Aurora's Gun, I wanted it to have a Rick vibe.
"Like father like daughter"
Also i switched Beth with Aurora so she'd be with Lori and T-Dog. Oliver and Beth are gonna be with Glenn and Maggie :)
"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."
― Toni Morrison
~Aurora's Pov~
The farm got overrun with walkers, we had to leave. I was with T-Dog and mom. We don't know if everyone got out but we were sure we lost people. Before we left the farm, we couldn't find Carl. He ran off, we were just hoping that he was with dad. T-Dog's been driving for a while, the sun was out already.
"We gotta turn around." Mom said holding me close to her. "Straight back to that herd? Um.. no." T-Dog said. "The highway's back there. That's where they'll be. Rick will go back to where we first broke down and Glenn too." Mom said, trying to convince T-Dog to turn around. "We're headed East. Get to the coast. We should've done that from the jump." he said as he kept driving. I pulled away slightly from mom and looked at him. "Look, we've got a shot to get out of here in one piece." He said not stopping.
"We've gotta find Carl. He may have escaped with somebody." Mom said, "I hate to say it, but they're on their own. There's no way to even begin to start looking." T-Dog said. "No. We have to go back. Don't say that." I said looking at him. He looked at me too, "We can't go back, R. I'm sorry. It's suicide." He said and looked back at the road. "Alright, then let us out." Mom said taking her arm off of my shoulders. She opened the door and I looked over to her quickly.
"Hey- Hey! Whoa!"
T-Dog stepped on the breaks and the truck came to a stop. Mom looked over at him, holding the door open. "You turn around, or you let us out right now." Mom said looking at him. "I should do it you know!?" He said, angrily. Mom started to get out of the car. "Hey!" He stopped her and dripped the steering wheel angrily. "T-Dog please." I said looking at him. He shook his head. "You're out of your damn minds." He said. Mom closed the door and T-Dog turned around, starting to head back to the highway.
We ended up finding Glenn, Maggie, Beth, Oliver, Daryl and Carol on the road and we all made our way back to the highway. I smiled seeing Dad, Carl and Hershel waiting by the car. T-Dog came to a stop and we got out quickly. "Oh thank God!" Mom cried out of joy as Carl ran towards us. "Daddy!" I ran to him and he smiled, holding his arms out towards me. I hugged him and he hugged me back close and tight. I closed my eyes relieved now that I knew Carl and my dad were okay. "Oh.." He said softly and kissed my temple, putting a hand on the back of my head. "Are you alright?" He asked as we pulled away, he put his hands on my cheeks and looked slightly down at me. "Are you hurt?" He asked as we pulled away. I shook my head. "No. Are you?" I asked, he had blood on his hands and on his face.
He looked over at mom and hugged her. "Rory." Carl said with tears in his eyes, hugging me quickly. I hugged him back and kissed his head. "Are you okay?" I asked, He nodded sniffling. "Yeah. Are you?" He asked. "Yeah," I responded and smiled as we pulled away. "Where'd you find everyone?" Dad asked once he and mom pulled away from each other. "Well, those guys' tail lights zigzaggin' all over the road- figured it might be Asian driving like that." Daryl said, causing Glenn to scoff.
"Good one." Glenn said with a smile. I looked at him and smiled, He smiled at me too. I looked over to see the Greene's hugging each other. Oliver looked at me as he hugged Beth, rubbing her back slightly. I gave him a soft smile and he returned it. "Where's the rest of us?" Daryl asked. I looked around to see we did have some people missing. Carl made his way back to mom. Shane, Andrea, Patricia and Jimmy were the ones not here. "We're the only ones who made it so far." Dad said looking at him. I'm glad we were okay though, the people with us right now. "Shane?" Mom asked holding Carl. Dad just shook his head. I furrowed my eyebrows looking at him.
Shane was dead?
"Andrea?" Glenn asked. Dad looked at me too and held his arm out towards me. I went over to him and he pulled me in for a side hug, rubbing my arm a bit. "She saved me, then I lost her." Carol said. "We saw her go down." T-Dog said looking at all of us, he was still hanging by the car. I can't believe Shane was dead..
"Patricia?" Hershel asked. "They got her too, took her right in front of me. I was-" Beth cut herself off as she started to choke on her words. "I was holdin' onto her daddy. She just-" She started crying and Hershel pulled her into him. "What about Jimmy? Did you see Jimmy??" She asked looking at Maggie and Oliver. They shook their heads, "He was in the RV." Dad said squeezing my shoulder a bit then looking over at the Greene's. "It got overrun.." He said. He rested his cheek on my head and I closed my eyes. There were so many walkers out there, I'm so glad he and Carl made it out without getting hurt.
"You definitely saw Andrea?" Carol asked. Dad rubbed my arm a bit more, I opened my eyes and looked at Mom. "There were walkers everywhere." Mom said putting her hands on Carl's shoulders. "Imma go back." Daryl said and started to get on his bike again. "No." Dad said, letting me go. We turned back to Daryl. "We can't just leave her." Daryl said looking at him. "We don't even know if she's there." Mom said looking at them both. "She isn't there, she isn't. She's somewhere else or she's dead. There's no way to find 'er." Dad said looking away from Daryl.
"So we're not even gonna look for her?" Glenn asked. "We gotta keep moving. There have been walkers crawling all over here." Dad said. I looked over, hearing growls. I saw a walker making its way over to us. "I say head East." T-Dog said, bringing up his suggestion again. "Stay off the main roads." Daryl said, noticing the walker as well. He grabbed his crossbow.
"The bigger the road, The more walkers. More assholes like this one." He said and pointed his crossbow at it. "I got him." he said and pulled the trigger. The arrow went flying and hit the walkers head, killing it.
Word Count: 1145
A/N: I feel bad for Beth, having to see Patricia being ripped apart like that right in front of her
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