Amber pov
We arrive in germany
Me: ok cap
Steve: cap
Nat: she has nicknames for everyone just wait the one she has for bruce
Me: okay wait for my signal then jump
Steve: the man is about became stir fry
Nat: remember that intuition thing we said earlier
Steve nods his head
Nat: well she always knows why or what people are doing or thinking like if someone likes someone but shes completely oblivious when someone likes her and shes also got this other creepy thing along with the intuition is she always knows when or when not to do something or you should call him then or how long you should give someone space etc
Cap: amber
I see loki
Loki: watch you elder
He jumps out of the plane just in time for him to deflect lokis attak
Steve: You know the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else we ended up disagreeing
Loki stands up
Loki: The soldier A man out of time
Steve: I'm not the one who's out of time
I uncloak the quin jet and nat sets the machine machine gun pointing towards Loki i grab the mic
Me: Loki drop the weapon and stand down
Loki sends a BLAST of blue lightning at the quinjet shit that was close luckly Nat maneuvers out of the way just in time giving steve the time to throw his shield at Loki bam they both begin to beat the crap out of eachother Loki flings steve to the ground i wince back steve then throws his shield at him but Loki flicks it way steve using all the moves of a boxer damn is KNOCKED down by Loki
Me: ouch
Loki Stands over him he points the scepter's tip on his helmet
Loki: Kneel
Like shit he will
Steve: Not today steve flips and knocks him out with his leg
Me: cool
Loki grabs him and FLIPS him over
Me: ouch
Me: The guy's all over the place
Suddenly, AC/DC's "Shoot to Thrill" me and uncle tonys favourite song overdrives the quinjet speakers
Uncle big mouth: Agent Romanoff little one did you miss me
I smiled so wide i see nat lips curve but she frowns again when she noticed that she was sorta smilling
Then steve and Loki look up at the sky uncle big mouth flies over in his iron man suit and blasts Loki right back to the ground
Nat: do you have to comment in everything IRON MAN touches down
He stands up and pulls out every piece of weaponry the suit has damn
T: Make your move Reindeer Games
I start laughing histarically
Loki puts up his hands and surrenders. His armor materializes away
T: Good move
Steve: Mr. Stark
T: Captain
Im still laughing histarically and i feel us land and the hanger door opens
T: what wrong with you
I can hardly breath but i manage to say
Me: Reindeer.
And i continue my laughing
Me: cant breath
Then i feel nat punching me in the arm
Me: owww thanks
Nat: you couldnt stop laughing
Me: stop smilling
Steve: how do you know she smiling we cant see her face
Nat: damb intuition
T: its very creepy
Me: hey i didnt ask for it it just is what it is
I sit up and see loki sitting in front of my feet cauz i am lying down i point at loki
Me: why is he sitting next to me
Steve: i would like to know that too
He mumbles
Loki: i like this one you are very strong physically and emotionally and your intuition interest me
Me: go find someone else to be interested in
I see steve tense up wait why is he tensing up does he like me no he couldnt
Me: im going to sleep nobody touch me while im asleep ok
Everyone: okay
All obviously confused why but dont press on it
I lye down but feel loki staring at me
Me: no staring either
Steve: look at a wall or something
Wait did ge sound jelous
Nat and big mouth: stop staring at our niece
Steve: wait you bruce and mr stark are all related
Me: no i just call them my aunts and uncles cauz theyve looked after me now shut up im trying to sleep
I fell asleep but something beushed against my feet i jloted up and punched what was in front of me it was loki i gave loki a blood nose i think i broke it
I see steve and uncle tony and nat smirking
Nat: now i guess this why nobody wakes you up
Loki: all i did was accidentally brush against you
Me: no touching what so ever last person to do that was my dad
Loki: you get more intriguing every day
Me: yea no thank you
I stand up and sit next to steve
Me: hi
I rub my head
Steve: hey you tired too
Me: yeah
Steve: you know my shoulders are quite soft if you want to lean on them
T: yea nope sorry gramps shes not sleeping on your shoulder
But it was to late i was already sleeping on his shoulders
Nat: awww
THUNDER Comes out of nowhere and makes me wide awake ugghhh Fury speaks over my headset
Uncle nick (V.O.): Said anything
Me: nope Not a word
Loki: if you ask me ill answer
I glare at him and at the corner of my eyes i see steve glaring too
N: (V.O.) Just get him here We're low on time
With Loki tied up and cuffed to his seat me Tony and Steve watch from a distance whispering
Steve: I don't like it
T: What Rock of Ages giving up so easily
Me: metal man
Steve: I don't remember it being ever that easy This guy packs a wallop
Me: i know i saw
T: Still, you are pretty spry for an older fellow What's your thing Pilates
I give tony tge death glare
Me: It's like calisthenics
T: You might have missed a couple things you know, doing time as a Capsicle
Steve looks at Tony, finally meeting his ego match dear lord
Steve: Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in
I glare at steve who toke it down a couple of notches
T: Yeah there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you
Me: ya know what i give up
I throw my hands up in frustration then THUNDER and LIGHTNING nearly hit the jet making it shake violently
Nat: Where's this coming from
Me: dont ask me i dont know shit
I sit across from loki death glaring him Thunder RUMBLES overhead Loki stares out the window intently
Steve: What's the matter Scared of a little lightning
Loki: I'm not overly fond of what follows
Me: thor lokis brother
Everyone stares
Me: bloody hell doesnt anyone read these files thor is an asgardian the one who wields the mighty hammer and conroles lightning which is awesome btw loki is thors adopted sibling and has kicked lokis ass all the time
Loki: shes smart and funny aswell and intelligent
What the fuck OUTSIDE THE JET A BLINDING LIGHT hits the jet Not a light THOR he opens the ramp and grabs Loki by the throat and flies out Steve and Tony are left dumbstruck
Me: that ..... was......awesome
T puts the IRON MAN helmet on
Steve: Think the guy's a friendly
Me: saved earth like alot
T: Doesn't matter If he frees Loki or kills him the Tesseract's lost
T turns and gets ready to jump off the jet to chase after Thor
Steve: Stark we need a plan of attack
T: I have a plan Attack
IRON MAN jumps out of the jet and chases after Thor
Me: HEY THATA MY LINE damn him
Steve grabs a parachute to follow.
Nat: I'd sit this one out Cap
Steve: I don't see how I can
Me: These guys come from legends they're basically gods
Steve: There's only one God ma'am and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that
Steve JUMPS OUT of the jet
Me: bloody hell men
Nat: tell me about it
I watch from above somewhere out in the European mountains Thor throws Loki into the side of the mountain ouch thats gotta hurt especially with the broken nose He raises the mighty hammer MJÖLNIR He looks down at his brother who he thought to be dead and is angry to see him alive in this fashion i mea who wouldnt if your brother possed as dead and starts killing people on the planet that you love
Thor: Where is the Tesseract
LOKI (LAUGHS) damn him
Loki: I missed you too
Thor: Do I look to be in a gaming mood
Nope your scary as shit
Loki: Oh, you should thank me With the Bifrost gone how much dark energy did the Allfather have to muster to conjure you here Your precious Earth Thor drops MJÖLNIR causing the mountain to quake He picks up Loki His brother Although Thor is pissed for what he has done a family is everything to a man or actually god
Thor: I thought you dead
Loki: Did you mourn
Stupid bastard your brother grieved and put through hell ive shouldve broken his face
T: We all did Our father...
Loki: Your father He did tell you my true parentage did he not
Thor lets go Loki who walks away from Thor causing an even bigger wedge between them
Thor: We were raised together we played together we fought together Do you remember none of that
Loki: I remember a shadow Living in the shade of your greatness I remember you tossing me into an abyss I was and should be king
Spoiled brat
Thor: So you take the world I love as recompense for your imagined slights No the Earth is under my protection Loki
Loki laughs damn bastard can i kill him already
Loki: and you're doing a marvelous job with that The humans slaughter each other in droves while you idly threat I mean to rule them And why should I not
Thor: You think yourself above them
Loki: well yes
Thor: Then you miss the truth of ruling brother Throne would suit you ill
Angrily, Loki shoves his thor to the side He walks back up to the ledge Turns around
Loki: I've seen worlds you've never known about I have grown Odinson, in my exile I have seen the true power of the Tesseract and when I wield it...
Thor: Who showed you this power Who controls the would-be-king
Loki: I am a king
Phww king my ass
Thor: Not here You give up the Tesseract You give up this poisonous dream You come home
Yeah not gonna work we already tried that
Loki: I don't have it You need the cube to bring me home but I've sent it off I know not where
Mjölnir flies back to thors grasp
Thor: You listen well brother I...
Loki: I'm listening
Me: what the hell
Thor and iron man crash into the forest Thor rolls himself up t is still standing but keeps his distance The helmet opens up
Thor: Do not touch me again
Tony: Then don't take my stuff
Thor: You have no idea what you're dealing with
Tony: Shakespeare in the park Doth mother know you weareth her drapes
Thor: This is beyond you metal man. Loki will face Asgardian justice
Tony: He gives up the Cube he's all yours Until then, stay out of my way... tourist
The IRON MAN helmet clamps up and he walks away In one quick move Thor pulls Mjölnir throws it and KNOCKS IRON MAN clear across into a tree
T: Okay
From the mountain side Loki watches in amusement Thor raises his hand Mjölnir flies back to his hand Thor SWINGS the hammer summoning a ray of energy IRON MAN stands up and from his hand pulsers a blast of energy knocks the MIGHTY AVENGER on his ass IRON MAN flies back up and knocks Thor into a tree Right back at you, bitch Thor kneeling on the ground pulls Mjölnir to his hand raises it to the skies and pulls in lightning and thunder Thor points the hammer at IRON MAN and the outpouring of bolts lighting increases in intensity IRON MAN falls back
JARVIS: Power at 400% capacity
T: How about that
IRON MAN FIRES AWAY FROM HIS HAND BOOSTERS pushing Thor to his knees Like two gunslingers ready to draw both Thor and IRON MAN fly towards each other and meet in the middle and ascend up The two battle IRON MAN grasps THOR elbowing him and SMASHING him into the side of a mountain THOR LEAPS off the mountain and takes IRON MAN with him THOR and IRON MAN crash right back down smashing down every tree possible IRON MAN yanks Thor right up Thor grabs both hand pulsers and begins to crush them T quickly charges as much energy as he can and shoots in Thor's face Thor falls back losing his stance.IRON MAN headbutts Thor, with his gold-titanium alloy helmet Thor... headbutts him with his fuckin' head and actually sends IRON MAN across the forest
Me: this is really funny
Nat: i know should we do something
We both look at the screen IRON MAN boosters up and flies back at Thor grabbing him by the arm and cape and swings him into another tree
Me and nat: nahhhhh
Thor looks up ready Thor runs with all his patience out the window IRON MAN swings and misses giving Thor the momentum to grab him lift him and smash him down hard Thor summons back Mjölnir to his hand Just as he's about to put the hammer down IRON MAN uses his hand pulsers to fly across the ground and trip Thor over Standing up Thor looks for him but from behind him IRON MAN crashes into his back Thor stands facing IRON MAN Ready to pounce... CAPTAIN AMERICA'S shield blocks off both Thor and IRON MAN stopping them They look up and see CAPTAIN AMERICA standing on top of a fallen tree with the shield back in hand
Me: finally a voice of reason
Steve: Hey That's enough Now I don't know what you plan on doing here
Thor: I've come here to put an end to Loki's schemes
Steve: Then prove it Put the hammer down
Not a smart move
T: Um yeah no Bad call He loves his hammer
Dont prevoke an asgardian
THOR BACKHANDS IRON MAN LIKE A PIMP WITH MJÖLNIR Thor losing all tolerance with this sentential of liberty raises the hammer
Thor: You want me to put the hammer down THOR LEAPS HIGH INTO THE AIR
Me: okay
Nat: dont go down there
Me: if i dont they actually might kill eachother
I run out and turn on my flying angel shoes which are fabulous
I go to the ground where tge boys are fighting
they stare at me
I know they can all see my annoyed facial expression
I signal nat to get loki and she collects him and flys onto the ground
Me: in now
They all scurry in even thor seemed a little intimidated i sit in between thor and steve
Loki: so bossy and likes to guve orders you might be a great queen one day
Thor: stop flirting loki
Me: thank you thor
Thor: no problems
Me: so i wanna hear all about jane
Thor looks at me
Me: you like her no more than that you love her you think shes a very smart self confident leading women who will do anything to her own strive and you like that
Steve: intuition
Me: yep
Thor: daughter of
Me: clint barton
I extend my hand out
Thor: daughter of barton your observance and intuition is very impressive
Loki: i know that name barton ahhh yes he is one of my workers if you want to see him all you have to do is ask
I sit there lying on steves shoulders
Thor: you two seem like a lovely couple
We sit up
Nat and uncle tony are smirking they know i like him damn it
Me: no no were not dating
Thor: oh i thought so since you two seem so
Loki: close
Loki spat out
Me: we are not dating
I think i saw steve hurt by my words no its all in my head
We finally arrive at base
The song shoot to thrill is 5 minutes long up the top so you can listen to it while reading and a funny photo i likd is at the top
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