Chapter 1 - Part 2
With my high-school bag clutched tightly in my hand, I opened my bedroom door. Quietly, I tiptoed past Grant and my mom's bedroom door. I didn't want to run the risk of waking him, because he'd punish me. On the rare occasion I actually did something wrong, he would hit me harder.
I made a quick stop in the bathroom to brush my teeth. Then I went to the kitchen. There was not much food in the cupboards, so I grabbed two slices of bread. I stuffed the bread into my school bag while I darted toward the front door.
I kept my eyes focused on the path ahead of me while I walked toward the bus stop. I ate the sliced bread as I walked. I was skinny. It was not a vanity thing for me; it was the fact that I never ate properly and often skipped meals to avoid Grant. The less he saw of me, the fewer opportunities he had to hit me.
Consequently, the years of abuse had stripped away any confidence I had. I always kept my face down and rarely looked anyone in the eyes. I used my hair as a curtain to shield me from prying eyes. It was my only protection to help hide me from the world. There were times when I wished I were invisible. It would make things so much easier for me. The less interaction I had with other people the better, and it had worked for many years-I hadn't formed any friendships. I had the body language down to a fine art; it said, "Leave me alone."
I didn't have to wait long for the school bus. As it neared the stop I hitched my school bag back up on my shoulder. I climbed into the bus and kept my eyes fixed downward. The first open seat I came to was a window seat, so I sat and gazed out, looking at the scenery, but not really seeing it. I was too lost in my own thoughts. The nervous knots in my stomach worsened the closer I got to my new school. The bus pulled to a stop outside a modern-looking school building with a brick exterior. I filtered out of the bus with the rest of the students, all the time keeping my eyes down, not making any contact with anyone.
I walked through the entrance of the school. I held the strap of my school bag nervously as I searched for the reception area to get my schedule and paperwork. I prayed that I would be able to find it on my own without having to stop and ask someone to point me in the right direction. Thankfully, I found it and walked through the door into a spacious office. Once in the reception area I waited patiently for someone to help me. An older lady with wire-rimmed glasses peered at me over her lenses.
"How can I help you?" she asked kindly.
"I'm new," I said, nervously tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. Luckily I was early, so the reception wasn't busy.
"What's your name?" she asked when she glanced down at some paperwork in front of her.
"Haven Williams," I said while I anxiously clasped my hands together on the counter between us. She gave me a smile, probably to try to help me feel less nervous. It didn't work.
"You have a beautiful name," she said before she looked down and selected a few pieces of paper and handed them to me.
"Thank you," I replied.
"Here's your schedule," she said while handing me another piece of paper. "Your locker number is written in the right-hand corner," she informed me as she pointed at the numbers with a pen. Then, with another friendly smile, she said, "I hope you have a good first day."
"Thank you," I mumbled before I exited the reception area with the necessary papers in hand. I didn't return her smile. Frankly, there was nothing in my life to smile about. The only thing I was thankful for was the fact that I was still alive. There had been a few times when Grant had lost control, and I'd been terrified that he'd kill me. Every day that I survived was a day that got me just a little closer to freedom.
The hallway began to fill up with rowdy students as I tried to figure out where my locker was. The problem was that the gray rows of lockers on each side of all of the hallways made them all look exactly the same. Finally, after about fifteen minutes I was convinced that I had gone around in a complete circle. I was now at the school's entrance once again. I let out a frustrated sigh and turned directly into something hard and solid. I lost my balance, but hands shot out and steadied me. I suppressed a groan at the dull pain that came when the hands gripped old bruises on my arms that were covered by my sleeves.
"Careful," an annoyed voice said to me. My eyes widened when I took in the sight of the owner of the voice. He was tall. He had the most hypnotic eyes that I had ever seen. His midnight-black hair was long enough to cover his dark, sapphire-blue eyes. My mouth dropped slightly open in shock. The pale-blue shirt he was wearing was molded to his athletic body, and he was wearing a pair of faded jeans that hung low on his hips. I'd seen good-looking guys before, but I kept well clear of all boys. Yet, one look into these deep blue eyes and I was losing myself. I felt a flutter in my stomach and my throat started to close up. My heartbeat sped up.
"Watch where you're going," he spat gruffly and let me go, abruptly causing me to stumble a few steps back. The gruffness in his voice and the abruptness of his actions stung me. Was I so disgusting that he had to act like that? I stepped back and clutched my school bag defensively in front of me. I was using it like a barrier against what I was feeling at the very sight of him.
I had to pull myself together. My gaze fell to the floor and I closed my mouth. I dug my fingers into the strap of my bag even tighter.
"I'm sorry," I whispered when I walked away from him. I hurried down the hallway. I felt the red tinge of embarrassment on my cheeks and I dashed into the nearest bathroom. Thankfully, it was empty. I splashed some water on my face and tried to pull myself together. I had no idea what time it was, but I didn't want to be late for my first class.
I walked out of the bathroom and decided to walk to the left in search of my locker. Finally, after another five minutes, I found my locker and I put some of my books in it. I still had to find the classroom for my first class before the bell rang. After studying the map for a minute, I realized that I needed to head in the opposite direction that I'd previously gone. Luckily, this time I managed to find the classroom, and I made it to the room just as the bell rang.
The class was nearly full, so there were only a couple of seats empty. I walked directly to the nearest empty seat and sat down. I dropped my bag next my chair and waited for the lesson to begin. The hum of conversation surrounded me, but I didn't look up until the teacher started the lesson.
My first class seemed to end almost as quickly as it had begun. When the bell rang I quickly put my books back into my bag and walked out of the room, making sure not to make eye contact with anyone. I found the next classroom easier than the first one, and I walked in and found an empty seat, sitting my bag down to get my books out. I kept my face hidden behind the curtain of my hair. Ignoring the students talking and walking past me, I just kept my gaze on the writing pad in front of me.
Suddenly, I felt someone brush past the back of my chair and I heard the distinctive scrape of a chair being pulled out from the desk next to me. I heard a schoolbag drop to the floor next to the desk and I heard someone sit down beside me. I glanced at my neighbor out of the corner of my eye. Instantly, I felt the flutter in my stomach again, and my heart instantly began to speed up. Sitting beside me, watching me, was the guy I'd walked into earlier.
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