What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined to strengthen each other, to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories.
– George Eliot
~Aurora's Pov~
"Rory!" I heard Carl's voice, I was in the kitchen with Maggie and Oliver helping them with the dishes. "Rory they're here!" He said popping in the kitchen. We all started heading outside. Dad stepped out of the car and Carl ran to him. "Dad!" He said and hugged him. He hugged him back and I went up to him too, hugging him. He hugged me back and put a hand on the back of my head. "Are you okay?" I asked as we pulled away, I noticed he had some blood on his arms. He nodded, "It's not my blood. I'm fine." He said put a hand on my cheek. I looked back at him, "I'm fine." He repeated. I nodded, relieved that he was back. He pulled his hand away from me and looked over. I stepped aside and so did Carl so mom could be with him.
"Patricia, prepare the shed for surgery," Hershel said and started heading back to the house. "Are you hurt?" mom asked as they pulled away. "No. But what happened to you?!" He asked looking at the cuts on her face. "I was in a car accident." She said looking down slightly. "Accident? How?" He asked, confused. "I went looking for you." She said looking at him. "Snuck out on her own. Brought her back." Shane said stepping into the conversation. "Are you crazy?! You could've-"
"Who the hell is that?" T-Dog asked pointing at the car. We looked over to see someone in the back seat blindfolded. "That's Randall." Glenn said.
~Couple days later~
I looked over hearing footsteps, "Hey." I said as Oliver walked up to me, He sat down on the bench next to me and put his hands on the table looking in the distance. I kept looking at him. ".. What?" I asked looking over too, trying to see what she was looking at but there was nothing so I looked back to him. "Beth tried- well I don't know if she tried but she had a knife.. Maggie's in there fighting with her. Your mom and Andrea are fighting. I didn't wanna be in the house with four women fighting at once." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows confused. "Is she okay?" I asked. He nodded, not looking at me. "Yeah she's fine.." He said softly.
"... Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded and looked over to me. "She's fine, I'm fine." he said. "Yeah..?" I asked softly. "Yeah." He repeated and looked at the house. I looked over too. "You should be in there." I said. "I wouldn't know what to say to her. Maggie's good at that stuff. I'm not." He said. "She's your sister, even if you don't know what to say you should still be there with her." I said. "I'll go later when they're done yellin' at each other." He said and looked down at the table. He sighed slightly and shook his head. "She's not hurt though?" I asked. "No, your mom took the knife before she could do anything." He said not looking at me. I rested my arms on the table as I looked at him.
I didn't know what to do but I felt bad.
"She's okay.. That's all that matters." I said softly, He looked back at me. "Yeah." He said and took a pause, looking away from me again. "Sorry, for coming to you with it." he said. I shook my head, "It's okay, You can talk to me whenever you need to." I said. He looked over at the house again, "Alright i'm gonna go check again." He said as I looked at the house too, Andrea walking out of the house then my mom. "Okay," I said, He looked over and put his hand on my arm. "Thanks 'rora." He said. I nodded giving him a warm smile. "Yeah," I said softly. He got up and headed back to the house.
My dad was out with Shane right now with Randall. They were gonna leave him somewhere far from the farm. I hated that he went back out there again. "Have you seen mom?" I heard Carl's voice. I looked back, "Uhm-" I said and looked back. "Yeah she's at camp." I said looking back at him. "Why're you here?" He asked reaching me. I shrugged, "I don't know, Just.." I said shrugging, I didn't have a reason. I wasn't doing anything when Oliver came to sit with me. "Oh.." he said and looked at the fields. "Are you bored? Do you wanna play cards? " He asked looking back at me. I smiled at him, "Sure." I said, "Okay, I'm gonna go get them- but i'm gonna tell mom first." He said. I nodded, "Alright." I said, he started walking away from me. "Carl." I called out, stopping him. "Yeah?" He asked and turned around. "Come 'ere." I said patting the table.
He came over and sat down next to me. "I haven't really asked you, are you okay..?" I asked, He furrowed his eyebrows, confused. "Sophia.." I said. He looked away from me. "Oh.." He said and nodded after a few seconds. "I'm okay." He said and looked back at me. I looked him in the eyes, trying to read him. "I'm okay Rory, are you? Mom said you felt sick after it happened." He said. I nodded, "I'm okay," I said, "I am too... I'm gonna go get the cards so we can play." He said.
~The next day~
Dad and Shane came back with Randall. They had a fight, they came back bloody with cuts on their faces. Beth hurt herself, Hershel had to stitch her up. "Daddy?" I asked walking up to his and mom's tent. "Yeah," he said. I stepped in and saw him cleaning himself up. "Do you need help..?" I asked. "I'm fine." He said, looking at his reflection in the small compact mirror. I've never seen him so bloody before. I don't know what the fight was about, but it must've been bad for them to start throwing blows at each other.
Mom said he knew about the baby.. I wonder if that's what they fought about. He looked over to me after I didn't speak up for a few seconds. He sighed through his nose and put the mirror down on the table then walked over to me. He pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him back and closed my eyes, he put his hand on the back of my head and kissed it. "I'm alright sweetheart." He said softly and moved his hand to my back, "I'm alright." He repeated and rubbed my back.
"What happened?" I asked after we pulled away. He shook his head, "I don't want you to worry about that," He said keeping his hands on my shoulders, "Alright?" He asked and put his hand on my cheek. I nodded hesitantly, "Okay.." I said softly.
Word Count:1158
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