Norah finished the last of her coffee, watching Olivia run around the cafe like a mad woman. She'd promised her she would wait around and drive her home to help prepare for tonight. Apparently the Gathering was a very big thing for them. The Mill had been closed for the day, and all the boys were out in the forest, doing perimeter checks and greeting the other packs which were arriving that day.
Rylan had left early that morning, he'd told her to be ready by six o'clock and he would come back to pick her up. She had no idea what she was meant to wear to this sort of thing. Was it fancy, semi-formal, or casual? She didn't want to look like an idiot in front of all those werewolves.
Olivia rushed over, grabbing her cup, her hair beginning to stick out on odd ends. “I'm sorry, Norah. I'll be five more minutes, I swear!”
“It’s okay,” Norah called as she ran off again. Norah wasn't the one in the rush. She knew Olivia was meant to have been home nearly an hour ago, but the cafe had been so busy and Olivia refused to leave Gail alone to deal with it all herself. The lunch rush was beginning to quiet and Norah gathered her books together, knowing she truly wouldn’t be much longer.
The front door opened and Charlie walked in. Spotting Norah he quickly came over. “Hey, have you seen Madison?”
Norah shook her head. “No, not today. Aren't you meant to be out helping the others in the forest?”
He nodded. “Yeah, but I came to get some stuff for Cassie –“
“And thought you'd stalk Madison while you were at it?”
He glared. “No, I just haven't seen her today and I was concerned. Normally she has lunch with Wendy today but she wasn't there.”
“Was Wendy concerned that she wasn't there?”
“No, but –“
“And isn't it this time of year that she goes to visit Parker's mother?” Norah remembered Madison mentioning it the other day.
He nodded. “Well, yeah –“
“Then perhaps she has headed off, don't you think?”
“But surely she would have told –“
“Charlie, she's a big girl, she can look after herself. She doesn't need to tell everyone every little thing she does. She'll be back soon, so don't worry and go and get Cassie what she sent you for. If she's anything like Olivia today, I can't imagine she is going to like being left waiting.”
Charlie nodded, still unappeased but he walked out, shoulders hunched. Poor boy, she thought. He needs to find another girl.
Olivia sat down beside her, bag in hand. “I'm ready!”
Norah took in her frazzled appearance. “Are you okay?”
She shook her head. “I freaking love the Gathering, but the lead up is such a bitch. Mom turns into such a cooking monster. I'm almost happy Gran isn't here this year. If she was, it would be ten times worse.”
They walked out to Norah's car and she mentioned Charlie. “Oh he is like this every year,” Olivia rolled her eyes. “I think he expects her to tell him every year or something, and when she doesn't he thinks the worst.”
“Poor Charlie.” They headed out of Bellvale and Norah asked Olivia about the dress code, making her laugh.
“Just wear whatever you feel comfortable in. It's going to be a warm night, even with the bonfire so I would say wear something light.”
Norah took mental notes. “Do you want me to help with anything today?”
Olivia grabbed her arm. “I would love it, if you could hang out for a few hours. Maybe if your there mom won't be so crazy.”
“That's fine, I'm happy to help.”
Olivia grinned. “You won't be saying that in a few hours. You'll be looking for the nearest exit within two hours, trust me.”
“Don't freak me out, I'm trying to help you!”
“Sorry, just trying to prepare you. But don’t worry, you’re going to love the Gathering. I’m so excited Rylan is bringing you.”
“Why is it exciting?”
“Because!” Olivia’s eyes gleamed. “Humans are only invited to the Gathering if they have a strong attachment to someone in the family. Don’t you see what this means? Rylan is crazy into you!”
Norah’s heart leapt, but she kept her cool. “I think you might be reading too much into this. I mean, our relationship is still relatively new, and there’s still a lot of challenges we have to face.”
“Well,” Norah gripped the steering wheel tightly. “What about the whole, werewolf and human factor? What if he asks me to make the change?”
“You wouldn’t want to?”
“I don’t know, it’s a big decision…”
“Norah, you don’t have to become a werewolf to be with Rylan. He would never make you do something you wouldn’t want to do.”
They pulled up out the front of the Montoya home and Norah turned the engine off. “But it would make things easier if I did, right?”
Olivia remained silent and Norah had her answer. It would be easier.
She climbed out, surprised when Olivia didn't get out too. “Uh, Olivia?”
“I'm coming,” she whined. “I'm just preparing.” After taking two deep breaths, she hopped out and followed Norah inside.
The inside of the house was chaos. Cassie had full charge of the kitchen, every hot plate and cooking utensil seemed to be in use and already a large assortment of prepared meals filled the table in the dining room, ready to be packed and taken to the Gathering site. The smell of food was amazing, there was a combination of everything and Norah's mouth watered. Cassie looked just as frazzled as her daughter, but there was a tension about her that made Norah concerned.
“Oh good, you're here!” Cassie grabbed Olivia, practically throwing her into the dining room. “I need you to start taking some of these dishes down to the site. Annie is there setting up with some of the guys. Norah, can you help her? Once you guys are finished I'll get you to give me a hand with some of the furniture.”
Norah decided silence was the best answer, and she followed Olivia, grabbing what she could carry of the food and loaded the car. Once they were at capacity, they headed up the road, the site was deep in the forest but there was a walking track near the top of the hill that was easier to walk on with all the food.
Norah thought over their previous conversation as Olivia drove. She knew her feelings for Rylan were strong, not just because of everything they have been through together. She knew a relationship with him was long term, and she didn’t want to stuff it up. The ageing factor frightened her a little bit. She knew it shouldn’t matter, but she was scared if things got…serious serious, she would need to take that next step, and she didn’t know if she could do it. She didn’t wanted to grow older faster than her partner. It was a scary thought.
Norah shook her head, trying to dislodge the awful thoughts and glanced at Olivia. “Is your mom usually that stressed?”
Olivia shook her head. “It's a tough day for her. She's basically in charge of all the preparations and she likes everything to be perfect. Gran is usually here to help, but this year she's on her own.” Olivia's eyes reddened. “This is the first year our family has been separated like this, and also our first gathering since Daddy died.”
Her voice broke and Norah touched her shoulder as they pulled into the rest area. “Are you okay?”
Olivia nodded, and then immediately shook her head. “I'm so worried something bad is going to happen. It's like a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that won't go away. Liam has been quiet for a few days and Grandpa thinks everything will be fine, but...”
“I understand,” Norah spoke quietly. “I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better. All I can say is that I'll keep all my fingers crossed that tonight goes smoothly.”
Olivia nodded again and they carried the food through the forest in silence. Norah felt a little green, walking through the forest without Rylan, but she reminded herself that nothing bad was going to happen so she had to remain positive.
It took them fifteen minutes to reach the clearing. In the centre was a large bonfire, the size of a large house and consisted mainly of tree trunks, rather than twigs and branches.
“Holy crap,” Norah muttered. “Jack would have a field with this.”
Olivia laughed. “He came to one a few years ago and I swear, it was like watching a kid at Christmas. It was the first time I'd seen him smile in a long time.”
To the left there was a hut, a safe distance from the fire, and Annie met them at the entrance. “Hey girls, just put the food in the refrigerators.”
They placed the food in one of the three large refrigerators lining the back of the cabin. Olivia checked the generator which was running the electricity before they headed back to the car. On their second trip, Logan and Aston were carrying another tree trunk into the clearing.
“Hey girls,” Logan's head turned towards the food. “You sticking around?”
“No,” Olivia pulled out a large padlock, swinging it around her finger. “But don't get too excited. The food will on lock down until tonight.”
Norah tried not to laugh as both Logan and Aston's faces fell. “Isn't there something we can give them?” Norah turned to Olivia and Annie. “I mean they are working...”
“Nope, Cassie would have my head if I let them have some now.” Annie explained.
Both men groaned, throwing the trunk down in dismay and Norah jumped as the sound reverberated through the forest.
“Sorry Norah,” Logan looked at her sheepishly.
“It’s okay, I know food is an emotional subject for you guys.”
They headed back to the car for the final load, leaving the men to their dissatisfaction.
“So, how many packs are going to be here tonight?” Norah grabbed the last plate of food from the car, kicking the door shut.
Olivia followed behind, her arms laden with two times the amount. “There will just be three packs. Each are part of the Bluestone pack. Every year, we take it in turns performing the gathering. This year is our turn.”
Norah opened her mouth to mention the obvious, but Olivia continued on. “I know it seems irrational, with everything that has been happening, but Grandpa doesn’t like to show weakness, even amongst other packs in link with our own. I don’t know the specifics about his past, but Grandad used to be quite high up in the Bluestone hierarchy during the civil wars.”
“But he’s retired from all that now, right?”
Olivia nodded. “You know the old saying though – old habits die hard.”
Norah fell into silence, worried that she seemed to keep unconsciously bringing up Olivia’s family problems. It was like rubbing dirt into an open wound over and over again. They finished their last delivery, checked the food was locked up tight and then headed back home, taking Annie with them.
Olivia drove slowly and Norah knew she didn’t want to head home. The tension around her eyes told her this was taking its toll on the youngest Montoya.
“Do you want to come back to my place?” Norah offered as they pulled up out the front of the Montoya home. Annie jumped out of the backseat and headed inside straight away to help Cassie. “You can help me figure out what the hell I’m meant to wear to this thing.”
Olivia smiled weakly, leaning back in her seat. “Thanks Norah, but I better stay here and help mum. There shouldn’t be much left to do, except get the boys organised and she’s going to need help getting their asses in order I’m sure.”
“Do you want me to stay?”
“No, you head home and get organised. I’ll see you later on tonight. We can handle the rest.”
“Okay.” Norah headed in and grabbed her keys. Olivia headed into the kitchen and Norah called out farewell before going back to her car.
Paul and Rylan pulled up as she opened her door. “Hey,” Rylan walked over and gave her a kiss. “Heading off already?”
Norah nodded. “I had a feeling you were on your way, so thought I’d escape while I can.”
“Why must you hurt me?” He pouted.
She poked her tongue out in response and climbed into her car. Rylan quickly raced around the vehicle and jumped in. “Hey!”
“I’ll see you later,” he called out to Paul. The man grinned, waving before heading inside. Norah noticed his smile didn’t reach his eyes and frowned as she reversed out.
“Is Paul okay?”
Rylan’s good humour faltered. “It’s a hard day for everyone. Paul’s worried about what Liam and Nick are doing.”
Norah remembered that Nick was Aston’s son and grimaced forgetting that it wasn’t just Olivia and Cassie who were suffering. “My foot in mouth disease is running rampart today.”
Rylan reached over, taking her hand, their fingers automatically entwining. “It’s okay.”
They drove in silence, Rylan’s thumb moving gently across her skin in a slow rhythm. Norah glanced over occasionally. His eyes remained closed. Norah couldn’t help but notice the worry in his face too. They reached her house and she turned the car off.
Neither of them moved. Norah rested her head against the seat, watching Rylan. She twisted sideways, reaching out with her free hand to touch his cheek. His eyes opened on contact, finding hers instantly. They didn’t say anything; no words were needed. Norah knew Rylan was having a hard time too, and rather than talk about it, she just wanted him to know she was there for him.
They stayed like that for a few minutes before finally moving inside to get ready. As they walked through the front door, Rylan picked her up from behind, carrying her to the couch.
“Shouldn’t we be getting ready?”
He sat down, taking her with him. “Not yet,” he mumbled into her back. “We don’t have to head up to the house for a few more hours.”
“But I need to get ready –“
“You look good now.”
She rolled her eyes. “I smell disgusting after trudging food through the forest.”
“Food?” His voice perked up. “What type of food?”
She went through all the food she’d carried until his stomach started rumbling and she laughed. “I think I better stop now.”
He shook his head the movement rubbing against her shoulder blades. “I can wait until later. Not even food could make me want to move right now.”
“Wow,” she leaned back and he shifted, his hands curling around her stomach as she rested her head on his shoulder. “That’s quite a declaration coming from you.”
He chuckled, his hold on her tightening. “I’m full of charming one liners.”
“I didn’t say it was a charming declaration.”
“You didn’t have to, I know you’re only trying to keep my ego in check.”
She laughed in disbelief, twisting around to face him. “Your ego is too big for even me to keep in check.”
“Crap,” he kissed her nose. “You’re the only one who can control it. The only one I would ever let control it.”
She smiled, resting her forehead against his. She knew there was a deeper meaning to those words, but she wasn’t ready to open that barrel of fish yet. She chose to remain ignorant. Rylan sighed, his fingers curling into her hair. “I have another charming one liner for you. You ready?”
She pretended to prepare herself, and felt his lips curve upwards against her lips. “I’m ready.”
“I’m glad you’re here.”
She smiled, kissing him lightly. “I’ll allow that one.”
“Good.” His lips moved lower, brushing over the curve of her neck. Her nerves tingled.
“I don’t think we have time for this,” she murmured.
“We’ve got a couple of hours,” his head moved lower. “And I think this will help downsize my ego.”
“Inflate it more like it.” He didn’t respond and the time was soon forgotten, the sun’s last rays their only alert that they were going to be late.
Norah rushed to get ready, brushing her teeth furiously. Her body still thrummed from the afternoon’s events but it was put on a side burner to her annoyance. She hated running late to anything. She shoved a white sundress over her head, cursing Rylan’s ability to distract her.
Grabbing a denim jacket, she walked out to the kitchen, running her hands through her hair. Rylan was already waiting outside, the sound of the car engine running reached her ears and she grabbed her turquoise scarf from the kitchen table. She hadn’t had a chance to shower properly and she was worried the perfume wouldn’t be enough to cover up that fact. Still, she had no other choice, and secretly prayed they would all be too busy stuffing their faces and doing other Gathering –like activities to notice.
She locked the front door, rushing out to the car. Rylan leaned against the driver’s side, eyes travelling her frame appreciatively.
“Is this okay?” Norah asked nervously. Rylan had simply changed his shirt to a plain black v neck. “If I’m too overdressed, I can change –“
“No, don’t change. You look good.” His hands brushed her waist and he kissed her slowly.
She tried to break away, but found herself melting into him instead. “We need to get going.”
“We do,” He groaned, “but it’s hard to think of anything else when you look like that.”
“Just think of the food waiting for you.” Norah teased.
“Well if you put it like that,” he turned away and hopped in the car, leaving her to walk around and climb in herself.
“It’s amazing how food works on you,” she pulled her seatbelt around and Rylan grabbed it, buckling it for her. He grabbed her hand, pressing his lips to her fingertips.
“Food is definitely a motivator, but that dress is working so much better. You better not take it off later.”
“What, you want me to wear it forever?”
“Of course not,” he grinned. “I just want to be the one to take it off you.”
They pulled out onto the main road, Norah’s heart doing backflips. It was a quiet drive as Nora’s thoughts drifted back to her earlier musings. She knew she’d only known Rylan a few months, but she was extremely close to being in love with him. She didn’t want to stuff it all up by bringing up things better left unsaid, but the words were bursting forth before she could stop them.
“Do I have to become a werewolf for us to stay together?”
Norah’s body lurched forward as Rylan slammed on the breaks. She steadied herself on the dashboard, heart in her throat. Before she could scream at him, he spoke first –
“Why’d you ask something like that? Of course you don’t have to.”
“I just –“ Norah faltered. “I mean, if we stay together, and things keep going the way they are, it would make sense if we were both the same…species. Otherwise, we wouldn’t age the same way, and we couldn’t do everything together –“
Rylan grabbed her chin, leaning over and kissing her into silence. He didn’t let her up for air until she had melted against him. “I’ve been waiting for this, you know? A woman with your tendency to overthink everything would naturally start thinking about this stuff.”
Norah felt sick, the ball in her throat making it difficult to breathe. Curse her stupid mouth! She knew it was a bad idea to bring this up –
“Human, werewolf, Jedi Knight, I don’t care what you are. As long as we’re together, I’m happy. If you should decide you want to make that choice, then it has to be your decision. Don’t choose to change because of me. It’s your life, and you need to live it in a way that makes you happy – not others.”
Norah felt her eyes sting. “I’m stupid for bringing it up, aren’t I?”
He chuckled, stroking her cheek. “You’re not stupid. Its in your nature to question things like this. Don’t ever be afraid to ask me stupid questions. I’m an expert in all things stupid, so I’ll be able to answer them. If you want answers to things like politics and the state of the economy, you’d be better off asking Holden.”
She laughed, sniffing slightly. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Good. Now let’s get going. I’m hungry and the sooner we get through the Gathering, the sooner I get to take that dress off.”
A/N - Not far to go now guys :-) Also sorry, this chapter hasn't been checked properly, at this stage I'm just so keen to get to the end!
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