Things between (Y/n) and Haxus returned to normal after her fertile window ended, much to her and Haxus' relief. With Haxus being fully recovered he was able to live as normally as possible despite still living in (Y/n's) room and having to hide from everyone else in the castle. When (Y/n) finally got the chance, she explained to her roommate that humans didn't go through heat cycles or ruts like galra did. Haxus listened to everything she told him about human reproductive cycles and how they were different from what galra went through; he was still embarrassed about the confusion, but he was thankful that (Y/n) wasn't the type of person to make fun of him for it. In return, he told her about how galran bodies worked, as well as heats and ruts; according to him, his rut was still a few months away.
Everything was going great until Shiro, Lance and Pidge busted a guy named Slav out of some super secure space prison, resulting in things becoming slightly more chaotic than normal. (Y/n) didn't exactly go to any important meetings amongst the Paladins, but she occasionally heard them talking about taking down Zarkon or something. She didn't tell Haxus about what was going on in fear of how he might react; that, and she didn't have all the details. With things being so busy around the castle, (Y/n) was busy keeping things clean while also keeping her roommate hidden at the same time. However, one particular evening she decided to ask the others what exactly what was going on; she wouldn't tell Haxus about it, though.
"You guys have all been so busy lately. What exactly is going on?" (Y/n) asked Shiro with curiosity, making eye contact with the man who was sitting right across the table.
"We're hoping to finally take down Zarkon. With the giant teludav built, everything's almost ready." Shiro told her, a slight nervousness in his tone as he spoke.
"Do you think it'll work?" (Y/n) queried, feeling surprised at what was actually going on; she knew whatever it was, was a big deal, but she didn't think that the Paladins were actually going to try taking down Zarkon.
"Of course it'll work, we're the defenders of the entire universe!" Lance butted in, a huge grin on his face while he leaned back in his seat.
(Y/n) was silent for a moment, trying to wrap her mind around the situation; the Paladins were going to get rid of Zarkon and make the universe a safe place for everyone. If they were successful, it wouldn't be long before she and her fellow humans returned to Earth and their old lives. (Y/n) was also worried about Haxus; what would happen to him if he was discovered? She wasn't expecting to get attached to him, but she realized that she was and it made her sad to think that she might have to say goodbye to her grumpy galran roommate. (Y/n) was pulled out of her thoughts when Coran said her name, quickly getting her attention.
"(Y/n), The Blade of Marmora will be helping us and some of them might get injured during the battle. Could you possibly get a few rooms ready for them to stay in for a couple of quintants, just in case?" Coran kindly asked (Y/n), requesting that she prepare a place for possible guests to rest should there be any.
"Yeah, I can do that." (Y/n) answered, a slight smile appearing on her face despite her racing thoughts; the Blades were galra, meaning that they might smell Haxus while they were around.
Coran reciprocated the smile before turning his attention back to Allura, discussing something with her. (Y/n) went back to eating dinner, thinking of ways to hide her roommate's scent from any galra who might be staying in the castle for a few days. She already managed to convince Keith that there wasn't any other galra around, but trying to convince any of the Blades would be difficult beyond belief. For the time being, (Y/n) decided not to think too much about it so as not to stress herself out. Instead, she learned as much about the Paladins' plans as much as she could, thankful that they trusted her so much.
Knowing all the details of the Paladins' plan put (Y/n's) mind at ease, but she still felt as though something bad was going to happen. It wasn't that she didn't trust Slav, but there was a chance something could go wrong and Zarkon would somehow evade getting killed.
(Y/n) was keeping the information to herself for Haxus' good; if he found out what was going on, she didn't know what he would do. He was becoming a much better person compared to when she first rescued him, unfortunately there was a chance that he would revert to his old self. Being galran meant Haxus could smell (Y/n's) pheromones, so he could easily tell something was on her mind.
"Hey, I brought you some dinner." (Y/n) announced in a soft tone when she entered her room, giving her roommate his dinner before sitting next to him on the bed.
"Thank you. Now tell me, what's on your mind?" Haxus thanked the young woman when she gave him his dinner, wanting to know why she seemed a little 'off'.
"There’s nothing on my mind." (Y/n) fibbed, feeling anxious all of a sudden; she couldn't let him know what the Paladins were planning.
"I can smell your pheromones; something's making you anxious." Haxus responded with his usual bluntness, flicking his left ear twice.
(Y/n) didn't say anything as she looked down at her lap, trying to think of something to tell him. She definitely couldn't let her roommate know that the Paladins were going to attempt to kill the Emperor. Haxus stared at (Y/n), listening as her heart rate quickened and her stress pheromones increased tenfold. He had a feeling that it had something to do with the Paladins, he already knew what their mission was, but he didn't know for sure what was causing her to act so strange. Before he was abandoned Haxus was one hundred percent loyal to Zarkon, but after everything that had happened he hoped the Paladins would rid the ancient Emperor from the universe.
"Allura has invited some… galra rebels to the castle and I'm worried about them finding out about you." (Y/n) said after thinking about what she was going to say, looking up at the male next to her while speaking.
"I see… I'm sure that you'll figure something out in order to keep our secret safe. You're very clever, after all." Haxus replied, a slight grin on his face before turning his attention to his dinner; he couldn't believe that he just complimented (Y/n).
(Y/n's) face heated up when Haxus complimented her, causing her to feel flustered; she absolutely wasn't expecting it whatsoever, but it was kind of nice at the same time. She had already convinced Keith that there weren't any other galra in the castle, but with the confidence boost she felt like she would be able to convince any of the Blades that nothing fishy was going on. Haxus wasn't fond of the taste of that night's dinner, but somehow it didn't bother him as much while (Y/n) was there with him. He had come to enjoy her company during dinner every evening and always looked forward to it. If they ever got the chance, Haxus wanted to have dinner with (Y/n) in the castle's dining room.
The attack at Galra Central Command didn't exactly go as planned, but it was successful enough to temporarily work. Shiro was gone, meaning that Voltron was currently without a leader. Two of the Blades, Antok and Thace, had nearly been killed and were now in two of the healing pods in the castle's infirmary. Kolivan already went back to the main Blade of Marmora base, but Ulaz was staying at the castle for a few days until the other two Blades were healed. (Y/n) had prepared the farthest room away from hers for him to stay in, hoping that he wouldn't somehow smell Haxus' scent.
As expected, Allura still strongly disliked having Ulaz staying in the castle, but (Y/n) could tell that she was slowly warming up to him. (Y/n) personally enjoyed his company; talking to him was nice, especially since she didn't often get to talk to very many new people. However, she was still nervous that Ulaz would somehow find out that she was harboring a war criminal. (Y/n) sprayed some potent air freshener in the hallway multiple times every day, hoping to cover up Haxus' scent. Despite the air freshener, Ulaz could smell the pheromones of another fully grown male galra, getting the feeling that he knew who the scent belonged to.
Not wanting to frighten anyone in the castle, Ulaz used his Blade training to find out exactly what was going on and where the scent was coming from. The other galra was in (Y/n's) room, which was surprising to him; he would have never expected (Y/n) of all people to hide someone like Haxus in her room, but he figured that she had a good reason for why she was doing it and he wasn't going to judge her decision. Haxus knew about Ulaz staying in the castle and hated it; he couldn't help but feel jealous whenever he knew (Y/n) was hanging out with Ulaz. It wasn't a mystery that galra easily got jealous, but he kept reminding himself that (Y/n) wasn't his mate or even his intended. One evening when it was time for dinner, (Y/n) sprayed herself with the air freshener in hopes of masking her roommate's natural scent.
"Hey, what's wrong?" (Y/n) asked Haxus curiously, wondering why he had an extra grumpy expression on his face.
"Nothing is wrong." Haxus huffed, pinning his short ears back; he hated that (Y/n) was going to be eating dinner with Ulaz, even though they weren't going to be alone.
"Wait, are you… Are you jealous?" (Y/n) queried teasingly, smirking while crossing her arms over her chest.
"No, I am not jealous." Haxus sneered with a growl, trying not to think about (Y/n) being around the good doctor.
"Then why do you sound jealous?" (Y/n)
cross-examined, her smirk turning into a wide grin.
Haxus averted his gaze from the young woman, letting out a nearly silent huff of frustration. He wished that he wasn't jealous about her spending time with the only other fully matured male galra in the castle, but he couldn't help it; Ulaz was the farthest thing from a player, Haxus knew that, but women were always charmed by him. (Y/n's) grin fell and was replaced by a worried expression, feeling guilty for teasing Haxus about being jealous. She walked over to the bed and sat next to her roommate, placing her right hand on his left knee.
"I'm sorry for teasing you. If it makes you feel better, the Paladins are going to be at dinner too." (Y/n) apologized, reassuring him that she wasn't going to be alone with Ulaz.
Haxus muttered something in galran regarding (Y/n) not sitting next to or right across from Ulaz, but she didn't understand a word of what he said. In a way she felt bad for teasing him about being jealous, but it was also cute and funny at the same time. After a few moments (Y/n) stood up and bid her roommate farewell, promising him that she would soon return with dinner and dessert. Once (Y/n) was out in the hallway she froze, feeling nervous when she saw Ulaz pass her in the hallway. When Ulaz saw (Y/n), he decided to confront her in a way that wouldn't scare her away.
"Oh, h-hey Ulaz." (Y/n) stammered with nervousness, feeling her heartbeat increase while breaking into a cold sweat; she was scared that he somehow knew her secret, which he already did.
"Hello (Y/n). Do you mind me asking you something?" Ulaz queried in his usual calm tone, speaking gently so as not to frighten the young woman.
"Y-yeah, go ahead." (Y/n) replied, her heart racing in her chest while she wondered what the tall, slim male wanted to know.
"I might be mistaken, but your room reeks of another male galra and the pheromones smell familiar. I can tell that you've been keeping a secret." Ulaz spoke calmly, kneeling down so that he was at eye level with her.
"I- I- u-ummm." (Y/n) stuttered with a timid tone, her eyes widening; she felt as though she was going to have a heart attack, he knew her secret.
"I know that you have your reasons for helping him and I'm not going to question those reasons. I won't tell the others." Ulaz reassured (Y/n), a slight smile tugging at the corners of his lips; he would never betray her for an act of kindness.
(Y/n) was shocked that Ulaz knew her secret, but she should have known he would find out; he was basically a super spy, after all. She thanked Ulaz for not telling anyone about her secret roommate, grateful that he was so understanding. After Ulaz stood up, he and (Y/n) started walking to the dining room together in a comfortable silence. (Y/n) was still having a hard time wrapping her mind around the fact that Ulaz knew her secret despite after spraying the hallway and herself with air freshener. During dinner she made sure to act like her normal self, not wanting the others to suspect anything as usual.
On any normal evening Hunk made some kind of dinner made up from random ingredients, but since Ulaz was around he taught the young man how to make a traditional galran dish. Trying new foods was always a little nerve-wracking, especially when they were alien foods, but (Y/n) liked the dish Ulaz taught Hunk to make more than she thought she would. No one suspected anything suspicious throughout the meal, much to (Y/n's) relief; however, Lance kept glancing at her as though he was up to something. It wasn't until after everyone went to go do their own thing and she put the dishes in the dishwasher that (Y/n) could get a plate of dinner and dessert to take to Haxus. Ulaz went to the infirmary to check on Antok and Thace; they would be fully healed soon and the three of them would go back to the main Blades' base.
"Here, I think that you'll really like dinner tonight." (Y/n) said when she entered her room, a cheerful smile on her face.
"Is that a traditional galran dish?" Haxus queried with interest, his ears perking up when (Y/n) put everything she was carrying on her nightstand; it was almost too good to be true.
(Y/n) confirmed that the food was a traditional galran dish, happy that her roommate was happy; seeing his face soften was a huge contrast to his usual grumpy expression. Haxus missed having real food; the last time he had anything like it was the night before he left his home to become a cadet. He reached for the plate of food and the silverware, breathing in the delicious aroma of the meat. While Haxus ate, (Y/n) looked down at her lap and thought about her earlier conversation with Ulaz. Haxus noticed the troubled look on (Y/n's) face and wondered what happened while she was at dinner; if Ulaz made a move on her, he was going to be pissed.
"Did something happen during dinner?" Haxus inquired, taking a break from eating; he reminded himself to stay calm for (Y/n's) sake.
"Not necessarily during dinner, more like when I left my room to go to dinner. It's just… Ulaz knows about you." (Y/n) answered after taking a deep breath, telling her roommate the truth; he deserved to know that someone knew about him.
"You told him?!" Haxus questioned angrily, baring his teeth and pinning his short, stubby ears against his skull while looking down at his roommate; he felt betrayed in that moment.
"I never told him, he figured it out all on his own and he's not going to tell anyone that I'm hiding you in my room." (Y/n) corrected before he could get upset, reassuring him that no one else knew about him living in the castle.
"Very well." Haxus muttered under his breath before turning his attention back to his dinner, feeling unnerved about the other male galra knowing about him; he should have seen it coming, though.
(Y/n) sighed in relief, thankful that he wasn't too angry about Ulaz knowing about him and keeping their secret. She couldn't blame Haxus for being jealous; Ulaz was hella attractive, but she knew that he was already basically taken.
(Y/n) just sat there on the bed, keeping her roommate company as usual. Haxus felt a little better while she sat next to him; he didn't know why, but he really liked having her around. There wasn't very much to talk about, so they just enjoyed the somewhat comfortable silence, Haxus was thankful that you didn't tell anyone about him and that Ulaz wouldn't either.
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