I wake up and practice the routine in my bedroom no ones awake except mal but shes down stairs okay so up down sexy roll okay i got it i cant wait its been weeks since i posted my new song and i think weve got everything ready for this video the avengers will be so suprised with my new change in singing wait till they see my next vid panties anyone when im done i change into my clothes oh and btw i dyed my hair again now its kina pinkish redish its awesome awesome so then i go to AC in our official office i know YAY he informs me of the mission
Me: Wait a telekinetic I thought they didn't exist We never verified one
AC: That's why we're going to Batesville ... to conduct an index asset evaluation and intake
Me: so im basically gonna do all the talking
AC: Basically
ME: Well, that needs a better name ... less I.R.S., more... better. Something like the welcome wagon
AC: yea but other than simmons your the nicest girl here and she looks likes she needs girl to girl time
Me: your telling me lets go
We come out of the office
Me: ive been on plenty of these evaluations sometimes wig out when they see the S.H.I.E.L.D trucks roll up
AC: Each case is different Some people are in complete denial that there's anything unusual about them It's a delicate process and from all reports this sounds like a particularly sensitive situation
Me: Particle accelerator explodes. Hannah Hutchins one of the quality-control engineers
AC: The town blames her Four technicians died in that blast ... on her watch
ME: That's terrible ... all those families
AC: Small church community... they're pretty rattled
ME: She must be too Friends co-workers dead and on top of all that she might have some crazy power she can't understand
AC: Or control
We arrive at the lab
Jem: Sir the department of energy's declared the particle acceleration lab too dangerous to enter
Fitz: But the good news is we still think we can retrieve the disaster-event data from the instruments
Jem: We'll determine the cause and see if there's any correlation between telekinesis spontaneously forming and a particle accelerator exploding
AC: Well, it does use giant magnets to fire billions of subatomic particles into their anti-particles at the speed of light to create miniature big bangs so... seems like a good place to start
Fitz and Simmons watch him surprised
AC: I read
Me: I'll try not to mention big bangs when we talk to Hutchins about the explosion
AC: i agree This is a delicate situation We don't know what kind of danger this woman poses so we'll make initial contact with Agents Ward and May
Im about to answer when May appears
Mal: Wheels up in five Better strap in
Me: It's a delicate situation so you're bringing along warm and fuzzy
Ward arrives
Ward: Hey guys
Mal: You're late
Wow something is going on here and im gonna find out no matter what we touch down and drive to her house There are several people in front
Man: We know what you did
Woman: She blew up that gas station Why aren't you arresting her
Me and AC May Ward and approach her i show my card to the police officer who let us pass May stop just behind the officer
Me: Officer is there anything you can do to get these people to disperse
Officer: Been trying but it's a free country
Me: Miss Hutchins I'm Agent Amber We specialize in strange occurrences like the ones you've encountered
Hannah: You've come to lock me up
Ward: To talk
Hannah: Well what good will that do
Someone threw an egg
Man: Get out of here We don't want you here anymore
Ward: Officers get those people back
An empty police car started and drove into the crowd woah
AC jumps on a man to save him i stand in front of hannah
Im getting sick of this
The officer next to Hannah pulls out his gun i stand even more in front of hannah
Ward: Easy officer Put the gun down
Hannah: Leave me alone
AC: Miss Hutchins please calm down
Hannah: It wasn't me
AC: Please calm down We're not gonna let anyone hurt you
There is a shot Hannah falls to the ground i look up and saw the culprit Mal shot hannah with tranquilizer tear
Mal: Time to go
AC: So much for the welcome wagon
I scoff we get hannah in the car and we deive to the bus Later The plane takes off me AC and Ward are in the meeting room and we are watching the video of Hannahs cell
Ward: Just a mattress sir
AC: It's a six-hour-long ride to the fridge Fitz added magnetic shielding to the cage after Simmons had her scare If miss Hutchins has this power then that room should keep it from getting out but in there she'll be just as dangerous
Mal arrives
Mal: How is she
Me: The dendrotoxin's wearing off She'll be awake soon scared in a strange room Our next interaction with her is crucial to gaining her trust which is why me and AC is going in
Mal: Are you sure that's a good idea
AC: If miss Hutchins is gonna believe anything we say she needs to know we're not hiding things from her which means
Me: me explaining the situation
Ward: What if that doesn't calm her down What if that makes her more agitated
Mal: Then he definitely wants amber in there
AC: Pretty much
Ward: I'll observe from out here
AC: And I'll lose the tie If she is telekinetic I don't want to have a noose around my neck
I chuckle we then go down to hannahs cell i can hear her is i open the door she seems like she is recovering
AC: Brought you some water It's okay I'm Phil This is Amber barton but you already met her
Hannah: How did I get here
Me: an agent melinda may sedated you
AC: I apologize for bringing you in that way Things were escalating It was for everyone's safety
Hannah: Everyone's safety Good Okay...Oh lord what have I done
Me: I promise you hannah nobody was hurt back there
Hannah: Wherever I go things turn bad
I almost get the feeling i go sit right next ro her on the mat
Me: Were you angry at those people back at the house
Hannah: Um angry No I know most of them They were angry I understand Oh god Frank's wife ... the way she was looking at me
AC: Frank Delacort He died in the accident
Hannah: Because of me they're gone I killed them
Me: you didnt ..
Hannah: For weeks I was getting reports from section two complaining that the coupling assembly was coming loose at the bolts Tobias is the... He was the technician down there We replaced the part and we triple-checked it for damage Seems like I went down there every few days
AC: Did you find a problem
Hannah: No But clearly I missed something
AC: My team is working to determine what really did happen and what might have happen to you
Hannah: To me What do you mean
AC: We believe that somehow, as a result of the accident you acquired some form of telekinetic ability
Hannah: You think it's me The police car the gas sta... you think I did that
AC: We're not sure and this can be a hard thing to hear but all these events have one thing in common
Hannah: Me but I'm not causing it It's not me I wish it were because then maybe I could make it stop
Me: But if it's not you then what is it
Hannah: You people won't believe me
Me: hey i fought aliens in new york Try me
Hannah: God's punishing me He abandoned me He doesn't protect me anymore That's why this is happening
AC: Protect you from what
Hannah: Demons sir I'm being haunted by demons
Me: i believe you
She smiles at me and we leave A few minutes later The team is in the meeting room
Jem: Delusions of being persecuted aren't uncommon after trauma
Ward: She's certainly been through her fair share
Me: She's blaming herself It's guilt
AC: It's all of it She's broken Pore over the accident site If that tragedy gave her powers we need to shut them down If it wasn't her fault even better but until then she's a danger to all of us
Later in me and ACs office
Me: Just let me go talk to her as a friend
AC: good idea but not right now
He still thinks shes telepathic its obvious shes not
Me: She's not dangerous She's nice ... like overly nice She never misses a birthday post to her friends runs the youth program at her church rescues dogs Hannah's a safety inspector not just because she's detail-oriented but because she ...
AC: She genuinely cares
Me: Right And someone with that much empathy being responsible for that much loss of life she's devastated spouting about god punishing her for ...
Mal: People believe what they need to believe to justify their actions
Me: Is that how you justify your shoot-first policy At least let me try to repair that damage
Mal: Until we figure out what's going on with her she stays locked up and you stay away
Me: you cant tell me what to do and shes not a telepathic
Mal: are you sure because she made a car move
One of Coulson's object dropped wasnt that glued down
AC: Thought that was glued down
He gets up and picks it up
AC: You're right amber but how else do you..
Me: shes not telepathic i have the feeling thats shes not
Mal: well if shes not telepathic then what is it not the god puni..
Me: no
Wow im cutting peoples sentences today
Me: i dont believe that a demon is after her but i do think someone or something is cauzing this
Mal: something
Me: thor he was a myth and so was everything else about aliens gods thors hammer but there all true how many other myths are true too did you ever think about that
i walk off Later in the nighti walk into the kitchen where Ward is
Me: hey robot
He chuckles
Ward: you love nicknames
Me: yea its something i missed out on
Ward didnt push the subject hes soo diffrent from steve
Ward: hey ive noticed you and may been a little out of sync
Me: I just don't understand her at all Everything to her is just... Target acquired Threat eliminated
I know this isnt true but im just in a mood
Ward: Well she's a specialist
Me: In one thing You can catch a lot more flies with honey than with napalm ... just saying
Ward: Hand me the lettuce
Somethings off between may and ward and i think i know why but i need to confirm my suspicion
Me: And she says I need to stay away but you know what I think I think she needs to get laid
Ward: Might want to be less confrontational with Agent May
Me: like you are enjoying those nights together
Ward: Wait are you thinking that ne and may are
Me: sleeping together i dont think i know so intuition remember i hate it but its useful when in battle
Ward: i forgot about your intuition
Me: bad move but i understand dont worry i wont tell the rest
I grab an apple and walk out of there
I walk back
Me: Well that would have been cooler if i didnt forget my phone
WARD: yea ..... Where'd I put that knife
Things falling loosing knives i think hannah suspicions will be agreed upon soon i go upstairs and i search a while later im sitting looking at the profile of victims on my computer
Me: Ward come look at this
He comes and looks at the computer
Ward: Tobias Ford Oh isn't he one of the technicians who died at the plant
Me: Yeah and he filed three safety complaints in the past month each one in Hannah's department
Ward: She thought he was a friend. But he had it out for her
Me: Sad part is... he was right
The plane shoock and is going down
Me: come on
Me Ward and May arrive in the cockpit
Mal: Ward you certified
Ward: What about engine-driven generators
Me: guess thats a yes
Mal: Those are dead too Switch batteries to maintain flight controls The rest will be needed to keep the cage shielded. Flaps ... 10 Lower landing gear
Me: What can I do
Mal: Buckle up There's a decent-sized field up ahead but it's gonna be rough Vertical landing's out
Me: just like new york
Ward: you crashed in new york
Me: yep
Ward: Coming in a little hot
Mal: I got it
The plane landed hard A little after we go to Simmons and AC to meet
AC: Our ear comms are usually relayed through the plane so here's some hardware
Ward: Did the girl do this to us sir
AC: We believe miss Hutchins is the victim here Our theories about her powers have been disproved
Me: told you
I look at mal
Ward: By who
Jem: I saw a ghost I ... I know how it sounds, but a man attacked me and then he disappeared
Mal: Did you get a good look at him
Jem: He dematerialized
AC: May run your systems checks Is the cage still shielded
Mal: Most of the power dedicated to it
Me: This man or whatever he is has been tormenting miss Hutchins The cage might be the one thing protecting her now i'll inform her
Of the good news
Ward: That a non-corporeal madman is hunting her
Me: Again I think it'd be better coming from anyone else really
AC: All right I'll head upstairs, activate the emergency transceiver and radio HQ Ward take a firearm. Escort Fitz-Simmons downstairs assess the damage get us up and running
Jem: Wait Guys um... where's Fitz
Where is fitz i go downstairs to hannahs cell
Me: Hannah
Hannah: Amber
Me: yea its amber
Hannah: We crashed didn't we Are you all hurt I'm so sorry
Me: No No no no We're okay Whatever's happening it's not your fault. We were wrong But you need to stay in that room so that you're safe Something... bad is out here
Hannah: Demons
Me: I don't know what it is
Hannah: Do you believe in god
Me: Honestly i believe in everything i dont have one opinion ever since new york
Hannah: Well I do And I know that he's punishing me and I deserve it
Me: No No you don't No one does i know what its like to be burdened with death It made me not want to believe...
Me: ... i was burdened to become this ever since i was a child i remeber i was on a mission like it was my choice and i heard "god is love" it's simple and it's a little sappy but that's the version I like God is love... the thing that holds us together And if that's true I don't think he would punish you for making a mistake I think he'd forgive a mistake
Why did i tell her this its like im becoming an open book
Hannah: Im sorry for whats happened to you and i want to believe that I do
Mal comes great
Mal: I'll stand guard now Coulson needs help with the emergency transceiver
Me: I would rather stay here for a while ...
Mal: It needs to get done not discussed That's an order
Me: remeber your ranking may but your right
I talk to hannah
Me: I'll nearby if you need me okay
I turn to may
Me: Try not to hurt her any more than you already have Agent May
in Coulson's office
Me: Seems like a hardware issue not firmware I should be with Hannah anyway No wonder she keeps screaming in there You sent in the Cavalry you're bound to get a reaction like that
AC: Don't ... don't call her that
Me: i know she doesnt like it
AC: An understatement
Me: Whatever I just ... I don't understand ...
AC: She didn't have a gun None of us did And it wasn't a rescue or an assault whatever they say at the academy these days We were the welcome wagon And it went South
He thinks i dont know right he thinks that i never hacked into shield boy was he wrong
Me: How many ...
AC: Plenty A civilian girl and a few of our guys were stuck inside a building being held by the followers of this gifted individual ... or worshippers We never found out
Me: May did
AC: She took it upon herself to get them out Said she could fix the problem So she went in crossed off the enemy force Didn't say how
Me: Did she lose anyone in there
AC: Herself May used to be different. She was always quiet she just... she was warm Fearless in a different way getting in trouble, pulling pranks thought rules were meant to be broken Sound familiar i know you two are best of friends But when she walked out of that building... it was like that part of her was gone I tried to comfort her but she wouldn't tell me what went down in there
Me: What did you say
AC: I said the words I thought she needed to hear
Me: and then you wanted her on the plane ... to see if that person is still in there somewhere
The door closes
AC: The lock is jammed
Emergency light goes out Ac lights his torch The ghost appears in front of us and then disappears wait thats tobias then i felt something strangling me AC turns and sees the ghost strangling me
Tobias: Let me in or let her out
AC: That's not up to us
He materializes out
AC: We got to find a way out of here
Me: Any of this crap still work
AC smirks
Me: then what are we waiting for
AC contacted fitz
AC: You're sure this is how to do it
Fitz: Yes I'll max the signal and the transceiver will act as a trigger
AC: Okay fine
Me and AC away from the port the old transmitter hangs on the door it flashes
AC: They only made 20 I think
The watch explodes
AC: Oh
A while later me AC Ward jem and Fitz are together in a corridor
Fitz: So we believe that this man is responsible for the blast
AC: amber said she thinks he's the worker who filed all the reports
Me: Tobias Ford
Jem: It looks like him It makes no sense for a man to complain about safety issues whilst causing them Another theory is ...
Ward: Theories don't matter Only facts, and the fact is a bullet will take you out of whatever world you're in Any idea which direction may could've taken her
Jem: We'll deploy the golden retrievers They're in here
She open a door The mop falls on us jem cry Fitz screams
Fitz: Pranking was your idea And obviously I rigged this little beauty before I knew there was a dimension-jumping psychopath in the mix
Pranking jeez
Me: Wait childish This guy is childish
AC: What are you getting at
Me: tobias
I start fast walking everyone on my tail confused except AC
Me: He wanted her to notice him. Why would he file a complaint to her office when there was nothing wrong and then cause an actual safety issue himself
Jem: To get her fired
Job seriously this is a church town not New York
Me: To get her attention to spend time with her Think about it ... he scared the guy who was harassing her at the airport He tried to hit you with a cop car
AC: When we took her into custody
Ward: Yeah he's not trying to hurt her
Me: He's trying to protect her He likes her
We come out of the plane Fitz let loose the drones and we see mal
Mal: You have to let go before my people come and make you do it If you care about her and I know you do let her go
We arrive at the barn and listen
Mal: Let the girl go Tobias... Let the girl go
Tobias disappears and i run to Hannah to check her
Me: Are you okay
Hannah: Yes
I can ser that shes glad that she wasnt the one who cauzed it all thoses lives wernt her fault
Mal walks to AC
AC: What did you say to him
Mal: Same words you said to me in Bahrain
On the plane The electricity comes back and Hannah sleeps in a bunk i cover her and gently close the door and Ward arrives
Ward: She all right
Me: Much better
Ward: Let me know if she needs anything
Ward walk off i see AC in the meeting room He looks at his watch i joins
Me: Can Fitz repair it
AC: No This one's a lost cause
Me: But May isn't If anyone can bring her around it's you You know what makes people tick Pun intended
We chuckles
AC: So do you You see the good in them You were a friend to Hannah you couldnt wait to get inside May's head you did and you figured out Tobias without even trying
Me: Guess I'm full of surprises
AC:i see why fury usually asked you to go do index evaluation your really good at it ... even the best
Me: Thanks AC
AC: with all the love you get from fury Maybe you'll get to rename it
Me: Good because that name is super stupid
AC: I know
They smiles AC walks off but before hes out out of earshot
AC: may is her old self with you
I walk to the cockpit Mal prepares to take off i knock
Me: Mind if I keep you company
Mal not responding i smiled
Me: Cool
I sit besides Mal she looks then takes off
Mal: i thought you were mad at me
Me: i was but what you did back there it was noble
I smile at ger she smiles back
Mal: where are we going in a few weeks again
Me: oh were going outside Hollywood so i can make my music video i only recorded the song a few months ago
Mal: whats it called
Me: worth it talking about it i have to practice the routine
I say bye and walk to hannahs room and open the door
Hannah: hows AmberB
Me: of course you know that
Hannah: who was that song about
Me: captain America
Me: yea but were not a couple anymore even though i like so much
Hannah: i love your new song worth it
Me: im making a music video for it in a few weeks wanna see me practice the routine
Hannha: yes
We go to the free emty room no one comes in except to see practice
Hannah: ill press play
Me: thanks
I practice and done
Hannah: that was awesome
Me: thanks i know its diffrent than..
hannah: than you usual do but its awesome
Me: thanks are you excited to go home we told everyone the truth other than the tobias ghost part and we said turns out the car wasnt parked properly and the gas station the owner accidentally forgot to put the gas back and there was sugnatures of cigarette buds
Hannah: no ones
Me: mad at you no they are really sorry for being so mean they all feel bad
Hannah: thank you youve been really nice to me
Me: its what i do
We smile and she goes back to her bunker
We dropped hannah off and we fly up
Later me jem and Ward AC play Scrabble
Jem: Ta-da
Ward: That isn't a word in our language I've never heard of it
Me: I'm checking
No way that's her language
Jem: Our language You mean the English language first spoken in England
My phone comes up with the definition of aglet damn
Me: "Aglet ... a plastic or metal tube covering the end of a shoelace"
AC: Oh come on
Ward: She used her Britishness against us
Jem: It's a word
Fitz happens to walk in and we burst out laughing Fitz has cream all over his hands and face
Fitz: It's not funny I was sleeping peacefully
We laugh again
Fitz: Very clever Simmons
Jem: I didn't ... I didn't do it
Fitz: Well Ward I don't appreciate ...
Ward: Don't look at me
Fitz: Okay well Amber ...
I put my hands up
Me: No
Fitz: Well who then
I laugh i know exactly who did this mal good one
Fitz: Look the bunks should be off-limits okay Don't laugh Because I know it was one of you
Few weeks later
Me: okay real shooting time
Jem ward fitz came to see me shoot the muic video
Ward: its okay youll be fine
Me: its just nerves i cant wait to post this
Jem: go on dont you have to change into multople outfits
Me: 2 we already shot the rest of then
Jem: well go change we wanna see you in the last 2
Me: im going im going
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