that day, it would be hard for her to stay calm.
“Try to remain calm, darling. I'm here for you.” Haxus spoke lovingly as he reached over and placed his hands over hers, beaming a comforting smile at his mate who was going to birth their children sometime before the next day.
“I'm about to push our three children out of my cooch, how do you suggest I stay calm?” (Y/n) questioned, raising an eyebrow as she looked at him as though she was asking him if he was serious.
“Just try, if not for my sake then for your own. From my understanding you've gone into labor early; I don't want to lose you.” Haxus pleaded, his tone coming out more desperate than he intended; he didn't want to frighten her, but he knew that there could possibly be some complications during the birth and he had the inkling she knew that as well.
(Y/n) took a deep breath and a moment to think before she told him that she would try her best, with Haxus by her side throughout the entire labor and birthing process then she would be fine. She was already a few hours into labor which meant she would possibly be giving birth sooner than she expected, but she had to remain calm in order not to accidentally cause any complications. (Y/n) took the opportunity to have a drink, if she was going to give birth then she wanted something to hydrate her. Haxus finished his portion of breakfast before he got off of the bed and took the tray with him; he put (Y/n's) drink on her nightstand in case she got thirsty, although he decided to quickly put the tray down in the kitchen for the time being. There was a lot he had to do to prepare to help his mate give birth and he didn't know how much time he had to prepare everything, he just had to do it as quickly as possible.
While Haxus was downstairs in the kitchen he had to take a deep breath, he could barely register that (Y/n) went into labor at some point and he didn't know how much longer they had until she gave birth to the first of their three children. After his time under Sendak's command Haxus thought he could keep his composure under any circumstances, although from the thought that he would help (Y/n) give birth he felt uncertain if everything was going to be alright or not. He didn't regret meeting her nor did he regret having kids with her, but he felt bad for being the cause of the pain she was about to go through. Haxus would give the herbal tea to (Y/n) a little closer to the actual birth, it would help her get through at least some of the pain. When he returned to their bedroom he saw (Y/n) gripping the blankets with her fists while her eyes were squeezed shut; (Y/n) was having a contraction; it wasn't a very bad one yet, but it was still painful.
“Do you think you're getting closer?” Haxus asked her with the calmest tone he could muster while he approached the bed.
“I don't know, it's not like I have anything to compare it to!” (Y/n) snarked when she opened her eyes, hoping that she wasn't making a weird face.
“From what I read on a website from Earth, giving birth is similar to defecating.” Haxus suggested, thinking that he was being helpful given the situation they found themselves in.
“Haxus, I love you and all, but never compare me giving birth to doing that ever again.” (Y/n) chided; she didn't like the comparison and gave him an unimpressed look, one that told him not to do it again.
Haxus lowered his ears for a moment; he felt a little embarrassed for making such a comparison in the first place, thankfully he got over it in a few seconds so he could take the pile of clean blankets out of the laundry basket he kept next to their dresser. The idea was for (Y/n) to give birth in their bathroom where the cleanup would be easier, but first he needed to make a comfortable makeshift nest out of some extra blankets and pillows he bought from the space mall, he even found something similar to a portable floor mattress that would be used as the base for the nest. (Y/n) agreed that giving birth in the bathroom attached to their bedroom would be better than doing it on their bed, especially since they didn't have a spare mattress. Haxus turned the heater on in the bathroom so that the smaller room would be warm enough when he moved (Y/n) to the makeshift nest. For the next couple of hours (Y/n) would just hang out in bed, trying her best to relax as much as possible; Haxus came out of the bathroom once he finished building the smaller blanket nest so he could spend time with her, she needed him more than ever.
The minutes turned into hours and as the hours passed (Y/n) did her best to work through the pain of childbirth. Her water broke only a few hours after she realized that she'd gone into labor and then about four hours later her and Haxus’ first baby was born; the first-born was a girl who looked almost exactly like her father, only she had her mother's ears and a head full of (H/c) hair. She cried loudly when (Y/n) pushed her out into the overly cushy makeshift nest below her and she didn't stop until Haxus cut her umbilical cord and gave her a tongue tongue bath, Haxus placed her in the opposite corner of the nest after he made sure she was clean and breathing well. Witnessing childbirth firsthand wasn't the most traumatizing thing the ex-lieutenant had seen during his life, although actually seeing the crowning and (Y/n) push their first child out would leave him scarred for life. Haxus was back at his lover's side in an instant, allowing her to grip his left hand as tightly as she could.
The pain of childbirth was antagonizing for (Y/n), she never thought that it would hurt so badly and she finally understood why some people called it the ring of fire. The young woman cried in a mixture of pain and joy when she heard their first daughter practically scream her head off, despite being in pain it gave her a sense of pride knowing that she successfully gave birth to one of their children. A couple of hours before she gave birth Haxus brewed the special herbal tea for her to drink; it helped to take a portion of pain away and for that (Y/n) was grateful. Not only was giving birth painful but it was also tiring, it took everything in her to keep herself from going unconscious. From her understanding their babies would be a little smaller than the typical human baby, although it certainly didn't feel like it when she had to push.
After everything (Y/n) had been through ever since she ended up in space with the paladins she never imagined that she would end up giving birth to triplets, the whole thing was just as surreal to Haxus because before they met he hadn't even considered having children. Within the next few minutes it was time for (Y/n) to start pushing again when she felt their next child coming; Haxus remained by her side and praised her through the whole process, not once saying anything remotely snarky when she yelled things she didn't mean to him. Their next child was a boy, one who would have been the spitting image of his father if it wasn't for his lighter skin color and head full of (H/c) hair. Haxus repeated the process of cutting the cord and giving their son a tongue bath, then when he stopped crying Haxus laid him next to his sister. He told (Y/n) what their son looked like when he returned to her side, they only had one child left and then (Y/n) would be able to finally get some rest.
“You only have one more to go, then you can rest.” Haxus spoke softly while he sat next to the nest, offering his right hand for his mate to hold since his left one felt sore.
“I'll- I'll try. Hey, Haxus, do you remember when we confessed our feelings for each other?” (Y/n) asked him out of the blue; she was a little delirious from the pain by that point, she just didn't have it in her to yell any more insults which was only the pain talking at the time.
“I could never forget that evening, but why bring it up now?” Haxus acknowledged, curious as to why she brought up such a random moment from the past.
“It was one of my happiest memories. Back then I never imagined that you would get me pregnant with triplets, and I've been in a lot of pain today, but after I have our last baby this is all going to be worth it.” (Y/n) replied with a weak tone, taking a deep breath before she felt another contraction.
“I know, darling, it will always be one of my favorites as well. Do you think you're getting close to birthing our third kit?” Haxus responded, beaming a smile down at her.
“Yeah, I think so.” (Y/n) spoke despite the pain she was in, she only had to give birth one more time and then she would be done.
Haxus glanced over at their other two babies, after everything that went down they were fast asleep, completely undisturbed by their mother's pained sounds. After (Y/n) gave birth to their third child she would have to wait a little while so she could pass the placentas and the rest of the umbilical cords, then she would have to be cleaned off before she could be carried back to bed. Birthing their third child was a little easier than the first two, (Y/n) figured it was because her vagina was all stretched out after she'd pushed two other babies out. Just like with the first two babies, the third one cried when she was born; another girl, one who looked almost completely human except for her purple skin and darker purple hair. Haxus disliked the taste and smell of the afterbirth, but he didn't feel right giving his and (Y/n's) newborns regular baths to clean them off.
“Haxus, why aren't they crying anymore?” (Y/n) asked him anxiously after a few minutes of resting; it took her a couple of minutes for her to catch her breath, that's when she came to the realization that none of their babies were crying like they were when they came into the world.
“They're sleeping, I think. It's hard to tell since their eyes haven't opened yet. Are you feeling well enough to see them?” Haxus answered quietly so that he wouldn't accidentally wake their three new children up.
“I'm fine. Now let me see our babies.” (Y/n) answered firmly, demanding to see the three babies she'd just pushed out.
Haxus smiled, he would never get tired of her ability to sass him even when she was at her most vulnerable. Their youngest daughter squirmed in his hands, signaling that she was very much awake, she just wasn't in the mood to cry. Haxus handed their youngest to (Y/n) who happily accepted the tiny baby who mewled when she was cradled with her mother's right arm. (Y/n) beamed when she got a good look at one of her two daughters, she could hardly believe how tiny she was. Haxus handed their son to (Y/n) next, laying him on his lover's left side so she could hold him too. Lastly there was their first-born child; (Y/n) didn't have any more arm space, so he carefully picked her up and showed her to his mate who had a few spare tears trailing down her cheeks.
(Y/n) couldn't get over the fact that she actually gave birth to three adorable children, and unlike regular human newborns they were actually cute. Their youngest and second-born latched on to her nipples fairly quickly and began nursing, unfortunately their oldest would have to wait a few minutes to have her first meal. Breastfeeding felt strange and a little uncomfortable, thankfully as time the new mother would get used to it as time went on. The feeling (Y/n) felt while she held two of their three newborns could only be described as blissful despite the dull ache she felt throughout her body, giving birth in itself was painful but holding two of her babies was the best feeling in the world. When their first-born started to fuss Haxus cradled her against his chest with delicate hands, purring softly to her which settled her down.
“What do you want to name them?” (Y/n) asked Haxus after their first two babies finished nursing and fell asleep after she burped them; she carefully laid them next to her in the makeshift nest and looked up at him, taking their first-born daughter as soon as he passed her down to her.
“I want our son's name to be Huz to honor my fallen brother and I would like for our oldest daughter to be named Farla.” Haxus replied having previously made his decision on the two names, although if (Y/n) wanted to name their first-born to have a different name then he was alright with that.
“I like those, they suit them well. I would like to name our youngest Harlow, if that's okay.” (Y/n) said, smiling as she turned her attention back to Harlow who slept next to her brother.
Haxus beamed and reached down to caress the side of her face; he agreed that Harlow was the perfect name for their youngest, he was glad that they didn't disagree on any of their children's names. Eventually (Y/n) passed the rest of the afterbirth sometime after she finished feeding Harlow which gave Haxus the opportunity to carefully clean her off, then he put the squishy mess into a special container Ulaz sent them that he kept in the bathroom for when it would be needed. He had to wash his hands well after handling the afterbirth, the placentas and umbilical cords were disgusting and briefly handling them made his stomach churn a little. Moving (Y/n) to their bed wasn't easy but he had to do it so she could be more comfortable, she couldn't stay in the bathroom forever. When Haxus brought each of their babies to their bed he could tell that he'd woken them up when they started squirming and mewling, he apologized to each one prior to laying them next to (Y/n).
“Are you hungry or thirsty?” Haxus asked when he looked at the time, realizing just how much of it passed since earlier.
“I'm really hungry and thirsty.” (Y/n) admitted bashfully, suddenly feeling really hungry and thirsty from the very mention of food and water.
“Then I'll return shortly.” Haxus said while beaming at her, leaving their bedroom so he could go get something for her to nourish herself with; she just birthed three babies, she would need all the nourishment she could get.
(Y/n) watched Haxus leave before she turned her attention back to her babies, they weren't even an hour old yet and they were already fairly active. She wasn't sure if they would sleep for most of the day and night like galra kits or if they would be awake more often like human babies, she hoped they would take after their father's side so that she could get the rest she so desperately needed. The new mother picked Harlow up and cradled in her arms, then something completely unexpected and amazing happened, Harlow opened her eyes for the first time; neither (Y/n) nor Haxus knew exactly when their babies would open their eyes, they both naturally assumed it would take about a week or two, but that wasn't the case for their youngest triplet and all (Y/n) could do was look at her youngest daughter's eyes. (Y/n) was astonished that Harlow opened her yellow eyes; Harlow's eyes weren't completely yellow like Haxus’, instead she had white scleras like a human and yellow irises, a trait from her father. When Haxus came back a while later she saw him balancing a tray, she could hardly wait to tell him that Harlow opened her eyes.
“These heated up diced Catato beef steak pieces will give you the nourishment you need and I have some water for you as well.” Haxus said when he carefully placed the tray over (Y/n's) lap, being careful not to accidentally bump their babies.
“Thank you, they smell delicious. Anyway, look who opened her eyes for the first time.” (Y/n) thanked him prior to showing Harlow to Haxus; Harlow stared up at her father with a blank expression on her face, looking at him for the very first time.
“She opened her eyes this early? I'm surprised, neither of her siblings’ eyes are open yet.” Haxus responded with a shocked tone, immediately joining his family on the bed as carefully as he could, feeling his heart skip a beat when his gaze met Harlow's.
Harlow's gaze followed her father as he sat on the bed and she continued to stare at him when she was passed to him, she couldn't quite see clearly yet but she was beginning to recognize his scent. Haxus could hardly believe that one of their children opened their eyes so quickly, he couldn't stop looking at her while she looked up at him. He glanced at Huz and Farla who had seemingly fallen asleep, all three of them were precious to him and (Y/n). While Haxus held Harlow (Y/n) took the opportunity to eat and drink, giving birth earlier took a lot of energy from her and she felt as though she was starving. It was mid evening while she and Haxus sat in bed with their three newborns; Haxus would eventually get some pajamas and diapers for their babies, he just needed a few moments to rest first.
Haxus let out a quiet long-winded yawn when he woke up the next morning, his eyes widening when he remembered what happened the previous day; he helped (Y/n) give birth, their triplets had been born, and he needed to see them for himself just to make sure they were really there. The three of them slept peacefully nestled up with each other in between him and (Y/n), he was glad that their bed was big enough for him and his fiance’ to sleep, even with a few kits sleeping between them. He stared down at their three sleeping infants and smiled, he didn't know what he did to deserve a beautiful yet strong mate and three precious little ones. Haxus smiled when Harlow opened her eyes and looked up at him, wiggling around and mewling for attention. She was just too cute, her father couldn't resist carefully picking her up so he could cradle her against his chest.
“Good morning little one, did you sleep well? I'm going to love and protect you, your mother and your siblings for all eternity. Your mother and I have waited a long time to meet you and your siblings.” Haxus whispered lovingly while he gazed down at Harlow; she was so tiny and cute, he was at his softest during that moment and he didn't care.
Harlow wiggled around in her father's grip, stretching out as much as she could before she mouthed at his chest for a couple of seconds. Haxus knew she must have been hungry, unfortunately he couldn't provide her with food until she was old enough to be weaned from her mother's nipple to a bottle. Huz woke up next and started wiggling around which woke Farla up, both of them blindly searching for either one of their parents since their eyes hadn't opened yet. Haxus reached down and delicately brushed the backs of his fingers against their cheeks, caressing their soft skin. The sound of Haxus’ voice woke (Y/n) up from her deep slumber; she wanted to sleep in, but she also wanted to see their babies.
“How are they doing?” (Y/n) asked Haxus as soon as she was awake enough to speak, her thoughts immediately turning to their three newborns.
“They're doing well, although they're a little hungry. How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?” Haxus calmly assured her; he was concerned that she would be in a lot of pain after what happened the previous day, if there was anything wrong then he wanted to know as soon as possible so he could call a doctor out to their house.
“I'm sore and I'm still tired, but I'll live.” (Y/n) answered before she sat up, wincing when she felt how sore her lower half felt.
“I'll get anything you need soon, the liquid painkiller is safe for breastfeeding mothers.” Haxus said prior to handing Harlow to her, knowing she needed breakfast so that she wouldn't keep searching for a nipple on him.
(Y/n) took Harlow into her arms after she sat up and let her latch onto her right nipple, breastfeeding still felt strange but she would have to get used to it. Haxus handed Farla to her next so their oldest could have breakfast at the same time, even though it meant Huz would have to wait a few minutes to have his third meal. He liked the sight of (Y/n) laying in bed with two of their babies suckling on her nipples, perhaps he liked it a little too much, but by that point he and (Y/n) were used to his little hormonal bursts; it was only natural for male galra who had a breastfeeding mate, after all. Haxus picked their only son up and gently nuzzled him, purring softly so he could associate the sound with his father. (Y/n) tried her best not to think about the sensation of two little mouths suckling on her nipples; it eased some of the pressure and made her feel closer to her two daughters, she could only explain it as a pleasant feeling.
“Can we have (F/b) for breakfast? I'm really hungry and that's what I'm hungry for.” (Y/n) requested while she breastfed Farla and Harlow, feeling as though she was starving again.
“Of course we can, darling. Will you be able to take care of all three of our kits until I return?” Haxus answered with a gentle smile; he knew she was capable of a lot, although she just gave birth the previous day and he wanted to make her life as easy as possible so she could recover.
“I can handle things here, but I really need something to eat.” (Y/n) responded hungrily; she didn't want to be fussed over too much right then, but she really wanted something to eat and drink.
Haxus got her very obvious hint and carefully got out of bed after he laid Huz down so he could lean down and kiss (Y/n), then he began making his way to the kitchen after he got out of bed. Making breakfast for the two of them was easy enough, he would make sure everything tasted really good. In the meantime Harlow finished drinking and (Y/n) carefully burped her before she laid her down and carefully picked Huz up so she could feed him. She felt a little awkward spending time with the three brand new people she grew inside of her during the previous few months, she found that talking to them helped ease some of the awkwardness a little. She wondered what Harlow, Farla and Huz would be like when they were a bit older; she would have to patiently wait for when their personalities began developing within the next few months, until then she wanted to enjoy them being tiny for as long as possible.
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