14. Coward
The forest grew thicker as she ran. Norah desperately wanted to wake up - she could hear Daniel's laugh all around, echoing through the trees and she tried to move faster but her feet wouldn't listen. She moved as if out for a morning jog and the sound of footfalls grew closer
Liam appeared before her and she gasped, running straight into him. He grabbed her, forcing her around and Daniel was there.
"Surprise," he grinned, reaching for her throat -
Norah gasped, shooting up straight in bed. Breathing heavily, she looked around her room, closing her eyes in relief. It was over for another night.
She shrieked as the bedroom door shot open and Rylan burst in. "What is it?" he asked sharply.
"What?" she tried to regain control of her breathing.
"You called out like you were being attacked." He looked around. "I can't smell anyone."
"It was no one, just a bad dream."
Rylan stood at the edge of her bed, his outline barely visible in the darkness. "How long have you been having bad dreams?"
"I don't know, over a week now maybe."
"Shit, Norah, you should tell me these things." He sat on the edge of the bed and she crossed her legs automatically.
"And what can you do about a bad dream?" she snapped.
"Are the dreams about what you won't tell me?"
Norah looked out the window, unsure of how to answer. Rylan muttered to himself and shifted closer. "Why won't you tell me?"
"Because it's foolish and it's my problem." Norah had decided the night before on the drive home that she couldn't tell Rylan about Daniel. He was so wrapped up in his own problems, hers just seemed silly in comparison. She wasn't about to dump more on his lap. Her only problem now was trying to stop him from prying.
A hand touched her knee and she jumped slightly. "Fear is foolish," he said softly. "But it can still paralyse us if we let it. Let me help."
She moved his hand away reluctantly. She wanted nothing more than to lean on someone, to have someone share her craziness with, but she just couldn't.
"How about I make you a deal?" she said quietly. "When I'm ready to face my fears, you'll be the first one I ask for help. I'm just not ready now, I can't do it. Does that sound fair?"
She heard his hand running across his stubble and he scratched his head. "I guess I have to settle for that, don't I?"
"You do."
He got up to leave and Norah leaned over to turn the lamp on. He turned back, eyes squinting in the light. "What are you doing?"
"Go back to sleep."
She shook her head. "Not yet."
Rylan shook his head and she buried her nose in the book from her bedside table. She hadn't even read one line when it was snatched from her hands. "Hey, what are you doi -"
The words died on her lips as Rylan turned her lamp off and lay on the bed beside her. "Rylan! Get the hell out."
"Go to sleep."
"I said I wanted to read, get out now before I kick you out." She yelped as he grabbed her, dragging her back down and then he rolled, lying half on top of her. He was larger than her, and half his weight alone was enough to pin her down. She tried to kick him but his leg on top of hers didn't budge. His breath ruffled her hair and a small noise of annoyance erupted from her throat.
"Go to sleep."
"Get off of me!"
"Don't worry," he said sleepily, "I'll keep the nasty monsters at bay."
"Gee, I feel so much better now," she said sarcastically. Getting one hand free, she slapped his chest. "Move, now."
"Nope." He captured her hand and pinned it on her stomach. "Go to sleep, Norah."
She lay stiffly, her heart pounding painfully in her chest, with what she told herself was anger, and listened to Rylan's breathing. His body was warm and though he was holding her still, he wasn't gripping her tightly. He lay in just the right position so they...fit together perfectly.
Norah's eyes widened at the thought and brushed it aside. Idiot, don't think like that. Of course it was hard not to with an attractive man lying on top of her.
Slowly, Rylan's breathing deepened out as he drifted off to sleep and Norah waited patiently for the right moment. His body began to relax and slowly, she started lifting his arm off her stomach and inch by inch, began to slide out. When she finally had her legs free, she grabbed her book, thinking she would have to sleep on the couch. Swinging her legs off the bed, she bit back a shout as Rylan's arm shot around her waist. He rolled, taking her with him and resettled in basically their original position.
"Go to sleep dammit," he mumbled. "I have work in the morning."
She huffed in annoyance and stared into the darkness, trying to think of ways to best a werewolf. Annoying jerk. As she started listing off ways to get back at him, she drifted off to sleep in his arms.
The sun woke Norah the next morning and she rolled over staring at the open window. I didn't leave that curtain open last night...
Memories flashed in of her nightmare and Rylan refusing to leave her bed. Cheeks flaming, she hid her face in her hands. "Oh god," she mumbled. "He must think I'm really pathetic."
Sitting up, she forced herself into the bathroom to have a shower. His scent still lingered on her - and while she didn't necessarily mind - it would be weird if she could smell him on her all day. Plus she had to get coffee and if Olivia sniffed her and realised, she wouldn't hear the end of it.
Once she'd showered and dressed, she put some toast on and grabbed her laptop, flipping it open. Her blank document lit up to greet her and she frowned, thinking of the scene she'd been struggling with. As she went through the scene again, her eyes widened as something strangely clicked into place and the whole scene made sense. Instead of congratulating herself, she slapped her cheek. "Idiot."
The morning passed by slowly and she managed to write half of the chapter after adding and deleting a few scenes. She still wasn't satisfied but she decided to take a break and get some coffee. Grabbing her book, she walked into town to do some reading at the cafe.
She chose to walk along the beach this time, taking off her shoes and enjoying the sand between her toes. She used to love digging her toes into the wet sand, she would pick up the sand in her toes and throw it at Adam when they had beach days. She had many fond memories of the beach with her family, but the last one made her smile fade. Adam had been in his final year of school, and already hanging with the wrong crowd. In the middle of the night, she received a drunken phone call from Adam telling her to come and pick him up. Angry, she drove down to collect him but he wanted her to take his drugged out friends with her. That was where she put her foot down. She had just gotten her licence and she was terrified of getting caught.
Her refusal had resulted in one of their biggest arguments and in the end, he left her alone on the beach, saying he would find his own way home. Blinded by tears, she had driven home, wondering what had happened to her brother when a branch fell across the road, hitting her car. She had only suffered whiplash and a few minor injuries, but it had been enough for Adam to wake up and apologise.
Norah kicked the sand, passing a few beach goers. He had behaved himself for a little while - until his friends returned and continued to steer him away from her.
Stop thinking of the past, she reminded herself. It's not worth the heartache.
As she reached the pier, she waved to the men who were fishing over the edge but they all averted their gaze, muttering in response.
That's weird, she thought.
Brushing it aside, she walked up the main street and headed to the cafe. The need for coffee overrode everything at the moment. Slipping in quietly, she took her usual seat and waited, knowing Olivia would come when she was ready.
"Hey Norah," Olivia sat opposite her, tea towel in hand. "Did you have fun last night?"
"Yeah it was nice, you have a great family," Norah smiled.
"Sorry about my mom, she can get a bit full on sometimes."
"No don't apologise, she was lovely." She looked around, noticing the stares and frowned. "Why are they all staring at us like that?"
Olivia quickly glanced around. "They probably heard about you and Rylan."
"There's nothing happening between us though!"
"Isn't there?" Olivia drawled. "You guys were so cute at dinner last night, I could see my mom planning the wedding already."
"Don't be stupid!" Norah snapped. "We've been living together for a week and I barely see him as it is. You know he's just doing this because he thinks he owes me or something."
Olivia burst into laughter and Norah glared at her. "Sorry! It's just that anyone could be watching out for you. Hell I even offered, but Rylan wasn't having any of it. He kept making up excuses as to why it should be him and trust me, they weren't well thought out. He's there because he wants to be there, Norah. He's into you bad."
"Again, we've only known each other a week," she pressed.
"So what? He's not going to profess his undying love to you or whatever. I'm just saying he's interested, and if I didn't know any better, you're interested too."
"Am not."
She flushed and Olivia grinned. "I call bullshit. You better let me be a bridesmaid."
"Olivia -"
She got up laughing. "Who am I kidding? Mom will be planning the wedding, of course I'll be a bridesmaid."
The front door opened and a beautiful blonde woman walked in as Norah started banging her head on the table.
"Hey Olivia," the blonde stopped in front of Olivia whose smile vanished.
"Chloe." She said shortly.
Gail walked out with a tray of coffees. "Olivia take these down to the restaurant, would you?"
Olivia took them, eyeing Chloe warily as she walked out. Norah heard the chair shift again. "Hi, you must be Norah."
Norah looked up and her face heated in embarrassment. "That's right. Sorry you had to see that."
"I'm Chloe," she said simply, as if Norah should know immediately who that was. It took her a minute to remember the name.
"You're part of the Montoya clan, right? Annie's daughter?"
She nodded, flicking her hair back. "I couldn't help overhearing your talk with Olivia about Rylan."
Her voice grew hard and Norah frowned. "Didn't you just come in - oh right, werewolf powers and all that. Anyway, sorry about that. Olivia was just -"
"He's my mate, you know."
Norah froze, a ball of unease dropping into the pit of her stomach. "What?"
"Surely you must know what a mate is?" she asked coldly.
Norah nodded, feeling numb. She's read enough fantasy novels to know what that meant. "I don't understand though, I thought -"
Chloe snorted, folding her arms. "Please. He doesn't actually like you. He's just playing around because he's trying to fight his fate. In the end though, he'll come running back to me. He won't be able to help it."
Norah could see why he would want to get away from her - she was a bitch. But still... "I'm sorry, I didn't know -"
"No, you didn't," she said sarcastically. "Don't tell him I told you either. It will only make him annoyed and I'm not in the mood for his theatrics." Standing up, she grabbed her bag, and shot Norah a fake smile. "It was nice meeting you!"
Norah stared at the vacated seat, listening to the door open and close.
Rylan belonged to someone else.
This was perfect, now she didn't have to clarify that there was nothing between them. She guessed Olivia didn't know or she would have mentioned it already. She should have been thrilled but -
Her heart hurt.
She wasn't supposed to care, but it was suddenly difficult to breathe.
She hadn't really liked him, had she?
He'd been an annoying jerk, always trying to pry into her life, funny, steadfast, kind - She shook her head and stood up, the chair scraping loudly. She couldn't think like that.
She left money on the counter, forgetting she hadn't ordered a coffee yet, and rushed out as her feelings started to make themselves known.
Oh crap. She had liked him.
"When did that happen?" she said out loud.
Walking home, she pulled out her phone and dialled his number. This wouldn't do. She had to get rid of him before her feelings got worse.
He answered on the fourth ring. "What's wrong?"
"Oh, hey Rylan. How are you?" she stammered. Be cool, dammit!
"No time for small talk, Norah. What's the problem?"
"Nothing," she said quickly. "I was just wondering what time you would be home, I need to talk to you about something."
There was silence for a few breaths and then - "I'll see you in twenty."
He hung up.
"Twenty," she whispered. "I only have twenty minutes to prepare for this?"
She took off running, passing a white car as she turned down her driveway. Now that her emotions had made themselves known, her stomach fluttered with nerves. Why was she freaking out so much? She started rehearsing her argument in her head. She would tell him that she was no longer in any danger and he didn't need to stay anymore. If she needed to, she would use her writing as an excuse.
Rushing inside, she grabbed the bottle of Tequila from her liquor cabinet and had a quick shot for courage. It burned and she coughed, breathing heavily.
"Stay in control of the conversation," she said calmly. "Make him hate you, Norah."
She didn't want him to hate her though.
"Stupid feelings!" she snapped. "Go away!"
She heard his motorbike rumble up the drive and had another shot. Slamming the bottle down, she breathed deeply. Let's do this.
Norah watched Rylan pull up and a ball of nerves fluttered in her stomach. Why did she suddenly feel like a school girl trying to talk to her crush for the first time?
He took his helmet off and walked over to her. “Hey, what did you need to talk about?”
“I wasn't expecting you back until later,” she said breathlessly.
He shrugged his shoulders. “I took an early lunch. What's wrong?”
The nerves threatened to tear her body apart and she said the words before she chickened out. “You need to move out.”
His smile faltered. “What's brought this on?”
She took a small step backwards and his eyes narrowed as she started to use her prepared argument. “People in town are talking, and they think we're together –“
She stared at him, not prepared for a comeback so soon. “And what?”
“And what does that matter? It's just gossip. You and I both know the truth so who cares?”
“I care!” she exclaimed. “I don't want people believing false things about me.”
“I beg your pardon?” she said darkly.
"Don't act like you don't know," he said, running a hand through his hair. "You lie about everything else, Norah, why should this matter?"
"I do not lie about everything," she snapped. "I barely know these people, why should I tell them my life story? I'm allowed to keep my life private!"
He snorted. "There is a difference between wanting privacy and hiding who you are."
"I don't hide anything -" she tried to defend herself but Rylan snapped.
“Everything about you is false, Norah! You keep everything real hidden behind those walls and refuse to let anyone in. God knows I've tried to break through, but you are the most stubborn woman I've ever met.”
“I don't need to let anyone in,” she retorted. “There is nothing there for them to know.”
He took a step forward, closing the distance between them and she held her breath. “You're wrong,” he growled. “That's where the real Norah Jacobs is and everything I want to know is behind that wall.”
Her heart pounded in her chest and she tried to take control of the situation. “You don't need to know anything about me,” she stammered. “This is just a job for you, one that I'm tired of. I want my life back and, you aren't needed.”
Those words felt wrong in her mouth and she watched his eyes darken. Her heart rate increased but she kept going. “I haven't been approached in over a week, they aren't interested in me and I doubt they ever would be. So you don't have to stay anymore.”
She hadn't realised they were moving, he continued to walk toward her and she tried to keep the distance between them until she hit the side of the house.
“What brought this bullshit on, Norah? I left you this morning and everything was good. Who did you meet today that fucked with your head?”
“No one!”
“Stop lying!” he shouted and she flinched, pressing harder into the weatherboards. “Would it kill you to tell the truth for once? That you do have some problem you’re hiding from the world, that you like having me around or that you had the best sleep last night because you were in my arms? Stop bullshitting me Norah and tell me the truth!”
Tears threatened to fall and she clenched her fists. “You want the truth? Fine, I do have a problem – it’s you. You've pushed yourself into my life and I've had enough of it. You don't get to decide what I share with the world, only I make that choice and trying to push your way in was a stupid thing to do. Oh, and you were wrong. I didn't sleep well last night, quite the opposite in fact.”
Listening to herself speak, even she could hear the lie in that last part.
“Coward,” he muttered, stepping away.
“You're a bloody coward, always pushing everyone away and trying to do it all on your own. How do you think you ended up in this shit in the first place? Because, instead of facing your problems head on, you just keep running away from them and hoping everything will magically sort itself out. Wake the fuck up, Norah. This isn't one of your stupid stories.”
She flinched.
“Leave, now,” she whispered.
“Gladly,” he laughed bitterly, moving away. “I always pick the bloody messed up ones."
“Go on,” he said louder. “Run away again, eventually there will be nowhere left to run though, Norah and then what will you do?”
“Get your womanising ass off my property!” she snapped, her nerves close to fraying. His words were like knives; they cut and slashed until she had nothing left but anger that he was right; she was a coward.
“Womanising!” he spun around. “So it was a woman who messed with your head today. Who was it?”
“Chloe,” she muttered, too tired to lie.
“Chloe,” he growled. “Well, I guess I should thank her for showing me the fucking light. In fact, I might go and see her right now. Anything I left in there, give it to Olivia.”
Norah's heart wrenched painfully at the mention of Chloe and she tried to remind herself that she didn't care, that Chloe was his mate or whatever that entailed. The motorbike roared to life and her arms wrapped around her stomach as she watched him drive off. This was the right thing to do, she thought. She couldn't let him stay with the way she was feeling, especially when he had Chloe. This was for the best, she wouldn't drag him into her mess.
"Fucking coward," she whispered to herself.
Walking back in, she kicked the door and it rocked on its hinges. She'd done the right thing, it would only end in heartache if she ventured down that path. She just wished Olivia had told her about this mates thing in the first place. Why had no one mentioned it?
She stared at the Tequila bottle, wondering how long it would take to finish the bottle. She didn't hear the car pull up until it's owner was knocking on her front door. She turned around, thinking Rylan must have come back.
"Would you just -"
The words died on her lips.
Her breathing sounded loud in her ears, drowning out the frantic beating of her heart as she stood frozen in fear.
"Hello, Norah," Daniel smiled.
A/N: The photo on the side is who I imagine to be Norah. I felt bad putting the title Coward on her photo but she'll have a chance to prove her worth soon enough :-) She's stronger than she thinks
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