26. Truths
The first thing Norah thought was she was cold. Her body felt tired, she moved her fingers experimentally and they stung like they would on a cool winter morning. The aroma of meat was the second thing she noticed. The smell was quite overpowering and she breathed through her mouth trying to accumulate to the scent.
Norah's eyelids fluttered, her other senses returning slowly. The pain in her head was numbed from the cold surface she lay on. She managed to open her eyes enough to focus, and after half a minute she realised she was looking at a metallic wall. She could make out the bolts rising vertically in the dark. A sliver of light came from somewhere above her, the light casting a dim glow on the small room. She moved to look, and immediately groaned, the noise echoing in the confined space.
The pain in her head intensified from the small movement and her eyes flew shut. Whatever Daniel had hit her with had possibly given her a concussion. She would be lucky to have any brain cells left if Daniel kept giving her concussions.
Her eyes flew open. The muffled voice behind her stiffened her spine. Moving slowly, she rolled over, fighting the nausea as the room spun slowly. Her spine bumped along something thin and hard, the sound of metal scraping along the floor. She reached for it, hissing as she touched something sharp and brushed it to the side. She saw the outline of someone sitting against the far wall and she squinted in the dark, eyes widening as she finally realised who it was.
The young woman tried to move towards Norah, her cries of distress muted by whatever was covering her mouth. Norah struggled to her knees, the world spinning some more. She bit her cheek, fighting through it as she stumbled over to Madison.
Norah had thought she was cold, but when she touched Madison's arm, it was like ice. They were obviously in some sort of freezer. Listening closely, she could hear the soft hum of an engine from beyond the walls and she wondered if it was a portable freezer, judging from the size. Reaching up, she found a cloth covering Madison's mouth and felt around until she found a knot behind her head. It took her over a minute to untie the knot. Her fingers were numb and she continued to slip on the difficult tie.
"It's okay," she whispered, finally loosening the knot. She pulled it away from Madison's mouth and heard her take a shaky breath.
"Norah! Oh my God I can't believe Liam got you too!"
"I don't think it was Liam who was after me," Norah said softly, afraid of who was listening. She remembered the way Daniel had looked at her in the clearing. Like he had already won.
"Is anyone looking for me?" Madison whispered hopefully.
Norah shook her head, the motion making her head flare in pain. "We all thought you had left early to see Parker's mother."
Norah heard Madison whimper and immediately felt guilty. Charlie would be kicking himself when he realised the truth. If he realised the truth.
"Norah," Madison sobbed. "Liam killed Parker."
"What? How do you know?"
"He told me!" she cried. "He said he couldn't risk me being with someone else."
Norah frowned, confused at the madman's logic. "How long have you been here?"
"I don't know," she answered brokenly. "A few days?"
"Madison, I'm so sorry we didn't realise." Norah tried to find the ropes around her wrists. They were tighter than the cloth and she rested her head on Madison's shoulder as she worked.
"Norah, Liam is insane," Madison's voice was barely audible. "He comes in here and just sits in the doorway, staring at me."
"He doesn't talk to you?"
"He did at first. He kept asking me about my parents and my family line. He also made sure to rub in the fact that it was him who killed Parker. It was mad, Norah he kept insinuating my parents were werewolves!"
"What?" She tugged on the rope in surprise. "Why would he think that?"
"I don't know! I didn't think werewolves were real, and then suddenly he-he changed into a huge beast...and - oh Norah I must sound just as mad."
Norah paused, closing her eyes. "Not as mad as you might think." She quietly told Madison about the Montoya's and the supernatural shit war she had been dragged into.
"You're not joking are you?" She replied when Norah fell silent. "This isn't some make believe story he's made up, he hasn't drugged me with hallucinogens. Oh my God!"
Madison cried silently as Norah kept working on the knot. She managed to make it worse when she untied the wrong part and she nearly started crying herself.
A creaking sounded from outside and they both froze.
Norah shifted, sitting in front of Madison. The door opened, creaking loudly on its hinges and a light was flashed in her face. Squinting, she turned away from the light, the pain in her head beginning to throb painfully, threatening to crack her skull open. and the door closed shut sending them back into moderate darkness. Norah looked back to the door, her heart sinking.
Daniel stood over them, a flashlight in his hand which he placed in the corner of the freezer. Fortunately he had some clothes on and Norah squared her shoulders, trying to look brave. I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, she chanted in her head, eyes never leaving his face.
"So, Norah. I bet you weren't expecting to see me again." He crouched down to her eye level. She kept her face blank, determined to prove she wasn't a coward anymore. Rylan's face flashed through her mind and she focused on his face, trying to absorb what strength she could from his image. "Thanks for the scar by the way. I'm still getting used to it, but it's proved to be quite intimidating."
"Screw you -"
Whack! Daniel's hand came out from nowhere and she tumbled over. Madison screamed but Daniel covered her mouth, muffling her cries for help. He shifted, retying the cloth over her mouth.
Norah's face, already numb from the cold, now felt nothing at all. There was a small throbbing through the centre of her face and the metallic taste of blood in her mouth. Those were the only indications she had that he had done any damage. Sitting up, she glared at him.
He laughed. "You look so cute when you try to be intimidating," he cupped her chin and she spat blood all over his face. He shoved her away, kicking her in the ribs. "Don't test me, Norah. I'm much stronger now. I should be thanking you, really. If you hadn't pushed me off that cliff, none of this would never have happened. Unfortunately, I still need more from you."
He grabbed her by the hair and she cried out as he dragged her up. He shoved her against the wall, her spine hitting a bolt and the pain reverberated through her body, her nerves tingling. "Where are my diamonds?"
"In the ocean," she lied. She knew it didn't matter if she told him or not, but she didn't want him to have the upper hand. He would never get his hands on them and if she ever got out of this alive, the first thing she did would be to throw those diamonds right in the ocean.
He slapped her again and the freezer grew dimmer. Madison's cries sounded like they were far away and she tried to remain conscious. She couldn't black out and leave Madison alone with him.
"Where are they?" he snarled.
"I told you," she choked. "I threw them in the ocean the day after you fell from the cliffs -"
His hand moved to her throat, tightening, and she spluttered, trying to fight him off. It was no use. She was too weak to loosen his hold. The cold and fresh beatings had taken their toll and all she could do was pathetically slap at his hands. Madison's voice faded in out, slowly becoming softer until all she could hear was the pounding of her heart in her chest.
Somewhere, she heard a door creaking and then his hands were gone. She fell to the floor, her body no longer supported by his hold. She breathed raggedly, trying to fill her oxygen deprived lungs. Her heart pounded loudly in her ears, blood rushing through her body and she curled into a ball.
"What do you think you are doing?" A new voice sounded somewhere above her. There was no anger in his tone, just a cold steeliness which made Norah shiver.
"I'm questioning her."
"Without my permission?" Norah looked up and saw Liam standing in front of her, Daniel opposite him. It was still strange seeing those features which were soft on Luke's face, hard and emotionless on his twin's.
"She's my prisoner," Daniel snarled.
"No," Liam stepped towards him. "She is my prisoner and you don't question her until I say so. Now get back to your post."
"But -"
Liam's hand shot out, gripping his collar. "Don't make me say it again."
Daniel growled, stepping back. He sent Norah a menacing glare before turning on his heel and stalking out the door. Liam turned, looking at Norah from the corner of his eye. "You better tell him next time or he might just kill you."
"What do you care?" She rasped, rubbing her throat.
"You're right. I don't care. But I need his head on straight and that's impossible when all he wants to do is wring your neck for those pathetic rocks."
Norah looked past Liam, seeing someone else standing just beyond the door. She hadn't seen him before, but she could tell from his features whose son he was. "How can you do this?" she called out to Nick, Aston's son. "Don't you realise this is wrong? You even hurt Annie! She's innocent!"
She saw a flash of guilt in his eyes before Liam moved, closing the door. It clicked shut and as he turned, he kicked out, connecting with her stomach. All the air she had managed to draw back in rushed out and she lay on the floor, wheezing. Liam looked at Madison, his stare intense. "Have you decided to believe me yet?"
She looked at him, eyes filled with fear and glanced at Norah. Norah pushed herself up to a sitting position. "I told her the werewolves were real. Why does it matter if she believes you?"
"Because, I need her."
"What for?"
"Years ago, I discovered the reason why Holden moved to this shit hole of a town. He was here to help protect Frank and Andrea Walker."
"Walker?" Norah glanced at Madison. Her eyes were wide with recognition.
"Frank and Andrea Walker were the last two surviving members of the Whitestone pack. In their day, the Whitestone pack were a force to be reckoned with, their line was strong, their heirs harnessing unbelievable strength and power. When Madison was born, she was the last heir to a once strong pack."
"What happened to her parents?"
"They were killed," he said simply. "Their enemies caught up with them and my grandfather was unable to protect them."
"What does this have to do with Madison?" Norah pushed herself into a sitting position, the pain slowly numbing again with the cold.
"She is their first born, a werewolf of pure blood," he stared at her, eyes hungry. "I don't know the full details, but I know some sort of lock was put on her shifting abilities long ago. She was raised away from the Montoya's so everyone would believe the Whitestone's were truly extinct. With Madison's help, I plan on reviving the pack which once brought others to their knees in respect."
He moved closer to Madison as she tried shrink away from him. Norah's mind was trying to put all the information together. She had thought that Liam was only after the seat of power amongst the Montoya clan. Why would he search elsewhere? Unless...
"You're not the firstborn," she said the words out loud. Liam froze, head whipping towards her.
"Why else would you go after Madison? You've known for years about her, and she was your back up in the event you weren't really the firstborn. It's why you killed Parker, you couldn't risk her having a child with him, because then her so called power would go to that child."
Liam turned back to Madison, stroking her hair. "That was basically my plan. The Montoya's will be weak under my brother's rule. He may be first born, but his heart is soft. Once I have reinstated the Whitestone pack's power, incorporating it as my own, it will be child's play to place them under my rule."
"Why do this?" Norah asked.
"Because!" He snarled. "I should have been first born! I am more deserving of the power my brother was born with."
"I doubt that. Luke is a born leader. It's not all about power -"
He hit her leg and she cried out. "If you want to keep your tongue for a bit longer, I suggest you keep it still. Once we figure out who in the town put the lock on Madison's werewolf, we'll be ready for the next stage."
"What makes you think they are still around?" Norah shrunk back, cursing her mouth.
"They're still around, I know it." He stood up and walked out. "The run should be almost over. It's time for us to move before they return and find their precious humans slaughtered."
Norah's insides twisted. "You killed Annie?"
"All for the cause." He walked out, shutting the door and Norah lunged forward kicking the door.
"She was your Aunt!" she screamed. "She was innocent!"
Tears stung her eyes and she closed them tight, sobs racking her body. Madison whimpered behind her, reminding Norah she wasn't alone. Turning back, she crawled over to Madison and undid the cloth around her mouth.
"Norah," she whispered. "What are we going to do?"
"I don't know," she whispered. She went back to work on the knots on Madison's wrists.
"I'm sorry about Annie," Madison spoke softly.
Norah nodded. A sob was sitting in her chest, wanting to break free but she held it in. She couldn't mourn for Annie yet. She had to keep a clear head otherwise they would never get out of here. Even that thought was a hopeless one. Norah wondered if Rylan had noticed she was gone yet. Had they discovered Annie, seen what had happened to the woman they all loved? One knot came loose and she started working on the other.
"I'm sorry about Parker," she said eventually, her voice hoarse.
Madison nodded, leaning her head on Norah's and breathed deeply. "My whole life has been a lie."
"When we get out of here, I'll make sure Holden explains it all to you. You deserve that much." Norah said, feeling a small sense of triumph as she finished untying Madison.
She moved her arms, rubbing her wrists. "I don't think we are getting out of this Norah."
"We are," she said angrily. "I am not letting a monster like that win. He's not getting you, and he's not getting the Montoya's. Not without a fight."
She knew there was nothing she could do personally to stop him, but she wasn't going to sit in here and do nothing. She searched around, finding the thin metal hook she had felt earlier on. She felt along the edge, finding a sharp tip and knew it must have been a meat hook. They obviously weren't worried about two human girls or they would have tied her up and removed any potential weapons.
"Can you stand?" She mouthed to Madison.
Madison stood, watching her warily. "What are you going to do?"
Norah positioned herself near the door, the meat hook pressed close to her chest. She looked at Madison, glad the cold of the freezer had stopped any telltale trembling she knew she must be feeling.
"Get ready to run."
A/N - Two chapters this week! I was on a bit of a roll ^_^ I go back to work tonight so I won't be able to update this quickly again, but I will be working on the next chapter. Not long to go now!
Also if you want to keep up to date with my writing and my stories after Haven, feel free to like my FB page :-)
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