21. Fangs & Fur
They returned to the house in time for dinner and it was a small group tonight. Aston was busy at the Mill with Paul, and Logan and Aaron were on perimeter watch. Norah was surprised to see Charlie sitting at the table.
"Why are you here?"
His face was dark, and he jabbed at his vegetables savagely. "Wendy's in a bad mood."
"Oh, is that because of her ex? Madison was telling me -"
"When did you see Madison?" His eyes lit up and she refrained the urge to roll her eyes.
"Calm your jets, lover boy. I saw her earlier in town. And no, she didn't talk about you."
"I never asked that," he snapped.
"You didn't have to," Rylan spoke between the food in his mouth, reaching for food on Norah's. "You're pussy whipped."
"Language, Rylan!" Cassie snapped from the head of the table, shocking Annie next to her. Luke and Holden looked up from their conversation, amused and Rylan bowed his head.
"Sorry, Cassie." Olivia grinned playfully and Rylan stuck his tongue out. "Anyway, you are, man. Just ask her out already and be done with it."
"What, like you did with Norah?" Charlie scoffed. "You were worse than me, always hanging around her, finding excuses why it should be you staying at her place -"
Rylan kicked him under the table and Norah glanced at him wryly. "You sound like a stalker."
"I prefer determined scallywag," he muttered, taking a huge chunk of meat off her plate.
"So," Olivia got Norah's attention. "What did you two get up to this afternoon?"
Norah's cheeks reddened and she focused on her food. "Nothing big, just went for a walk in the forest. Rylan revealed how he's going to kill me in the future - that sort of thing."
"If he kills you," Olivia glared at her brother. "I'll avenge you. Charlie will help, won't you?"
He nodded. "Definitely. I already have the perfect plan in mind."
"Oh, tell me more!"
Norah listened as Charlie told Olivia his devious plan of ending Rylan's life. It was a strangely entertaining conversation and Norah laughed as Rylan vehemently protested the use of a blow torch, arguing that electrical torture would be more effective, when the room fell silent.
Norah's smile faded, watching the way their gazes sharpened, as if listening to something elsewhere. "What -?"
They all shot up from the table, rushing from the room and Norah looked at Annie in shock. She smiled apologetically, though her eyes revealed her concern. "It would seem something has happened. Come on, dear."
Norah followed Annie out to the foyer and caught Annie as she collapsed, crying in shock. Logan crouched in the doorway, covered in blood and Aaron lay unconscious in his arms. Luke knelt beside them, eyes burning with fury. "Liam?"
Logan nodded. "I'm sorry Luke, they came out of nowhere - we were outnumbered - "
Luke slapped his shoulder, gripping it tightly. "It's okay. You did well getting Aaron back here. How bad is the damage?"
"A few stomach wounds," Logan stared at his brother with worry, "and I think his spleen might be damaged."
Holden stared into the night, a low growl emitting from his throat. "Cassie, take the boys inside and take care of them with Annie."
"I want to stay," Cassie cried. "I want to see -"
"Now!" Cassie turned away, eyes red with unshed tears and helped her sister with Logan and Aaron. Olivia trembled beside Norah, and unconsciously grabbed her arm.
"What's wrong?" Norah whispered.
"He's here," her voice shook.
The four men went on guard, Rylan moving in front of the girls as five figures melted from the shadows. Four were large wolves, their muzzles matted in blood, their teeth bared, glistening under the waxing moon. In the centre was a familiar figure, though unclothed. Unabashed at his naked appearance, Liam stepped into the dim light emanating from the house, eyes blazing.
"What are you doing here?" Luke growled.
Liam's lips curled. "Why brother, is that any way to welcome me home?"
"You're no longer welcome here," Holden's voice was deceptively calm. Norah could see his hand shaking with fury.
"Do you think you can stop me?" Liam glanced his grandfather as if he were nothing more than an ant. "Your attempts last night certainly proved that impossible."
The sound of bones snapping filled the foyer and Norah grabbed the back of Rylan's shirt, beginning to wonder why she was here. She wanted to turn tail and hide, but Olivia's grip held her in place. Norah felt Liam's eyes land on her as he perused the group, the blue irises honing in on her.
"I see you have a new whore, Rylan."
He growled, Norah's grip on his shirt stopping him from moving forward. Liam smiled. "I have a new friend who is just dying to be reacquainted with you."
Her heart stuttered.
Rylan immediately stepped back, reaching around to grab her free arm. Olivia's grip tightened and she stepped closer.
"Enough, brother." Luke stepped forward, putting himself between Liam and the Montoya's. "Do not do this. This is between you and me."
"It is between all of us," Liam hissed. "By causing our family to choose sides, you made it about everyone. Those of you who chose the wrong side, must bear the punishment."
Olivia's grip vanished and she slipped past Rylan before he or Norah could stop her. "Liam," she whimpered, standing beside Luke. "Please don't do this."
For a moment, Liam's expression faltered and Norah thought she could see a hint of guilt in his eyes. But before she could blink, it was gone and his face was a wall. "I'm sorry, Olivia. But this is the way it has to be."
In a flash, the wolves howled and Liam lunged forward, shifting mid leap. Luke shoved Olivia behind him, Norah heard bones snapping as the others prepared to join in. Rylan shoved her away.
"Go and find Cassie -"
The growl cut off, replaced with a yelp.
Peering under Rylan's arm, Norah's eyes widened. A large man stood in front of Luke, his tanned skin glowing in the moonlight. He held Liam - in wolf form - one large hand around his throat. Liam's legs kicked and fought to break free.
Another man stood in the shadows, watching the other wolves. The monster man turned slightly, his soft brown eyes landing on Holden. "Greetings, friend. Have I interrupted?"
His voice held a faint trace of an accent - maybe something European. Holden's body relaxed, his body returning to normal. "You haven't interrupted anything, old friend. My grandson here was just leaving."
"Grandson?" He looked at Liam, lip curling with disgust. "Where I come from, you respect your family, not attack them. Had you been my grandson, you would be dead already."
He threw Liam, and Olivia gasped as he hit a tree, yelping in pain. The other wolves slowly backed away. Norah could feel the power radiating from the two newcomers. It was cold and powerful, making her heart beat increase and her skin shiver.
They stood in silence, watching the wolves melt away into the darkness and it was only when the large man turned around did Norah breathe again.
"Come in," Holden said quietly. He stepped inside, the other man close behind. He had similar dark hair to the large man, though shorter and smoothed back from his face, which was whiter in comparison to the big man. His blue eyes took them in calmly, unaffected by what had just happened. There was a stillness about them that was unnatural, and Norah had a strange urge to run away.
"This is an old friend of mine, Gregori, of the Kammani Coven," the large man introduced his friend. Gregori introduced himself to Holden politely and the head of the family introduced them all in turn.
"Everyone," he said finally, "this Dada Lu-bau of the Lubau Coven."
"Daddy is fine," the large man said to them all. Norah saw the look of wonder on Olivia's face, and had a feeling it mirrored her own. It wasn't that long ago she had met werewolves, now she was face to face with her very first vampire - and she couldn't determine who terrified her more.
Holden invited them in, the tension in the entryway slowly receding. Rylan released his grip on her arm and she rubbed it unconsciously. It was likely going to bruise, but Norah didn't care.
Daddy and Gregori brushed past them, following Holden and Norah suppressed the urge to shiver. There was a strange coldness that surrounded them, she felt Gregori's eyes pass over her and she tried not to shrink away, not wanting to be rude.
Rylan turned around and grabbed her hand, his warmth a welcoming comfort. "You all right?"
She nodded. There was a strain around Rylan's eyes and she touched his temples when Olivia returned to the dining room, trying to smooth them away. "Are you?"
He breathed deeply, grabbing her hands and kissing them lightly before pressing them to his chest. "Later."
She nodded again, letting him lead her back to their cold dinners. Daddy sat at the head of the table, Gregori on his right, Holden on the left. Rylan took the spare seat next to the vampire, and Norah sat next to him, opposite Olivia, who still hadn't stopped staring. Charlie returned from the kitchen.
"Aaron's recovering. Cassie's keeping an eye on him." Holden nodded, motioning for him to take a seat.
"I wasn't expecting you for another day," Holden spoke to Daddy.
The vampire nodded, his head moving subtly. "Time is of the essence. Troubles are arising in the Kimmani Coven and Gregori will need to return to settle matters."
"I would offer you our services, but I am afraid we have our own problems right now."
"I understand," Gregori said calmly. "We have Lupi allies in Australia whom I can call on, but if possible I would like to deal with it myself. Of course, it would be better if I could return with Ali, but that is seeming like a fading dream."
"Your leader?" Holden asked.
"Aye, and my oldest friend," Daddy said gravely. "She's been missing for near on a century now, and I fear she is treading dangerous waters. I thought she had come to this country, in search of answers, but if she has, she is long gone."
"We were waylaid in the East, with two other warring covens," Gregori said quietly, "and I fear we may have lost the trail because of it."
Norah listened quietly as they spoke of trying to find their friend, watching Olivia from the corner of her eye who was fascinated by their appearance. Charlie elbowed her, but she paid him no mind, too enraptured by the two creatures at the head of the table. It was as if the meeting outside had never happened. She could still see the tension in their gazes, but they were remaining calm for appearances' sake.
Norah sat close to Rylan, letting him pick the leftovers that were on the plate in front of her. Absentmindedly, she pushed the plate closer to him and the china clinked, making her jump. Gregori glanced at her, as Daddy and Holden continued their conversation.
"I apologise," he said quietly, "if we frighten you, my dear."
"N-no," she stuttered. "I'm not afraid, just...a little overwhelmed."
Rylan explained her recent introduction into the supernatural world and Gregori frowned. "I am sorry it has been so difficult for you, Norah. I think you are in very capable hands however. Daddy speaks very highly of the Montoya's and I am sure they will keep you safe."
She thanked him, trying hard not to avert her eyes in case he thought she was rude. She started when he smiled, his white teeth shining brighter than his skin. "You remind me of a new friend I made before I left Australia. Entirely new to our way of life, but fitting in as if you were born to it."
"Me? Fitting in?" Norah laughed shakily. "I don't think so."
Rylan reached under the table, his hand resting on her thigh as Gregori's face softened. "Tonight you have seen werewolves try to attack your friends, rather than run you stayed, knowing it can't have been easy for them to see someone they love attack them. You've met two vampires, one who you are bravely talking to - a normal human would have ran away long ago, yet, here you are. You're braver than you realise."
Rylan squeezed her knee. "See? You are brave."
"I recall you calling me a coward," Norah muttered.
Olivia's eyes finally left Gregori and snapped to Rylan. "You called her what? You pig!" The table banged as Olivia tried to kick him. "Why would you do that?"
"I didn't mean it," he protested. "I was just angry, it was in the moment -" he turned to Norah, exasperated. "Why would you bring that up?"
She shrugged her shoulders. "I didn't realise it was meant to be private."
Olivia threw a piece of broccoli at him and Rylan twisted, catching the flying vegetable in his mouth. Norah laughed as Olivia rolled her eyes. "You're such a weirdo."
Daddy asked Gregori a question and he turned back to their conversation. Norah started collecting all the plates, and carried them in to the kitchen. Olivia followed, standing next to her as she filled the sink. "What do you think of them?"
"Aren't they? I heard Daddy saying they were heading off tonight. I wish they'd stay longer, I want to ask them so many questions!"
"I'm sure they won't be the last vampires you ever meet."
"True, but who knows how long it will be until I meet another? Man, if I was in New Orleans with Meegan, I'd probably meet hundreds of them!"
"How is Meegan going? Luke must be missing her." Norah asked, thinking of Luke's pregnant fiance.
Olivia nodded. "He does. I know he's worried about the baby. She's due in three months, but if things haven't settled down here, he's going to make her stay. I know Grandpa is missing Grandma as well. This is the longest the two of them have been separated since they married."
Norah put all the plates in the soapy water. Olivia grew quiet, playing with her hands and Norah, not wanting to put her wet hands on her, leaned over and rested her head on her shoulder. "I'm sure everything will calm down soon."
"I hope so," she whispered.
"Why don't you go and check on your mum and Annie? Make sure they are all right?"
Olivia nodded and headed out upstairs. Rylan met her at the door, scruffing her hair as she passed.
"Dork," Olivia muttered, smiling wryly.
Rylan took Olivia's spot and watched Norah. "You know," she said, after a few minutes while scrubbing a plate. "You could help me, rather than watch."
"There's no fun in that. But if you insist." He shifted, standing behind her and put his hands in the water, holding her own.
She sighed. "You really are a dork."
"A lovable dork," he helped her scrub the plates, his head resting on her shoulder and rather than argue, she let him have his way. It had been a tough night for everyone in the Montoya family and if this was how she could help Rylan, then she would do it.
They finished the dishes in silence and Rylan kissed her before heading back into the dining room. Norah told him she was going to see how Cassie was, and then head to bed.
Once the kitchen was clean, she found Cassie and the others in Aaron's room near the end of the hall upstairs. A sheen of sweat covered his still, pale skin, and he remained unconscious. Logan sat beside him, cleaned up, and a bandage wrapped around his neck. Annie was asleep beside Aaron on the large bed, her hand resting on his chest. Cassie and Olivia sat on the floor beside the bed, both asleep. Norah quietly slipped out and headed back to Rylan's room.
She wished there was more she could do for them. Seeing them like that, she felt a pang of envy. She wished her relationship with Adam had been like that. The love these people had for each other was beautiful, and she wanted some of it. She wanted to know what that felt like. She got changed into her pyjama's and grabbed her laptop, turning it on.
She found Adam's email and the mouse hovered over the message. She bit her lip, clicking the mouse pad once and the message opened -
I know you probably want nothing to do with me and you'd have every right. I've been a horrible brother over the years and I've dragged you down every dark road I've travelled. You were right to make me turn myself in. My lawyer says I can get early parole with good behaviour so I'm doing my best to try and steer clear of those dark paths, though there's so many in here, it's hard. I want to prove to you that I can change, that I have some redeeming feature.
I don't want to sound selfish but - I need to see you. That last phone call is keeping me awake at night, hearing how much you hated me...I've been beaten a few times in my life, but those three words hurt more than any of it. I want to talk to you about everything, but face to face. I know it could be the last time I ever see you, and I can accept that, but just once, please come and see me once and I promise I'll never bother you again if that's what you want. I'll check my email everyday for a week. If you haven't replied by then, I'll know your answer.
Love Adam.
Norah read it again, and then again before slamming the screen shut and pushing the laptop away. She knew as soon as she read it she would be sucked back in. If she didn't go to see him now, she'd be ridden with guilt.
Sleep on it, she thought. If she replied now, the annoyance she felt would come through. She needed time to think out her answer and come to terms with the fact that he was basically guilt tripping her into seeing him.
She lay down, arm over her eyes and breathed deeply. Sleep came in snippets, her arm became sore but she didn't move it. The next time she woke, she was on her side and Rylan lay beside her, his hand resting on her waist.
Norah rested her hand on her cheek, watching Rylan in the dark. The light of the moon outlined his frame, making him seem larger. His scent of ocean and pine drowned her senses. The combination was strange but oddly comforting. Heat seemed to roll off him and she moved to kick her bed socks off, her feet getting too hot. His hand fell from her waist as she moved, and she stifled a gasp as it shot back out, his arm dragging her into his chest.
"Go to sleep," he murmured. "You're keeping me awake."
"Then sleep somewhere else," she mumbled half heartedly.
He curled around her, his leg draping across her own. "Like it here," he sighed into her hair. "Sleep, Norah. We'll argue in the morning."
A/N - I apologise for my lack of updates, but I've been busy lately and getting this story out has been hard. I hope this chapter makes sense, it hasn't been proofread. The characters Daddy and Gregori are from another story I started years ago and I wanted to tie them in together :-)
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